*** made a huge mistake

Lord Whitehill is screwed pretty much.

By taking the other half of the Ironwood, he may not have angered Roose Bolton, because he's right, Roose doesn't care where the Ironwood's as long as it keeps coming.

But he did the most stupid thing one can do: he disobeyed a direct order from Ramsay Snow. And we all know what you get for that, right Theon? Or rather Reek.

I don't think we'll get to kill him...Ramsay will have his way with Whitehill first.

I would almost feel sorry for him...lel almost


  • I wont feel sorry, fuck him

  • edited February 2015

    i need Rodrik to kill Whitehill!!! PLEASE TELLTALE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Alt text

  • I don't think Ramsay would really care all that much either. reek's situation was different, as Ramsay needed reek. While as Whitehill said, as long as Roose gets his ironwood, they're good.

  • I don't think it's about the result, it's more about Whitehill's gesture.

    Like Ramsay doesn't care about the Ironwood, but he's not the guy who will stand a lower ranked person to disobey him, no matter if it's important or not.

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't think Ramsay would really care all that much either. reek's situation was different, as Ramsay needed reek. While as Whitehill said, as long as Roose gets his ironwood, they're good.

  • Basically. If Ramsay feels Whitehill took the other half and thinking he could get away with it because the one who gave the order was a bastard, he's hitting Ramsay's sensitive part.

    I don't think it's about the result, it's more about Whitehill's gesture. Like Ramsay doesn't care about the Ironwood, but he's not the guy who will stand a lower ranked person to disobey him, no matter if it's important or not.

  • edited February 2015

    Honestly, I'd be less worried about Roose or Ramsay killing Ludd, than I would them not protecting him from Rodrik. Roose doesn't care where the ironwood comes from, that is certainly true, so he won't care if all the ironwood comes from the Forresters (Or the Glenmores depending). Ramsay would care about being disobeyed, and so is less likely to come rushing to Ludd's aid when the Forrester/Glenmore/Asher Army march on Highpoint. Especially when Ramsay has other things to deal with, like Ironborn in Deepwood Motte.

  • I don't think Roose gives a rats ass about Ludd screwing over house Forrester and disobeying his son. He might make a mental note of it, but they're giving him ironwood, so he doesn't care.

    Ramsey, on the other hand, is another creature entirely. If there is anything he likes more than being sadistic, it's being respected.

    I want to write a letter to Ramsey telling him that Whitehill publiclly admitted to defying his authority. As loyal and humble bannermen to his father, we only wish to inform them of Lord whitehills defiance. Let the bastard of Bolton do the rest.

  • I just realized that, strictly speaking, House Forrester isn't bound by any loyalty pledges right now. I mean, Ethan may have bent the knee to Ramsay and all, but now Rodrik's in charge. Don't know how/if that might affect things - if Ramsay or Roose showed up to get Rodrik to bend the knee, I'd demand the option to burn the whole Ironwood keep down with them inside. Ooh, I hope we get to do that to one of the Whitehills.

  • I like this thinking. Like honestly, we should have to choose the Sentinel again. What if Rodrik doesn't want Royland as a Sentinel but Ethan did? They kept acting like it transferred over.

    maimed_dan posted: »

    I just realized that, strictly speaking, House Forrester isn't bound by any loyalty pledges right now. I mean, Ethan may have bent the knee

  • They do, but at this point leaving things as they are seems to make sense for the characters - leaving things as they are shows respect to Ethan, and prevents everyone from getting distracted and stuff - everyone's on the same page (wreck the Whitehills, Boltons too if possible), so who happens to be chief advisor is less important than everyone being committed to the mission.

    I like this thinking. Like honestly, we should have to choose the Sentinel again. What if Rodrik doesn't want Royland as a Sentinel but Ethan did? They kept acting like it transferred over.

  • I suppose that's true. We'll have to choose later though.

    maimed_dan posted: »

    They do, but at this point leaving things as they are seems to make sense for the characters - leaving things as they are shows respect to E

  • edited February 2015

    I do think Ramsay is sensitive about people respecting him since he's got that severe "bastard complex", so he might view Whitehiil's disobedience as a personal affront to him.

    Ramsay is all about people taking his influence seriously. He makes a big deal out of it, about becoming a true Bolton and being treated as one. I do think he will take Whitehill's disregard for his order personally, as if he didn't respect him because he's just a bastard.

  • Aren't they still technically bannermen to House Glover, even with Deepwood Motte taken by the Boltons?

    maimed_dan posted: »

    I just realized that, strictly speaking, House Forrester isn't bound by any loyalty pledges right now. I mean, Ethan may have bent the knee

  • I think Ramsey asks Rodric what Ludd Whitehill is doing with the Ironwood and depending on how he responds he'd be punished.

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