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What does it mean in 2015? Does it have any meaning in today's world?
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What does it mean in 2015? Does it have any meaning in today's world?
It would mean something if there aren't wars, propaganda, greed, sterotypes, etc. But, the important idea isn't "Does integrity exist?", the important idea is "Can you make integrity exist?". It starts somewhere, and it starts with you.
I say "you" to say "we, you, and humanity".
People never take atonement for their sins, they shift the blame. Seeing someone take blame is like finding a 100 dollar bill on the street.
It means jack shit and always has.
To most people in 2015 it has no meaning it is just another word that is thrown out; meaningless.
Exactly we live in a world of no accountability, if someone is someone's fault, blame the guy who don't speak English. Personally it makes me think we are going down a dark and dangerous drive, as a people.
Honestly I'm not going to lie, the world is just spiraling straight into hell. Human beings naturally don't do nice things they have to look for kindness it's not something you're born with. Most people are terrible on the inside because there blinded by what they think is right and, sometimes a person's head is a lot darker than what comes out of their mouth.
You act like the world was nice any other time, it's always been shit.
Pretty much since existence people have been acting like this. Kinda sucks that it's just going to keep going downhill.
Life goes on, just try to help the situation instead of worsen it, you show other people that good people still exist and they'll probably be nicer.
Integrity is an old-school value, that means very little to most people today.
Most people today, are hell-bent on doing whatever they want, regardless of who it hurts.
And the world is going to continue to keep going downhill, unless people start practicing traditional values, like honesty, loyalty, respect, integrity, etc.
Of course, most of those values are found in the Bible, a book that most do not read, and many have outright contempt for.
Why do some have contempt for it?
Because along with teaching the old-school values, it also says very clearly what type of behavior is wrong.
And it is for that reason many have contempt for the Bible, cause they don't want something, or someone, telling them what to do.
Most people today are unwilling to put their own wants and desires in second place, for the good of others.
They may hate to see bad things happening, and they may even publicly protest it, but they're personally unwilling to lift a finger to change things about their own lives, so that we all can live in a better world.
Basically their whole attitude is: "By all means, change the world. But don't ask me to change."
Right. The bible is such a great book to derive morality from. Especially the old testament amirite gais??
I have contempt for it because saying something harmless that you can't control is evil and worthy of death or "fixing" fucking digusts me. Get off your high horse. And even then, that contempt only extends to assholes. I know several good-natured religious people who don't try and force people to accept their backwards "morality".
In hindsight, I doubt I'm gonna change your mind, and I'd rather not get into something circular, neverending debate like that abortion thread.
I'll admit that it does have some respectable morals, but I still can't accept a book as my source of good conduct when it advocates for some of the outdated stuff that it does. And if I did, I would take a very critical approach to the those sorts of things.
The book that condones rape, slavery, mass murder? A newborn baby is a filthy sinner that must beg and praise some prick it's whole life so it won't send it to an eternal hellfire, because some woman ate an apple? That pleasant read? Yeah, I think humans are much more moral, to look past the sickening morality of that ancient book.
The world has got a hell lot better, morality wise. At least the western world.
Can't disagree there.
Does it actually condone those things though? If it was as sick as you say, then Kenny/Lee would be far more of an asshole. There are Christians out there who support gay rights and Atheists who hate gays. It shouldn't matter what someone believes I right or wrong, but whether or not they would force those beliefs on others if given the opportunity.
There are other religions (some that are older then 2000 years) that have the same values that are found in the Bible.
Has it?
My thread is not about Bible Bashing, its about People taking accountability in today's western society. We are teaching children today, the most important thing in life is to make the most money. There are people starving in the streets , children starving in America, people just go on with their lives, like its a normal day occurrence.
I'm not talking about the actions of Christians, I'm talking about the deplorable actions this so called god condones in the book. Kenny/Lee and most other Christians luckily do not follow the bible truly, as we'd have a lot more degenerate scum out there if they did.
Here are some examples:
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." (1 Timothy 2:12)
"This is what the Lord Almighty says... 'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'" (1 Samuel 15:3)
"Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!" (Psalm 137:9)
"So the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go." (Judges 19:25) THIS IS A GOOD GUY IN THE BIBLE)
"In the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error." (Romans 1:27)
"And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord, and said, 'If you will give the Ammonites into my hand, then whoever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return victorious from the Ammonites, shall be the Lord's, to be offered up by me as a burnt-offering.'" (Judges 11:30-1) (ALSO A GOOD GUY)
"Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt-offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you." (Genesis 22:2)
(Ephesians 5:22)
"Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel." (1 Peter 2:18)
Unfortunately, in this day in age it is about money. Without it, we'd be fucked. I hate it, and I hope that someday society can adapt and leave the idea of money behind, but that's probably wishful thinking.
For some, putting their own needs and desires aside is hard. If you think there aren't many people out there who will stop to help others, I have an example:
On December 16th, a supporter of ISIS took 18 hostages inside of a cafe in Sydney. You may have heard about it. During the siege, many Muslims feared being attacked in the streets and on public transport. When a woman saw this, she offered to walk with a Muslim woman to her destination. When she tweeted it, she started the #illridewithyou Twitter movement which was picked up by thousands of people across Australia, offering to ride with Muslims on public transport.
None of these people had anything to gain from it, but they all offered to put aside whatever was going on in their lives. I think we've always been a selfish species. But I don't think doing something for yourself is wrong at all. Some people do care more about their own well-being and well... I can't blame them.
As for why so many people have contempt for the Bible, you can thank people like Westboro Baptist Church for that. People like them make all Christians look bad.
I might ask Kenny/Lee about some of these and how he feels about them. Regardless, religion isn't relevant to this topic.
My bringing up the Bible was not to spark a religious debate.
I was just simply acknowledging that it is where old-school values, like integrity, come from.
And the point of my whole comment, was to illustrate the selfish attitude of most people today.
As I said, most people hate to see bad things happening the world, and might even protest it, but if you were to ask them to do much more than that, they would be unwilling to do so.
For example, many complain about pollution.
But have you ever noticed that many of these same people throw their trash wherever they want, instead of just taking a few extra steps to throw it in the trash can?
Also, some might complain about crime in an area.
But when the police actually step up and do their job, that of serving and protecting, these very same people complain about that too, often times citing the police with harassment.
And if in the line of duty, the police are forced to put a potentially dangerous suspect down, in order to protect not only themselves, but also the lives of any innocent that might be threatened, society again complains about it.
Another good example, some may complain about how drugs destroy the lives of others.
But yet, these very same ones, when at a party, might not think anything of smoking a joint, or doing a few lines.
Some might complain about people who speed while driving.
Yet these very same people are driving 20-30 miles per hour over the speed-limit themselves.
That's why I say, the general attitude of most people is: "Change the world. But don't expect me to change."
Ah, I didn't see what you originally meant earlier. Thanks for clearing that up.
And for the record, I always put my rubbish in the bin.
There are so many things going on in the world , you don't even know. I found out recently Slavery still exists in the world. What does that say about us, as a people, that in 2015, this shit still happens.
So I suppose you don't believe police harrass, unnecessarily kill, assault or do whatever they want? Also, weed is not destroying the lives of anyone.
You only found out recently? Really? I dont mean that nastily, I am honestly surprised someone would only find that out now.
I think it exists in individuals of all cultures, races, and religions. I've known plenty of people who take responsibility for their actions, even if it isn't to their benefit to do so. It may not be a culture wide norm, but no aspect of a society ever permeates with every citizen. The world is a harsh place, but there are still good people, even if the bad happen to outnumber the good.
There are a lot of bad things that still exist in quantities all around the world, the point you should be looking at is the fact that it has so dramatically decreased recently (by recently I mean the last few hundred years).
Again, my point is, that when it comes to changing the world for the better, most people say they want things be better, but their unwilling to to do their part so things can be better, thus making them hypocritical.
You're a hypocrite too. Also, those are not good examples.
You don't anything about me.
So how can you say I'm a hypocrite?
I've read many of your other posts, I had a different account.
Well then, can you give me an example of where I behaved like a hypocrite?
The quote you said. That is not true.
How on earth was he a hypocrite? You do know that when you make a statement and say that it's true you have to provide reason and fact to back it up?
No what?
There are a lot, but I will give you one because I don't feel like getting into an argument right now. In the thread about if you were a ruler. In a previous thread you ranted about your disapproval of murderers, but you went on how you would execute all types of people, some of who don't even deserve it, nonetheless it's very hypocritical.
You clearly haven't read any of his other posts.