Isn't ****** coming back sort of a cop out.

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Now with Rodrik back in the picture and now the Lord of Ironrath, doesn't that make the choice of who you picked as Sentinel as Ethan almost meaningless. At the end of Episode 1, it seemed like who you picked as Sentinel was going to have a huge impact, but with Rodrik back, all it seems is that it will change who is with you at certain times (either Duncan or Royland is with you after Whitehill leaves, stuff like that). Don't get me wrong, having Rodrik back is great, but it would have been nice to see the choice of who you picked as Sentinel play a much bigger role. Guess that's Telltale for you. Maybe it will in future episodes, but it just seems that by having Rodrik come back, it made it easier on the writers so they didn't have to write two different scenarios.


  • Yes.

    But it's done.

  • I don't really see how Ethan being alive would make them play a bigger role in the story, they're still the sentinel of the house regardless if Ethan is alive or not :P

  • Well we are only on episode 2 so we'll see what happens. Maybe something like who you picked will be killed and who you didnt will live

  • I think we'll be able to pick Sentinel again, and our first decision of sentinel only showed who each character really was.

  • Maybe something like who you picked will be killed and who you didnt will live

    And 10 minutes later who you didn't will be killed either, cause we all know how it works :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well we are only on episode 2 so we'll see what happens. Maybe something like who you picked will be killed and who you didnt will live

  • I don't really think it's a cop out.

    I was super frustrated in the first episode, in that the Forrester Heir didn't speak a single word, then appeared to be killed by a horse falling on him. Which IMO is ridiculous with that plate armor on. Busted ribs, punctured lung, internal bruising, Yes. Death, incredibly unlikely.

    So, really i'm glad they brought him back, especially after Ethan's murder. I don't really think that either candidate for Sentinal would be a good ruler for House Forrester. Temporarily or not. And neither of them can put aside their prejudices against the other, as evidenced in the council meetings.

  • edited February 2015

    i think TT did a great job...i wasnt expecting Ethan getting friendly with Ramsay's knife....IMO they stayed true to GRRM unpredictable torture :P

  • Or they could just leave on a mission somewhere so they don't have any screentime, that amounts to the same thing but is more plausible.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Maybe something like who you picked will be killed and who you didnt will live And 10 minutes later who you didn't will be killed either, cause we all know how it works :P

  • To be fair Duncan and Royland are still in several scenes if they are the castellen. I mean they do t do much but still.

  • I don't feel that way. Ethan still chose a sentinel who is going to aid Rodrik. Sure, we didn't get to see much in episode 2, but I don't find the choice meaningless. Just because Rodrik is back, whoever got chosen is still the sentinel.

  • Yep, I'm sure Telltale's going to be Telltale :P

    Or they could just leave on a mission somewhere so they don't have any screentime, that amounts to the same thing but is more plausible.

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