Ramsay Snow Defense Thread



  • You dont speak for me Boltons are one of my favorite houses but i would never defend or justify Ramsays behavior.

    SanQae posted: »

    I think I speak for everyone when I say this: "Fuck the Boltons"

  • edited February 2015

    ^ exactly...as evil as the Boltons are...i love every since character that George RR Martin created....and i think HBO did a great job casting..also TT.

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    ousen posted: »

    You dont speak for me Boltons are one of my favorite houses but i would never defend or justify Ramsays behavior.

  • I would not even say Roose is evil he is practical in my opinion at least.

    ^ exactly...as evil as the Boltons are...i love every since character that George RR Martin created....and i think HBO did a great job casting..also TT.

  • i respect that, but Roose does let/acknowledge the fact that Ramsay do what he pleases (torturing)...so in a way he is IMO evil too.

    ousen posted: »

    I would not even say Roose is evil he is practical in my opinion at least.

  • edited February 2015

    ^ hope that made sense...lol
    "his behavior"

    i respect that, but Roose does let/acknowledge the fact that Ramsay do what he pleases (torturing)...so in a way he is IMO evil too.

  • He is very dark grey if that make sense but he does tell him to calm down or at least be more discreet.

    ^ hope that made sense...lol "his behavior"

  • The quiet ones are always the most deadly

    ousen posted: »

    He is very dark grey if that make sense but he does tell him to calm down or at least be more discreet.

  • That´s one of the reasons i like him.

    Clemenem posted: »

    The quiet ones are always the most deadly

  • edited February 2015

    Ahh the things people do for fatherly love.. truly spectacular

    Ramsay=sadist @Clemenem if this doesnt convince you nothing will. http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Ramsay_Snow Ramsay is a sadi

  • edited February 2015

    I like them both too, Whitehill and Joffrey have literally no redeeming qualities

    Roose is cold but hes a great commandor and just overtly practical. Plus the shows actos pulls of the cold viewpoint well, really underated character. The fact Ramsey is scared shitless of him says something

    Ramsey I find kind of funny, in his warped way. Dark/Gallows humour always makes me laugh

    ousen posted: »

    That´s one of the reasons i like him.

  • edited February 2015

    Roose is a cold,calculating and just..well a horrible human being, he even still holds to the "first night" rule, BUT if he is on your side he can be a good ally..though that's all considering before the war. There's nothing wrose than a "turncloack", Roose lost all little (tiny bits)dignity and honor he had when he betrayed Robb. No one can ever trust him again and his dynasty and the Frey's are forever marked.

    Ramsay on the other hand is just plain psychopath and sadist(not to mention a kinslayer)..practices rapes and murders on his people. You can't really defend the guy's actions becasue he had a "bad childhood"..I mean seriously??
    Here's a quote from the book on what Roose said when he thought Ramsay was killed:
    "A fate no doubt he earned. Tainted blood is ever treacherous, and Ramsay’s nature was sly, greedy, and cruel. I count myself well rid of him. The trueborn sons my young wife has promised me would never have been safe while he lived."

  • He's just a poor boy, nobody loves him, he's just a poor boy from a poor family

  • edited February 2015

    Honestly though, no one chooses to be fucked up in the head. It isn't really their fault. Paedophiles don't choose to be attracted to children, however they can choose if they molest them. I actually feel really bad for the paedos that have the decency to not actually abuse kids. Imagine the self loathing and disgust they must have for themselves, for something they have no control over. They can never have a release either, never fulfil their sexual desires.

  • If you didnt read the books you might not realise most of his crazy is LEARNED behaviour. Like the whole raping and hunting thing? Thought up by the original Reek.

  • I think that's not a Good excuse for backing Ramsey.i agree he's brave,creepy intelligent but we all be Happy if something happened to him

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    Mariana238 posted: »

    He's just a poor boy, nobody loves him, he's just a poor boy from a poor family

  • I actually thought Ramsay was being fair up until he killed Ethan. He was willing to listen instead of just taking everyting

  • Well he's mentally ill for sure. I suppose that'd be a pretty good defense in a modern court of law. This also would apply to Joffrey, and the Mountain as well

  • Wish one of the whitehills had killed Ethan. Sucks knowing we cant get revenge for it.

  • Thats kinda life though you can't always get to them

    trd84 posted: »

    Wish one of the whitehills had killed Ethan. Sucks knowing we cant get revenge for it.

  • "Evil in their blood" is a silly way to phrase it. A genetic predisposition towards psychopathic or generally violent behaviour is pretty plausible. Isn't the standard explanation that its always a combination of Nature/Nurture?

    Ultimately its a terrible excuse even if his childhood was a big factor. At some point people have to be held responsible for their own decisions. Regardless of why, he is evil.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Only a trace but even new borns have very minimal experience with the outside world. The fact that people are saying someone can be conceived and birthed with evil in their blood is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard

  • Too bad she's dead after eating her own fingers and starving to death due to Ramsay kidnapping her to seize her lands (and possibly raping her, too, but this is speculative).

    Oh, wait, that's because of his bad childhood and lack of love!

    ...For fuck's sake.

  • So, you're saying he loves "Theon"? No, no, you've got it all wrong. He tortured him into obedience and manipulates him into loyalty. "If you think this is happening to you for a reason, you are definitely wrong" He is a sick fuck, no questioning that.

  • edited February 2015

    The best defense of Ramsey is as a plot device. I mean everyone knows he's a sick fuck but he's also cunning you don't get to where he is otherwise (ie murdering his brother and becoming highborn) telltale basically took the ALL depth from his character

  • OK, you seriously have nothing nice to say about Telltale, its confirmed now based on your recent comments. Why are you still on these forums then?

    And do you mind explaining how Telltale "took all the depth from his character?" I thought they portrayed him fine.

    The best defense of Ramsey is as a plot device. I mean everyone knows he's a sick fuck but he's also cunning you don't get to where he is ot

  • edited February 2015

    Ramsay isn't the kind to outright admit his reasons for doing things to his enemies as seen with Theon just saying

    OK, you seriously have nothing nice to say about Telltale, its confirmed now based on your recent comments. Why are you still on these forum

  • I feel like it depends on the situation.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Ramsay isn't the kind to outright admit his reasons for doing things to his enemies as seen with Theon just saying

  • edited February 2015

    Still admitting he thought Ethan was too wise and would cause too much trouble even in front of some of his men when he wouldn't tell Theon defenseless under his power what his motives were seems a little OOC and goes against him being intelligent

    I feel like it depends on the situation.

  • Ramsay Snow needs R'hllor.

    And by needing R'hllor I mean he needs to burn in the Red God's fires. Hopefully Stannis Baratheon, the true and rightful king of Westeros, will arrange that.

  • edited February 2015

    Ramsay is an evil bastard, he like to see people suffer, Compared to him, Joffrey is an angel. Ramsay's defenders are so funny:
    -"Poor baby, his father never loved him" na na na

    • He lived a poor life? His father provided for him everithing he needed ( foods, and even a companion Reek), trust me he had a better life than others
    • He killed his brother
    • He cut off, Theon's part and fingers
    • He raped girls with his soldiers and let his dogs eat them after
    • He tortured Theon mentally
    • He raped an old woman end starved her to death until she ate her own fingers
    • He flayed people alive
      I could go on and on but I think that was enough
      So, before defending such a species, inform yourself....
  • edited February 2015

    It's pointless. ...I'm smh...they can't seem to understand they are defending a monster...good thing this is only fiction.

    Ramsay is an evil bastard, he like to see people suffer, Compared to him, Joffrey is an angel. Ramsay's defenders are so funny: -"Poor baby

  • Cutted isn't a word

    Ramsay is an evil bastard, he like to see people suffer, Compared to him, Joffrey is an angel. Ramsay's defenders are so funny: -"Poor baby

  • My face:

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    when people attempt to defend ramsay snow.

  • Well like I said earlier Ramsey Bolton while violent and sadistic also demonstrates cunning (albeit low).

    -Psychological manipulation of Theon turning him into a pet
    -Tricking his brother into trusting him only to poison him later
    -Convincing troops to surrender, promising them safety, and then killing him anyways

    He is however impulsive so I think if Telltale portrayed him as slighted in some way by Ethan or that he tricked to Ethan regarding splitting the Ironwood that would seem to make sense. However, murdering him, letting the rest of the family live, and allowing them half the Ironwood is stupid and nonsensical.

    That maybe something Joffrey may do well because he is a moron (albeit a sadistic one).

    OK, you seriously have nothing nice to say about Telltale, its confirmed now based on your recent comments. Why are you still on these forum

  • You're saying this isn't a joke thread?

  • He has absolutly no redeeming qualities. He is a monster.
    He likes to be evil, I hate him.

    It's pointless. ...I'm smh...they can't seem to understand they are defending a monster...good thing this is only fiction.

  • Actually I can't say I hate anyone in the Game of Throne universe. ..I enjoy every I mean every character George R.R. Martin created.

    He has absolutly no redeeming qualities. He is a monster. He likes to be evil, I hate him.

  • Just because Ramsay had a lack of attention from his father growing up and had a miserable childhood doesn't give him the right to take away the life of a kid who was only doing what he had to do to protect his own house. Ramsay does everything that he does for the Boltons, but more importantly for himself too (because he gets enjoyment out of killing things). Ethan was only trying to do what he could because there was no one else who could take his place (at the time). It would make more sense to me (if Ramsay really was affected by his father's lack of support during his childhood) that Ethan would be relatable/remind him of himself because of how lost he was or maybe Ramsay would even be a tad jealous of Ethan because he'd be stepping up to the plate and making his father proud by doing so, something that Ramsay could never truly do without doing all of the terrible things he is now used to doing. I don't have any sympathy for him, mostly because he's done things that are completely unforgivable and unfixable.

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