Top 5 Best stories in gaming
What do you think which is best game with story ?
mine are :
- The walking dead (telltale)
- Mass effect series
- Bioshock infinte
- Alan wake
Honorable mention: assassin creed 2, silent hill 2 , borderlands 2, dishonered
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Edit: gosh darn auto correct on dis phone. >:(
Not in a particular order:
I want to play red dead redemption but i dont hve ps and xbox so yeah hate those type of publisher
I was told by a friend that Rockstar was working on a PC port of Red Dead Redemption, but the problem was they couldn't optimize it well, and the whole thing became a complete disaster.
I love Rockstar. They're my favorite gaming company. But man are they really bad at making PC ports.
Rockstar has done a good job at making a great game though but still i wanna play it so hate those type of publisher who cant make game for all the platforms ×-(
Mass Effect series
Persona series
Tomb Raider reboot
Danganronpa 1 & 2
5: Fallout
4: Mass Effect
3: Dragon Age
2: Metal Gear Solid
1: Zelda
Just five good ones of the top of my head, as I can't think of a top five:
Original Falout? I thought i was the only one that played it.
to the moon was good too btw if you wanna try it was very emotional game
ok first time heard of Danganronpa 1 & 2
Can't decide on the order but I'd have to go with;
Vita´s games.
1.Bioshock (all games because they all tie in with one another nicely)
2.Walking Dead (Telltale Games)
3.The Last of Us
4. Uncharted
5. Beyond Two Souls
Ohhh okkk
Gears of war was good... nice choice
I wanna play uncharted heard many good things about it
Yeah, it's a great game, isn't it?
It is, i like the second one a little more though.
Thanks! :] I used to love the big build up between the games, it was so worth it!
I guess i will play My next game fallout 3
So many others, but these come to mind.
even i love the spec ops : the line and brothers a tale of two sons both are amazing and a lil bit sad
It's really good I suggest playing it. Has a good story and enough action to keep you playing, at least in my opinion.
well when i buy ps or xbox then i can
To be honest I've never seen a game with an extraordinary or masterful Story, But these weren't bad, at least entertaining, Proper for when you have nothing better to do and just want to pass time :
Detective Grimoire
The Wolf Among Us
Alan Wake
Read Dead Redemption
Puzzle Agent
P.S. Games that aren't really games:
The Stanley Parable
Device 6
Gone home
Dear Eshter
Okk then what movie you like with great story?
That should be your next thread.
I already have some:
ok i will put that :P
That's a whole different story.
Wonder what's this about?
life is strange just started how you like that from only 1 episode?
to the moon was awesome right?
Yep, can't wait for the minisode that'll be released next week.
Same here
( If they continue to be as good as 1st episodes I think either Life is Strange or Tales From The Boarderlands will make the list)