Lord Whitehill is Telltale's Stupidest Villain Yet

He ruins Ramsay's plan which was half of the iron wood which was risky enough. As Ethan pointed out that Whitehill's men are morons who are poor at crafting as seen in episode 2 his men aren't motivated or are too drunk and can barely handle half of it. It goes from dumb to full blown shit for brains when he defies Roose Bolton. Whitehills have been proven to be incompetent already but now they have control of all Iron Wood which is a responsibility too much for them. He just fucked himself and his men when the Boltons don't get all the Iron wood they need.


  • He just fucked himself and his men when the Boltons don't get all the Iron wood they need.

    Good, he needs to die already, he´s insufferable.

  • The only thing he lacks is a mustache to twirl. I like villains who device cunning plans to advance their positions, not bullies who want to show off their (self-imposed) power.

  • Look I know we're suppose to hate him but can we at least have this villain possess a brain stem

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    He just fucked himself and his men when the Boltons don't get all the Iron wood they need. Good, he needs to die already, he´s insufferable.

  • The point is he is stupid..... the kings landing people are the ones to fear with their assassins etc. Whitehill is a minor northern lord, nothing has shown hes intelligent

  • That and he shows up all the time. I´m sick of him already.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Look I know we're suppose to hate him but can we at least have this villain possess a brain stem

  • For all we know this Damien guy could have been a White hill

    The point is he is stupid..... the kings landing people are the ones to fear with their assassins etc. Whitehill is a minor northern lord, nothing has shown hes intelligent

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