Triangles And Eyes

edited January 2015 in General Chat

Who here believes in those conspireces and secret cults (Illuminati, etc.) and why?

EDIT: I Need Some Help


  • I do, because i know that Freemason organization does exist. I know it exists, because i know people in it.

  • Nope, it all sounds stupid.

  • Can you explain to me the Freemason organization?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I do, because i know that Freemason organization does exist. I know it exists, because i know people in it.

  • Duh Freemason's exist :P

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I do, because i know that Freemason organization does exist. I know it exists, because i know people in it.

  • This.

    Nope, it all sounds stupid.

  • Fuck em'.

    Seriously, there's so much messed up, crazy shit going on around the world and people still fantasize/speculate about glorified drinking clubs for rich, white guys? Why? What have these people done that is so noteworthy? Why should I care about who they are and what they do now?

    "BUT THEY PUT TEH TRIANGLES ON DA MONIE!" doesn't count. I'm talking about shit that's backed up by more than conspiratard nonsense.

  • Spoken with words of truth.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck em'. Seriously, there's so much messed up, crazy shit going on around the world and people still fantasize/speculate about glorified

  • Meanwhile, nobody mentions that...

    -- The Colombian government killed mentally handicapped people and put them in FARC uniforms to boost confirmed enemy K.I.A. counts

    -- During the Vietnam War, the CIA smuggled billions in heroin out of Southeast Asia sewn inside the body cavities of dead G.I's.

    It's not the triangles on the money you should be worried about. It's the guys that print it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck em'. Seriously, there's so much messed up, crazy shit going on around the world and people still fantasize/speculate about glorified

  • Of course the freemasons exist there not even secretive about it they have a grand lodge in bristol my friend visted it as part of a college trip, they spoke to a high ranking member he told them that one of the lodges members is a judge who actually let someone get away with murder after seeing there masonic ring. Its just the grown up equivalent of a shed with a sign reading no girls allowed posted on the door

  • There's no Illuminati, but there's clearly a patriarchy, you guys!!

  • edited January 2015

    Agreed with what you said about the illuminati.

    Baldex posted: »

    There's no Illuminati, but there's clearly a patriarchy, you guys!!

  • My Best friend's father is a member of the FreeMason, other than that i don't really know what they do. I just know it exists. The only way to gain membership is to be nominated by fellow members, some other stuff.

    FauDeef posted: »

    Can you explain to me the Freemason organization?

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