Fables should become a SERIES while TWAU should be the MOVIE!
He's perfect for the role. He looks super wolf-material XD Wouldn't you guys agree?
Anyways, who would you want to portray Snow, Crane and etc.?
So, I've looked at your posts and finalized which actors should play the characters in Fables in my opinion. (This is for TWAU the MOVIE)
Hugh Jackman as Bigby
Zoey Deschannel as Miss White
Ryan Gosling as Flycatcher
Peter Dinklage as Pinocchio
Felicia Porter as Bloody Mary
Meryl Streep as Auntie Greenleaf
jane Lynich as Holly
Ellen Page as Faith
Jennifer Lawrence as Vivian (in this haircut)
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There is actually a Fables movie in development...
But my choices would be:
All I can think of right now:/
I don't think Eva will be fit to play Snow thoughh... She has such a strong face...
But all the others, I agree! 
That woman is gorgeous to look at though!
She has blue eyes, pale skin, great body... her accent is a problem but she is an actress so she can learn to change it for the role.
You don't want THIS to portray Snow White?!
xD ahaha first chill dude.
I don't know yet though. I'd like to see some other actresses that would be fitting for Snow White. Tbh, I can't imagine a chemistry between Hugh and her.
Maybe there's someone out there too ya know.
But Snow has to be played by a 'winter'
Someone with dark hair and pale skin, plus you need attractive actors for Fables...
I can't think of anyone else... There was a fan-made picture that suggested Zooey Deschanel portray her, maybe she could :P
I know. I respect your opinion lol. Zooey's okay too. But I'm still looking. And what about Faith and Nerissa?
I'm having a moment where I cannot think of any other actors :P
I don't know
Huehue XD I'll think. It's okay XD
Eva Green has the looks of Snow White, but I am wondering if she could capture the warmth of Snow?
True she has played some cold/hard people in the past, but I think she can capture the warmth as well
Snow White = Emilia Clark
Bigby Wolf = Hugh Jackman
Crane, Jersey Devil, Crooked Man = Steve Buscemi (good actor IMO)
I don't think Emilia Clarke is a good option, she doesn't have that 'fire' that Snow has (I'm not making a GOT reference)
Plus she looks worse with her natural brown hair
I'll do more research, just woke up....those are the only ones that popped up.
Woodsman = Bruce Willis
Nah, you need someone big, Willis is a short-ass :P
I stand by Adam Harrington!!!
Maybe a WWE wrestler could do it XD
Adam Harrington is one inch taller than Bruce...
Oh... He's got the voice and the beard though!! XD
True lol
If Emilia dyes her hair black, it's okay. But just as Hazza said, she lacks the spark. XD
She needs to gain some weight too though. Not too fat, just the right size like Snow has.
Am I the only one who thinks that Christian Bale could do a good Bigby?
Maybe, but Bigby has that natural ruggedness and Bale is a clean-cut type of actor...
Another actor for Bigby could be Javier Bardem...
Everyone says Hugh Jackman would do Bigby, but that's literally only because he plays Wolverine and they have similar characters. If he did it, it would just feel like Wolverine in the Fables universe. I think Josh Holloway would do an excellent Bigby.
I love these options for the males, but females... I gotta agree with @BeeDawson, I don't think Eva Green would be very fit to play Snow. She's absolutely gorgeous and a pretty good actor, but I just don't see her as Snow. Eva is fierce and strong, I think she'd be more fit to play Bloody Mary than Snow White.
Also, Kate Hudson is meh in my opinion as Beauty. Not a bad choice, but not the best. I think maybe Charlize Theron or Amanda Seyfried could capture her better. As for Snow, I'd like Gemma Arterton or Keira Knightley
It's just my opinion though
Bloody Mary = Eva Green
Tweedles = Jack Black
I agree! I think Holloway would be perfect
I don't know, maybe Emily Blunt as Snow?
She's currently starring in main role in horror TV show "Penny Dreadful", and she's really great in it (recently finished Season 1, looking forward to Season 2 in about 2.5 months)
As for whether she fits into the role, well her looks I don't have any problem, it's just her voice as Snow that I may have a bit of issue with a bit.
I always thought Jennifer Connelly might be a good fit for Snow. She has the looks, and she's roughly same age (44) as as Jackman (46) [though some people may argue age doesn't matter....lol], and her voice doesn't sound quite as distinctive as Eva Green.
As for Jackman, if they are really gonna cast him as Bigby, I have no problem with it (he would be my no. 1 choice anyway), but they better start shooting fast, it's not like he's getting any younger, and his age is starting to show (which becomes more apparent the more X-men films I am seeing him in).
Also the fact that Bigby doesn't age cuz of his Fate :P
Jennifer Connelly could do it, but she isn't as 'curvy' as Snow is
Also Penny Dreadful was amazing!! Josh Hartnett could pull off Bigby actually!
Yeah, well production is in kinda limbo anyway for Fables movie, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Haha, good to find another Penny Dreadful watcher.
The first 4 episodes of Season 1 was kinda slow, but the pace really picks up from Episode 5 and it got really interesting.
Well, Hartnett's looks are quite different from Bigby's actual looks (now he has more acting chops and become versatile, but during his earlier movies, I kinda thought of him as a pretty-boy only), so I don't know about that. Though his secret being revealed in final episode was NICE!
I heard they're exploring his origins in this season (whereas Season 1 was more of Eva Green character-centric), so I'm looking forward to it.
Yeah, he's a Werewolf!!!
He was the 'returned Ripper' it seems :P
Some parts of the Season where kinda meh; like when they are exorcising Eva Green, that took ages and just seemed to drag on too much.
Also Frankenstein's second creation, Proteous, he died way too early. I really wanted to know his backstory. Now we're stuck with the murderous Caliban,,,
Adding to the fact that she's too short to be Snow (all the men in Game of Thrones, and the upcoming Terminator Genisys [based on trailer] seem to be towering over her lol).
But Snow must be really short cuz Bigby is 5'8, and she barely comes to his chin in the comics (even in heels!)
Well, Caliban is more closer to the Frankenstein's monster we read in the novel (they even included him wanting a bride thing adapted straight from the novel) than tame Proteus.
But I agree, it died a bit too quickly.
I didn't like the whole Ethan and Dorian thing that had. We know Dorian is bi-sexual, but did Ethan really need to sleep with him? Kinda annoyed the heck out of me.
I forgot that they both did it
We both know that Ethan was 'the man' of that encounter :P
Frankenstein planning on changing that Irish prostitute into Caliban's bride will really piss off Ethan though...
Yeah, he'll be totally pissed at Victor (Frankenstein).
But I think Vanessa (Eva Green) will be there for him when that happens. The show has been hinting at their romance throughout the Season (implying there is a little attraction in the beginning, but they've gotten more close after Vanessa's whole possession ordeal and Ethan's exorcism), and even Season 2 description states that their bond has gotten stronger.
It's been so long that I have forgotten character names :P
Season 2 will be amazing, hopefully we'll see Ethan fully as a Werewolf!
Don't worry, we will. There will be at least 1 flashback episode of Ethan's past (it has been confirmed), like we did with Vanessa (her surname is Ives, by the way), and that will detail how Ethan got the whole werewolf curse. And like last few episodes concentrated on Vanessa with her possession, Season 2 may have more scenes with Ethan as werewolf (no promises, but probability is higher).
The team were the hunters in Season 1, but Show Creator and writer has stated this time, they will be the hunted, and that situation will be pretty interesting.
Maybe TellTale should do a Penny Dreadful game
The possibility is there...