The coalboy

I think it's very odd that the coalboy apperently survives when you don't save him. How could he have escaped? I have a theory about it but I wonder what you guys think.

I think that coalboy works for Little Finger or Varys and one of their people saved him. The coalboy is probely send to you by one of them to get the ironwood.


  • If you are referring to seeing the Coal Boy in the "Next Time On" if you don't save him, don't believe it. Those "Next Time" scenes hardly ever show whats gonna happen.

    If Coal Boy does somehow survive Damien if you run though, that would be pretty strange. It's not like Coal Boy could fight off Damien IMO.

  • That makes me wonder do you think it's possible that Varys or Little Finger had spies who came to his aid?

    If you are referring to seeing the Coal Boy in the "Next Time On" if you don't save him, don't believe it. Those "Next Time" scenes hardly e

  • I think if anything Coal Boy is one of Varys' birds, so its likely he had help from some of the other ones.

    roderickde posted: »

    That makes me wonder do you think it's possible that Varys or Little Finger had spies who came to his aid?

  • The only thing is, that would be a huge mistake if they show him in the next time if you left him, but then in ep 3 he was dead

    If you are referring to seeing the Coal Boy in the "Next Time On" if you don't save him, don't believe it. Those "Next Time" scenes hardly e

  • I imagine that once Damien worked out Mira was gone he let Coal Boy go and ran after her. Who would believe a servant? Damien could just say Coal Boy attacked him out of nowhere.

  • edited February 2015

    It's still safer to just kill him, noone will miss a coal boy (not my opinion btw but in GoT), it'll probably not even be noticed he's gone. If I was about to murder someone, I would get rid of anyone who saw it, no matter how unnecessary it seems. Tyrion for example is clever enough to believe coal boy, and I think Damien was aware of that.

    The theory that he got help from other birds seems likely, or maybe the other guard stopped Damien (but I wouldn't see why).

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I imagine that once Damien worked out Mira was gone he let Coal Boy go and ran after her. Who would believe a servant? Damien could just say Coal Boy attacked him out of nowhere.

  • I don't know if it's necessarily safer to kill Coal Boy because you really don't know what would happen as a result of it. The guard would probably still be alive by the end of the fight and he could mention Mira "randomly attacking him out of nowhere" so that the nobles/others end up thinking there's more to her than being a Forrester handmaiden. She already has so much conflict in the court that if it were brought up, I think it'd be one of the very last nails in the coffin- possibly literally. I think Mira should just run away at this point and go back home to defend her family. She's doing more damage just be staying where she is. People clearly want her dead and if she found a safe way out, I think she should take it.

  • Maybe the coal boy and Damien are in it together. Think about it, Damien is supposed to kill you, and he attacks, coal boy just happens to be hanging around, and comes to your rescue, you run away... he somehow gets away too, but now you owe him cause he saved you. Nice bit of leverage to use against you.

    But what if you kill Damien? Damien attacks, the coal boy intervenes, and you do something that the coal boy's master didn't expect, you leap forward and kill Damien to save the coal boy. Those moments right after you killed Damien, the coal boy seems more shocked that you killed Damien than anything, but he recovers quickly and gets rid of the body... oh, and now you are totally going to be in debt to his master, cause his master knows that you offed Damien.

  • It doesn't seem to me like the Coal Boy is deeply involved with anyone in particular. If he is, I don't think it's with Damien. Why would Damien care about a Coal Boy? It's true that he seems to know more information than he should, but that doesn't mean he's in cahoots with him. He often passes without even being detected by anyone around except for Mira- and that's because he chooses to be seen. I don't see why the Coal Boy would want to approach Damien, seeing as he could get in major trouble for not doing his job in the first place. I don't think it's totally impossible for him to secretly be involved with someone, though. Whoever it is, it seems like they want to help the Forresters and the Coal Boy is there only way of communication. I could be totally wrong, but that's what I'm sensing is happening there.

    Duruial posted: »

    Maybe the coal boy and Damien are in it together. Think about it, Damien is supposed to kill you, and he attacks, coal boy just happens to

  • Well, that assumes Damien is the main player. What if the plan was thought up by Varys or Littlefinger, Damien is just a tool of the Coal Boy's master. Damien getting stabbed wasn't part of the plan, but heck, who cares? All the better for Varys or Littlefinger.

    choircorgis posted: »

    It doesn't seem to me like the Coal Boy is deeply involved with anyone in particular. If he is, I don't think it's with Damien. Why would Da

  • That's a good point. I'm very interested in finding out who this master is... It seems like Mira really doesn't have anyone to depend on. Kind of makes me think that getting out of there before the wedding is really her safest option, but that's not going to help her family in any way. She really has no power whether she stays or leaves as far as I've seen, even if she decides to make some sneaky decisions (like forging the letter, which isn't the only way to solidify Rodrik's marriage and can potentially screw it up if you make the wrong decisions playing as Rodrik). The Coal Boy seems like a safer bet to me than Sera, who will do anything to be queen and isn't who she says she is, but it's impossible to tell if anyone is really who they say they are- including the Coal Boy. Ultimately, it sounds like your theory is the most accurate one we're going to get until we play the next episode.

    Duruial posted: »

    Well, that assumes Damien is the main player. What if the plan was thought up by Varys or Littlefinger, Damien is just a tool of the Coal B

  • There's lots more of logical explanations to why the coal boy was there other than he's in it together with Damien. I mean, he continiously folllows Mira, and helps her he might have sawn Mira and decided to follow her too see what was going on. Or he could have been eavesdropping which he usualy does, or gone and dump coals and seen the commotion. And why would a Lannister ever be involved with a coal boy? They're upright, pompous jerks, do u really think he would count on a lowly coal boy for some source of aid?

    Duruial posted: »

    Maybe the coal boy and Damien are in it together. Think about it, Damien is supposed to kill you, and he attacks, coal boy just happens to

  • See, I originally thought that, but this kid's got a lot of dirt on a lot of people. Even though a majority of the time he goes unnoticed, it's possible that someone has caught him in his tracks before and threatened him into telling them any info he finds out. It doesn't seem impossible to me that he's involved in some deeper connections that give him the ability to sneak around and know the things that he does- especially if he's been scared into it.

    Lolajao1 posted: »

    There's lots more of logical explanations to why the coal boy was there other than he's in it together with Damien. I mean, he continiously

  • Just because Damien is a Lannister guard doesn't mean he is a Lannister. He is just a guard, he could be on Varys or Littlefinger's payroll, just like the kid is. Guards got bills to pay too, and Littlefinger owns a whole lot of guards.

    Lolajao1 posted: »

    There's lots more of logical explanations to why the coal boy was there other than he's in it together with Damien. I mean, he continiously

  • Sera also strikes me as dumb, with all her fiddling around with important stuff and drinking Cersei's wine

    choircorgis posted: »

    That's a good point. I'm very interested in finding out who this master is... It seems like Mira really doesn't have anyone to depend on. Ki

  • I think coalboy left the note for Mira, and then when Damien got into her room ready to kill her, he saw his note and went to the meeting point.

    This would explain the presence of both in the scene in a simpler way.

    Lolajao1 posted: »

    There's lots more of logical explanations to why the coal boy was there other than he's in it together with Damien. I mean, he continiously

  • She may not but dumb, but she's certainly careless. With that trait, she's one of the last people Mira should be spending time around. Honestly, I offered to help her find a husband because if she does, it could be beneficial to us later and it means that Sera's no longer around to cause any more trouble.

    SanQae posted: »

    Sera also strikes me as dumb, with all her fiddling around with important stuff and drinking Cersei's wine

  • That actually makes a lot of sense and I can see why that would work, but I'm not sure why the Coal Boy would say the reason he was there was that he heard a lot of yelling if the truth was that he wrote the note.

    SanQae posted: »

    I think coalboy left the note for Mira, and then when Damien got into her room ready to kill her, he saw his note and went to the meeting point. This would explain the presence of both in the scene in a simpler way.

  • I said no because Margaery was already pissed off with my mother's insistence and Sera will probably do something careless

    choircorgis posted: »

    She may not but dumb, but she's certainly careless. With that trait, she's one of the last people Mira should be spending time around. Hones

  • I dunno, it would still be kinda true anyway (she followed the guard to other place instead of staying in the middle of nowhere like he wanted, and he located her due to the screams), and in the heat of the moment it would make sense to say that.

    It might be something else, though. It's hard to tell, since we basically know nothing about coal boy (just that he's a boy, and he brings the coal).

    choircorgis posted: »

    That actually makes a lot of sense and I can see why that would work, but I'm not sure why the Coal Boy would say the reason he was there was that he heard a lot of yelling if the truth was that he wrote the note.

  • That's true, but you may not even have to include Margaery in on this one. If you happen to talk to some noble men who are single and interested at the wedding, Margaery won't even be a part of them deciding to get involved with Sera because she'll be too busy getting married. Plus, if Sera gets married to a noble who happens to have an army, we could negotiate using some of their soldiers for the Forrester's army.

    SanQae posted: »

    I said no because Margaery was already pissed off with my mother's insistence and Sera will probably do something careless

  • I recall that the coal light was knocked over in Miras room leaving a trail of black powder on the floor from someone, when she finds the letter on her bed. (Hints at the coal boy really) I am surprised as I was looking for a let's play that showed this but most just went after the letter and ignored this or looked in the chest/desk. This is a game where you really need to look at everything or you might miss a clue as to who did what.

    My money is on the Coal boy putting the letter there and almost being busted by Damien who sees the letter and goes to check it out. It does raise more questions though...Why not kill Mira in her room? It's not like her body would not be found at the garden or Margaery would not notice her handmaiden missing. Why take Mira's letters from her family? Damien only says "its to protect you" which makes sense, if only he was employed by the Whitehills to kill Mira but then why not just do the above and meet the person in the garden? Why even take Mira's letters really? I am sure anyone could just copy them and since they were killing her anyway, it would not be an issue to just get them afterwords.

    Overall, I think it was a set-up. I wonder if I will feel any guilt, if I find out it was just a way to gain Mira's trust and she killed someone who was only playing a part in that.

  • I feel Damien had to have written the letter because calling Tyrian an imp seems rather cruel something Cersi and her minions would do. If I was Mira. I wouldn't have even showed not after the room being messed up. I also would have alerted Margery. However with what was going on with her family i understand her desperation with her going.

    The coal boy could have been pressured by the lannisters. He also could have had a change of heart since Mira saved his life. Why the coal boy wants to help Mira is highly speculative.

  • We must not forget that it is very unlikely that a coal boy could write or read. Which means he must be serving someone ( if he put the letter there in the first place).

    I recall that the coal light was knocked over in Miras room leaving a trail of black powder on the floor from someone, when she finds the le

  • The thing I find odd is the coal boy has the voice of a middle aged man. It just throws me off and ruins the immersion.

    I think he is going to turn out to be a bad guy, who is working for himself in the end.

  • I think the coal boy AND Damien work for Varys. The coal boy knew that she was going to be assassinated so swooped to her rescue. It's obvious that he has an emotional attachment to Mira or something on a more practical level.

  • I think just about everyone thinks he works for Varys. If so, then it makes sense for the most part since he could pull something like this off. Coal boy would just need to be told "it would make Mira very happy" and he would do it.

    roderickde posted: »

    We must not forget that it is very unlikely that a coal boy could write or read. Which means he must be serving someone ( if he put the letter there in the first place).

  • edited February 2015

    In what scenario is Varys naive enough to:

    1. Plot the most obvious assassination attempt ever?
    2. Send someone with an emotional attachment to Mira to oversee the plot?
    3. Ever intervene in anything that would put himself in pearl?
    4. Tell the assassin of Mira to tell Mira that she was being assassinated...?
    Wolfeh posted: »

    I think the coal boy AND Damien work for Varys. The coal boy knew that she was going to be assassinated so swooped to her rescue. It's obvious that he has an emotional attachment to Mira or something on a more practical level.

  • I say this game needs MORE Yuri Lowenthal! He needs to be the voice of every character.

  • He might have gone to the meeting place because he thought Mira had gone there already.

    And maybe it was coal boy who messed with her letters. If he's her ally, he might try to destroy anything incriminating

    I recall that the coal light was knocked over in Miras room leaving a trail of black powder on the floor from someone, when she finds the le

  • edited February 2015

    The coal boy is in fact a disguised Targaryen... :P

  • Nah, he is a Blackfyre

    The coal boy is in fact a disguised Targaryen... :P

  • Its possible he left the coal boy when he realized Mira was gone and ran after her. People are more likely to believe Mira over the coal boy. So he could have viewed her as the bigger threat.

  • I have this headcanon that (until proven otherwise) the coalboy works for Littlefinger and when he wasn't busy following Mira around, he delivered a lovely amethyst necklace from one of Baelish's agents to Dontos Hollard with instructions to give it to Sansa and claim it was a family heirloom.

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