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  • edited February 2015

    Unless I'm mistaken you can't last more than two days without any form of hydration (most food counts). I'd dare you to try, but I'd rather you not. I suppose you could excuse it by saying it rained on occasion and he happened to have his mouth open just enough that he wouldn't drown. As for the Red Wedding, I could rant about that for several pages. In the books, they did care about the people outside, as damned near every younger son, grandson, great-grandson, cousin and bannerman of House Frey saw it as a golden opportunity to claim a ransom or two. Very few of the nobles present were killed. And if Ironwood is supposed to be so damned valuable that random lordling would be worth a great deal of coin. Now, I know that Telltale are using the HBO's adaptation as their chosen canon, but there's no reason to assume that wasn't the case in the show, too. It wasn't touched upon as there were no main characters amongst the Stark bannermen outside - we get Arya's view of the chaos and Grey Wind's death, but that's it - and they had a very limited amount of time to work with. In the game we instead we get a bunch of moustachio-twirling House Frey's soldiers stalking about, shouting "Walder Frey sends his regards" and "kill those fucking Forresters." So they clearly knew of the family and had some reason to hunt them down and ensure their deaths. My hope is that the attempted killing of Gregor and Rodrik was unique and set up by the Whitehills. But either way, there you have it. You're right about the corpse wagon. But even so, you'd think someone, anyone, really, including the wagon driver, would've stripped him bare before that point - armour is expensive shit, and even a lord's boots would be desired - and figured out that he wasn't dead.

    Anyhow, despite the bitching, I don't hate the character, and do enjoy the game. It just doesn't sit right with me. They could've handled it better.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Three-four days isn't an unbelievable amount of time to survive without water. Did anybody really care about the people outside of the wall?

  • His injuries were far more perilous than a broken leg and a scarred face. Remember that whole surgery scene? He had serious internal injuries.

    Flog61 posted: »

    A ton is a hell of a lot. If a car fell on someone and they got merely a broken leg you'd be a bit suspicious.

  • I'm specifically referring to his bones.

    If a car falls on your leg, you don't break it. It's destroyed.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    His injuries were far more perilous than a broken leg and a scarred face. Remember that whole surgery scene? He had serious internal injuries.

  • You're mistaken. At most, you can survive approximately a week without water, in the best case scenario. As you said, it was never touched upon in the show, on what the Frey's wanted, so the game shows that they didn't give a damn about the people on the outside. Then, for the cart driver, don't you think he'd get in trouble if he gave the corpses to the Forresters in such a way? It's disrespectful to strip the corpses, don't you think? The best he could do is load them in the cart ASAP, and then get them home before they're unrecognizably rotted, or before wild animals start chewing on the bodies.

    I think it was handled relatively fine.

    Unless I'm mistaken you can't last more than two days without any form of hydration (most food counts). I'd dare you to try, but I'd rather

  • He should've had an infected leg for sure, but it's possible that the wound closed itself. But it won't ever fully heal. No way. But it could've closed itself off. In the same way that scraping your knee gets a scab, although on a much bigger and arduous scale, those wounds can still close themselves off.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Three-four days isn't an unbelievable amount of time to survive without water. It is when you have a bleeding, open, untended wound.

  • edited February 2015

    Cars weigh way more than horses...

    The size of horses varies by breed, but also is influenced by nutrition. Light riding horses usually range in height from 14 to 16 hands (56 to 64 inches, 142 to 163 cm) and can weigh from 380 to 550 kilograms (840 to 1,210 lb).[24] Larger riding horses usually start at about 15.2 hands (62 inches, 157 cm) and often are as tall as 17 hands (68 inches, 173 cm), weighing from 500 to 600 kilograms (1,100 to 1,320 lb).[25] Heavy or draft horses are usually at least 16 hands (64 inches, 163 cm) high and can be as tall as 18 hands (72 inches, 183 cm) high. They can weigh from about 700 to 1,000 kilograms (1,540 to 2,200 lb).[26]

    Taken from Wikipedia (not the best source, sure, but the references seem legit). Sure, Rodrik should've been more injured than he was, but people can survive a lot of shit. You would expect that after falling from the height of a plane, that you'd be a puddle but some people have survived that, without parachutes.


    A lot of people survive shit they have no business surviving.

    Alt text

    The person in this image survived.

    By comparison, Rodrik surviving a simple horse falling on him seems tame.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm specifically referring to his bones. If a car falls on your leg, you don't break it. It's destroyed.

  • I never want him to fully heal. The (badass) scars on his face should remain, as well as his limp, but I'd like his arm to heal. Can't swing the Forrester Greatsword through Ludd Whitehill's neck with only one arm.

    Unless Rodrik is just that badass, of course, which I would be entirely willing to roll with.

  • edited February 2015

    I don't really care if he recovers or not, though I was surprised to see him alive. I do agree that him surviving is a bit unrealistic( though his survival is plausible depending where his body was crushed by the horse), but I'm glad that we get to play as him. I was pretty bummed when he just up and died so quickly in episode 1. If he recovers, cool, if not that's cool too. Whether he's crippled or not, Rodrik is still going to be badass in my playthrough lol.

  • Alt text

    Rock114 posted: »

    I never want him to fully heal. The (badass) scars on his face should remain, as well as his limp, but I'd like his arm to heal. Can't swing

  • edited February 2015

    Face = Scabs over but stays scarred.

    Arm = Heals fully.

    Leg = Doesn't heal fully, left with a limp that affects his ability to fight.

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