Unfinished business?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I am curious, what do you think Beshka's unfinished business is? I don't think she will end up betraying Asher as they seem to have a pretty close friendship, but the way she said it sounded suspicious to me and betrayal is always a possibility in GoT. What do you think?


  • I dunno too.But I hate Beshka.

  • An old enemy, youthful love, debts, wanted poster... Everything is possible.

  • Why so ?

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    I dunno too.But I hate Beshka.

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    Sherlock221 posted: »

    I dunno too.But I hate Beshka.

  • I love Beshka, a beautiful women and a great fighter, i don't think she gonna betray Asher they seem very close but you never know in Game of Thrones.

  • Hmmm, maybe there is someone who resides in Meereen, whom Beska used to know well. I think this person might have betrayed her in some way - possibly how she got that scar on her face. There are a number of scenarios that I can think of just off the top of my head these are as follows:

    1) Beska had a partner/employer whom she trusted and considered a friend, this person may have betrayed her i.e set her up to be killed. Beska catches up to this person and kills them in revenge. This person may have been someone of importance in Meereen and so now there is a bounty on her head.

    2) Beska was betrayed by someone of importance, she goes to exact her revenge. However this person's sibling/family member gets caught in the middle and ends up getting killed instead. This person now wants her head.

    3) Beska is an escaped slave.

    4) Beska escaped a forced marriage - either an actual marriage or before a wedding was due to take place.

    5) Beska is actually the daughter of some noble person who lives in Meereen.

  • Rude,Unlikable,Ugly,Probably traitor.

    Frenchwolf posted: »

    Why so ?

  • Maybe a killing dragon business.

  • probably just some business with some guy and some thangs

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    probably just some business with some guy and some thangs

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