Why did Telltale remove the [Shoot ****] option?



  • What's the show?

    Rock114 posted: »

    Tyreese died because his actor, Chad Coleman, got a big role on a different TV Show. Had nothing to do with race.

  • [removed]

    No it really is stupid, so far the only characters that have survived are two black kids.

  • I guess it's now officially in my rights to call you an asshole.

    Not really, if you have a problem with what he said you can flag him and allow a mod to take care of it. Firing back doesn't help anything.

  • Because bad writing that's why.

  • Frankly, taking this option out was one of the few instances of good writing in Episode 5, since basically murdering Mike was absurdly out of character for Clem.

    Because bad writing that's why.

  • Some Syfy show, I don't remember the name

    What's the show?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited February 2015

    The Expanse, it's apparently a space opera.

    Some Syfy show, I don't remember the name

  • edited February 2015


    Jaden pls.

    you're forgiven...

    Frankly, taking this option out was one of the few instances of good writing in Episode 5, since basically murdering Mike was absurdly out of character for Clem.

  • It's already been said a few times but I THINK one of the reasons may also be the writing decisions they have for Season Three. They may want Mike to play a major role in the next season and can't have him be determinant. Heck Telltale were originally going to show Kenny's death at the end of the first season but ended up making it open-ended instead.

  • edited February 2015

    Every time i see the title I think it says shoot shit

  • Honestly I wish they had that option to kill him.

  • Good writing isn't a quality their half assed "Can I go with you" option had

    Frankly, taking this option out was one of the few instances of good writing in Episode 5, since basically murdering Mike was absurdly out of character for Clem.

  • It's because he's going to appear in season 3. Taking away the option is pretty clear evidence of that.

  • I said it was stupid not that you were stupid

  • Would be nice if there was an option to shoot Arvo.

  • Mike betraying you would have made sense had Telltale actually stuck to their original plan of making him a bandit. As it is, he's a loyal and soft-hearted guy who would NEVER leave a child and baby to starve.

    I think Telltale prevented you from murdering Mike so as to make the final decision between Jane and Kenny more impactful. And I think she's more justified in shooting Kenny to save someone's life than she is in murdering someone out of vengeance.

    Maybe Arvo will return. One thing's likely: Bonnie will die off-screen, seeing as she's already a determinant (provided that you are spiteful enough to not actually try and rescue Luke.)

  • Yes, Mike was a telepath who knew that there was a zombie inside the ticket booth. Never mind that he immediately compensates for his mess-up by chokeslamming said zombie.

    Arvo 'nearly' got the group killed? That's all on Buricko, the literal convicted maniac who started the gunfight. It's amazing how everyone seems to forget that. Maybe because it's easier to hate on a skinny crippled kid than on a dead man, even an obviously evil one?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I doubt it was any real concern seeing as how he was the same person that tried to make her go in a room with a walker inside and regardless Arvo nearly got the group killed including himself and he didn't see anything wrong with him holding a rifle

  • I don't understand your gripe about the ticket booth scene. Its really Bonnie that pushes Clem to do it, and even then you have to make the decision as her on whether or not to actually do it. If your Clementine got caught up in that dangerous situation, its only because she gave into peer pressure.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I doubt it was any real concern seeing as how he was the same person that tried to make her go in a room with a walker inside and regardless Arvo nearly got the group killed including himself and he didn't see anything wrong with him holding a rifle

  • You're being intentionally oblivious. I love some characters in the series Nate, Kenny, Lily etc. But I know they have flaws. Arvo brought them there and he does it no natter what.

    Bokor posted: »

    Yes, Mike was a telepath who knew that there was a zombie inside the ticket booth. Never mind that he immediately compensates for his mess-

  • If I'd had the option, I would have killed Bonnie and Arvo but not Mike- I liked him, he was okay. But I suppose that'd be an impossibility.

    Actually, in that position Clem should've shot the only armed person, Arvo. Then the other two wouldn't have anything to defend themselves with. Just saying :/

  • fuck

    Doctor_Stef posted: »

    Here ya go...

  • Yeah, we better be able to rip open Mike and Arvo in Season 3.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    So we can kill him later, obviously. We need to savor the bloodlust...let it ripen...let it blossom like a beautiful flower. A murderflower.

  • Spoiler

    Yeah, if you didn't kill Kenny and you didn't stay in Wellington, lets hope that they skip about five years, so Clem's around 16 and is a lot harsher (and can actually fire a rifle now).

  • You mean Wyatt, right? Cause the cop in Vince's story was white.

    I'm starting to believe it has less to do with keeping Mike alive for season 3 possibilities, and more with the uncomfortable fact an awful


    No it really is stupid, so far the only characters that have survived are two black kids.

  • There were two cops, the cop in Wyatt's story is one of the ones from Vince's story, he was the driver.

    You mean Wyatt, right? Cause the cop in Vince's story was white.

  • edited February 2015

    Oh hey, my video. I really do not like Mike and I prefer having this canon option in my canon playthrough.

  • You LIKE Nate and Lilly?!

    Clemenem posted: »

    You're being intentionally oblivious. I love some characters in the series Nate, Kenny, Lily etc. But I know they have flaws. Arvo brought them there and he does it no natter what.

  • I wish you had the option to shoot ARVO instead.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Good writing isn't a quality their half assed "Can I go with you" option had

  • I looooove Nate and Lily <3

    You LIKE Nate and Lilly?!

  • I somehow doubt that we'll ever see Mike and Bonnie again, yet what burns me more is that Arvo got away, I wanted to get back at him for shooting Clem but I'll probably never get that satisfaction.

    If anything, Season 3 will be a whole new story (there's no guarantee that Clem will even be the PC anymore). I don't think Telltale has any plans for Mike in S3, the deleted option to shoot him very much confirms that at least at the time of writing the episode they were done with his character.

  • many, many years late, but how? She already shot Lee. It doesn't get any more special than that.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    They wanted to make Clem shooting Kenny feel more special.

  • Ya know, you could've just asked this in the questions thread instead of necrobumping this.

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    many, many years late, but how? She already shot Lee. It doesn't get any more special than that.

  • tbh I think about this constantly

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