*(SPOILERS)* Assuming there will be Season 2, where in the timeline do you think it will take place?

edited February 2015 in The Wolf Among Us

So, as you all know, Season 1 took place roughly 20 years prior to the events of the first Fables comic, and served as a prequel as to not interfere with the timeline, or risk becoming not canon. Thanks to this, TWAU is in fact canon, as stated by Mr. Bill Willingham himself. Now, if Season 2 does every become a thing, when do you think it will take place in the timeline? Now, I'm sure that it won't take place much further than the first game, probably before Bigby and Snow have kids, probably long before this (even though this is pretty early on in the comics), just so TellTale doesn't have to fill us in on what the hell is happening. What I want to know from you all are two things: 1) When in Season 2 do you think TellTale will continue the game's timeline; 2) When do you actually want the timeline to continue? (This is a "fun" answer, not a serious one, just where would you most want the timeline to pick up). Sometime during the events of the comics, after the comics, etc. Also, if you mention a timeline in the comics, I'm only in Issue #76 of Fables, so please no spoilers beyond this point. Thank you, and I appreciate any answers I may or may not get.


  • Why is your text red?

    Ok my answers to your questions:

    1) I think they should continue straight on from Ep.5's ending OR they should start it a few months later in the Winter season.

    2) The timeline shouldn't go past issue 1 imo. TWAU is something that Fables didn't do so I don't think the two should mix their timelines at all, if you get what I mean...

    I will also say that I don't think TWAU should ever be set after issue 150 of Fables cuz that would kinda ruin the point of the series ending...

    But if Willingham decides to write more Fables after issue 150, then that's further reason not to have TWAU set there.

    I would like a glimpse of the future in the last episode though; like Bigby wakes up from a nightmare (which was flashbacks of Season 2 :P) He sits up and much to our surprise, Snow sits up behind him and hugs him saying "What's the matter, honey?"

    Then end scene and credits.

  • I kinda hope its a really small time skip, I would be fine with maybe episode 1 taking place new years even of the same year as season 1 going into 1987

  • They should maybe just start couple of months after the Season 1 ending. Anything more than a year would be (in my opinion) too much of a gap.

  • I haven't read the comics but what I would like to see is more of the fable world like where they came from and how they came to live where they are now. There was alot of talk about the farm so I would like to see abit of what thats like.

  • Nothing more than a year or two after the events of Cry Wolf. It still gives them a good timeline to set the noir mystery that I personally loved about Season 1 and it also gives them 15+ years to work with.

  • There was alot of talk about the farm so I would like to see abit of what thats like.

    If you wanna see the Farm we will have to sacrifice Bigby as the playable character. He's not allowed there unfortunately :(

    Would be cool to go up there as a different character in a DLC though

    I haven't read the comics but what I would like to see is more of the fable world like where they came from and how they came to live where they are now. There was alot of talk about the farm so I would like to see abit of what thats like.

  • One year later.

  • Spoiler

    Don't know if you read the comics or not, or if you want a mild-ish spoiler, but anyway (SPOILER) eventually in the comics Bigby buys a small piece of the farm, and he can live on that property. It was farm land, but now it's Bigby's land. He bought it so he could be with Snow (his wife) and his kids. So, yes he is eventually allowed on the farm, but only on his property.

    There was alot of talk about the farm so I would like to see abit of what thats like. If you wanna see the Farm we will have to sacr

  • I have read the comics. I doubt Willingham would allow or Telltale would even be able to make a story within that time frame of the comics. If S2 is still a prequel (very likely) then yeah, Bigby won't be able to go to the Farm.

  • It will have to take place right after the events of the first season-it makes more sense that way and that's how I want it to happen.

  • Actually Bigby is allowed on the Farm as shown in Volume 15 when he goes to check on Rose.

  • 1 Week later I guess

  • I'd say not long after the last episode in season 1 (maybe a few months). I hope they go with another murder mystery. They only ever had one (the very first Fables volume) murder mystery in the Fables comics, wherein, Bigby actually had to play the part of Sheriff, and it was more comedic than noir. So I think it is great that Telltale has been putting Bigby the 'detective' at the forefront of their story.

  • They should try an L.A Noire scenario: like something as simple as a burglary that Bigby doesn't really feel is worth his time turns into something much bigger involving more murders :)

    MagnusLupus posted: »

    I'd say not long after the last episode in season 1 (maybe a few months). I hope they go with another murder mystery. They only ever had one

  • Thats pretty much what happened he was called to a noise/drunk and disorderly complaint and it turned into something much bigger involving murders

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    They should try an L.A Noire scenario: like something as simple as a burglary that Bigby doesn't really feel is worth his time turns into something much bigger involving more murders

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah but in L.A Noire, a car crash turned into a fight for survival against the mob :P

    Thats pretty much what happened he was called to a noise/drunk and disorderly complaint and it turned into something much bigger involving murders

  • I'm hoping it's still in NY but during winter,so Bigby can look more badass in a coat.

  • Winter season would be awesome for Bigby's trench coat.

    It will be set in NY cuz that's where Fabletown is... Unless we go somewhere else, but that means introducing a bunch of new characters.

    Herodriver posted: »

    I'm hoping it's still in NY but during winter,so Bigby can look more badass in a coat.

  • And so does wolf

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah but in L.A Noire, a car crash turned into a fight for survival against the mob :P

  • Not exactly :P

    In Wolf, a murder turned into disassembling a powerful criminal organisation.

    In L.A Noire, Phelps ends up getting involved in things that he shouldn't ,and pays the ultimate price for it.

    And so does wolf

  • You just splitting hairs now

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Not exactly :P In Wolf, a murder turned into disassembling a powerful criminal organisation. In L.A Noire, Phelps ends up getting involved in things that he shouldn't ,and pays the ultimate price for it.

  • I know. Let's just stop :/

    You just splitting hairs now

  • Spoiler

    In Volume 3 of Fables, Bigby and others stop a man from revealing the Fables' secrets. I thought Detective Brannigan was an interesting character who was short lived. I also remember seeing her in the episode 3 title screen where she was outside the Woodlands. That is until they changed it to Crane's car. If they brought back that story arch, I would be very intrigued. The stakes would be higher with the Fables Universe potentially leaking out to the mundies. It would be up to you, Bigby Wolf, to stop any information from spreading just like with the man in Volume 3. It could be other ideas too, for I don't think this story arch could fill 5 episodes, but I think it would be an interesting take.

  • But in that same Volume 3, Bigby mentions that the last time a Mundy discovered Fabletown/ the existence of Fables was back in the 1940's.

    That was one of the reasons the plot was changed, the Mundy cops originally were going to discover the existence of Fabletown, but cuz it went against the canon of the Fables comics, TellTale had to change the plot.

    As a result, Detective Kelsey Brannigan was a short lived character :P

  • maybe S2 will be a prequel when bigby was in the farm fighting the woodsman

  • I would prefer it to pick up relatively soon after the end of season 1. I would also prefer TWAU to never really interfere with Fables until the very end of TWAU. Like when the developers know that there's not going to be anymore seasons, then show the plot build up from the first volume of Fables. Like show Rose Red and Bluebeard's contract signing.

  • In my opinion, it should DEFINITELY take place after episode five where Nerissa left. Probably one day after that. Why? Cause dang it was a GOOD CLIFFHANGER and the fans are dying to know who Nerissa was really. If it will be set in any other timeline, it could sure lose the fans' attention to the game since, I know they're still thinking about Nerissa and Faith.

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