I feel in the dark about equal rights

I'm kinda not understanding it. I know its about equal opportunities and treatment for whites and blacks but what I don't understand is how everything in between aren't given those opportunities. The Arabs, Asians, Indians and Hispanics. I think there is bigger racial tension other than white and black. I'm half Asian, half white and as a young kid I was teased by other people about my eyes and avoided by kids who were predominately white. My grandfather always says the U.S is a white man's country. I never believed in prejudice and was taught respect but I can't help but feel Asians are mistreated in the U.S


  • edited February 2015

    Interesting Discussion, Lots of focus is on the Blacks because of what happened to them.Personally, I'm White but I have learned about Asian Struggles especially the Vietnamese and I even went to Vietnam last year but I will admit, I hate how other races are treated here in the U.S, It's more of a people thing, Part of it could be put on the parents since they're not teaching they're children awareness of other cultures but hopefully it will be something that can be fixed over time if people take action...

  • edited February 2015

    Well the fight against racism is for all races, as the fight against sexism is for all sexes and the fight against homophobia for all sexualities.

    It's true that it focuses on black rights - but that's for a good reason: historically black people have been fucked over by white people more than any other group in the us, and they have a much bigger pay gap. It's the same reason why sexism focuses on discrimination against women: discrimination against men exists, but it's less widespread and extentuous, and far less historically prominent. Ditto for black rights.

  • I'm not really the person to talk about these things. I go to my Asian friend when I have math homework...

  • The ignorance is beyond belief

    I'm not really the person to talk about these things. I go to my Asian friend when I have math homework...

  • But just black rights? Thats not fair

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well the fight against racism is for all races, as the fight against sexism is for all sexes and the fight against homophobia for all sexual

  • Right, but as I said, the fight against racism isn't just for black rights.

    Clemenem posted: »

    But just black rights? Thats not fair

  • Yes but people constantly refer to blacks when talking about equal rights. Whenever the topic of racism comes up its about blacks. Why is it that Asians are treated like second class citizens.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Right, but as I said, the fight against racism isn't just for black rights.

  • I give it to my Indian friend. :P

    I'm not really the person to talk about these things. I go to my Asian friend when I have math homework...

  • Because in America black people have it worse than Asian people, statistically and economically?

    Its, as I say, for the exact same reason sexism focuses on women;'s rights: women have it the most disadvantaged.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yes but people constantly refer to blacks when talking about equal rights. Whenever the topic of racism comes up its about blacks. Why is it that Asians are treated like second class citizens.

  • You say that, but because I go to him for help, I'm passing math.

    Clemenem posted: »

    The ignorance is beyond belief

  • An old friend of mine was Indian, and she would say in an over-the-top Indian accent "Stupid Americans! I will become doctor!". She also would lovingly refer to me as "white bitch" and that her being Indian is an automatic A+ :)

    I give it to my Indian friend. :P

  • Sounds like me and my friend, we always make jokes about me and me about him. Him owning a fucking elephant doesn't really help the jokes. XD

    An old friend of mine was Indian, and she would say in an over-the-top Indian accent "Stupid Americans! I will become doctor!". She also would lovingly refer to me as "white bitch" and that her being Indian is an automatic A+

  • The idea of equal rights is to have all people equal not just race. Gender, sexuality etc. You're just focusing on black and white due to the tension of it.

  • Yeah but Asians seem to have been walked on for generations.

    The idea of equal rights is to have all people equal not just race. Gender, sexuality etc. You're just focusing on black and white due to the tension of it.

  • At this point every race has been walked on.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yeah but Asians seem to have been walked on for generations.

  • Yes but blacks and whites are allowed a certain level of privilege that others are not

    At this point every race has been walked on.

  • Please expand on this black privilege you speak of.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yes but blacks and whites are allowed a certain level of privilege that others are not

  • They're the main two races and are allowed to have the most influence and Asians are constantly put down. Every Asian person I know including myself have been insulted for it by both races

    pcharl01 posted: »

    Please expand on this black privilege you speak of.

  • Most American white people's grandparents fought Asians in some war or another, so there's probably at least a little trickle-down racism happening here.

  • They're the two main races discussed in racism matters. I honestly don't give a shit about racism anymore. At least, not the mocking kind. I also don't care for the "this is racist" label on many things.

    Clemenem posted: »

    They're the main two races and are allowed to have the most influence and Asians are constantly put down. Every Asian person I know including myself have been insulted for it by both races

  • I know people like to over react and blow things out of proportion just out of immaturity but I've always hated how people take Hispanics and Asians for granite

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    They're the two main races discussed in racism matters. I honestly don't give a shit about racism anymore. At least, not the mocking kind. I also don't care for the "this is racist" label on many things.

  • You need to stand up for yourself, never assume people will do it for you.

    I can't say anything that will help other than that, I don't live close to the US

  • I don't think privilege is the right word for your example. I think people have stated the reason for white/black issues is because of American history. You are entitled to your opinion, but there are dire consequences for brown/black & Latino people as far as certain stereotypes and prejudice go. All I can say is the Asian American population isn't as vocal or the voices in the population are not strong enough.

    Clemenem posted: »

    They're the main two races and are allowed to have the most influence and Asians are constantly put down. Every Asian person I know including myself have been insulted for it by both races

  • This is really two questions/statements, so that's how'll I'll respond to it.

    1.) The plight of African Americans is more well-known for a few reasons. Mainly, it's because black communities still suffer disproportionate levels of poverty, violent crime, substance abuse, and inprisonment (wrongful and otherwise). You can thank white flight, outsourcing and crack cocaine for that. White guilt for slavery and segregation is another factor. There's also a number of outspoken lobbying groups like the NAACP, that work to bring race-relation issues to the public's attention.

    2.) As for your specific situation: yeah that type of thing tends to happen a lot and it sucks. In my experience, kids will find just about any excuse to isolate or pick on people who look different. I have a vision impairment that makes my eyes look funny and took some shit for it growing up. Eventually you just stop giving a damn. ;)

  • Alt text

    You're a douche...

    I'm not really the person to talk about these things. I go to my Asian friend when I have math homework...

  • Heh, it's actually the exact opposite where I grew up. We have a lot of ex-Hmong guerrillas and Vietnam vets, so a lot of them actually fought on the same side against the commies!

    Most American white people's grandparents fought Asians in some war or another, so there's probably at least a little trickle-down racism happening here.

  • edited February 2015

    More than the black people who were slaves? More than the women who weren't allowed to vote? More than the gay people thrown in jail for their sexuality?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yeah but Asians seem to have been walked on for generations.

  • Slavery was hundreds of years ago. Women were always treated better than any African american and I don't think millions of gays world wide are thrown in prison and charged with being homosexual. My point is people have walked on Asians for centuries. Many stay quiet because they're considerate and don't want a conflict to erupt in violence

    Flog61 posted: »

    More than the black people who were slaves? More than the women who weren't allowed to vote? More than the gay people thrown in jail for their sexuality?

  • Slavery was hundreds of years ago.

    Not true actually, slavery still happens around the world today unless you're speaking about the U.S.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Slavery was hundreds of years ago. Women were always treated better than any African american and I don't think millions of gays world wide

  • This is exclusive to the U.S and sure slavery is still around mainly by pirates etc.

    Slavery was hundreds of years ago. Not true actually, slavery still happens around the world today unless you're speaking about the U.S.

  • edited February 2015

    I don't mean to be callous, but right now there aren't enough Asian Americans for it to really be a big national politcal issue. Black and Hispanic are approximately 12% of the population each but Asian Americans are something like 3% total? or was it 6? I can't remember, but it was a lot smaller. Also, people tend to focus on black issues, because of slavery, Jim Crow, etc, just the long history of tension that has existed since the beginning of the country.

    Though if you look at it historically, there has been a lot of discrimination, whether the Chinese Exclusion Act or the Japanese Internment camps (I don't know if you ever read Lawrence Yip or The Children of Topaz in elemenary school?). The other thing, at least with Asian Americans, is that there is a lot of a diversity which is unfortunately neglected - a lot of people have the 'model minority' stereotype, but there are a number of immigrants which don't have that level of success and are marginalized in the debate (especially a lot of Vietnamese and Hmong immigrants). Of course, even positive stereotypes like the model minority are negative, because it creates unreal standards for the people who can't live up to them and neglects the situation of many struggling communities.

  • Passing math. Don't care

    You're a douche...

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