An angrier Gared?

I feel like we're seeing a different side to Gared in episode 2 after he was sent to the wall which makes sense with what he went through in episode 1. I'm seeing a more angry and badass side to Gared (which I love) for example the fight scene with Finn that moment Finn punched Gared and Gared's expression got me so pumped he looks him in the eye black eye and all and says "that wasn't very nice" his voice gave me chills I personally love this new side to Gared. So what do you think are we seeing a new side to Gared a more angry badass one as opposed to the noble squire we saw in episode 1?


  • Yes I think we're definitely seeing a tougher, harder side to Gared. Given the fact that he is now at the wall and things work differently there I'm not surprised.

    With house Forester Gared proved him self by being loyal and honourable, however at the wall he has to prove him self in a different way. He has to establish himself as a brother of the nights' watch. He has to gain allies and also prove that he won't be pushed around by people like Finn.

    In my play through my Gared didn't wait for Finn to throw the first punch, he realised how things were going to go down so he acted first. In my opinion Gared had to fight Finn, because he had been trying to push Gared around and Gared had to quickly send the message loud and clear to Finn and everyone else; that he was not going to be an easy target! Or go down without a fight!

  • When Finn asked Gared to move aside, I have him reject Finn. My reasons being that if Gared move aside, it sign that he is weak and unable to stand up for himself. In the harsh environment at the Wall, Gared has to stand his ground in order to earn respect.

    Yes I think we're definitely seeing a tougher, harder side to Gared. Given the fact that he is now at the wall and things work differently

  • Yes I did the same thing.

    When Finn asked Gared to move aside, I have him reject Finn. My reasons being that if Gared move aside, it sign that he is weak and unable t

  • I was just thinking about how much he's already changed from Episode 1. Though, I guess that you'd need to change if you were to last long at The Wall.

  • I personally moved it was literally two steps and it wasn't going to hurt Gared in any way and I had no interest in picking fights and after that fight I doubt anyone thinks Gared is weak maybe dangerous. Moving may have raised Finn's ego but that didn't matter to me I picked silence everytime Finn tried to talk to me (besides the fight scene) Gared had nothing to say to him.

    When Finn asked Gared to move aside, I have him reject Finn. My reasons being that if Gared move aside, it sign that he is weak and unable t

  • Yes you would definitely need to adapt quickly to the new situation. I also think that after everything that has happened to Gared, it's hardly surprising that he gets angry from time to time.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I was just thinking about how much he's already changed from Episode 1. Though, I guess that you'd need to change if you were to last long at The Wall.

  • I moved too. I didn't want to have to deal with any unnecessary problems.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I personally moved it was literally two steps and it wasn't going to hurt Gared in any way and I had no interest in picking fights and after

  • What happens if you move, do you still get into the fight somehow?

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I moved too. I didn't want to have to deal with any unnecessary problems.

  • I'm pretty sure the fight is unavoidable. The only way to not get bruised, however, is to throw the first punch.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What happens if you move, do you still get into the fight somehow?

  • Yeah I punched him first ;3

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure the fight is unavoidable. The only way to not get bruised, however, is to throw the first punch.

  • It seems Telltale really did want you to get into a fight. XD

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah I punched him first ;3

  • The fight is unavoidable the actual decision is whether you told Finn that Cotter took the knife Gared always steps in to protect Cotter although if you sold Cotter out he has a more bitter expression when he pulls the knife out of his sleeve instead of a smirk.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What happens if you move, do you still get into the fight somehow?

  • I think we already have started to see a harder/tougher side of him from Ep1 to Ep2. As said before, I think as time passes and we have to deal with situations like basic survival at the Wall, the impending wildling attack, and how the North Grove/Ice Dragon might (probably will) be implemented to his story we will have the option to just keep growing harder and tougher.

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