Can't Log In



  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you for providing the information on how you were able to resolve your issue. Enjoy the game!

    MelRyto posted: »

    For days I had been unable to login. So I grudgingly hit enter instead of the login button. It worked!! Good stuff.

  • I wish I did not have another problem with GOT but I do. Upon GOT launch I received a message to download a Mac GOT patch to play the game. The patch is 2 GBs. I have spent 2 days attempting to download the 'patch' without success. Of course every time I get an internet interrupt, I need to start over for the beginning. Has anyone else had this problem and can a Telltale employee please fix this.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are experiencing issues downloading the patch via in-game, please also try downloading it directly from a web browser, and follow the steps in the Game of Thrones PC/Mac Patch Thread to download the patch and place it in the right directory.

    eliasC posted: »

    I wish I did not have another problem with GOT but I do. Upon GOT launch I received a message to download a Mac GOT patch to play the game.

  • I tried both in-game and web browser and I gave up after at least 5 attempts. I then had an inspiration. I switched to Chrome as my browser to download the GOT Mac patch. I don't know if Safari was the problem of not but Chrome worked.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, if you still experience any issues downloading/playing the episode, please note that we are currently working on an issue where some Mac players are unable to play Episode 2 after downloading the patch, and hope to have an update/resolution for the issue in the near future.

    eliasC posted: »

    I tried both in-game and web browser and I gave up after at least 5 attempts. I then had an inspiration. I switched to Chrome as my browser to download the GOT Mac patch. I don't know if Safari was the problem of not but Chrome worked.

  • I've tried the enter solution for GOT on my Mac and it does not work. I've changed my password three times now and no luck, in alphanumeric order. I'm out of ideas and very frustrated.

  • Well, i cannot even enter my username. after i click on it, game just closed and i end up in desktop.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are unable to reach the log in screen, please read the corresponding Sticky on how to run our Support Tool for the game you are having the issue with, and follow the steps to run the tool and reply here with the download link copied and pasted into a reply. You can find the Stickys here:

    Tales From The Borderlands:

    Game of Thrones:

    After receiving the information from your support tool, I will be able to assist you further.

    Skullpture posted: »

    Well, i cannot even enter my username. after i click on it, game just closed and i end up in desktop.

  • thank you!!! Works now
    Just hit ENTER button on ur mac - instead of clicking

  • Hello i instaled it for windows 8.1 and i tried everything even enter so can you please tell me what else i can do and i downloaded tbtf

    Can you please clarify if you have tried the above workaround by pressing the Enter Key after inputting your information instead of clicking 'Log In', and see if you are able to log in successfully?

  • Same problem here. I joined and can't login, but it does let me play GoT

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Could you please clarify if you have the Steam version of the game, or the Telltale version of the game? Also, are you receiving the 'Can't Log In' messaging, or the 'Can't Communicate With Telltale Servers' message?

    Hello i instaled it for windows 8.1 and i tried everything even enter so can you please tell me what else i can do and i downloaded tbtf

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Could you please clarify if after you enter your Telltale account's Username/Email and Password, that hitting the Enter/Return Key instead of clicking 'Sign In' does not resolve the issue for you?

    Avro105 posted: »

    Same problem here. I joined and can't login, but it does let me play GoT

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