Nah, guess again!
JJwolf posted: »Cindy...XD
My bad XP
DragonButter posted: »Still doesn't look like a coat to me. Seriously though, whoever depicted it as a coat must've not seen a turtleneck or long-sleeved shirt in their lives.
Still doesn't look like a coat to me. Seriously though, whoever depicted it as a coat must've not seen a turtleneck or long-sleeved shirt in their lives.
DragonButter posted: »Nah, guess again!
Hans dressing like a girl would be scary. XD
But no, try again.
HazzatheMan posted: »Hans?
Since Hazza already said Mary, I'm gonna go with Gren. (I am 99% percent sure this is the correct answer)
JJwolf posted: »Would hate to cross this person in a dark alley after hours
Would hate to cross this person in a dark alley after hours
Dresses like a girl, is tall and has a soothing voice...
Ummmm... Bluebeard?
None of the women in TWAU (or even Fables :P) are tall.
DragonButter posted: »Hans dressing like a girl would be scary. XD But no, try again.
Hans dressing like a girl would be scary. XD But no, try again.
Eh, it's all a matter of perspective I guess. Anyhow, I'll give you another hint: she's someone's girl.
HazzatheMan posted: »Dresses like a girl, is tall and has a soothing voice... Ummmm... Bluebeard? None of the women in TWAU (or even Fables :P) are tall.
Dresses like a girl, is tall and has a soothing voice... Ummmm... Bluebeard? None of the women in TWAU (or even Fables :P) are tall.
I'm sorry, Mr. Dragon. Please don't butter me and cook me on the pan
DragonButter posted: »Confusing? More like: interestingly unique, you mean.
Confusing? More like: interestingly unique, you mean.
DragonButter posted: »Eh, it's all a matter of perspective I guess. Anyhow, I'll give you another hint: she's someone's girl.
HazzatheMan posted: »Vivian?
Woooooooooo!!! XD
DragonButter posted: » [view original content]
My best guess is Cryer, cause he's creepy
Too late, it's already prepared and ready to sizzle your succulent meats. There's nothing like having Nerissa fans in the afternoon.
armis37 posted: »I'm sorry, Mr. Dragon. Please don't butter me and cook me on the pan
Yeah, we're tasty when cooked. Too bad we can always hide in the sea
DragonButter posted: »Too late, it's already prepared and ready to sizzle your succulent meats. There's nothing like having Nerissa fans in the afternoon.
With a mermaid's kiss, you get the ability to breath underwater Do the fablery xD
HazzatheMan posted: »You have legs and lungs, Mermaids have tails and gills, do the biology :P
You have legs and lungs, Mermaids have tails and gills, do the biology :P
armis37 posted: »Yeah, we're tasty when cooked. Too bad we can always hide in the sea
Loves Illegal magic and imitating little girls.
Auntie Greenleaf
SarahTheKawaii posted: »Loves Illegal magic and imitating little girls.
Your comment got eaten :P
If a kiss gives you the ability to breathe underwater then Bigby should be a sea-dog already!! XD
I'll risk dumping dozens of oil barrels into the sea then.
It all goes to what you prefer - land dog or sea dog xD
Screw you, always hungry forum!
HazzatheMan posted: »Your comment got eaten :P If a kiss gives you the ability to breathe underwater then Bigby should be a sea-dog already!! XD
Your comment got eaten :P If a kiss gives you the ability to breathe underwater then Bigby should be a sea-dog already!! XD
No it's actually a pedobear
HazzatheMan posted: »Auntie Greenleaf
Sea is big and wide, friend - we can always go elsewhere
DragonButter posted: »I'll risk dumping dozens of oil barrels into the sea then.
Then I have no choice, but to join the Nerissa fans in the water. Dragon is a-comin'!
armis37 posted: »Sea is big and wide, friend - we can always go elsewhere
He prefers to rhyme, he never commited a crime, and he may help you sometime (if you know how to ask).
Bigby in his true form.
HazzatheMan posted: »Stands on 4 legs...
Stands on 4 legs...
Mirror Mirror on the wall, who got the rightest answer after all?
Shit rhyme I know... it's the Magic Mirror
Jacol posted: »He prefers to rhyme, he never commited a crime, and he may help you sometime (if you know how to ask).
Sit tight: you're goddamn right!
HazzatheMan posted: »Mirror Mirror on the wall, who got the rightest answer after all? Shit rhyme I know... it's the Magic Mirror
Mirror Mirror on the wall, who got the rightest answer after all? Shit rhyme I know... it's the Magic Mirror
Colin ?
Welcome to the club, brotha'! We got water, space and so many chicks
DragonButter posted: »Then I have no choice, but to join the Nerissa fans in the water. Dragon is a-comin'!
Dam Dragon beat me to it! I was going to say Gren, too. XD
You only see his hands
And he has no more plans
I forgot Colin :P
armis37 posted: »Colin ?
DragonButter posted: »Bigby in his true form.
HazzatheMan posted: »CORRECT!
Mmm, gotta love those sea chicks.
armis37 posted: »Welcome to the club, brotha'! We got water, space and so many chicks
Especially one, with yoga pants, Mr. Dragon designer
DragonButter posted: »Mmm, gotta love those sea chicks.
I'm surprised you remember that. :P
armis37 posted: »Especially one, with yoga pants, Mr. Dragon designer
armis37 posted: »You only see his hands And he has no more plans
You only see his hands And he has no more plans
Nah, guess again!
My bad XP
Hans dressing like a girl would be scary. XD
But no, try again.
Since Hazza already said Mary, I'm gonna go with Gren. (I am 99% percent sure this is the correct answer)
Dresses like a girl, is tall and has a soothing voice...
Ummmm... Bluebeard?
None of the women in TWAU (or even Fables :P) are tall.
Eh, it's all a matter of perspective I guess. Anyhow, I'll give you another hint: she's someone's girl.
I'm sorry, Mr. Dragon. Please don't butter me and cook me on the pan
Woooooooooo!!! XD
My best guess is Cryer, cause he's creepy
Too late, it's already prepared and ready to sizzle your succulent meats. There's nothing like having Nerissa fans in the afternoon.
Yeah, we're tasty when cooked. Too bad we can always hide in the sea
With a mermaid's kiss, you get the ability to breath underwater
Do the fablery xD
You have legs and lungs, Mermaids have tails and gills, do the biology :P
Loves Illegal magic and imitating little girls.
Auntie Greenleaf
Your comment got eaten :P
If a kiss gives you the ability to breathe underwater then Bigby should be a sea-dog already!! XD
I'll risk dumping dozens of oil barrels into the sea then.
It all goes to what you prefer - land dog or sea dog xD
Screw you, always hungry forum!
No it's actually a pedobear
Sea is big and wide, friend - we can always go elsewhere
Then I have no choice, but to join the Nerissa fans in the water. Dragon is a-comin'!
He prefers to rhyme, he never commited a crime, and he may help you sometime (if you know how to ask).
Bigby in his true form.
Mirror Mirror on the wall, who got the rightest answer after all?
Shit rhyme I know... it's the Magic Mirror
Stands on 4 legs...
Sit tight: you're goddamn right!
Colin ?
Welcome to the club, brotha'! We got water, space and so many chicks
Dam Dragon beat me to it! I was going to say Gren, too. XD
You only see his hands
And he has no more plans
I forgot Colin :P
Mmm, gotta love those sea chicks.
Especially one, with yoga pants, Mr. Dragon designer
I'm surprised you remember that. :P