Is Gared the best character since Lee Everett?



  • edited February 2015

    They're both you so..

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  • Neither are characters really they are just player vessels we control

  • I think the real question here is - Am I the greatest character I've ever controlled?

    Neither are characters really they are just player vessels we control

  • You're all heavily simplifying the protagonists as characters, yes we control some of their decisions, but they are not RPG playable characters, we can't controls who they really are. For example, when we play as Lee, we can''t make him dump Clementine, or we can't make him not feel bad for some of the things he does, because he is fundamentally that kind of person. When we play as Gared we can't make him scream "Fuck the Forresters" or we can't stop him from defending his family, Telltale once said that every choice represents what that specific protagonist would realistically say or do, so the ah they are partially us and partially ourselves, but not entirely ourselves.

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    DoubleJump posted: »

    I think the real question here is - Am I the greatest character I've ever controlled?

  • Umm no, there is no better character than Lee.

  • edited February 2015

    Those things which are always true make him a very 2d character though.

    'I like this girl' can't compare with the amount of depth given to, say, Snow in TWAU.

    So yeah, they are characters when player input is disregarded, but very shallow ones.

    You're all heavily simplifying the protagonists as characters, yes we control some of their decisions, but they are not RPG playable charact

  • I think Ben Paul is the best character, but that's just me.

  • They have their own personality and Telltale writes their choices with what they might or might not do in mind.

  • Honestly? I'm not a big fan of Lee's characters.

    I've found many, even in the walking dead, to be better than him.




  • Well they are completely different in personality and universe, but Gared is my favorite character in game of thrones

  • edited February 2015

    I think Gared is a very cool character but Lee is difficult to replace. Rodrik might be the one to have a solid chance of replacing him IMO

  • Well...Lee is difficult too replace.

    But you can't deny that Gared is a badass. He survived the Red Wedding, fought three soldiers and can kill two of them, easily a skilled fighter compared to most of his brothers and can completely beat Finn's ass despite his size and strength.

  • I think Rodrik is a cooler comparison to Lee so far.

  • I think he meant playable character... probably. :P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think Ben Paul is the best character, but that's just me.

  • edited February 2015

    Out of the TT games I've played, here are my top favorite characters for each game...

    • Walking Dead: Lee

    • Game of Thrones: Ethan

    • Borderlands: Rhys

    • Wolf Among us: Bigby

    When comparing all of these characters, it's difficult to decide. They're all different depending on the choices you make, so it kind of depends.

    Just for kicks, my least favorite characters are as such...

    • Walking Dead: Bonnie

    • Game of Thrones: Mira

    • Borderlands: Felix

    • Wolf Among Us: The Crooked Man (Super disappointed in his character as a whole. The last couple of episodes of the game were disappointing actually.)

  • That depends. Gared is seen to be nice, but can act tough.

    Lee can be nice, or be the biggest asshole. Worse than Larry.

  • Fuck yes. Ben Paul all the way. High five, man.

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    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think Ben Paul is the best character, but that's just me.

  • Nobody can beat Lee. Rodrik is amazing. So far he's my favorite character but honestly nobody can beat Lee, not even Rodrik.

  • Oh please, Gared couldn't tie Bigby's shoes.

  • Gared is an alpha male.

  • I personally think Gared's the weakest PC in the GoT game currently... I don't know he and his scenario just seem to not be interesting as the others, with Mira having to be careful of everything she does in Kings' Landing, Rodrik having to do everything in his power to keep his house safe and Asher now apparently having to gather up an army of sellswords.

  • Yeah I think his story is the least important right now but that being said I think it has the potential to grow to a very interesting one with the whole North Grove/Ice Dragon thingy

    That1Guy posted: »

    I personally think Gared's the weakest PC in the GoT game currently... I don't know he and his scenario just seem to not be interesting as t

  • So far, I think his story is interesting. It is just my personal opinion. Of all of the storylines in Game of Thrones, I enjoy the Night's Watch the most. I like the concept of misfits, criminals, thugs and other outcast are forced to join together in a falling order. Also, the story of someone fighting hard to earn your keep and gain respect among your new brothers is touching.

    Those who have watched Shawshank Redemption would get what I mean. :)

    That1Guy posted: »

    I personally think Gared's the weakest PC in the GoT game currently... I don't know he and his scenario just seem to not be interesting as t

  • i think they're tied. i love them both <3

    ...this is exactly why i fear for gared's safety XD

    telltale has a taste for making you like a character and then pulling them away. so does game of thrones, actually. george rr martin is among the most famous serial killers in all of literature. if you ask me, this is a dangerous mix..

  • Honestly if anything I can see Rodrik being killed off in a Ned Stark/Lee Everett way toward the end of the season, since IMO they can do a lot more with Gared's story.

    jules_v_g posted: »

    i think they're tied. i love them both ...this is exactly why i fear for gared's safety XD telltale has a taste for making you like a

  • Nope, the best protagonist in this game goes to this man-

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