We have a preview of Fables 149!!!

edited February 2015 in The Wolf Among Us

I checked the website and the preview Monday did happen... but the previews were for Supergirl and The Kitchen.

Looks like we'll have to wait till Wednesday for the big reveal of the penultimate issue :(

(Unless someone finds a preview of it elsewhere of course, but I have no idea where to look next)

@TomMartinHagen has just provided us with a link to an exclusive preview!!! And it's more backstory on Lauda...



  • Guess it would be too spoilery

  • I guess...

    If Bigby and Rose 'do it'.... I will be soo fucking pissed!!! I might have to make a thread expressing my anger :/

    But hopefully Willingham knows what he is doing and will ensure such a thing only happens in a dream or something like that.

    Guess it would be too spoilery

  • Looks like we'll have to wait till Wednesday for the big reveal of the penultimate issue :(

    Alt text

    I figured we'd have to wait. Something like THAT screams 'Haha. You guys need to wait now!!!' I'm dying to know, though. My fiancee is buying it on her phone, so I'll just wait to see her reaction....

  • Where do you buy them from???

    I wanted to buy the last 2 issues from Amazon but no such luck :/

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Looks like we'll have to wait till Wednesday for the big reveal of the penultimate issue I figured we'd have to wait. Something

  • Oh well, I never really read the previews anyway, 3 days remaining, so it won't be long now......

  • 2 actually :P

    RosexBigby.... I shall kill it with the purest fire from the Heavens themselves!!!!

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Oh well, I never really read the previews anyway, 3 days remaining, so it won't be long now......

  • She buys her comics here. https://www.comixology.com/ or she downloads them from google play. Which is strange because she said 149 is not even released yet on either sites from what she can see....maybe they ARE making us wait until Wed.....:(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Where do you buy them from??? I wanted to buy the last 2 issues from Amazon but no such luck

  • Or the release gets pushed back :O

    The Fables wiki still says that issue 150 will be released in February :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    She buys her comics here. https://www.comixology.com/ or she downloads them from google play. Which is strange because she said 149 is not even released yet on either sites from what she can see....maybe they ARE making us wait until Wed.....:(

  • edited February 2015

    They are FOOLS if that happens! >:0 I demand to know just what in the hell goes on in 149! Hopefully 150 stick to its release date! >:(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Or the release gets pushed back :O The Fables wiki still says that issue 150 will be released in February :P

  • Well Fables Volume 22 (Issue 150 coupled with bonus stuff) has a release date of June 23rd on Amazon...

    So I guess it'll be released in March :/

    (Fairest Volume 5 is getting released in August though!! That is ridiculous!)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    They are FOOLS if that happens! >:0 I demand to know just what in the hell goes on in 149! Hopefully 150 stick to its release date! >:(

  • I think we all need a sign that would calm us down...

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Oh well, I never really read the previews anyway, 3 days remaining, so it won't be long now......

  • March???
    Well i'm spending my birthday crying....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well Fables Volume 22 (Issue 150 coupled with bonus stuff) has a release date of June 23rd on Amazon... So I guess it'll be released in March (Fairest Volume 5 is getting released in August though!! That is ridiculous!)

  • Why's that? :/

    My birthday is in April... the series will be over and none of the new Volumes will have been released!

    piperjo posted: »

    March??? Well i'm spending my birthday crying....

  • I just look at the panel from Super Team where Snow and Bigby are cuddling after their pleasant reunion :P

    That always reminds me of how much they love each other; after 6 years of marriage they still adore each other so much that they would be that close...

    piperjo posted: »

    I think we all need a sign that would calm us down...

  • Spoiler

    Well let's just say after Beast's death i cried until i went to bed (i read it during my morning classes).

    So yeah i don't handle sad stuff very well, so the end of this masterpiece it's going to be something...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Why's that? My birthday is in April... the series will be over and none of the new Volumes will have been released!

  • I cried once in this comic!

    It was after Swineheart tells the others that Boy Blue passed away... I shed some manly as fuck tears for that guy :')

  • Spoiler

    I always go back to the moment that Bigby said that the reason he smokes it's to disguise snow's lovely smell.... That caught me by surprise!

    They are my OTP!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I just look at the panel from Super Team where Snow and Bigby are cuddling after their pleasant reunion :P That always reminds me of how

  • Really? Not even after Darien's death?

    Man, you're strong!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I cried once in this comic! It was after Swineheart tells the others that Boy Blue passed away... I shed some manly as fuck tears for that guy :')

  • They are my OTP!

    Truer words have never been spoken!! XD

    I also like Bigby's proposal: Snow is so fearful because her last marriage was such a failure, but she decides "Fuck it! I love him and he loves me, let's see where it goes!"

    And so began the true Happily Ever After of the Big Bad Wolf and Snow White; always deeply in love and utterly devoted to one another... Hopefully the ending will be continued in 149 or 150...

  • edited February 2015

    That was different...

    Darien's death shocked me to the core, but I understood 'why' he killed himself, and that understanding is what stayed my tears...

    Beast's and Ozma's death's were too vicious for shock or tears :/

    piperjo posted: »

    Really? Not even after Darien's death? Man, you're strong!

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah i get it, that makes sense... I guess i cry during cathartic moments, which in Fables it happens a lot and it's one of the reasons i love it so damn much!

    But yeah even as girl... I cried so much reading Fables!!! (not ashamed of it)

    Alt text

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That was different... Darien's death shocked me to the core, but I understood 'why' he killed himself, and that understanding is what stayed my tears... Beast's and Ozma's death's were too vicious for shock or tears

  • I can't wait until Wed! I was hoping for SOMETHING today....

  • I'm afraid of this issue will destroy my traditional spring festival. (:」∠)_

  • Never be ashamed of crying...

    Especially for something you love.

    piperjo posted: »

    Yeah i get it, that makes sense... I guess i cry during cathartic moments, which in Fables it happens a lot and it's one of the reasons i love it so damn much! But yeah even as girl... I cried so much reading Fables!!! (not ashamed of it)

  • You're a fucking legend!!!

    But it's more filler-backstory on Lauda...

  • Come on. I don't want it to be about their mother again! I want to see what's happen in Fabletowan, to see people fighting and dying for it (btw who are they fighting now? Rose Red?) and generally feel a lot of hype. I hope the rest of book is about main characters.

  • I agree completely!

    GF1115 posted: »

    Come on. I don't want it to be about their mother again! I want to see what's happen in Fabletowan, to see people fighting and dying for it

  • Backstory filler again...

  • The first 5 pages: Yes

    The whole issue: Hopefully not...

    TheLegate posted: »

    Backstory filler again...

  • Which doesn't mean it won't follow up in Snow, Bigby and/or Brandish. I'm hopeful they will end 149 with a big exciting cliffhanger meaningful to the main Bigby/Snow storyline.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You're a fucking legend!!! But it's more filler-backstory on Lauda...

  • I'm hoping this cliffhanger is NOT Snow preparing to kill him...

    Which doesn't mean it won't follow up in Snow, Bigby and/or Brandish. I'm hopeful they will end 149 with a big exciting cliffhanger meaningful to the main Bigby/Snow storyline.

  • Sorry if I am shouting...

    ENOUGH WITH THE FILLERS ALREADY!! This is the penultimate issue! You can't have fillers when you are so close to the last issue!

  • Ugh more on the damn mother? When do we get to the whole love triangle that MAY happen, the fights, Fabletown...anything! UGH! I'm on break at work and nearly crushed my phone when I saw the 1st few pages!

  • I bet there will STILL! be fillers in issue 150! XD

    Sorry if I am shouting... ENOUGH WITH THE FILLERS ALREADY!! This is the penultimate issue! You can't have fillers when you are so close to the last issue!

  • It's ok dude... it's ok....

    Rose won't sleep with Bigby; that'll be Snow's job XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Ugh more on the damn mother? When do we get to the whole love triangle that MAY happen, the fights, Fabletown...anything! UGH! I'm on break at work and nearly crushed my phone when I saw the 1st few pages!

  • Heh! If that happens, I am going to laugh. :D

    Well, I just hope the information we are getting is going to lead to something in the end. It would be a damn shame, if all turns out to be fillers.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I bet there will STILL! be fillers in issue 150! XD

  • In my mind; I wouldn't be surprised if Rose kills herself in the end...

    I imagine her and Snow going one-on-one (ensuring that everyone stays out of their conflict as it's between sisters only)

    Snow is winning at first given how she is a much better swordsman and potentially better at fighting in general. But Rose uses her magic to get the upper hand, eventually Rose has Snow at her mercy... Rose simply says "I win" and then leaves to never be seen again or she kills herself.

    I feel that Rose telling Snow she has won will hold a lot of meaning, given how Snow is so adamant that she never loses (except to Bigby of course)

    Whether Rose leaves for the Homelands (which leaves an opening for another series of Fables) or she dies (which would fit the image we see of her grave next to Boy Blue's) I am certain that Snow will be the one left standing...

    Heh! If that happens, I am going to laugh. Well, I just hope the information we are getting is going to lead to something in the end. It would be a damn shame, if all turns out to be fillers.

  • Oh, I completely forgot about the image about her grave next to Boy Blue, nice one there.

    Hmm, I don't know about Rose killing herself. If we are thinking about King Arthur's legend, then it is likely that Rose will receive the same fate. I am now worried if Snow will survive the ordeal. In the legend, both Arthur and Modred dies during the fateful battle.

    Do we know what happens to the winner?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    In my mind; I wouldn't be surprised if Rose kills herself in the end... I imagine her and Snow going one-on-one (ensuring that everyone s

  • But they aren't following the legend of Camelot anymore...

    They never were! Rose just thought up the concept and they thinks the armour and swords is a reflection of that...

    Oh, I completely forgot about the image about her grave next to Boy Blue, nice one there. Hmm, I don't know about Rose killing herself. I

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