Wolf Among Us Season 2
Soooooo, when is it coming out, If ever because I haven't heard anything about it and it is my favorite tell tale game and I am getting anxious.
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Soooooo, when is it coming out, If ever because I haven't heard anything about it and it is my favorite tell tale game and I am getting anxious.
Wrong section, this is the Minecraft: Story Mode section.
Anyway Telltale has not confirmed they will even make another season out of TWAU.
They never even confirmed it so maybe never
Jeez how many threads about 'Has Season 2 of TWAU been announced yet?' are there gonna be?
It hasn't been announced yet, hopefully it will sometime in the future...
Not another one... everytime I see these topics I die a little inside.
lol this was me when I played the intro of The Last Of Us...
Some people say early in 2015 ( based on the diference of time between TWD S1 and S2), others say in 2016 becouse telltale don't have time enough to make it ( they made some new games ik ), the season 2 isn't confirmed yet, but we can hope that it would be one... that's all. byee
Sources for this info? I've seen unreliable sites that have said the same info, I know that these sites are unreliable cuz other ppl on this forum have confirmed it...
Because a lot of people bought it during the steam sale
Yeah I need to get Steam at some point... But they were very negative about Bloody Mary a few months ago on their forums so I postponed getting it for that reason alone...
Sure. http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2014/07/07/the-wolf-among-us-season-2-release-date.htm
Ok the videogamesblogger one estimates a Q1 2015 release but it's only an estimation, not a confirmation.
The steam one isn't even a reliable source; it's just someone posting on a thread just like I am right here!
It wouldnt be a season 2 it would be a dlc if anything
Say what you will Poogers but I'm not giving up until TellTale confirms it.
Im not giving up on it at all, Its just I dont think Season 2 would be annouced and released the first half of 2015, ok maybe annouced but not released
Alright I can understand the announce but not release part; a DLC has no excuses to not be released this year though...
You were right.
Season 2 of TWAU before minecraft pleasssse
^ This guy... this guy knows (account name and all)
Your account name
Yup, Nothing can beat @TWAUS2 He can get my up vote aswell
New Rule: You don't create a thread titled "The Wolf Among Us Season 2" unless it's officially announced.
i don't think they confirmed it but they better conform it i can't live without TWAU its telltales best game at least for me so
fingers crossed
Thats not real man
TWAS... The Wolf Among Sheep??? :P
Teen Wolf Actually Snapped
Hahaha! Very good
Unfortunately, people (especially newcomers that have no idea) aren't going to follow it unless it's strictly enforced.
@hazzatheman I know. But these guys might be right. Anyway I didn't say it's something certainly about the season 2, I just told you what I heard about it, and what have a little logic for me.
My bad sometimes i write to fast XD
lol... It was funny though XP
Wolf among us, was the first telltale which made me very very happy. Because of that i bought almost EVERY Telltale Game. So please, give us a second season. I am sure Sales will be constant for every title. I gifted the game a lot over Steam. More and more people in my area are enjoying it. Its simply the best telltale Game. An information if something is planed or not would be enough to cry out in joy.... or tears...
why? i think we can share our disappointment regarding S2 of TWAU here, that way maybe telltale can see that we actually care about TWAUS2 & making a 2nd season.. maybe later they can delete this thread or re-name it once its actually been confirmed or announced.
i wish tho...
Whenever TTG gets their shit together.
I understand it's cool if you want to leave the Faith/Nerissa debate vague/unknown, but seriously come on.
The game wins so many awards and has been nominated so many times as well. If TTG was smart, they'd make S2 in a heart beat.
But they can continue to be mutes, it only just makes the fans mad. No biggie, right?
Ehh not really, sure I'd love a Wolf season 2, but look at TWD S2 and how that was received among the fans compared to season 1. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happened with Wolf. Previous game success doesn't really correlate with how well the next game in the series will do, is all I'm trying to say
(even though I did enjoy TWD S2 more than S1)
It's just that there have been too many threads on season 2 with no official info. The first picture is awesome.
mine craft? really
give us wolf among us that is the best telltale game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE US big b !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully this gives people an idea when TWAU2 will come outhttp://www.kdramastars.com/articles/66569/20150107/the-wolf-among-us-season-2-release-date.htm