Pregnancy is and always will be the most disgusting, terrifying thing to me. I'd rather kill myself instead of being pregnant and giving birth, it's probably tokophobia that makes me think this, but I don't care. I will never go through with a pregnancy ever, and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change my mind.
I am too. I actually had a nightmare where I was pregnant. I feel kinda bad because my mom wants to be a grandmother, but it just skeevs me out so much.
Now its not such of a big deal now that i'm older/ slightly more mature, /financially stable, whatever.
Besides, when you get my age, people start looking at you weird if you aren't married or have kids. Trust me, people start thinking either your gay or got some sort of mental problem.
Pregnancy is and always will be the most disgusting, terrifying thing to me. I'd rather kill myself instead of being pregnant and giving bir… moreth, it's probably tokophobia that makes me think this, but I don't care. I will never go through with a pregnancy ever, and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change my mind.
Pregnancy and childbirth is a fear of mine that will not go away.
people start looking at you weird if you aren't married or have kids.
I know of these nosy bastards, I have had the displeasure of meeting some of them in my real life and they can all go fuck themselves up the ass with a poisoned, flaming cactus, I don't like any of them or the lifestyles they try to shove on me all the time. What I chose to do in my life is none of their business, and it never will be, and it will always be that, none of their business.
...That sounds strange and harsh. Sorry if that rant has unsettled you. .-. But it feels good to release my emotion.
I used to care,
Now its not such of a big deal now that i'm older/ slightly more mature, /financially stable, whatever.
Besides, when … moreyou get my age, people start looking at you weird if you aren't married or have kids. Trust me, people start thinking either your gay or got some sort of mental problem.
Unfortunately, that's just how it is in our culture and society today. Traditional values are discouraged, and a reckless "do whatever feels good" lifestyle is encouraged. Those of us who are older usually know better, but it's the young ones we need to worry about.
Just re-read my post, about where I discussed qualities that define real men, and women.
And then I read the part of my post, which you hig… morehlighted in your reply, and it got me to thinking; and I must admit that I'm surprised how many people have such a careless attitude when it comes to sex.
Even now, some of my friends treat it like a joke.
Which is very foolish, when you consider all the info about std's, and the horror stories of people afflicted with them, or the tragic ones that involve single moms.
And it makes me think of the piss-poor example that we as a society are setting for the next generation.
You would think, as a society, we should be looking to set a better example than that.
And granted their are those that are trying.
The problem is, is that most people have a "me-first" attitude.
And it all stems from that old motto: "live for today, as there may be no tomorrow."
While admittedly that motto does have some wei… [view original content]
I normally stay out of these discussions online aside from my tumbrl but here we go.
I'm tokophobic (Fear of pregnancy/childbirth, for me… more it's ever getting pregnant) I would rather take a bullet to the brain then give birth or carry a fetus to term, I would rather risk death trying to have a miscarriage then give birth or be pregnant. I made up my mind I'm never getting pregnant, when my family talks about me having kids I feel like I'm going to have an anxity attack when I say I don't want kids of if I do I'm adopting and they respond with "your change your mind about having kids/ adopting." Or that (even an old close friend said this to me) I'm not fulfilling my role as a woman.
Pregnancy should be a blessing for the one wanting to carry and give birth, Pregnancy is NOT a punishment. And no, adoption is an alternative to parenting not pregnancy.
So yeah 100% Pro-choice here,
Pregnancy and childbirth is a fear of mine that will not go away.
people start looking at you weird if you aren't married or have kids… more.
I know of these nosy bastards, I have had the displeasure of meeting some of them in my real life and they can all go fuck themselves up the ass with a poisoned, flaming cactus, I don't like any of them or the lifestyles they try to shove on me all the time. What I chose to do in my life is none of their business, and it never will be, and it will always be that, none of their business.
...That sounds strange and harsh. Sorry if that rant has unsettled you. .-. But it feels good to release my emotion.
I stopped caring. I can't let it bother me, because when i do, i explode in anger. That never helps anyone.
I can't ever explode in anger, I just get really, really angry inside and it just stays there. I think it is catching up to me, because now I'm just filled with horrible feelings and its like I'm dead inside but also hurt and dead at the same time. It's hard to explain. I hear that happens if you lock emotions inside of yourself, it makes symptoms similar to depression. But I'm not sure if that's been officially proved, it's just a thing I hear.
...That sounds strange and harsh. Sorry if that rant has unsettled you. .-. But it feels good to release my emotion.
No its cool, i… more understand, its kind of hard to do when its your extended family though.
People are always judging me too. I just accepted that the way life is, people always judge me, every day of my life.
I stopped caring. I can't let it bother me, because when i do, i explode in anger. That never helps anyone.
I can't ever explode in anger, I just get really, really angry inside and it just stays there
I used to be like that when i was a kid. I wasn't really allowed to get angry, because if i did i would get it worse. Now as a adult, it made me very good at internalizing my emotions. I get angry when i drive on occasion, but its nothing serious. I wouldn't worry so much, once you separate yourself from all negative factors in your life (including people IMO is the first step to being happy in this life).
I stopped caring. I can't let it bother me, because when i do, i explode in anger. That never helps anyone.
I can't ever explode in … moreanger, I just get really, really angry inside and it just stays there. I think it is catching up to me, because now I'm just filled with horrible feelings and its like I'm dead inside but also hurt and dead at the same time. It's hard to explain. I hear that happens if you lock emotions inside of yourself, it makes symptoms similar to depression. But I'm not sure if that's been officially proved, it's just a thing I hear.
I've tried to separate myself from people before, like the time when my sister threatened me with a knife I decided that I'd have to stop being attached to people like that, but I kinda gave up on it because it didn't work, and it was just a butter knife anyway.
It takes a long while to become detached emotionally I think if you are purposely trying to do it instead of it happening because of a trauma, a friend of mine is like that and says that it is horrible to have no feeling, but I haven't tried to make myself feel nothing in a long time. I'm not sure what to do with myself yet, I don't know what I am enough to decide how to take my life in a certain direction. So many things take time to do. .-.
I can't ever explode in anger, I just get really, really angry inside and it just stays there
I used to be like that when i was a ki… mored. I wasn't really allowed to get angry, because if i did i would get it worse. Now as a adult, it made me very good at internalizing my emotions. I get angry when i drive on occasion, but its nothing serious. I wouldn't worry so much, once you separate yourself from all negative factors in your life (including people IMO is the first step to being happy in this life).
I'm learning this now.
Before Jack, i wouldn't worry about life so much. I'm not sure how old you are, but i'm going to assume your younger than me, I would just enjoy your twenties, move out, have fun, life your own life. Don't worry about what others think, cut yourself off from everyone if you have to. If people are toxic, get rid of them, at least for a while, if you can.
I've tried to separate myself from people before, like the time when my sister threatened me with a knife I decided that I'd have to stop be… moreing attached to people like that, but I kinda gave up on it because it didn't work, and it was just a butter knife anyway.
It takes a long while to become detached emotionally I think if you are purposely trying to do it instead of it happening because of a trauma, a friend of mine is like that and says that it is horrible to have no feeling, but I haven't tried to make myself feel nothing in a long time. I'm not sure what to do with myself yet, I don't know what I am enough to decide how to take my life in a certain direction. So many things take time to do. .-.
I don't have the slightest idea of what that phrase could mean, but I'm just going to assume this conversation has run its course and leave it at that.
Time for JackoClock.
Before Jack, i wouldn't worry about life so much. I'm not sure how old you are, but i'm going to assume your younger… more than me, I would just enjoy your twenties, move out, have fun, life your own life. Don't worry about what others think, cut yourself off from everyone if you have to. If people are toxic, get rid of them, at least for a while, if you can.
Oh man...this is one of those topics that NO ONE will ever agree on. Just like immigration, education, marriage, gays...we go around and around, busting skulls and pointing the finger. I'll throw my two cents in because its something that I truly believe in.
I do not agree with abortion. And here is why: My fiancee just gave birth to our 1st child, a little girl, last Thursday; I've never been more in love with a single human being than I am right now. My fiancee and I have been together for seven years; we've never had 'oopsies' and were always careful when having sex. This last time, for the conception of our daughter, we did not use protection. No condom, no pill. A month later, she reveals to me the pregnancy. We did not plan on having our daughter; eventually we'd have children but were planning on my graduation from college and getting a HOUSE not living in an apartment with a newborn.
I could never tell my fiancee to abort that baby; WE were stupid and did not use protection. Like STUPID, SILLY, ADULTS, we had sex and created a life. OUR daughter. To get rid of that child, to remove her from the womb all because my fiancee and I made a poor choice, baffles me. Can you imagine that conversation....
'Hey sweetie....I'm pregnant.'
'Well, abort that child, dear-we were careless and stupid, so take it out on our unborn child.'
No. Again, no. Being a father is the most wonderful thing in the world. To hold that precious child that you helped create. To know that this baby is a part of you. I could never and it sickens me to know that these punk ass, inconsiderate individuals, open their legs for anyone, stick their penis in anything, think that an abortion will solve it. No. WEAR a condom, TAKE the pill or better yet-DON'T have sex.
Now, I'm probably going to get, 'Well pie, its her body. Blah blah blah...what if she got raped. You really expect her to keep it...'
Rape is sick. People that rape or commit incest need to burn in hell, get hung from a tree, then burned in hell again. My cousin, sad to say, was a raped at a party by this guy she thought was her friend. Her mother begged and pleaded for my cousin to abort the baby. She said no and 9 months later, gave birth to my nephew, who is three now. Happy ending, right? No. My cousin NOW takes her anger and frustration out on that baby; he looks JUST like the man who raped her and my cousin does not hesitate to remind her son.
'You are useless. I hate you. Fuck off, you bastard. I hate're JUST like your rapist father!'
Wow. To a three year old? My nephew thankfully is in the care of my aunt and uncle but its sad to know my cousin blames the BABY for what that pervert did. My option is this: adoption. You don't want that baby? Okay, ladies! Give that child up for adoption. So many couples out there can not conceive or simply wish to have children through the process of adoption. GIVE that baby a chance. And for fuck's sake: don't use abortion as a form of birthcontrol. Please. Seriously....keep your damn legs closed! And men, stop sleeping around with every vagina and pair of tits you see! RESPECT women; they are someone's mother, daughter, sister, neice....friend! Just stop and we won't HAVE discussions like abortion.
I don't have the slightest idea of what that phrase could mean, but I'm just going to assume this conversation has run its course and leave it at that.
You more or less just described something that occurs in all human societies across the world, and most of those things you have mentioned have been going on since humans have existed.
Just re-read my post, about where I discussed qualities that define real men, and women.
And then I read the part of my post, which you hig… morehlighted in your reply, and it got me to thinking; and I must admit that I'm surprised how many people have such a careless attitude when it comes to sex.
Even now, some of my friends treat it like a joke.
Which is very foolish, when you consider all the info about std's, and the horror stories of people afflicted with them, or the tragic ones that involve single moms.
And it makes me think of the piss-poor example that we as a society are setting for the next generation.
You would think, as a society, we should be looking to set a better example than that.
And granted their are those that are trying.
The problem is, is that most people have a "me-first" attitude.
And it all stems from that old motto: "live for today, as there may be no tomorrow."
While admittedly that motto does have some wei… [view original content]
Unfortunately though, there are older people who manipulate youth, to get what they want.
And when you think about it, it makes sense, as young people are easy to fool, and easy to control.
Of course it's not just youth that are manipulated.
Older people are susceptible to manipulation too.
The key to finding out how to manipulate anyone is knowing what makes them tick, finding out what is their biggest desire in life.
It's a shame that people do this.
And the worst part is, is that we're all guilty of it, as every single one of us has manipulated someone else at one time or another to get what we want.
None of us are perfect, and everyone of us has bad qualities, and has done bad things, and we'll all continue to do so.
It's our choices that make us who we are.
And we can always choose to do what's right.
Even in spite of the mistakes we make.
Unfortunately, that's just how it is in our culture and society today. Traditional values are discouraged, and a reckless "do whatever feels… more good" lifestyle is encouraged. Those of us who are older usually know better, but it's the young ones we need to worry about.
A human fetus is a stage of development, much like a human baby grows into a human adult. As soon as a female egg is fertilized, humanity has started in that egg. One could argue that millions of sperm cells die constantly, so how is stopping an egg from growing any different from avoiding impregnation in the first place by using alternative means of sexuality? The problem here is that sperm, unlike a fertilized egg, has the potential to become another human, but it doesn’t mean it is human in itself. You wouldn’t take a tree and say it is paper. It has not yet gone through the process of becoming paper. A tree could become paper when harvested, but the tree is not yet paper, so why treat it as such? However, if the tree is taken to a facility and processed and turned into paper, it is now paper. An egg fertilizing is much like a tree turning into paper: sex is the process the tree goes through, and the product is paper. So unlike sperm alone, a fertilized egg is guaranteed (provided there are no complications) to produce humanity. By using alternative forms of sexuality, you are not stopping a process, but preventing a process from happening. When the process has begun, ending that process, no matter what stage of development it is in, is ending human life. Not potential human life, because it is guaranteed to grow into a baby. That egg will grow into a fetus, then a baby, then an adult. You would not murder a teenager and get away with it, and that is because you have ended the process that is human life. That teenager could have grown into an adult, got a job, had kids of his own, and so on. You would not kill a baby and get away with it, because you still ended the process of human life. How then, could you justify killing a human fetus, when you in fact ended the process of human life? Intending to end the process of human life has a simpler name; murder. The fertilized egg is undergoing the process of human life, for the process of fertilization has then ended.
I think that idea is ridiculous. Not the fact that people have bodily rights, but the fact that it somehow justifies abortion.
For one, it is a 'right' that contradicts itself. The child in the womb has a body too. That body may be growing, but it is their body nonetheless. So by aborting the child, not only are you denying the child their own bodily right, but their right to live too. Two rights are violated in the case of abortion.
From the moment your body aids the baby in development, you are a mother. You might have a right to your body, but you have a responsibility as a parent. Responsibilities trump rights. The right to someone's body is trumped when a child is in the womb, because you are a parent, and that is a responsibility unless the child is given away. The responsibility as a parent is to do things that are in the child's best interests. Abortion is not in the child's best interest. Adoption, however, is for the child's best interest according to the parent.
We often treat sex so casually with other people that we forget that it isn't just fun; it is a reproductive process that feels good. We are so intensely focused on the "feel good" aspect of things.
Oh man...this is one of those topics that NO ONE will ever agree on. Just like immigration, education, marriage, gays...we go around and aro… moreund, busting skulls and pointing the finger. I'll throw my two cents in because its something that I truly believe in.
I do not agree with abortion. And here is why: My fiancee just gave birth to our 1st child, a little girl, last Thursday; I've never been more in love with a single human being than I am right now. My fiancee and I have been together for seven years; we've never had 'oopsies' and were always careful when having sex. This last time, for the conception of our daughter, we did not use protection. No condom, no pill. A month later, she reveals to me the pregnancy. We did not plan on having our daughter; eventually we'd have children but were planning on my graduation from college and getting a HOUSE not living in an apartment with a newborn.
I could never tell my fiancee to abort that b… [view original content]
Pregnancy should be a blessing for the one wanting to carry and give birth, Pregnancy is NOT a punishment. And no, adoption is an alternative to parenting not pregnancy.
Who said pregnancy is a punishment? I mean, the way you get pregnant is by having sex. The consequence for having sex is pregnancy. Punishment is subjective. Consequence is not. You deal with the consequences of your actions. Now, that consequence could be punishing, but pregnancy is not a punishment and giving birth is not a punishment. It is a consequence.
And I said below; as soon as your body aids the baby in development, with or without consent, you are a mother.
I normally stay out of these discussions online aside from my tumbrl but here we go.
I'm tokophobic (Fear of pregnancy/childbirth, for me… more it's ever getting pregnant) I would rather take a bullet to the brain then give birth or carry a fetus to term, I would rather risk death trying to have a miscarriage then give birth or be pregnant. I made up my mind I'm never getting pregnant, when my family talks about me having kids I feel like I'm going to have an anxity attack when I say I don't want kids of if I do I'm adopting and they respond with "your change your mind about having kids/ adopting." Or that (even an old close friend said this to me) I'm not fulfilling my role as a woman.
Pregnancy should be a blessing for the one wanting to carry and give birth, Pregnancy is NOT a punishment. And no, adoption is an alternative to parenting not pregnancy.
So yeah 100% Pro-choice here,
Completely alive? Please explain how something can be half alive.
I mean, not fully formed? Pretty much no human is completely formed. We keep growing throughout our presumed lifetime, or we start decaying. Inside or outside the womb, you grow. The only differences are that the baby inside the womb is reliant on the mother for growth and most of the development is simply making the human able to be independent when they come out of the womb. That lack of independence doesn't make the baby any more or less alive than you and I.
And considering that the baby is made by two living things converging into one, I'd like to ask how you think it is more dead than me.
Womb = Child is dependent when growing
Outside Womb = Child is independent when growing (to an extent)
You see, when you say it like that, you create favoritism. You're saying that people who aren't grown at this certain level shouldn't live. How is that fair? It isn't fair, plain and simple. I mean, take a look at the mentally challenged. They are clearly missing things that make them "normal". Does that mean a parent can give consent to kill their mentally challenged son or daughter? Because according to what I read, they are missing something and therefore aren't alive.
I understand if women want to have an abortion if they don't feel as though they are ready to be parents, it is their body so they should be… more able to do what they want.
And in my opinion, abortion isn't murder. The baby isn't even fully formed, so how can it be murder if they aren't even completely alive yet?
But when you have sex, nature thinks you do want it.
Sex is a responsibility for a woman and a man (besides rape). When you have sex, YOU take that risk. If you use sex casually/irresponsibly and you aren't planning on getting pregnant, well, don't come whining to me when you end up pregnant after being sexually active.
I'm not insensitive to women. I get that pregnancy is hard and it drains a lot from them. But that is life; you reap what you sow. You face consequences for actions.
Plus to my knowledge I don't believe there is an artificial appartacus that would allow a fetus to survive outside of a woman's womb so I understand that 9 months being a storage unit for a baby a woman does not want is a lot to ask.
Completely alive? Please explain how something can be half alive.
I mean, not fully formed? Pretty much no human is completely formed. … more We keep growing throughout our presumed lifetime, or we start decaying. Inside or outside the womb, you grow. The only differences are that the baby inside the womb is reliant on the mother for growth and most of the development is simply making the human able to be independent when they come out of the womb. That lack of independence doesn't make the baby any more or less alive than you and I.
And considering that the baby is made by two living things converging into one, I'd like to ask how you think it is more dead than me.
Womb = Child is dependent when growing
Outside Womb = Child is independent when growing (to an extent)
You see, when you say it like that, you create favoritism. You're saying that people who aren't grown at this certain level shouldn't live. How is that fair? It … [view original content]
Pregnancy should be a blessing for the one wanting to carry and give birth, Pregnancy is NOT a punishment. And no, adoption is an alternativ… moree to parenting not pregnancy.
Who said pregnancy is a punishment? I mean, the way you get pregnant is by having sex. The consequence for having sex is pregnancy. Punishment is subjective. Consequence is not. You deal with the consequences of your actions. Now, that consequence could be punishing, but pregnancy is not a punishment and giving birth is not a punishment. It is a consequence.
And I said below; as soon as your body aids the baby in development, with or without consent, you are a mother.
Lol, I just love how anti-choices like you completely pay no attention to the fact I said I would rather die then be pregnant and give birth. So pro-life of you!
Like it or not we need safe access to abortions, whenever they are like me and tokophobic, were raped, in an relationship where abuse is a factor, simply don't wish to be pregnant, don't have the money, or any other reason. Pregnancy is no walk in the park, my mother almost had to have her gall bladder remove after she had my baby brother. She also has to get her ribs popped back in base Regularly from carrying a very large child around in her arms.
Also these might interest you on why I'm and forever will be pro-chouce.
A woman denied an abortion goes on a hunger strike and goes through a C-section
Oh and did you know in some places tampering with someone birth control counts as sexual assault and rape? I do and I love every second of it. It ends on a better note though. He gets jailed and she gets an abortion.
Can you seriously say you are okay with this? Screw how the pregnant person feels it's all about the fetus that "has hopes and dreams!" Even though they don't and I do have hopes and dreams.
If you actually want to lower abortions rates you prevent an unwanted pregnant in the first place.
Funny since a lot of anti-choicers only want to shame people who have sex, not ever wanting to teach how to prevent one with protection. Funny how things work, Oh and don't get me started on the lies anti-choicers spread about birth control. For fucks sake the morning after pill is not an abortion pill, it slows down ovulation.
Where anti-choicers are too busy screaming at people who seek services at planned parenthood and sex shame (I prefer that over slut-shaming) people for having sex, The pro-choice and myself had been demanding better sex education for schools that also covers sex among same genders. Because I had to remind my gay guy friend he still had to wear a condom, saved my friend the risk of an infection by reminding her only to use water base lube for vaginal sex, promoting education of consent, encourage to remove the stigma about masterbrating, and so on and so on.
Where do I see Anti-choicers in this.
Pretty sure I made my point here.
I will refrain from this topic due to personal reasons but I rest by case.
Ps : I'm a mother when I say so, not when some fetus is in me
Pregnancy should be a blessing for the one wanting to carry and give birth, Pregnancy is NOT a punishment. And no, adoption is an alternativ… moree to parenting not pregnancy.
Who said pregnancy is a punishment? I mean, the way you get pregnant is by having sex. The consequence for having sex is pregnancy. Punishment is subjective. Consequence is not. You deal with the consequences of your actions. Now, that consequence could be punishing, but pregnancy is not a punishment and giving birth is not a punishment. It is a consequence.
And I said below; as soon as your body aids the baby in development, with or without consent, you are a mother.
I couldn't get past the first paragraph. The fact that you are still completely disregard the statements that I've put forth about connotations, in lieu of examples, and implications is.. unnerving. I've repeated it many numerous times.
Again, factually that cluster of cells is a person, they're just in the early stages of development. As I said before, if a fact doesn't con… morevince you, then that means we're now in the realm of personal opinion, which has the potential to go beyond rationality and logic as one can see with a few of your posts. Though I find it odd that you are denying a fact by redefining "existence", as well as what qualifies a "life that matters", there's nothing I can do to make you to change your opinion, all I can do is other continue to repeat the facts. Something terrible will happen because there's more than one life involved. And again, if the mother doesn't want to raise the child she does not have to. It's not at all difficult to file for adoption.
In your opinion they don't exist, by normal standards they do, and it's a human life therefore it's important.
So a woman would be sad that their child who had no say or control in how they were con… [view original content]
Lol, I just love how anti-choices like you completely pay no attention to the fact I said I would rather die then be pregnant and give birth… more. So pro-life of you!
Like it or not we need safe access to abortions, whenever they are like me and tokophobic, were raped, in an relationship where abuse is a factor, simply don't wish to be pregnant, don't have the money, or any other reason. Pregnancy is no walk in the park, my mother almost had to have her gall bladder remove after she had my baby brother. She also has to get her ribs popped back in base Regularly from carrying a very large child around in her arms.
Also these might interest you on why I'm and forever will be pro-chouce.
A woman denied an abortion goes on a hunger strike and goes through a C-section
Oh and did you know in some places tampering with someone birth control c… [view original content]
In his defense there really isn't any evidence to prove it one way or the other. It's a personal moral choice. If it were definitively right or wrong then there wouldn't be a debate to begin with.
You would rather die than give birth? You seem to assume that your dramatic approach to child birth somehow makes abortion okay.
A good parent sacrifices for their child, and giving birth to the child is one of those sacrifices that has to be made for the child. If you aren't willing to make those sacrifices, then why the hell are you having sex? Sex is a REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS FIRST. If you want to have sex before marriage, go ahead, but for God's sake, know the consequences and prepare for them!
That is why abstinence is important! People need to know when they are ready and when they are not. THEY need to make that conscious choice.
Because I had to remind my gay guy friend he still had to wear a condom, saved my friend the risk of an infection by reminding her only to use water base lube for vaginal sex
You know a crazy idea? What if they didn't have sex at all? :O
Sex is not a necessity. Sex is an impulse that should be treated with restraint. Now, I wont say that abstinence will fix everything, but hell, it would help a whole lot if people would support the concept that people should be responsible with their bodies. Not a demand, just having society supporting it.
Lets not forget that casual sex is not okay in my book. Sex is a bonding between two people. Being sexually active with multiple people makes you look uncommitted. I know friends who have been used by sex, having the juice sucked out of them like an orange and the peel thrown in the trash. Some of them were men, too. They fell into a depressed state, and I had to reach in and pull them back up with the grace of God by my side. You tell me if sex education mattered at that point. They treated sex so casually, and bonded with another, and because of that the one they bonded with felt like he was loved, but he was only used.
I'm a mother when I say so, not when some fetus is in me.
That concept is outrageous. You are a mother when you are a mother. To say otherwise is simply denial on your part. By that logic, there could be no such thing as a mother. Motherhood is not subjective. Motherhood starts when you are pregnant, and when your body begins to take care of a dependent baby.
Lol, I just love how anti-choices like you completely pay no attention to the fact I said I would rather die then be pregnant and give birth… more. So pro-life of you!
Like it or not we need safe access to abortions, whenever they are like me and tokophobic, were raped, in an relationship where abuse is a factor, simply don't wish to be pregnant, don't have the money, or any other reason. Pregnancy is no walk in the park, my mother almost had to have her gall bladder remove after she had my baby brother. She also has to get her ribs popped back in base Regularly from carrying a very large child around in her arms.
Also these might interest you on why I'm and forever will be pro-chouce.
A woman denied an abortion goes on a hunger strike and goes through a C-section
Oh and did you know in some places tampering with someone birth control c… [view original content]
You wouldn’t take a tree and say it is paper. It has not yet gone through the process of becoming paper. A tree could become paper when harvested, but the tree is not yet paper, so why treat it as such?
Neither would you call paper pulp a piece of paper, which is actually a closer comparison since neither paper pulp and paper, and a fetus and a sentient person have anything in common except extremely basic composition.
By using alternative forms of sexuality, you are not stopping a process, but preventing a process from happening
Putting on a condom = not chopping down a tree. Having an abortion = turning off the machine that turns pulp into paper. Neither are particularly bad. The fetus does not have sentience, and you cannot lose what you do not have.
You would not murder a teenager and get away with it, and that is because you have ended the process that is human life.
Because you have ended the life of a sentient entity. Do you feel bad for eating potatoes? Of course not, because they are not sentient.
The fertilized egg is undergoing the process of human life, for the process of fertilization has then ended.
Yet it isn't a sentient person, so why would you place the non-sentient cluster of cells above the wants/needs of a sentient one? The fertilization process has ended, but the process of building a sentient person is still underway. Why, exactly, is it fine to stop the process before fertilization yet immoral and wrong to stop it before it has reached a cognitive state? Because the material is actually together? That's hardly a reason, it is no more a sentient person as a cluster of cells than it is as a separate sperm and egg. "But it has human DNA now!" So? It is no more sentient than my tongue cells (which have human DNA) so why should I give it precedent over a living, breathing, thinking woman? I shouldn't.
A human fetus is a stage of development, much like a human baby grows into a human adult. As soon as a female egg is fertilized, humanity h… moreas started in that egg. One could argue that millions of sperm cells die constantly, so how is stopping an egg from growing any different from avoiding impregnation in the first place by using alternative means of sexuality? The problem here is that sperm, unlike a fertilized egg, has the potential to become another human, but it doesn’t mean it is human in itself. You wouldn’t take a tree and say it is paper. It has not yet gone through the process of becoming paper. A tree could become paper when harvested, but the tree is not yet paper, so why treat it as such? However, if the tree is taken to a facility and processed and turned into paper, it is now paper. An egg fertilizing is much like a tree turning into paper: sex is the process the tree goes through, and the product is paper. So unlike sp… [view original content]
Do you feel bad for eating potatoes? Of course not, because they are not sentient
Potatoes also can't feel pain, have a heartbeat, feel emotions, or grow limbs. If that potato could grow into a person, why would I eat it? You also might want to remember that we were also that potato. I'm sure happy to be alive. Aren't you?
Why, exactly, is it fine to stop the process before fertilization yet immoral and wrong to stop it before it has reached a cognitive state?
Something not being cognitive doesn't make it right to rid it of life. You still killed a human. The human not being sentient doesn't make it right to rid them of life.
so why should I give it precedent over a living, breathing, thinking woman?
You wouldn’t take a tree and say it is paper. It has not yet gone through the process of becoming paper. A tree could become paper when harv… moreested, but the tree is not yet paper, so why treat it as such?
Neither would you call paper pulp a piece of paper, which is actually a closer comparison since neither paper pulp and paper, and a fetus and a sentient person have anything in common except extremely basic composition.
By using alternative forms of sexuality, you are not stopping a process, but preventing a process from happening
Putting on a condom = not chopping down a tree. Having an abortion = turning off the machine that turns pulp into paper. Neither are particularly bad. The fetus does not have sentience, and you cannot lose what you do not have.
You would not murder a teenager and get away with it, and that is because you have ended the process that is human life.
Because you have ended the life of … [view original content]
Something not being cognitive doesn't make it right to rid it of life. You still killed a human. The human not being sentient doesn't make it right to rid them of life.
Especially given the fact that it will one day reach that level. It makes no sense to use stage of development as justification for killing off the human being. You're still killing off a human being, period.
Do you feel bad for eating potatoes? Of course not, because they are not sentient
Potatoes also can't feel pain, have a heartbeat, f… moreeel emotions, or grow limbs. If that potato could grow into a person, why would I eat it? You also might want to remember that we were also that potato. I'm sure happy to be alive. Aren't you?
Why, exactly, is it fine to stop the process before fertilization yet immoral and wrong to stop it before it has reached a cognitive state?
Something not being cognitive doesn't make it right to rid it of life. You still killed a human. The human not being sentient doesn't make it right to rid them of life.
so why should I give it precedent over a living, breathing, thinking woman?
Fetuses are living. Fetuses breath.
With all due respect, and I'm not implying this about you, but I've known people who were religious, and claimed they wouldn't have sex before marriage.
Some even signed what's called a "purity pledge" with their church.
Very few of them actually lived up to their word.
If you truly believe in "no sex before marriage" and are determined to live by it, though others might not understand it, they'll have to respect you for it.
I'm pro choice, but I would prefer a woman to only terminate a pregnancy in cases of stuff like rape, incest, health issues that would harm … morethe mother/kill the baby, ect. If it's not my body, it's not my choice. I'm a teenage girl, an accidental pregnancy could happen (theoretically, it could, but I'm religious so no sex till marriage), and I'd never have an abortion, but if someone else needs to, it's their choice, not mine.
I must say that I do support a strict deadline for the abortion to take place.
Potatoes also can't feel pain
Neither can an early stage fetus.
have a heartbeat
That's irrelevant.
feel emotions
Neither can an early stage fetus.
or grow limbs
A limb, by definition, depends on the definition you use. But it can grow.
Something not being cognitive doesn't make it right to rid it of life. You still killed a human. The human not being sentient doesn't make it right to rid them of life.
Yes it does, it's the only thing that matters. I killed a cluster of cells, nothing more. Trillions of cells are killed everyday, and I should feel bad because it has human DNA? Nope, my butt scrapings have that. Just as taking a person off of life support if the family chooses (Pro-choice? Weird.) is fine, so it abortion. Actually, it's even more acceptable because the cells have never had sentience, therefore you cannot take what is not had.
Do you feel bad for eating potatoes? Of course not, because they are not sentient
Potatoes also can't feel pain, have a heartbeat, f… moreeel emotions, or grow limbs. If that potato could grow into a person, why would I eat it? You also might want to remember that we were also that potato. I'm sure happy to be alive. Aren't you?
Why, exactly, is it fine to stop the process before fertilization yet immoral and wrong to stop it before it has reached a cognitive state?
Something not being cognitive doesn't make it right to rid it of life. You still killed a human. The human not being sentient doesn't make it right to rid them of life.
so why should I give it precedent over a living, breathing, thinking woman?
Fetuses are living. Fetuses breath.
Pregnancy is and always will be the most disgusting, terrifying thing to me. I'd rather kill myself instead of being pregnant and giving birth, it's probably tokophobia that makes me think this, but I don't care. I will never go through with a pregnancy ever, and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change my mind.
I used to care,
Now its not such of a big deal now that i'm older/ slightly more mature, /financially stable, whatever.
Besides, when you get my age, people start looking at you weird if you aren't married or have kids. Trust me, people start thinking either your gay or got some sort of mental problem.
Pregnancy and childbirth is a fear of mine that will not go away.
I know of these nosy bastards, I have had the displeasure of meeting some of them in my real life and they can all go fuck themselves up the ass with a poisoned, flaming cactus, I don't like any of them or the lifestyles they try to shove on me all the time. What I chose to do in my life is none of their business, and it never will be, and it will always be that, none of their business.
...That sounds strange and harsh. Sorry if that rant has unsettled you. .-. But it feels good to release my emotion.
Unfortunately, that's just how it is in our culture and society today. Traditional values are discouraged, and a reckless "do whatever feels good" lifestyle is encouraged. Those of us who are older usually know better, but it's the young ones we need to worry about.
I know what you mean. The idea of having kids just scares me.
No its cool, i understand, its kind of hard to do when its your extended family though.
People are always judging me too. I just accepted that the way life is, people always judge me, every day of my life.
I stopped caring. I can't let it bother me, because when i do, i explode in anger. That never helps anyone.
I can't ever explode in anger, I just get really, really angry inside and it just stays there. I think it is catching up to me, because now I'm just filled with horrible feelings and its like I'm dead inside but also hurt and dead at the same time. It's hard to explain. I hear that happens if you lock emotions inside of yourself, it makes symptoms similar to depression. But I'm not sure if that's been officially proved, it's just a thing I hear.
I used to be like that when i was a kid. I wasn't really allowed to get angry, because if i did i would get it worse. Now as a adult, it made me very good at internalizing my emotions. I get angry when i drive on occasion, but its nothing serious. I wouldn't worry so much, once you separate yourself from all negative factors in your life (including people IMO is the first step to being happy in this life).
I'm learning this now.
I've tried to separate myself from people before, like the time when my sister threatened me with a knife I decided that I'd have to stop being attached to people like that, but I kinda gave up on it because it didn't work, and it was just a butter knife anyway.
It takes a long while to become detached emotionally I think if you are purposely trying to do it instead of it happening because of a trauma, a friend of mine is like that and says that it is horrible to have no feeling, but I haven't tried to make myself feel nothing in a long time. I'm not sure what to do with myself yet, I don't know what I am enough to decide how to take my life in a certain direction. So many things take time to do. .-.
Time for JackoClock.
Before Jack, i wouldn't worry about life so much. I'm not sure how old you are, but i'm going to assume your younger than me, I would just enjoy your twenties, move out, have fun, life your own life. Don't worry about what others think, cut yourself off from everyone if you have to. If people are toxic, get rid of them, at least for a while, if you can.
I don't have the slightest idea of what that phrase could mean, but I'm just going to assume this conversation has run its course and leave it at that.
Oh man...this is one of those topics that NO ONE will ever agree on. Just like immigration, education, marriage, gays...we go around and around, busting skulls and pointing the finger. I'll throw my two cents in because its something that I truly believe in.
I do not agree with abortion. And here is why: My fiancee just gave birth to our 1st child, a little girl, last Thursday; I've never been more in love with a single human being than I am right now. My fiancee and I have been together for seven years; we've never had 'oopsies' and were always careful when having sex. This last time, for the conception of our daughter, we did not use protection. No condom, no pill. A month later, she reveals to me the pregnancy. We did not plan on having our daughter; eventually we'd have children but were planning on my graduation from college and getting a HOUSE not living in an apartment with a newborn.
I could never tell my fiancee to abort that baby; WE were stupid and did not use protection. Like STUPID, SILLY, ADULTS, we had sex and created a life. OUR daughter. To get rid of that child, to remove her from the womb all because my fiancee and I made a poor choice, baffles me. Can you imagine that conversation....
'Hey sweetie....I'm pregnant.'
'Well, abort that child, dear-we were careless and stupid, so take it out on our unborn child.'
No. Again, no. Being a father is the most wonderful thing in the world. To hold that precious child that you helped create. To know that this baby is a part of you. I could never and it sickens me to know that these punk ass, inconsiderate individuals, open their legs for anyone, stick their penis in anything, think that an abortion will solve it. No. WEAR a condom, TAKE the pill or better yet-DON'T have sex.
Now, I'm probably going to get, 'Well pie, its her body. Blah blah blah...what if she got raped. You really expect her to keep it...'
Rape is sick. People that rape or commit incest need to burn in hell, get hung from a tree, then burned in hell again. My cousin, sad to say, was a raped at a party by this guy she thought was her friend. Her mother begged and pleaded for my cousin to abort the baby. She said no and 9 months later, gave birth to my nephew, who is three now. Happy ending, right? No. My cousin NOW takes her anger and frustration out on that baby; he looks JUST like the man who raped her and my cousin does not hesitate to remind her son.
'You are useless. I hate you. Fuck off, you bastard. I hate're JUST like your rapist father!'
Wow. To a three year old? My nephew thankfully is in the care of my aunt and uncle but its sad to know my cousin blames the BABY for what that pervert did. My option is this: adoption. You don't want that baby? Okay, ladies! Give that child up for adoption. So many couples out there can not conceive or simply wish to have children through the process of adoption. GIVE that baby a chance. And for fuck's sake: don't use abortion as a form of birthcontrol. Please. Seriously....keep your damn legs closed! And men, stop sleeping around with every vagina and pair of tits you see! RESPECT women; they are someone's mother, daughter, sister, neice....friend! Just stop and we won't HAVE discussions like abortion.
That's just MY opinion. Really sad.
I mean don't worry be happy. Watch this.
I love that.
My family doesn't appreciate crazy barking man as much as I do.
Have you seen Paula Abdul Drunk compilation? I posted that in another thread. Its epic.
You more or less just described something that occurs in all human societies across the world, and most of those things you have mentioned have been going on since humans have existed.
Unfortunately though, there are older people who manipulate youth, to get what they want.
And when you think about it, it makes sense, as young people are easy to fool, and easy to control.
Of course it's not just youth that are manipulated.
Older people are susceptible to manipulation too.
The key to finding out how to manipulate anyone is knowing what makes them tick, finding out what is their biggest desire in life.
It's a shame that people do this.
And the worst part is, is that we're all guilty of it, as every single one of us has manipulated someone else at one time or another to get what we want.
None of us are perfect, and everyone of us has bad qualities, and has done bad things, and we'll all continue to do so.
It's our choices that make us who we are.
And we can always choose to do what's right.
Even in spite of the mistakes we make.
A human fetus is a stage of development, much like a human baby grows into a human adult. As soon as a female egg is fertilized, humanity has started in that egg. One could argue that millions of sperm cells die constantly, so how is stopping an egg from growing any different from avoiding impregnation in the first place by using alternative means of sexuality? The problem here is that sperm, unlike a fertilized egg, has the potential to become another human, but it doesn’t mean it is human in itself. You wouldn’t take a tree and say it is paper. It has not yet gone through the process of becoming paper. A tree could become paper when harvested, but the tree is not yet paper, so why treat it as such? However, if the tree is taken to a facility and processed and turned into paper, it is now paper. An egg fertilizing is much like a tree turning into paper: sex is the process the tree goes through, and the product is paper. So unlike sperm alone, a fertilized egg is guaranteed (provided there are no complications) to produce humanity. By using alternative forms of sexuality, you are not stopping a process, but preventing a process from happening. When the process has begun, ending that process, no matter what stage of development it is in, is ending human life. Not potential human life, because it is guaranteed to grow into a baby. That egg will grow into a fetus, then a baby, then an adult. You would not murder a teenager and get away with it, and that is because you have ended the process that is human life. That teenager could have grown into an adult, got a job, had kids of his own, and so on. You would not kill a baby and get away with it, because you still ended the process of human life. How then, could you justify killing a human fetus, when you in fact ended the process of human life? Intending to end the process of human life has a simpler name; murder. The fertilized egg is undergoing the process of human life, for the process of fertilization has then ended.
Thoughts on the bodily right:
I think that idea is ridiculous. Not the fact that people have bodily rights, but the fact that it somehow justifies abortion.
For one, it is a 'right' that contradicts itself. The child in the womb has a body too. That body may be growing, but it is their body nonetheless. So by aborting the child, not only are you denying the child their own bodily right, but their right to live too. Two rights are violated in the case of abortion.
From the moment your body aids the baby in development, you are a mother. You might have a right to your body, but you have a responsibility as a parent. Responsibilities trump rights. The right to someone's body is trumped when a child is in the womb, because you are a parent, and that is a responsibility unless the child is given away. The responsibility as a parent is to do things that are in the child's best interests. Abortion is not in the child's best interest. Adoption, however, is for the child's best interest according to the parent.
We often treat sex so casually with other people that we forget that it isn't just fun; it is a reproductive process that feels good. We are so intensely focused on the "feel good" aspect of things.
Pregnancy should be a blessing for the one wanting to carry and give birth, Pregnancy is NOT a punishment. And no, adoption is an alternative to parenting not pregnancy.
Who said pregnancy is a punishment? I mean, the way you get pregnant is by having sex. The consequence for having sex is pregnancy. Punishment is subjective. Consequence is not. You deal with the consequences of your actions. Now, that consequence could be punishing, but pregnancy is not a punishment and giving birth is not a punishment. It is a consequence.
And I said below; as soon as your body aids the baby in development, with or without consent, you are a mother.
Completely alive? Please explain how something can be half alive.
I mean, not fully formed? Pretty much no human is completely formed. We keep growing throughout our presumed lifetime, or we start decaying. Inside or outside the womb, you grow. The only differences are that the baby inside the womb is reliant on the mother for growth and most of the development is simply making the human able to be independent when they come out of the womb. That lack of independence doesn't make the baby any more or less alive than you and I.
And considering that the baby is made by two living things converging into one, I'd like to ask how you think it is more dead than me.
Womb = Child is dependent when growing
Outside Womb = Child is independent when growing (to an extent)
You see, when you say it like that, you create favoritism. You're saying that people who aren't grown at this certain level shouldn't live. How is that fair? It isn't fair, plain and simple. I mean, take a look at the mentally challenged. They are clearly missing things that make them "normal". Does that mean a parent can give consent to kill their mentally challenged son or daughter? Because according to what I read, they are missing something and therefore aren't alive.
But when you have sex, nature thinks you do want it.
Sex is a responsibility for a woman and a man (besides rape). When you have sex, YOU take that risk. If you use sex casually/irresponsibly and you aren't planning on getting pregnant, well, don't come whining to me when you end up pregnant after being sexually active.
I'm not insensitive to women. I get that pregnancy is hard and it drains a lot from them. But that is life; you reap what you sow. You face consequences for actions.
"And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit," ~Luke 1:41
Babies express emotion in the womb after three months.
Babies can feel pain at around 25 weeks
Babies heart starts beating very early. It is hard to hear but the earliest I have seen is three weeks.
You can deal with the consequence of conception with an abortion, so that's a moot point.
Lol, I just love how anti-choices like you completely pay no attention to the fact I said I would rather die then be pregnant and give birth. So pro-life of you!
Like it or not we need safe access to abortions, whenever they are like me and tokophobic, were raped, in an relationship where abuse is a factor, simply don't wish to be pregnant, don't have the money, or any other reason. Pregnancy is no walk in the park, my mother almost had to have her gall bladder remove after she had my baby brother. She also has to get her ribs popped back in base Regularly from carrying a very large child around in her arms.
Also these might interest you on why I'm and forever will be pro-chouce.
A woman denied an abortion goes on a hunger strike and goes through a C-section
Oh and did you know in some places tampering with someone birth control counts as sexual assault and rape?
I do and I love every second of it. It ends on a better note though. He gets jailed and she gets an abortion.
Can you seriously say you are okay with this? Screw how the pregnant person feels it's all about the fetus that "has hopes and dreams!" Even though they don't and I do have hopes and dreams.
If you actually want to lower abortions rates you prevent an unwanted pregnant in the first place.
Funny since a lot of anti-choicers only want to shame people who have sex, not ever wanting to teach how to prevent one with protection. Funny how things work, Oh and don't get me started on the lies anti-choicers spread about birth control. For fucks sake the morning after pill is not an abortion pill, it slows down ovulation.
Where anti-choicers are too busy screaming at people who seek services at planned parenthood and sex shame (I prefer that over slut-shaming) people for having sex, The pro-choice and myself had been demanding better sex education for schools that also covers sex among same genders. Because I had to remind my gay guy friend he still had to wear a condom, saved my friend the risk of an infection by reminding her only to use water base lube for vaginal sex, promoting education of consent, encourage to remove the stigma about masterbrating, and so on and so on.
Where do I see Anti-choicers in this.
Pretty sure I made my point here.
I will refrain from this topic due to personal reasons but I rest by case.
Ps : I'm a mother when I say so, not when some fetus is in me
I couldn't get past the first paragraph. The fact that you are still completely disregard the statements that I've put forth about connotations, in lieu of examples, and implications is.. unnerving. I've repeated it many numerous times.
Bye again.
And I said below why an abortion is wrong and why it shouldn't be a valid option.
And I'm getting to that, but I can't respond to everything at once, can I?
This made me laugh.
My fabulous pro-choice swag?
Aw man, now I want a T-shirt that says that.
Wow, I just finished reading that article. That's fucked up. My heart goes out to that woman.
I'll just say I take issue that you say this as if it is proven fact yet you provide no evidence to support it.
In his defense there really isn't any evidence to prove it one way or the other. It's a personal moral choice. If it were definitively right or wrong then there wouldn't be a debate to begin with.
You would rather die than give birth? You seem to assume that your dramatic approach to child birth somehow makes abortion okay.
A good parent sacrifices for their child, and giving birth to the child is one of those sacrifices that has to be made for the child. If you aren't willing to make those sacrifices, then why the hell are you having sex? Sex is a REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS FIRST. If you want to have sex before marriage, go ahead, but for God's sake, know the consequences and prepare for them!
That is why abstinence is important! People need to know when they are ready and when they are not. THEY need to make that conscious choice.
You know a crazy idea? What if they didn't have sex at all? :O
Sex is not a necessity. Sex is an impulse that should be treated with restraint. Now, I wont say that abstinence will fix everything, but hell, it would help a whole lot if people would support the concept that people should be responsible with their bodies. Not a demand, just having society supporting it.
Lets not forget that casual sex is not okay in my book. Sex is a bonding between two people. Being sexually active with multiple people makes you look uncommitted. I know friends who have been used by sex, having the juice sucked out of them like an orange and the peel thrown in the trash. Some of them were men, too. They fell into a depressed state, and I had to reach in and pull them back up with the grace of God by my side. You tell me if sex education mattered at that point. They treated sex so casually, and bonded with another, and because of that the one they bonded with felt like he was loved, but he was only used.
That concept is outrageous. You are a mother when you are a mother. To say otherwise is simply denial on your part. By that logic, there could be no such thing as a mother. Motherhood is not subjective. Motherhood starts when you are pregnant, and when your body begins to take care of a dependent baby.
Neither would you call paper pulp a piece of paper, which is actually a closer comparison since neither paper pulp and paper, and a fetus and a sentient person have anything in common except extremely basic composition.
Putting on a condom = not chopping down a tree. Having an abortion = turning off the machine that turns pulp into paper. Neither are particularly bad. The fetus does not have sentience, and you cannot lose what you do not have.
Because you have ended the life of a sentient entity. Do you feel bad for eating potatoes? Of course not, because they are not sentient.
Yet it isn't a sentient person, so why would you place the non-sentient cluster of cells above the wants/needs of a sentient one? The fertilization process has ended, but the process of building a sentient person is still underway. Why, exactly, is it fine to stop the process before fertilization yet immoral and wrong to stop it before it has reached a cognitive state? Because the material is actually together? That's hardly a reason, it is no more a sentient person as a cluster of cells than it is as a separate sperm and egg. "But it has human DNA now!" So? It is no more sentient than my tongue cells (which have human DNA) so why should I give it precedent over a living, breathing, thinking woman? I shouldn't.
Potatoes also can't feel pain, have a heartbeat, feel emotions, or grow limbs. If that potato could grow into a person, why would I eat it? You also might want to remember that we were also that potato. I'm sure happy to be alive. Aren't you?
Something not being cognitive doesn't make it right to rid it of life. You still killed a human. The human not being sentient doesn't make it right to rid them of life.
Fetuses are living. Fetuses breath.
Especially given the fact that it will one day reach that level. It makes no sense to use stage of development as justification for killing off the human being. You're still killing off a human being, period.
With all due respect, and I'm not implying this about you, but I've known people who were religious, and claimed they wouldn't have sex before marriage.
Some even signed what's called a "purity pledge" with their church.
Very few of them actually lived up to their word.
If you truly believe in "no sex before marriage" and are determined to live by it, though others might not understand it, they'll have to respect you for it.
I must say that I do support a strict deadline for the abortion to take place.
Neither can an early stage fetus.
That's irrelevant.
Neither can an early stage fetus.
A limb, by definition, depends on the definition you use. But it can grow.
Yes it does, it's the only thing that matters. I killed a cluster of cells, nothing more. Trillions of cells are killed everyday, and I should feel bad because it has human DNA? Nope, my butt scrapings have that. Just as taking a person off of life support if the family chooses (Pro-choice? Weird.) is fine, so it abortion. Actually, it's even more acceptable because the cells have never had sentience, therefore you cannot take what is not had.