Mira's Room

When I asked Damien if he was the one who wrecked Mira's room he said something like "I only wished to give you a note." Now I assumed he was the one who did it but he died due to neck trauma. So I asked Coalboy what he was doing at my midnight meeting that I only knew about and he said "I heard yelling." I was not buying that. Someone told him to be there and it made me think that maybe he was the one who went through Mira's things. Do you think it was Damien or Coalboy or someone else?



  • I personally think that the Coal Boy was following Mira, since he walks in the shadows all the time and he probably would have noticed her walking around with all the snooping he does. I think it was Damien who went through her things and left the note because Coal Boy isn't strong enough to break into the room with a locked door (definitely doesn't appear to be, plus Damien did manage to throttle him into a fountain pretty easily). The scratch marks on the floor imply that whoever it was had a difficult time doing it, but I don't think Coal Boy has any motivation to do it either. He seems like the type who would picklock it instead of break into the room. The damage done fits the style of a guard and unless Coal Boy is an expert at covering his tracks, which he may or may not be, it seems like the more obvious choice is Damien.

  • I was thinking that Damien broke in left the letter and Coalboy came by later to do some snooping read the letter informed his boss and was told to go to the meeting.

  • This was my general impression.

    I was thinking that Damien broke in left the letter and Coalboy came by later to do some snooping read the letter informed his boss and was told to go to the meeting.

  • Ooooh, that's a possibility. The question is, who's the boss? It'll more than likely be someone we aren't expecting or didn't think of at all. I don't think he has any connections with the Forresters, so clearly it's not her family who's trying to defend her. In fact, her family basically depends on her and they have no real way of protecting her at all unless whoever the boss is made a deal before she even got there- perhaps with her father. That's a bit far-fetched, but you never know who owes who in this game... It's hard to know who exactly is on Mira's side, including Margaery. The lines are very blurred.

    I was thinking that Damien broke in left the letter and Coalboy came by later to do some snooping read the letter informed his boss and was told to go to the meeting.

  • I don't watch GoT or read the books but I was thinking maybe he works for Tyrion. He wants to keep an eye on his investment.

    choircorgis posted: »

    Ooooh, that's a possibility. The question is, who's the boss? It'll more than likely be someone we aren't expecting or didn't think of at al

  • I haven't watched the show or read the books either, but that was my best guess, too. I've heard Varys and Littlefinger as well, but Tyrion is closer to home and has motivation since he always wants to beat Cersei at her own games...

    I don't watch GoT or read the books but I was thinking maybe he works for Tyrion. He wants to keep an eye on his investment.

  • It was Sera. Last time we've seen her she was drinking, right? Alone, tormented by her parentage, jealous that Mira is dating Tyrion, Sera got plastered. Frustrated, fuelled by alcohol, wrecked her friend's room.

  • Many people believe it could be Varys, the eunuch. He is a Master of Whisperers (spies) AND it is confirmed in the book (I don't remember about the show) he hires children to spy in the palace. Some of them are really WEIRD children...

    choircorgis posted: »

    Ooooh, that's a possibility. The question is, who's the boss? It'll more than likely be someone we aren't expecting or didn't think of at al

  • Lol, why not ! Yelling: "Fuuuucckkking Forresters"

    Omid's cat posted: »

    It was Sera. Last time we've seen her she was drinking, right? Alone, tormented by her parentage, jealous that Mira is dating Tyrion, Sera got plastered. Frustrated, fuelled by alcohol, wrecked her friend's room.

  • i hate to think Coalboy would back-stab Mira,.....but it is the GoT universe :'(

    I was thinking that Damien broke in left the letter and Coalboy came by later to do some snooping read the letter informed his boss and was told to go to the meeting.

  • I don't think so,you can hear the person running away from Mira's room is definitely wearing armor.

    I was thinking that Damien broke in left the letter and Coalboy came by later to do some snooping read the letter informed his boss and was told to go to the meeting.

  • edited February 2015

    Come to think of it I do remember hearing footsteps at the beginning of that scene. Good point.

    Herodriver posted: »

    I don't think so,you can hear the person running away from Mira's room is definitely wearing armor.

  • edited February 2015

    i did hear it too...but it couldve been Coalboy's bucket. :)

    Herodriver posted: »

    I don't think so,you can hear the person running away from Mira's room is definitely wearing armor.

  • It is also stated that his model is named 'Little Bird' or something around that.

  • Broken vase on the floor! Flower vase. Sera Flowers. She really hates herself, LOL.

    Big-bad-pig posted: »

    Lol, why not ! Yelling: "Fuuuucckkking Forresters"

  • edited February 2015

    I think it was Sera too.

    While we're on the subject; I was wondering what that dragging line towards the door was, the one near the vase? Like someone dragged something out of the room.
    Alt text

  • Someone opened the door, the vase with water broke near the door corner, that someone left leaving the door a little open and that made the scuff with water.

    ninoobz posted: »

    I think it was Sera too. While we're on the subject; I was wondering what that dragging line towards the door was, the one near the vase? Like someone dragged something out of the room.

  • Alt text
    That's some excellent deducing indeed good chap!

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Broken vase on the floor! Flower vase. Sera Flowers. She really hates herself, LOL.

  • Thats a really good theory to be honest, its likely Varys sent him. I hope we figure it out in Ep3

    I was thinking that Damien broke in left the letter and Coalboy came by later to do some snooping read the letter informed his boss and was told to go to the meeting.

  • that just reminded me of a joke...

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip, set up their tent, and
    fall asleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes his faithful friend.

    ''Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.''

    Watson replies, ''I see millions of stars.''

    ‘‘what does that tell you?''

    Watson ponders for a minute. ''Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there
    are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it
    tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a
    quarter past three. Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we
    are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful
    day tomorrow. What does it tell you?''

    Holmes is silent for a moment, and then speaks. ''Watson, you idiot, someone
    has stolen our tent.''

    That's some excellent deducing indeed good chap!

  • You got coal marks all over my stuff, you little shit!

  • Alt text

    that just reminded me of a joke... Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip, set up their tent, and fall asleep. Some hours l

  • Yes this peaked my curiosity too, and the broken vase isn't far from it either.

    ninoobz posted: »

    I think it was Sera too. While we're on the subject; I was wondering what that dragging line towards the door was, the one near the vase? Like someone dragged something out of the room.

  • I thought so too at first, and then got paranoid apparently :P I can see now in the pic that it rolled from the door, that's why it's like that. Welp, what an embarrassing analysis!

    Someone opened the door, the vase with water broke near the door corner, that someone left leaving the door a little open and that made the scuff with water.

  • edited February 2015

    hmmm maybe water from the vase? or it couldve been pee....Sera did drink a lot of wine...it mustve startled her when she heard Mira coming....just saying :P

    ninoobz posted: »

    I think it was Sera too. While we're on the subject; I was wondering what that dragging line towards the door was, the one near the vase? Like someone dragged something out of the room.

  • Based on the show/books, coal boy has Varys written all over him.
    Not sure what Varys would want with Mira Forrester, but there we are.

    I don't watch GoT or read the books but I was thinking maybe he works for Tyrion. He wants to keep an eye on his investment.

  • Yeah, Damian was definitely the last one in the room. It does appear that coal boy was also in there, looking at the smudges on the floor. But I'm not so sure how he would know about Mira's relationship with Tyrion.

    Herodriver posted: »

    I don't think so,you can hear the person running away from Mira's room is definitely wearing armor.

  • Is anyone even sure of Varys's motives though?

    Hoyzenburgh posted: »

    Based on the show/books, coal boy has Varys written all over him. Not sure what Varys would want with Mira Forrester, but there we are.

  • Sera Flowers broke the vase of flowers, as our friend said.

    hmmm maybe water from the vase? or it couldve been pee....Sera did drink a lot of wine...it mustve startled her when she heard Mira coming....just saying :P

  • Probably not. I thought I had him, I assumed he was like Littlefinger, then he goes and does what he does at the end of season 4.

    Is anyone even sure of Varys's motives though?

  • I'm hoping it turns out next episode that the coalboy went into Mira's room and left her the note, because he wants to help her with Tyrion. Then later Damien, working for the Whitehills, broke in, trashed the place looking for information on the Forresters' plans and the Ironwood, stole Mira's letters from her family, and then found the note from the coalboy and decided it was the perfect opportunity to kill Mira and whoever she might be working with. That's why the coalboy was nearby, because he was coming to meet with Mira.

  • edited February 2015

    Yes this is something that I've been considering too. I've always thought that more than one person had visited her room. It always struck me as an odd thing for a person to do. Why would Damian or the Coal Boy trash her room and then leave a note expecting her to attend a potentially risky and dangerous meeting with them! The only way this would make sense is if one person left her a note (before the room was ransacked) and then for the second person to arrive, turn the place over, notice the note left on her bed and then decide to lay in wait for her to show up. It would explain why Coal Boy just happened to be there.

    Now if I remember correctly there is an option for Mira to ask Damian about the state of her room i.e if he was the one who trashed it. He says he only wanted to leave the note, which he would've seen if he had been rummaging through her things earlier. He's still trying to keep her off guard until he can strike.

    Of course you may wonder why, when Mira asks Coal Boy what he is doing out there, he says he heard yelling (there was no yelling). So either he had followed her this whole time or he had left the note and intended to meet her there. However it's possible that he was somehow delayed and didn't arrive until after she went off to speak with Damian. Now you'd think surely the Coal Boy would have said "I came here to meet you, it was me who left the note" However given the circumstances they were in at that moment and the fact that he seems to be trying to gain her trust. It probably didn't seem like the best time to admit he was the one who left the note which had prompted her to show up and thus become an easy target for Damian. Mira may have blamed him for putting her in danger (although technically it's not the fault of just one individual).

    I'm hoping it turns out next episode that the coalboy went into Mira's room and left her the note, because he wants to help her with Tyrion.

  • Thats what I thought too but then why would Coal Boy lie and say "I heard yelling"? Nevertheless, I'm sure Coal Boy had something to do with it (whether good or bad) and him being there wasn't just a coincidence

    I'm hoping it turns out next episode that the coalboy went into Mira's room and left her the note, because he wants to help her with Tyrion.

  • Well give the fact that he had just nearly been killed by Damian himself and witnessing Mira kill him, I think it's safe to say that he probably wasn't thinking straight. Hence the poor excuse he gave when he said he heard yelling, which still doesn't explain why he was in the garden to "hear the yelling".

    Thats what I thought too but then why would Coal Boy lie and say "I heard yelling"? Nevertheless, I'm sure Coal Boy had something to do with it (whether good or bad) and him being there wasn't just a coincidence

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, I figure he was mainly just caught up in the moment so didn't say anything about what he was probably really doing there.

    Well give the fact that he had just nearly been killed by Damian himself and witnessing Mira kill him, I think it's safe to say that he prob

  • I love the discussion you guys are having. I strangely never thought more about the ransacking of Mira's room, but the more you all are discussing about it, the more I realized that there are more mystery involved.

    Lots of intrigue in King's Landing. :)

  • I wonder if there is a secret passage way in Mira's room? I must admit when I returned to find Mira's room had been ransacked and I examined the spilled water and the broken vase (at first I thought it was a scuff mark), for a moment I thought it lead to a secret door! Then I realised that it was the door Mira had enterer through and I was slightly disappointed.

    How cool would that have been! Mira could've used the secret entrance to explore the secret passageways of the Red Keep, using them to spy and eavesdrop on unsuspecting people and turn the information she learned to her advantage! She could also have found a secret exit from the Red Keep, which would come in handy if she ever needed to escape the Red Keep! Er.....but I've kinda runaway with myself again haha.

    I love the discussion you guys are having. I strangely never thought more about the ransacking of Mira's room, but the more you all are disc

  • Honestly that's a great idea, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. It could explain how maybe Coal Boy got in to discover the letter or whatever after Damien left it there or something like that...

    I wonder if there is a secret passage way in Mira's room? I must admit when I returned to find Mira's room had been ransacked and I examine

  • I might explain how Damian managed to get his armoured self out of the room so fast without being seen!

    Honestly that's a great idea, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. It could explain how maybe Coal Boy got in to discover the letter or whatever after Damien left it there or something like that...

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