To be truthful, a lot of it is real, just scripted.Some moves they are extremely demanding and dangerous. A lot of wrestlers have had to retire because wrestling had become life threatening.
I thought the moon followed you wherever you went, there were people under the streetlights controlling the stop and go, babies actually came from a stork, and dreams were all real you just went to a different body to experience them. Man, I believed a lot of weird stuff as a kid.
To be truthful, a lot of it is real, just scripted.Some moves they are extremely demanding and dangerous. A lot of wrestlers have had to retire because wrestling had become life threatening.
You know that feeling you get when you paint your face? The pressure from the paint? When I was little, I thought people with a darker skin … morecolor than me (I'm white... Obviously) felt that little pressure. I made the mistake, at the age of 4, by asking a black girl (11 - 13). She just laughed. I know better now.
I remember in a super market, the lights from the ceiling would reflect on the tiles, and I would run down the allies and every time I pasted the reflecting light, I thought I was going faster than light
It is. People still make me feel racist about it, despite the fact that I was 4. I didn't see race the way other people saw it... I thought it was just a skin color, not the whole thing people make it out to be, but nooooo...
It was also considered a cure all people would use pot for all types of health problems its so cheap to produce its a wonder drug thats part of why it was banned as well.
In medieval times you could be fined for NOT growing it because it was so important as a material and as a drug.I guess we're just not allowed nice things anymore.
Your a expert?
Marijuana never killed anyone, that i know of. However how many people OD on prescription pain killers, caffeine, whatever… more. The only reason why Marijuana was banned in the first place is because of money. Learn the history dude. Hemp was cheaper to produce than paper, so what did the paper companies do... LOBBY. 60 years later its becoming legalized, sign of social progress.
so I like to believe there it is a council that rule earth but more likely there will be a president that governed and/or he will control us all.
That I am some ratlab experiment and all people around me are some robot created by alien which are for testing me. Sh*t I never had to told this now you all know!!! I SHOLD FIND SAF E PLACE aAdcwa34.
And I thought that magic is everywhere around us and if we try very, very hard we can be like Jesus the Christós
That the universe is infinite. WAIT... that may be true.
the things I did are done already from past like Déjà vu or Doctor Who time-travel I do not event know who to describe myself :P
so I like to believe there it is a council that rule earth but more likely there will be a president that governed and/or he will control us… more all.
* That I am some ratlab experiment and all people around me are some robot created by alien which are for testing me. Sh*t I never had to told this now you all know!!! I SHOLD FIND SAF E PLACE aAdcwa34.
* And I thought that magic is everywhere around us and if we try very, very hard we can be like Jesus the Christós
* That the universe is infinite. WAIT... that may be true.
* the things I did are done already from past like Déjà vu or Doctor Who time-travel I do not event know who to describe myself :P
It is. People still make me feel racist about it, despite the fact that I was 4. I didn't see race the way other people saw it... I thought it was just a skin color, not the whole thing people make it out to be, but nooooo...
I thought the moon followed you wherever you went, there were people under the streetlights controlling the stop and go, babies actually cam… moree from a stork, and dreams were all real you just went to a different body to experience them. Man, I believed a lot of weird stuff as a kid.
My parents told me that if I didn't clip my nails, dirt would get under them. I thought that meant that dirt from a random location would get a mind of its own, track me down, and be like "Fuck you. Lemme get under your nails."
When I was a kid, my dad suffered from a panic attack in the middle of the night. He was fine in the morning when he went to the hospital, and I asked him.
"Yeah big man?"
"Did your heart get beat up by another heart?"
"Bye James T_T"
You see, no one really told me what happened to him that night, so I just believed he had suffered from a heart attack. And I thought that when you have a heart attack, a completely different heart comes out of nowhere and attacks it.
WILL! That post was a lot more morbid than I wanted it to be.
I used to think if I believed hard enough, I would turn into a super saiyan.
I didn't even know vaginas existed, and thought that coitus took place in - and babies came out of - ...well... ya know... the other orifice...
To be truthful, a lot of it is real, just scripted.Some moves they are extremely demanding and dangerous. A lot of wrestlers have had to retire because wrestling had become life threatening.
I thought the moon followed you wherever you went, there were people under the streetlights controlling the stop and go, babies actually came from a stork, and dreams were all real you just went to a different body to experience them. Man, I believed a lot of weird stuff as a kid.
dont worry im not bashing it...having a little fun with it....did watch a lot of wresting growing up too.
John Cena & Triple H (IMO he had the best theme) was my fav
Alt text
lol thats fucking hilarious lol. i mean seeing it from a kids mind its funny.
I remember in a super market, the lights from the ceiling would reflect on the tiles, and I would run down the allies and every time I pasted the reflecting light, I thought I was going faster than light
me too:((((
It is. People still make me feel racist about it, despite the fact that I was 4. I didn't see race the way other people saw it... I thought it was just a skin color, not the whole thing people make it out to be, but nooooo...
It was also considered a cure all people would use pot for all types of health problems its so cheap to produce its a wonder drug thats part of why it was banned as well.
In medieval times you could be fined for NOT growing it because it was so important as a material and as a drug.I guess we're just not allowed nice things anymore.
so I like to believe there it is a council that rule earth but more likely there will be a president that governed and/or he will control us all.
That I am some ratlab experiment and all people around me are some robot created by alien which are for testing me. Sh*t I never had to told this now you all know!!! I SHOLD FIND SAF E PLACE aAdcwa34.
And I thought that magic is everywhere around us and if we try very, very hard we can be like Jesus the Christós
That the universe is infinite. WAIT... that may be true.
the things I did are done already from past like Déjà vu or Doctor Who time-travel I do not event know who to describe myself :P
Your first bullet point reminds me of a film called Dark City you should watch it, it realy fans the flames of paranoia
haha cmon dont feel bad man, that was when you were a kid and now you know better.
I believed the first two things too. I always use to sit in the back seat and told my mom the moon was following us.
When I was young, I thought every state was a country on its own.
My parents told me that if I didn't clip my nails, dirt would get under them. I thought that meant that dirt from a random location would get a mind of its own, track me down, and be like "Fuck you. Lemme get under your nails."
I was a strange child.
When I was a kid, my dad suffered from a panic attack in the middle of the night. He was fine in the morning when he went to the hospital, and I asked him.
"Yeah big man?"
"Did your heart get beat up by another heart?"
"Bye James T_T"
You see, no one really told me what happened to him that night, so I just believed he had suffered from a heart attack. And I thought that when you have a heart attack, a completely different heart comes out of nowhere and attacks it.
WILL! That post was a lot more morbid than I wanted it to be.
Not gonna lie, I thought my balls stored my urine.
Lol kids and their funny little minds, funny how we make assumptions that come out far from true as kids.
OMG WOT THE F**K take care and do not pee on girl