What do you think Gryff Whitehill would look like?

I'd say he would look like his father and sister- 16-25 years old, dark blonde, square-faced, and never smiles with a temper as fragile as glass. He would always wear armor.



  • I want to know as well :(

    I really hope his character isn't a disappointment.

  • Probably like his dad.

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  • Feed me ironwood!

    Probably like his dad.

  • That's absolutely hilarious.

    Probably like his dad.

  • edited February 2015

    omfg lol
    Chet played by Bill Paxton (total douchebag)

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    Probably like his dad.

  • It should have a caption that says "hey dudes." For some reason it did not show up.

    That's absolutely hilarious.

  • PostScript: why is he at Harrenhal? (forgive my bad lore on aSoIaF)

  • HAHAHA imagine him rocking up to Iron wrath in the back of a cart!

    Probably like his dad.

  • edited February 2015

    Fat Joffrey confirmed

    HAHAHA imagine him rocking up to Iron wrath in the back of a cart!

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2015

    The Whitehills are Bolton bannermen. Roose has a contingent of soldiers stationed at Harrenhall, which includes Gryff. You may recall Locke and the bear scene with Brienne near the end of Season 3.

    PostScript: why is he at Harrenhal? (forgive my bad lore on aSoIaF)

  • edited February 2015

    I kind of expect him to be like the Whitehill's equivalent of Rodrik so I guess he'd look like him but with more Whitehill-ish features (Which seem to be small eyes, blond hair and a lot of emphasis on the nose).

  • I expect him to be a younger version of Whitehill, perhaps more stout and less handsome (as the fourth son; just going into stereotype territory here).

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I kind of expect him to be like the Whitehill's equivalent of Rodrik so I guess he'd look like him but with more Whitehill-ish features (Which seem to be small eyes, blond hair and a lot of emphasis on the nose).

  • Yeah, his character model will probably be based off of Lord Whitehill's, but I don't think he'll be as 'heavy'.

    I expect him to be a younger version of Whitehill, perhaps more stout and less handsome (as the fourth son; just going into stereotype territory here).

  • Thanks ArthurV! Your answers are always appreciated. :)

    ArthurV posted: »

    The Whitehills are Bolton bannermen. Roose has a contingent of soldiers stationed at Harrenhall, which includes Gryff. You may recall Locke and the bear scene with Brienne near the end of Season 3.

  • The way I picture him, I see him as a slender and lean man. He is not fat like his father. He may or may not be handsome. He is just as arrogant as his father, but much more dangerous and problematic. He is a rival to Rodrik.

  • Like a little bitch that will get a sword trough the chest.

  • edited February 2015

    I actually at first thought that soldier you see blocking your way was him..what I want him to be is about Rodrick's age and because he's a fourthborn to be less like his familiy, be a more honorable man that really wants to make the deal go smooth without troubles, that he'll put a leash on his men and discipline them, even have a scene where he punishes one of his men in public for assaulting or raping a smallfolk girl..

    But he's Lord Whitehill's son so he'll probably just be a one dimension asshole who's life goal is to get his father's approval and will just try as hard as he can to torment the Forresters and we'll be forced to just hate him(yeah...)

  • He will be tall and imposing. Very slender, yet muscular. And he will have slicked back Blonde hair.

  • a blonde Ramsay Snow, both wanting approval by their fathers.

    Upshaw posted: »

    I actually at first thought that soldier you see blocking your way was him..what I want him to be is about Rodrick's age and because he's a

  • edited February 2015

    Another thing: Did anyone notice the Whitehill's new armor in Episode 2, with their sigil now displayed on their Gorget?

  • Something like this

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  • I thought at first that the guard who was sitting outside the great hall was Gryff. He looks a bit like Lord Whitehill.

  • I'm expecting him to look like Damien, but of the Whitehill family variant. Maybe he is not as bad as his father just like Gwyn. I'm thinking that all the kids are just stuck in the middle of this silly rivalry. But I could be (probably) completely wrong and he's just another problem to deal with.

  • All hail Chet Lord of Jerks.

    omfg lol Chet played by Bill Paxton (total douchebag)

  • Chet was a dick before the ZA.

    omfg lol Chet played by Bill Paxton (total douchebag)

  • Not sure, I figure maybe a younger looking Ludd (maybe less fat).

    I'm more concerned about his personality though, I hope his character is interesting and unique.

  • This is Gryff Whitehill:

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  • Oh God. He will torture House Forrester to death with his annoying screaming and unnecessary swearing.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    This is Gryff Whitehill:

  • Alt text

    Oh God. He will torture House Forrester to death with his annoying screaming and unnecessary swearing.

  • Plot twist, Damien is really Gryff

  • Aye

    Jayroen posted: »

    Like a little bitch that will get a sword trough the chest.

  • Yeah, I didn't realise that was new until I checked Britt's armour from Episode 1. Maybe Gryff's armour will have that sigil.

    Another thing: Did anyone notice the Whitehill's new armor in Episode 2, with their sigil now displayed on their Gorget?

  • edited February 2015

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    Plot twist, Damien is really Gryff

  • Oh boy, I can already see the 1000 threads; "Gryff was in the show" :P

    ArthurV posted: »

    The Whitehills are Bolton bannermen. Roose has a contingent of soldiers stationed at Harrenhall, which includes Gryff. You may recall Locke and the bear scene with Brienne near the end of Season 3.

  • edited February 2015

    ~SERIOUS ANSWER~: I'm guessing by Gwyn's appearance that he probably won't look like his father. And it's worth noting that if he was at Harrenhal, then he was one of the troops stationed with Roose Bolton's men. So he's likely not a fat lug, he's probably a squire or a soldier.

    AND considering the Forresters know the Whitehills very well, it's also worth noting that they're all intimidated by him. There's probably a reason for that.

    My bet's on him being a Max Irons type.

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  • But, you know, I'm just completely guessing out of nowhere here, and could be totally wrong, haha.

    baroqueout posted: »

    ~SERIOUS ANSWER~: I'm guessing by Gwyn's appearance that he probably won't look like his father. And it's worth noting that if he was at Har

  • I think he'll be taller, thinner and more handsome than his father. And I hope he's actually a decent fellow because I'm tired of the one-dimensional villains. Gwyn shows that not all Whitehills are jerks and I hope her brother does the same.

  • well he's ludd's son so i bet hes ugly

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