Any Blink182 fans here?
Probably I'm not the only one here who loves their music I've been a fan of Blink for like 12 years, such awesome songs, they mean so much to me. Unfortunately I could never see them live.
The recent news of the band's broke up hit me hard...(again). It's just sad and unbelievable.. and I'd like to talk about it..
How did you react to the bad news? What do you think? I don't believe there's hope they ever get back together, and I already miss them.
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Nobody's liked Blink182 for 15 years their genreless to accessible to be punk to sweary to be pop to pretty for boys to like not hot enough for girls to like musically untalented whiney voiced and LAME! (The drummer was actually pretty hot, but much more so in other bands like the transplants)
But that is just my opinion I know people dont like my musical prefrences so... oh well
"too pretty for boys to like not hot enough for girls to like " my god.. seriously?
only idiots choose music by the look of the singer/band etc.
I don't care about how they look. But I still respect your opinion.
Yeah it was an unnecessary rant sorry about that. But people dont usually hang ugly posters on their walls things are blatantly different for guys but back in school I knew so many girls that liked bands for one reason and it wasn't there music
No problem
I know of these kind of people. (basically the kind of girls who watch football because of handsome guys? Or guys who listen to female singers because they're hot but sounds like ducks... ridiculous imo)
For example I really like Marilyn Manson's music too, and let's just say he's not prince charming. But you made me curious, what kind of music do you like?
Actually back in the day when blink were popular with my friends I loved manson im into loads of different music now all types of metal, punk, EDM all mainly heavy stuff with a goth edge I like 80s synth goth as well my favorite band at the moment is Dir en grey
Yusss I fucking love this band. I probably listened to this song of theirs a couple hundred times over these past few days, I can't seem to get it out of my head.
I don't really care that much that they broke up. I'd rather them stop while they're still making good music instead of them turning to shit like some of my other favorite bands. They already got plenty of good songs to listen to. And I'm pretty sure Tom is still doing Angels and Airwaves so he'll still be making new music.
I don't really love them but i like some of their music
I wanna fuck a dog in the ass
I use to like their music but I kinda grew out of it.
Edit: Actually made a comment.
Their finest work..
You're probably right at some point. Dogs eating dogs already felt different but I still like it. Strangely I never really liked Tom's other works like Angels and Airways.. for me something is missing from those songs. Which bands did you mean by going shit? (I could mention a few as well)
I got into punk when I first heard early Misfits. That evolved into acts such as Minor Threat, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys and Discharge. I'm now completely immersed in the punk-rock scene. So I've never been into pop-punk bands such as Blink and Green Day or whatever. I'm more into really hardcore shit like Sheer Terror or Dwarves.
Did anybody like Linkin Park, Evanescence, Cold, or AFI? (I was in Middle School OKAY!?)
Wow, there's a name I haven't heard in over a decade...
But no, I group them in along with Eve6, Good Charlote, and Greenday - neither hard, alt, or pop, just kind of 'eh.' The closest thing I did like around that time period was probably Sum41.
Thanks for the trip back to middle school though.
Awesome, do you like industrial at all?
"80s synth goth" - How about Bauhaus or Clan of Xymox?
I still like Linkin Park, I know some Evanescence, but I haven't heard of the other ones.
I still love the songs of Good Charlotte, Green day and Sum41, maybe my mind is stucked at my high school era x) For me those were the times when music was music... (of course along with the music of the previous decades' rock bands)
Depends on the person, but when I'm depressed, I actually feel comforted by depressing music, and this is probably my #1 go to song I love it so much their first album is great:
AFI had some good stuff in the beginning, but then they jumped on the emo bandwagon. This song is mid career.
And before you ask, yes, in middle school I shopped at Hot Topic...
Yeah I know what you mean, I've only been able to find a couple songs of theirs that I like. Most of it seems pretty bland. And I'm talking about bands like Hollywood Undead and Escape the Fate. I still like them but their newer stuff sucks ass compared to their first few albums.
Yes it sucks.. I know it's natural that bands/singers change after time, but since Hollywood Undead and 3 Days Grace has a new singer I can't enjoy their songs like before. The old ones are still great though.
The other end of the spectrum is when they change the instrumental parts.. for example Muse and 30STM turned to shit with that dubstep-ish disco-kinda electronic music -.- (no offence for anyone who likes that).