Sera was the one who set Mira up.

Sera seems kind of untrustworthy to me even though she's a friend to Mira. I think it was Sera who broke into Mira's room looking for a letter she wrote. Then a few hours later someone sent Damien to write a note to Mira.



  • But why would she do it? Sera may be untrustworthy, but she has no motive to want Mira dead and I think she does consider Mira her friend. The Whitehills who had their deal with Tyrion interrupted seem more likely to have done it.

  • Just think. She stole the wine and tried to lie. She's like a thief, which means she could have done it. The Whithill's may have discomtempt for Mira right now, but I don;t think they did it. Sera did. Mira wrote letters that are very important to Sera. She broke the vase after writing the letter on Mira's bed, and wanted her to meet Damien on the courtyard.

    So basically Sera wrote the letter Mira found and told her to meet Damien in the courtyard so that she could search for what she was looking for. The vase broke after Sera was afraid to get caught.

    Grafite posted: »

    But why would she do it? Sera may be untrustworthy, but she has no motive to want Mira dead and I think she does consider Mira her friend. The Whitehills who had their deal with Tyrion interrupted seem more likely to have done it.

  • I agree, I still don't trust her... I think she will do anything to be a noble, she also brought up wanting to be Queen... she would kill for that.

  • edited February 2015

    Anyone notice when Sera busts in Margery's room after Mira writes those letters? I think she's trying to catch Mira so she can marry someone.

  • edited February 2015

    IMO marriage is the only thing Sera cares about (not Mira or the Tyrells)...she might be working with Cersei as she promised her a wedding...even in episode 1 Sera told Mira she would love to be a queen (dont remember exact words)...she would do anything for marriage.

    Grafite posted: »

    But why would she do it? Sera may be untrustworthy, but she has no motive to want Mira dead and I think she does consider Mira her friend. The Whitehills who had their deal with Tyrion interrupted seem more likely to have done it.

  • Maybe? She DID like the garden and the letter did mention to meet someone there. If she did do it or know about it, then she is a grade-A sociopath and I fear for Mira's life since she thinks of her as a friend. That said, I find it unlikely.

  • that's what i'm talking about. sera wrote the letter not damien lol. that's why she looked at the letters mira wrote, to see if it has anything to do with her family.

    Anyone notice when Sera busts in Margery's room after Mira writes those letters? I think she's trying to catch Mira so she can marry someone.

  • I very much doubt that.

  • I was going to keep the promise to tell Margaery to talk to Sera. After reading this thread, nope!

  • So Sera, a bastard of unknown parentage, managed to convince a Lannister guard to kill the soon-to-be Queen's favourite handmaid? Yeah, no. I'm sorry but unless we find out that Sera is wealthy enough to bribe the guard, then I believe she's innocent (I do think she'll stab us in the back later though).

    The Whitehill merchants or Queen Cersei on the other hand...

  • Alt text

    Just think. She stole the wine and tried to lie. She's like a thief, which means she could have done it. The Whithill's may have discomtempt

  • Sera could betray us but not like this, your reasoning gives no account for what interest Sera has in these letters (which were simply wedding invitations)

  • I doubt that, she's obviously up to something, but she wasn't the one who broke into the room. If you listen closely.. before you find your door open you can hear the sound of armor rattling (Damian running away)

  • Sera actually says she was hoping to catch Mira at something salacious. ' a love letter....or a declaration of war.'

    If you forged the letter for the betrothal, im pretty sure you're busted. I think that whomever ransacked Mira's chamber was looking for info on what the Forresters are up to in general, their plans for the near future and the like. And that's why i think that it is safer for the Forresters as a family to play Mira with a whole lot of caution. I always tell Margary what my mother wants (so she knows she can trust me), but that she should not bother herself, or we should wait. It's like Margary said to us outside the throne room, 'you may feel one thing, but you must say another.' Don't give King's Landing any more ammunition than it already has.

    It really pisses me off that her mother keeps asking me for impossible things that will put me at risk. Like i could really do anything about it, i'm a frikkin' handmaid from a family who served the 'traitorous' Starks.

    Anyone notice when Sera busts in Margery's room after Mira writes those letters? I think she's trying to catch Mira so she can marry someone.

  • I agree with everything you said except that it might be Queen Cersei. There's honestly no way its her behind the attack IMO

    MrHazer posted: »

    So Sera, a bastard of unknown parentage, managed to convince a Lannister guard to kill the soon-to-be Queen's favourite handmaid? Yeah, no.

  • I wouldn't say there's no way... It was a Lannister guard so that suggests the person who ordered Damian to kill Mira was either a member of the Lannister family or someone wealthy enough to bribe him. But Cersei lacks a true motive and she's too arrogant to consider Mira a threat in the grand scheme of things. Plus why would she only order one guard to kill Mira when she could tell the entire patrol to make sure she dies?

    The chances of it being Cersei are 1% at best but definitely more likely than Sera.

    I agree with everything you said except that it might be Queen Cersei. There's honestly no way its her behind the attack IMO

  • No, If anything Sera is my pawn, I'm playing the "game of thrones" to a strict "What would Baelish do" at every decision that relates to kings landing.

  • Eh, I would disagree. You make a lot of good points but overall I feel like Sera would be more likely than Cersei.

    MrHazer posted: »

    I wouldn't say there's no way... It was a Lannister guard so that suggests the person who ordered Damian to kill Mira was either a member of

  • Well given the fact that you cooperate with Tyrion, Cersei has all the reason to kill you just to sabotage his plans.

    Eh, I would disagree. You make a lot of good points but overall I feel like Sera would be more likely than Cersei.

  • Cersei wouldn't waste her time with Mira for a couple of reasons plus by now she knows that Tywin has some use for her, so she wouldn't try to mess up his plans. The only time I think its likely Cersei might be behind something to do with Mira is if she wants to get at Marge.

    Well given the fact that you cooperate with Tyrion, Cersei has all the reason to kill you just to sabotage his plans.

  • You can't be busted for the fake letter because it has already been sent -.-

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Sera actually says she was hoping to catch Mira at something salacious. ' a love letter....or a declaration of war.' If you forged the le

  • Sera may not have anything to do with the attack, but I think she is definitely spying for Cersei. She already admitted to trying to catch Mira at something suspicious before, and her aspirations for power and a marriage are more than enough motive to do so. The only reason she admitted (or pretended) to be a bastard to Mira was to guilt her into putting her in a more favorable position with Margaery; She wants Margaery to confide in her instead of Mira, so she can report back to Cersei.

  • ^Wow I totally agree...Cersei hates Margaery.

    Cersei wouldn't waste her time with Mira for a couple of reasons plus by now she knows that Tywin has some use for her, so she wouldn't try

  • But Sera notices that you wrote it. So i'd say it could come back to bite you.

    You can't be busted for the fake letter because it has already been sent -.-

  • I doubt it was Sera- I'm not 100% sure about her either (if I'm honest, I don't think I trust any character after what happened to Ethan!), but I don't think shed have much reason to want Mira killed, and plus Damian was a Lannister so how would Sera convince him to kill a Queen's handmaiden? It might of been the Whitehill men who met with Tyrion, and of course Cerci might have wanted her gone. For all we know, Margery might of wanted Mira dead if she was antagonising Cerci and the marriage to Jofferey!

    I'm going to wait till the next episode to see how things go, but one thing is certain for me now: that scruffy boy (what's his name again?) is trustworthy, and I'm intrigued to see who he works for (I have an odd suspicion that he might work for Tyrion, but I have no theory to back that up and I'm most likely to be wrong).

  • Just a suggestion: is it possible that Cerci didn't like Margery having a Forrester as a hand maiden and forced her to get rid of Mira in order to keep the marriage intact? Or is it possible that Margery herself felt that Mira was antagonising the marriage to Jofferey and Margery herself decided to get rid of her? I don't really believe in either theory, but it is possible: no matter how much Margery may like (or seem like) Mira, Kings Landing is cutthroat and Margery would not risk the marriage for the sake of a Forrester handmaiden.

    Cersei wouldn't waste her time with Mira for a couple of reasons plus by now she knows that Tywin has some use for her, so she wouldn't try

  • Either is definately possible. King's Landing is a nest of vipers after all.

    Just a suggestion: is it possible that Cerci didn't like Margery having a Forrester as a hand maiden and forced her to get rid of Mira in or

  • Hmm, I don't know. The only way that Mira could possibly be antagonizing the marriage is if you ask for her help in Ep1, so I wouldn't count on it. And I don't think Cersei would force Marge to do anything like that, it could cause some trouble with the Tyrells (her parents) if they found out that Marge was forced to try to murder an innocent girl.

    Its unlikely, but I wouldn't cross out that the people we trust as of right now might be behind Mira's attempted murder or any future troubles. Because you're certainly right, Kings Landing is a dangerous place.

    Just a suggestion: is it possible that Cerci didn't like Margery having a Forrester as a hand maiden and forced her to get rid of Mira in or

  • Good point. Thing is, Cerci really, REALLY doesn't like Margery as far as I can see, so it wouldn't surprise me if she would take every opportunity to force Margery into decisions she didn't want to make. And I doubt that Cerci likes Mira for being a Forrester, though it's unlikely Cerci will think Mira is that much of a threat.

    If I'm honest, I don't really trust Margery 100% (as a general rule I don't trust anyone in Kings Landing).

    Hmm, I don't know. The only way that Mira could possibly be antagonizing the marriage is if you ask for her help in Ep1, so I wouldn't coun

  • Yea, you aren't wrong. Cersei really does hate Marge but she has to careful. The Tyrells are a strong force that are very good allies, so if she forces Marge into doing stuff that she doesn't want to do, the Tyrells might get mad. And Cersei probably just doesn't like Mira because House Forrester fought for the North, probably nothing else.

    And yea, I don't recommend trusting anyone. Marge may be our friend at first glance but she is very manipulative, just like her grandma. Though I think it's more likely Sera will be the one to back stab us at one point.

    Good point. Thing is, Cerci really, REALLY doesn't like Margery as far as I can see, so it wouldn't surprise me if she would take every oppo

  • Plus all it takes is the Glenmores mentioning the letter, or Margaery's "intervention" to her, or something along those lines, to make Margaery suspicious.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    But Sera notices that you wrote it. So i'd say it could come back to bite you.

  • Given that Mira is only there on the order of Margaery, wouldn't it be a lot simpler for her to just send Mira back to Ironrath?

    Just a suggestion: is it possible that Cerci didn't like Margery having a Forrester as a hand maiden and forced her to get rid of Mira in or

  • Exactly. IMO forging that letter is one of the riskiest moves that Mira can make.

    Hoyzenburgh posted: »

    Plus all it takes is the Glenmores mentioning the letter, or Margaery's "intervention" to her, or something along those lines, to make Margaery suspicious.

  • edited February 2015

    I largely agree. I sense some kind of a collaboration between Cerci and the Whitehill men.
    The Whitehills have an obvious motive, while I could see Cerci doing something like this just to spite Tyrion. The fact that it was a Lannister guard really does point to Cerci's involvement. Tywin doesn't really have a motive.

    As for coal boy, I have no idea who he works for. But he does have characteristics implying that he could be one of Varys' little birds. Small orphans who wouldn't get a second look. Also worthy to note that he teaches his birds to read. So whether or not it was coal boy's note could be a hint.

    I doubt it was Sera- I'm not 100% sure about her either (if I'm honest, I don't think I trust any character after what happened to Ethan!),

  • Not really, in case of rebellion it would be important to have a hostage.

    Hoyzenburgh posted: »

    Given that Mira is only there on the order of Margaery, wouldn't it be a lot simpler for her to just send Mira back to Ironrath?

  • No, I was responding to the theory that Margaery could've been involved in the assassination attempt to try and get rid of Mira, for one reason or another. Instead of having her killed, she could always just fire her and send her back home. Mira is only there because she's working for Margaery.
    What good would a dead hostage be? LOL

    Besides, there isn't really any risk of a rebellion any time soon. The King of the North is dead, Roose Bolton is Warden of the North, and House Forrester doesn't have the strength to even fight off a bunch of Whitehill men garrisoned within their own walls, as the constant asking for Margaery's help by Lady Forrester has made clear to Margaery.

    Not really, in case of rebellion it would be important to have a hostage.

  • No but when House Forrester signed over to Stannis' cause it could be bad, since they have Ironwood. Mira has a hostage then would be ideal, but I figure they aren't gonna do anything considering they didn't have her held hostage when the Forresters fought for Robb Stark

    Hoyzenburgh posted: »

    No, I was responding to the theory that Margaery could've been involved in the assassination attempt to try and get rid of Mira, for one rea

  • edited February 2015

    Come on guys, it was obviously Gared, the secret mastermind of the red wedding and Ethan's murder, all part of his plan to marry Talia and become lord Forrester.

  • Wrong lol. Gared was at the wall, so he couldn't have done it.

    Choombi posted: »

    Come on guys, it was obviously Gared, the secret mastermind of the red wedding and Ethan's murder, all part of his plan to marry Talia and become lord Forrester.

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