Episode 1 & 2 Lengths

How long roughly are these episodes as I've not played them yet? Thanks in advance.


  • I think they are both roughly 2 hours.

  • Thats a little generous there more 1;45 but still the point is that they feel like a full episode the endings are not rushed things

    I think they are both roughly 2 hours.

  • edited February 2015

    114 minutes for episode 1 and 105 minutes for episode 2, according to Steam for me, as I checked the current playtime after completing each episode. I believe I interacted with everything. Definitely most of the stuff anyway.

    I enjoyed both episodes. Second one has the edge though, as it's not an introduction anymore.

  • Well i just hope they keep these episodes at a decent length. I hated the 90 min ruling

  • Nah, they're longer and a lot better paced, don't worry.

    The game is by far better than TWD Season 2 imo, and I only played two Episodes.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Well i just hope they keep these episodes at a decent length. I hated the 90 min ruling

  • Glad to hear it. I just hope Season 3 TWD is better

    Nah, they're longer and a lot better paced, don't worry. The game is by far better than TWD Season 2 imo, and I only played two Episodes.

  • Me too, but if Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands are any indicator of what's to come, then count me in.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Glad to hear it. I just hope Season 3 TWD is better

  • It took me from about 8:20 to 12:30 last night to play both episodes, although I did redo a couple of scenes.

  • I frankly don't care. They got done what they needed to get done.

  • First episode clocked in at two hours for me, second episode was a bit above ninety minutes. I never minded short episodes too much, as long as they don't feel rushed, which these ones didn't. They both felt like an appropriate length.

  • ^^Love the display pic :)

    ElJacko posted: »

    First episode clocked in at two hours for me, second episode was a bit above ninety minutes. I never minded short episodes too much, as long as they don't feel rushed, which these ones didn't. They both felt like an appropriate length.

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