Matt & Woolie's Game of Thrones LP is almost untolerable
I mean I like the Zaibatsu crew, but couldn't they at least be quiet during the Funeral instead of just yukking it up, even during Talia's kickass song?! This isn't their worst part of the LP, but it's their most recent. What do guys think about the LP?
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I hate Let's Players who don't respect the game like this for example.
I wouldn't mind the commentary if they didn't mention how the choices don't matter every single fucking part, and if they didn't complain about the graphics 24/7. At least Matt liked the Episode :P
Yeah, if they want to criticize the game for the stuff they didn't enjoy, they can easily do that without shoving it in people's faces every part. Also, I hated the commentary when I just skimmed through this video. They take away the emotional, desperate times for House Forrester feel that the scene was supposed to give you.
I stopped at 0:45 terrible.
raises hand
I know what to do!
If you don't like it, stop watching. It helped me when I used to watch let's plays.
You think that's bad? Try to watch their TWDS2 playthrough. The endless Kenny hate is fucking unbearable. At every fucking second.
PLEASE. DON'T REMIND ME OF THAT GARBAGE PLAYTHROUGH. Oh god it was such a fucking mess.
It's fine if you don't like him. But God, you don't need to remind us all the damn time.
I've seen worse, to be honest. It wasn't that unbearable, and at least they were talking about the game (I've seen LP's were people have just gone off on a tangent and talked about stuff completely unrelated for ages). Still, I get what you mean. I prefer to watch LP's with no commentary.
Look at the bright side, Pat isnt in it!
If you thought this was bad, if you haven't checked it out already, their TWD S2 playthrough was worse.
EDIT: Never mind, bloop told you already.
I like Pat![:( :(](
When you can make an hour and 45 minute video of all their Kenny hate from their S2 playthrough like these guys did, then you know it's bad. That's almost 1/4th of their entire playthrough dedicated to Kenny hate.
Click here
Don't forget S1 too.
I'm afraid to click it.... ._.
Yes, but Season 1 was only about 50 minutes (which is still a lot).
Click here
Trust me, you don't want to. It starts funny, but then it just becomes a long, dragged out joke that gets old really fast.
I thought the Kenny jokes in season 1 were kinda funny, but season 2's playthrough was just unbearable!
They are also the most hypocritical Kenny haters out there,
They call him a murderer at every turn. Did they forget Lee murdered? And that Larry may have been dead (I think he was alive but the group didn't).
God, I hated watching that video. (Also what made them think prior to the dinner scene that Kenny was a dick at the Ski lodge? Making a group of strangers surrender their weapons? Yeah... no).
Eh, I like them. Maybe it's because I don't really care that much about the funeral scene so I didn't mind their talking. I even liked their TWD S2 play through (though their Nick and Kenny hate definitely got annoying I didn't mind too much, some great lines came out of it).
Who....cares? If you don't like it, don't watch it.
That funeral scene was amazing IMO, how did you not care for it? But anyway, even if you don't care for a scene it can get annoying if Let's Players disrespect the game with annoying commentary.
Eh, it was just OK. I like how Talia's song changes but that's about it.
I thought it was an amazing and well done scene that illustrated the desperation of House Forrester's situation amazingly, and I don't get how its just an "eh it was OK." But whatever, to each his own. Not gonna get mad at you for finding a single scene that even though lots of people like bad.
I agree with all the above, except 1) we know Larry was alive, that's been proven, and b) only Kenny (and determinantly Lee) thought he was dead, it wasn't a 'group' decision/agreement.
I know Larry was alive but Kenny (and determinantly Lee) didn't have time to take that risk. I do agree with the fact Larry was alive though so I didn't help kill him
Yup, you're right, that was just a mistake on my part.
I like them for hating Kenny but sometimes they should just sthu and concentrate on the game.
I don't find it bad, just dull.
How so?
I haven't gotten a feel for the Forrester at all so I don't feel anything for them yet (anything really deep or want to cry anyway, I feel bad, but I just don't feel them).
I guess I can understand that (even if I don't relate). I feel like that way about Tales from the Borderlands (that its OK but I haven't gotten the same feel for it like some other people have). But hey, like I said. Each man to his own, everyone has their own opinion.
I never watch anything serious from TBFP, they're just not that type of Let's play. When the play shitty/action games that's one they're at their best. When they can tail off onto random tangents about WWE or whatever that's when it's interesting.
Don't use that shitty argument.
I know! hell, even He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had some respect for Talia's song. coughpewdiepiecough
I have come to find LP's are a waste of life and time in general. They even fall below reality TV shows in terms of entertainment IMO. Why people watch LP's rather than play the game its self baffles me.
Whats worse are the people that LP on twitch and ask for donations that go into their own pocket and not charity. When I see someone on twitch get a $700+ donation it kind of pisses me off that the money could of went to someone homeless or in need rather than a gaming nerd with a $5000+ dollar gaming rig In a fairly descent home.
I say stop supporting people that do LP's in general. Sorry if some reading this are offended.
Like how Kenny fans reminded youtubers of their "douchey choice" if they picked to kill him? CONSTANTLY?
Oh don't be butthurt that argument is more valid than the shit that made everybody hate king Joffery
Or how Jane fans bitched if you chose to look away.
Never heard if them but they seem like dbags.
Or how both sides were intolerable at the time.