Chioces also not carried over on Ps3 for episode 2
Saw Xbox one owners were having the same problem. Had problems from episode 1 choices not carrying over to EP2 on ps3. Its pretty annoying hoping it doesn't happen for the next episode.
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Can you please clarify what region/country you are currently located in, if you are using Wired or Wireless internet connection, and when you originally played through Episode 1?
I live in the north east part of the US. I use a wireless connection and have played episode 1 the day it released on the PSN
My apologies, if you can, please try connecting your PS3 to the internet using a wired connection, then make sure you are signed into your Playstation account, and rewind to the last part of Episode 1 (Part 6) and play through the end of Episode 1. Your stats/choices should then be properly recorded, and carry over to Episode 2 successfully.