Is it worth the wait?
I just finished E02, I wanted to wait until the season was over and play them all at once, but i couldn't help myself. I finished it in about two hours! I find this infuriating, and nobody can convince me that it takes a company such as TT two month to produce two hours of gameplay(considering that the game is what it is). Sure enough we will whimper and shake in anticipation like junkies for the next two month until TT throws us another hour and a half and we will give it all the praise in the world(which it will probably deserve). As a devoted fan who has been supporting and admiring pretty much everything ever since I first played Sam and Max, I feel disregarded and even cheated. I understand that it takes time, effort and talent to produce a fascinating game such as this, but come on! Two hours for months of waiting?! I will either have diabetes before the season ends or i will just buy the books and forget about the game and the tv show until they're long finished.
I feel like the wait is part of the experience. While I feel like 5-6 week would be a much more comfortable hiatus between episodes I like the game to last a long time as it leaves an impression on me. I hate picking up a complete game and finishing it in 3 days so something so drawn out that gives me time to theorise and ponder over the next episode.
The waits are always a bit of a bitch but I feel like it pays off. I'm not sure how they could improve it besides finishing the entire game beforehand and then there would be a much bigger risk of major spoilers getting out.
It seems you are going to stay stuck in your position, how about you go and learn a bit about game development and then come back. It's obvious you don't understand how much it takes to create a game, there's voice acting, animation, writing, world art...It takes a lot to make a game as short as this and still as incredibly good as it is.
Why? Forgive me if I'm incorrect, but don't regular movies cost about double what Telltale prices their episodes? And are also shorter than 2 hours? Also you get to replay it as much as you want. I don't get this feeling of being cheated, IMO it's way worth it.
Not to mention Telltale Games are roughly 3/4 the length of an 'average' 12-hour game and cost half the price.
How about no?
See that's the point, I'm just a fan who played an awesome game by his favorite company and beside loving it to death I feel furious that it ended in under 2hrs.
I really don't think that i need to learn about game development, because believe me i do my part I never pirate games, turn my friends on to them an so on... but it feels like they're not doing theirs 'because they want to make as much money as possible.
This is how angry it made me, this is the first time I have ever registered somewhere to complain about smth. And I'm just voicing my opinion.
I don't care if you don't pirate games...
You obviously don't understand game development, "and nobody can convince me that it takes a company such as TT two month to produce two hours of gameplay". However, Telltale no matter how much you like them, are an Indie company. They have limited teams and resources, they have a lot to do to deliver you a good game. It takes a lot to make a game and I feel you would appreciate them more if you learned about the work that goes into making a game. Telltale is an episodic gaming company, they don't get the luxury that other companies get, they have a schedule and even if they are off putting more work into it then people complain it's taking forever.
The price is not the point I'm trying to make guys, personally I would pay twice the price if I could get just a little more time=satisfaction out of it.
Then you saying you feel cheated makes no sense at all.
By Is it WORTH the wait? I meant time and nerves rather than money :P
Since you're the expert here on game development, enlighten me pls.
Do them make every episode individually or maybe some parts of a following episode are done before the current one is released? Such as the three fuckin lines Natalie Dormer had?
You make me laugh, I never said I'm an expert. However I do know a little about Telltale...Telltale dos live production which means they make the episode between the episodes and don't really have anything big made before the actual production on an episode.
Listen, I said go learn more about game development, not asking me. I'm not a expert but I do know how hard it is for them to make the game and I have a great respect for Telltale because of it. Many people should realize it, as you should as it might make the wait times more bearable.
Depends, I feel like GoT will come out rather quickly due to each protagonist only taking up about 25% per play through, which might help speed up the process
Yet Telltale has enough money to buy IP like the Game Of Thrones.
Also, lets not pretend Telltale being episodic is anything other then a way to get paid for something they haven't created yet. My credit card isn't charged on demand after they release the game they charge it months in some cases years before the last episode is released.
If they wanted to they could have some of the content created beforehand but that of course would cut into profit so they don't.
YES, because you can come on here and theorize and have fun with the community.
Do you honestly expect the amount of money to buy an IP and develop a game to be similar?
This is only true if you buy the season pass. If you dislike buying the season pass then don't, I don't, Telltale doesn't force you to buy the season pass. Buy each episode separately, if you're on the PC where you can't do that then switch platforms or wait till the full game is out. Not that hard.
Let me bring up a recent game that went into episodic gaming and had a lot of an episode made before the last...Life Is Strange. LIS tried to do that and guess what...Hackers got into the files and started to spoil things and HELL, the even released the second episode ahead of time for free and full of bugs. People will take advantage of these things and make the company suffer. You too don't understand game development, learn about these incidents and the process as a whole before making baseless claims directed at a good company.
It'll always depend on how you personally feel. I don't mind waiting and I love watching people guess and see what happens, plus I like seeing the modders go through the game to see what was left out of the final release, it's quite interesting to me.
well i think they should make whole game first then launched it bcuz i dont liike to wait for awesome things![:/ :/](
Meh, That's what episodic gaming is.
If you don't want buy them as they come out... then set your "official release date" to whenever all episodes are out. Then buy it when you can play the whole thing.
I see it as akin to a playable TV show... only I have to wait several weeks instead of just one.
In an age of instant gratification, patience is even more of a virtue now than it has ever been.
You know... last week I bought the first Season of The Walking Dead, because I love how Telltale handled GoT and I heard very good things about TWD. I liked it so much, that I breezed through all episodes in a day and a half. And then it was over. I felt a little sad. I felt like I hadn't taken the time to really appreciate all the branches in the story. All the drama and emotion that was packed in the story. I've only played every episode once, whereas in GoT I have played Episode 1 and 2 many, many times. I discuss the things I experience in each Episode on these forums, so I can compare my experiences with others. And when a new Episode finally comes out, I'm really excited about it. Because then I can add a new chapter to my GoT experience.
So in short: yes, I think GoT is worth the wait. In fact, I think the wait is part of what makes episodic games so great. It makes you appreciate all the effort, details and quality that went into the game, and that you wouldn't notice if you'd just "rush" through the game like I did with The Walking Dead.
I agree that two months for such a short amount of gameplay is not optimal. I'm sure TT staff would say the same. Perhaps they need to write all the story lines for the entire game and have them approved by HBO/stakeholders in advance before coding even begins. That could speed things up. Perhaps the issue isn't with their process, it could be technology holding them back. Whatever the case, I'm sure the process will get more efficient over time.
Dude, next to everything I see you post nowadays is rude or condescending. I get that you're trying to defend Telltale or whatever, but this hostility is unnecessary.
Personally, I felt one of the best things about TWD S2 and TWAU was theorizing what was going to happen next. Sure, I was wrong in almost every case, but it was still fun. While I'd prefer a shorter wait, I honestly prefer this 2 month thing as opposed to no wait whatsoever.
This wasn't even rude though, it's only rude if you read it like that. I just told the guy that he should learn about game development so he could appreciate Telltale more.
I may have come off as a dick there, sorry. It just seemed kind of condescending the way you were acting like the guy should know better for asking a question - with the money telltale has, they COULD produce games quicker.
No man, I have felt like I've been a dick lately in posts and I blame myself and same problems that has been going on. However that post wasn't rude... I just wanted to get the guy to understand how hard it is for Telltale. Also Telltale doesn't have a lot of money, they've had a lot of great selling games but they are still a business. I don't work at Telltale so I can't speak for them but I know that they have problems of their own and they can't just pump stuff out...Because let's be honest, if they could, they would. :P
I doubt it, if anything it might take longer since they are trying to make sure they can get the necessary story in for each character. I feel like Ep2's early release was mainly due to it fits better with their scheduling since they has more episodes than their usual games.
True dat. People will say TWD S1 was a huge success, it won countless GOTY awards and millions own it so Telltale should be raking in dat money. To that I say, their games are constantly being sold next to nothing on a daily basis, at max $25 dollars. They have earned their place to stand amongst AAA studios, but they certainty don't have the budget or recourses like em.
Indeed, with them buying countless IPs and holding a team and offices and the resources and just...Everything. Telltale doesn't have the money people really expect, it's like saying UberHaxorNova owns 7.7 million dollars off of Youtube.
You do know that normal game development consists of months if not years before release and that in most cases they are able to protect their intellectual property prior to release.
I also never said the costs were equal. What I said is that the Game of Thrones IP was costly and I would have preferred a flushed out and fluid story with meaningful choices rather then disjointed mess with mostly filler until episode 6 where all the decisions will have impact (because telltale won't have to worry about branching dialogue in future episodes)
As far as the cost I would be just guess but I do know the average console game costs around 9 million for development. I would be surprised if Telltale games cost more then that to be honest.
Yes, your point is? LIS incident is still happening.
Actually you never said any of that. You said "Yet Telltale has enough money to buy IP like the Game Of Thrones."... You also apparently don't understand Telltale either, I don't understand why you think decisions will even matter or how the game leading up to the last is "Filler" or how it's a disjointed mess.
Your logic is pretty all over the place here.
"Yes, your point is? LIS incident is still happening"
Which has nothing to do with anything other then the fact the LIS team should have done a better job securing their IP. There is nothing stopping hackers from hacking telltale projects either and releasing the code when they are in the polishing phase
"Actually you never said any of that. You said "Yet Telltale has enough money to buy IP like the Game Of Thrones."... You also apparently don't understand Telltale either, I don't understand why you think decisions will even matter or how the game leading up to the last is "Filler" or how it's a disjointed mess.
Your logic is pretty all over the place here"
You are correct. However, I have made those points in numerous other threads and just because I didb't make them here doesn't make them any less valid. As far as the other episodes being filler of course I can not definitely say that will be the case but drawing on my experience with previous telltale games it's the most likely outcome.
It certainly felt that way in episode two. I'm hoping against hope that episode three and four isn't just more buildup for the climax in episode six and possibly five as well.
Alright but I've not seen you on other threads and have no recollection with your past arguments. I didn't go back through your comment history.
If you feel that way, fine, don't attempt to push it as fact though. I myself have been enjoying the series and everything in between.
They should have, however with post production you have that as a greater threat. Hackers sadly have done that during Telltale's polishing phases as you might remember from TWD S2 E4. It's just with post production, it has a greater threat to do that.
Why should I care how hard it is for telltale? Why should I care how much money the have?
All I'm interested in as a gamer and a potential consumer of their products is the game itself. Truth be told I bought GAME OF THRONES due the license not telltale. I abhor Telltale and their shallow game design. My hope was with a big IP like Game of Thrones they would ditch their formula of linear story telling disguised as a branching narrative. Unfortunately, uptil this point at least that appears like it won't be the case.
I am however encouraged by metacritic review scores indicating that the industry and gamers have grown tired of this and want more from telltale.
If you're that shallow to not care about the company and their hard work to deliver a game to you then I don't see why you even bother to play them. Imagine yourself working for months to deliver something to fans and then them shitting on you. You will feel really bad, you don't care about it though. I think I'm done talking to you as you've shown great ignorance in the feelings of Telltale and it's mighty disrespectful to them.
If you want to be a costumer then go ahead but you're not a fan if you don't care about the company. The reviews are very positive for GoT, like every other TellTale game. Not sure what you're talking about there. Also, why would you buy a game if you didn't know how it was going to be designed? That's just spending money poorly.
The gameranking and metacritic score would indicate otherwise
You're basing your claim off of one website, where the reviews aren't even that bad. You have no argument here. People clearly do not agree with you.