How do you keep the betrothal?

I've played 3 times now, and each time she ditches Roderick. How do you keep them together? :-/


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I haven't tired it myself yet but i read that you need to offer her ironwood.

  • Forge the letter,be gentle & honest with her,and use the reverse psychology at the end of the dialogue.

  • edited February 2015

    Only 3 choices confirmed:

    • Offer her Ironwood
    • Forge the letter and force her to marry you, she doesn't like it though.
    • Forge the letter and tell her it's her choice, she accepts much better than if you force her.

    Those are the confirmed choices, other than that, during Episode 2 Margaery says something like "I know your family's going through great perils these days, and you've been extremely patient so I'll ask grandma if she has any idea to help". I didn't ask her for help so far, so I don't know if you can get that dialogue if you asked her everytime. I'm hoping this will be a 4th choice to win the betrothal, or find an equally helpful solution.

  • I dont know why people have such an issue with this... theres a new thread every day. I know "I wuv you" works in movies but your asking her to risk everything. First time I almost picked it I love you too but there are only three options anyway so it shouldnt be too hard to figure out

  • And please mind that... in the long run, it won't matter. It's a telltale game on Game of Thrones... ;)

  • but it could be chance right??? (o__o)

    And please mind that... in the long run, it won't matter. It's a telltale game on Game of Thrones...

  • Who knows, I guess in latter episode there will be a fight in House Forrester and I'm guessing who you get will change that fight slightly.

    And please mind that... in the long run, it won't matter. It's a telltale game on Game of Thrones...

  • played episode twice...1st lost betrothal 2nd gave half ironwood....i never had Mira forge letter from Margaery.

  • Yes this is what I did, it did make me kinda feel bad for forging the letter though.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Forge the letter,be gentle & honest with her,and use the reverse psychology at the end of the dialogue.

  • It might, Telltale seems to be making an effort on having choices play a bigger impact

    And please mind that... in the long run, it won't matter. It's a telltale game on Game of Thrones...

  • Thank you! It's probably pointless wanting someone to be happy in GoT. But you gotta try, right? ;-/

  • I've never picked the I love you option, and she still turns me down... Guess romance isn't my thing :-/

    I dont know why people have such an issue with this... theres a new thread every day. I know "I wuv you" works in movies but your asking he

  • Idk if it's because I'm a girl, but she agreed to marry Rodrick right off the bat. Never said I love you or offered her any ironwood. Didn't even see those options so I must have click past it too fast. I also think forging the letter helped. She appreciated my honesty but also realized she kinda had to do it. Need that army!

  • By being charming as fuck.

  • Seriously, you ask a question with such a simple answer?

    You need to have "charm coming out of your ass", as a great philosopher of our time once said...

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