Who do you prefer? Round 2
Just a few but hard ones
Michael De Santa**:
Trevor Philips
Vaas Montenegro
Star Fox
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Just a few but hard ones
Michael De Santa**:
Trevor Philips
Vaas Montenegro
Star Fox
This one is hard both are my favorite characters from their respective games.....hmm I gotta go with Michael Townley De Santa, but only by a little.
Trevor Phillips: great funny character, my second favorite character in GTA 5.
Umm...Link I guess. I never played Etheir of their games.
Star Fox: see number 3 explanation.
Not that I recall. I played a demo of one before, but thats it.
You never played a Sonic game?
You never played GTA? Or just GTA V?
I haven't played any of them.
Really? That's surprising, your the first person I met who hasn't played GTA. Why not?
You don't know what you're missing
Not that i know of. Only a short demo.
I dunno, the games honestly look really boring to me
I'm usually not one to judge before trying but meh. Doesn't look like a series I'd spend my money on :P
Well that's new. I suggest finding one at a cheap price, try it out, and if you don't like it. Return it. That's what I do when I see game that looks interesting but I'm not sure if I would like it.
Eh they aren't that good, I've played all the main series with the exception of V and the only one I liked enough to finish was Vice City, they aren't bad but there's too much filler and their stories aren't that good the only reason I finished Vice City was because Tommy Vercetti's awareness of the ridiculousness of his world and excessive cynicisism worked perfectly for that kind of game, CJ had the cynicism but no awareness which made him quite unlikeable and Niko just pisses me off because his character is too inconsistent, plus GTA IV is really boring.
1.) Michael De Santa - He reminds me of Robert De Niro, and I could never hate that guy.
2.) Vaas Montenegro
3.) Link
4.) Sonic
Kenny, Trevor, Link and Fox.
2.. vaas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnFeTXRW2zY
you havent played gta :O man!!! its awesome you should give it a try and i am waiting for gta 5 to play....
your opinion i loved it all not for story but for open world and missions...
Maybe if the controls weren't so awkward I could enjoy it but all GTAs I've played except San Andreas had really awkward control schemes, though San Andreas ruined everything for me by adding that stupid experience system that I hate so much, I don't know besides Vice City GTA hasn't really clicked for me, I hated the setting and theme of San Andreas, GTA III simply hasn't aged well and then there's GTA IV, personally I don't find Liberty City to be very interesting and while I liked Niko his personality didn't really fit the game, I remember that pretty early on in the first mission that let's you kill someone the game let's you choose whether to kill the guy or not and the way Niko acted made it seem like it was a big deal to have to kill someone so I didn't and a couple of missions later I'm told to kill someone and he spews a one liner after that, pretty much killed the whole game for me, he just didn't make sense to me anymore and it annoyed me far too much.
Michael, Vaas, Link, Sonic
1) Michael (I'm not a Kenny fan)
2) Vaas (I don't know why but I found Trevor really unlikable)
3) Link (Never played a Kingdom Hearts game)
4) Star Fox (It's a fucking fox in space)
Boring? How can anyone think an open world crime game is boring?
Because it looks boring in my honest opinion.
You know the old saying, don't knock it till you try it.
Well you're dead wrong.
Yeah, but I'm not exactly knocking it. I'm not saying the game is bad or anything, I'm just saying I haven't tried it cause it looks boring.
Wouldn't boring be a bad quality :P
No no no, I'm saying what I think it looks like :P I'm not actually saying the game is boring or bad, I'm just saying that I don't want to try it cause it looks boring in my eyes. Ya know?
It's weird to explain.