Overly harsh reviews?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I can't be the only one who thinks they have gone overboard with the criticism of this episode. Most seem to think that there should be adrenaline inducing moments every second when it's actually doing a brilliant job of recreating moments which make the series special (less about the action, more about politics and decision making) Some even accuse them of a lack of story progression for the Forresters... Did they play the same game I did?



  • Don't listen to reviewers...Especially IGN.

  • Especially IGN.

    I can't believe people actually listened to them before the episode came out though, they should have learned when Too Much Water became a thing, hopefully after The Lost Lords they know now.

    Don't listen to reviewers...Especially IGN.

  • Yeah, IGN is the king of wrong reviews.

    Green613 posted: »

    Especially IGN. I can't believe people actually listened to them before the episode came out though, they should have learned when Too Much Water became a thing, hopefully after The Lost Lords they know now.

  • I suppose I shouldn't. It seems they're all giving the same criticisms.

    Oh and don't get me started on IGN. Took me 2 hours yet again to complete that episode and they did it in 90 minutes? Stinks of a speed run, so their opinion is no longer valid to me.

    Don't listen to reviewers...Especially IGN.

  • Eh, sometimes you got to play yourself.

    I suppose I shouldn't. It seems they're all giving the same criticisms. Oh and don't get me started on IGN. Took me 2 hours yet again to

  • That's why I said I was only worried about the time of the episode initially (and they got that wrong as well!) but others are having a go for the same reasons

    Green613 posted: »

    Especially IGN. I can't believe people actually listened to them before the episode came out though, they should have learned when Too Much Water became a thing, hopefully after The Lost Lords they know now.

  • Why not play the game yourself and form your own opinion? That's what I do. I barely watch reviews anymore.

  • Let us not forget the Life Is Strange debacle. "Interesting story" "Awful Writing" XD. IGN are garbage at reviews.

    Green613 posted: »

    Especially IGN. I can't believe people actually listened to them before the episode came out though, they should have learned when Too Much Water became a thing, hopefully after The Lost Lords they know now.

  • I only glance at scores before games, films etc. Probably does influences my thinking... and others too. I read them fully after playing it and was shocked.

    bloop posted: »

    Why not play the game yourself and form your own opinion? That's what I do. I barely watch reviews anymore.

  • Considering I found ep 2 miles better, reviewers are just dumb

  • Fuck IGN. I will read reviews from gameinformer for games I am interested in, as usually they're at least in the same ballpark as how I would rate them. They gave GoT Episode 2 an 8. I feel it's a fair review.

  • 7 isnt a terrible score.... But still its was better than episode 1 so it doesnt make much sense. Also the guy seems to only like Mira which is really strange.....

  • I thought the episode was fine, fuck IGN and their retard reviewers.

  • I must have missed that. What was that about?

  • edited February 2015

    Must admit I've been thinking the same as the OP. It's not really about forming your own opinion, but it's more about seeing a product not getting the scores you think it deserves.

    I know I've been concerned about the Steam user rating as well. It's a good rating, but not for Telltale. I simply don't understand it either, unless there are a lot of new people to GoT. I rather hate all the reviews saying 30 dollars for two hours of gameplay as well. They don't mention that the other episodes have been bought but just not released yet. I bet those reviews will not be changed (hate people saying the episodes last 45 mins to an hour too as that's just incorrect). A lot of people have been judging the series, saying choices don't matter either when it's just episode 1 that had been released, largely because a specific character dies. If the character hadn't, then the story wouldn't have moved in the direction it has and we wouldn't have got the ending for episode 2 with the song. Which many seem to have enjoyed. And I must admit that even if the choices don't end up mattering much like in the other games, then I still feel they're handling it better than they have before.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post, but it irritates me when I see work not getting the praise I think it deserves.

    bloop posted: »

    Why not play the game yourself and form your own opinion? That's what I do. I barely watch reviews anymore.

  • Well, to be fair, the writing was cringeworthy at times.

    Let us not forget the Life Is Strange debacle. "Interesting story" "Awful Writing" XD. IGN are garbage at reviews.

  • They reviewed a Pokemon game that took place on an island or something and they gave it a bad score because it had too much water :D

    I must have missed that. What was that about?

  • IGN only reviews because:

    Alt text

    Let us not forget the Life Is Strange debacle. "Interesting story" "Awful Writing" XD. IGN are garbage at reviews.

  • I don't see how. The writing seemed realistic to me and I love realism in my games.

    ninoobz posted: »

    Well, to be fair, the writing was cringeworthy at times.

  • More then several of the reviews I read seem to think that everything is disjointed and just a watered down version of the source material. I have to thoroughly disagree I was on the edge of my seat for more then several moments and I feel my heart race because these decisions seem to be building up more importance for what is going on in the over arching story of each character. That's another problem I have these reviewers seem to think as though these decisions don't matter but they seem to be looking at it with tunnel vision instead of looking at the bigger picture. However, everyone has an opinion and I respect that. I love that it focuses more on a strong story and weighted decisions and winning Elaena's favor when percentage wise many weren't able to makes me wonder how it will play out I am so excited! Also, that song just gets me at the end loved this episode and I can't wait for more :D

  • Having just finished the first episode of Life is Strange like 10 minutes ago, yeah the dialogue was pretty awkward and off, not all the time but it hardly felt natural and realistic, it was like it was trying to hard to be like an indie movie and didn't quite mange it, I did like it but yeah the writing isn't it's strong point, plus there were a few lines that were fairly awkwardly delivered.

    I don't see how. The writing seemed realistic to me and I love realism in my games.

  • What the fuck? Seriously? lol that's hilarious.

    They reviewed a Pokemon game that took place on an island or something and they gave it a bad score because it had too much water

  • So since everybody knows about this they generated a lot of klicks and views with this. So they managed to get what they want, attention to their site and a lot of visitors. All that means more money from advertising on their site so they reached their goal and u could say the authors did a "good job" for ign. Don't always expect such reviews to represent the actual users opinions, it's about money. The more exaggerated the more people will click it to check it or just hate it in comments. Sad but true :/

    What the fuck? Seriously? lol that's hilarious.

  • I must say that's pretty disgusting for a reviewer. There are ways for people to read your articles other than sensationalist claims. As far as I'm concerned, their credibility suffered from this, so the money shouldn't really be worth it. Made them a laughing stock.

    Rearar posted: »

    So since everybody knows about this they generated a lot of klicks and views with this. So they managed to get what they want, attention to

  • That actually sounds accurate of the first episode

    Let us not forget the Life Is Strange debacle. "Interesting story" "Awful Writing" XD. IGN are garbage at reviews.

  • It took me 2 hours too at a normal pace.

    I suppose I shouldn't. It seems they're all giving the same criticisms. Oh and don't get me started on IGN. Took me 2 hours yet again to

  • Fuck IGN, and Game informer.

    Watch Angryjoe for best Reviews that everyone agrees on, and everyone that does not.

    Fuck IGN. I will read reviews from gameinformer for games I am interested in, as usually they're at least in the same ballpark as how I would rate them. They gave GoT Episode 2 an 8. I feel it's a fair review.

  • I read the reviews before I played the episode, which I normally don't do. The reviews made me feel that the episode would be poor. Wow! They couldn't have been more wrong. I enjoyed the 2nd episode as much as the 1st. I'd even go as far as saying it was better. The ending where Talia sings was so well done. This is another fine example of so called professional reviewers not having a clue what they're talking about. I listen to the actual fans rather than reviewers these days. They actually know what they're talking about. 9.5 out of 10 for me. Fantastic game

  • well seeing as the episode is completely broken and your savefile won't transfer I would understand why some are giving it bad reviews. But part of the problem is that people just look at ign and look at the score instead of actually looking at who is writing the review. Sure IGN is my main source for news, but I follow very specific people when it comes to game recommendation. Not because I only want to hear people praising it and don't feel like I've done a bad purchasing decision. But because I know their tastes and if they like a game then I'm usually sure I will like the game aswell. Life is Strange is a good example, I loved that experience, eventhough I recognize that it's not a perfect game and that it has it's flaws, but I'm not going to listen to Jeff from Giantbomb because I knew the second I saw the game that he would hate it, I know what kind of games he likes because I've been following him for years now so I know when he reccomends a certian kind of game that if I like that genre myself that it will probably be a good purchaes.

    Don't listen to reviewers...Especially IGN.

  • I really really enjoyed life is strange, but I also realize that it's not a game for everyone. It's kinda like deadly premonition or dark souls/demon souls. You will either love it or hate it. Even though I loved it and was able to move past it's flaws, I still could see the flaws. But I liked the overall experience so much that I was able to move past those issues, but I can fully understand why someone would not like that game at all.

    I don't see how. The writing seemed realistic to me and I love realism in my games.

  • 10/10 - Could've been better - IGN

    Yeah, IGN is the king of wrong reviews.

  • Loved this episode. My only complaint is that it felt way too short for the amount of time I waited for it to appear. But it was great. Only complaints are: game crashes to a white screen sometimes and one of the characters, Rodrick I think, suddenly had a Scottish accent mentioning his sibling's names.

  • I only watch IGN now to see if they have any previews.

    bloop posted: »

    Why not play the game yourself and form your own opinion? That's what I do. I barely watch reviews anymore.

  • He makes like 2 reviews every year now, I think the best way to get a review on something would just be to go to the forums of that game and ask the community.

    Fuck IGN, and Game informer. Watch Angryjoe for best Reviews that everyone agrees on, and everyone that does not.

  • edited February 2015

    Said jokingly, but partly serious:

    I disagree and I point to TWD S2, plus countless other game forums. ;)

    Green613 posted: »

    He makes like 2 reviews every year now, I think the best way to get a review on something would just be to go to the forums of that game and ask the community.

  • I watched the 3 minute review video IGN made and it was absolutely terrible. Although giving it a 7/10 (which is still a decent score) the review said nothing but terrible things about the episode, most of which were wrong. An hour and a half long episode my ass.

    This episode had a lot of great things going for it, but none were mentioned at all. The voice-acting was excellent and the introduction to the new characters were all exciting and everyone of them had something interesting about them (not a cliché character among em). Also the areas we visited were very beautiful when first introduced (like walking into a painting). And every scene had something exciting going, something intriguing, it was never a dull moment.

    Such a shame good video game stories like this are just being bashed while IGN requests more climb the radio tower game experiences.

  • Well for me it was a lil. Boring in middle but overall it was best i will give 8.5 last song was awesome

  • edited February 2015

    This episode was great. Only problem I had was at the beginning when I couldn't grasp that new QTE (I died about 5 times on the last QTE of Ashers fight LOL!!). But other then that it was awesome. I do wish Lady Forrester would have stole Sura's line from Spatacus and told Rodrik: "Kill them all"

  • I know, It's because he has life issues.

    Its hard to be a Youtuber nowadays..
    All IGN has to do is do some simple editing and some Asshole talking about how much "This game is so shit." and then they use the same shitty ass assets and add a shitty score at the end and call it a "Review".

    Whilst Angryjoe on the otherhand..

    He needs to do some tough fucking Editing.
    He needs to replay that shitty or amazing game over and over and over AGAIN.
    He needs to redo his failed recordings of his review.
    He needs to add gameplay from him, and somehow edit it to his Videos all together.
    Goes to many community websites, and sees the People's opinion. And adds a fair Score that everyone agrees on.
    He has to go interview the Devs of the game, and then he can actually call it a "Review".

    But, still. There are shit ton of Review videos of Angry Joe, and Video games that might interest you though. And he is a great entertainer..

    Not like IGN, (I'm looking at you, Greg-fucking-Miller.)

    Green613 posted: »

    He makes like 2 reviews every year now, I think the best way to get a review on something would just be to go to the forums of that game and ask the community.

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