Fables: the complete covers by James Jean
I got this book yesterday
The book has each issue covers and TPB covers (up until Dark Ages Volume of the main series, 1001 Nights of Snowfall, and Jack of Fables), their preliminary sketches, and excerpt from the issue.
With the TPB covers, cover artist James Jean shares what were his thoughts when designing the cover, and what sort of methods he used (paint technique etc). In this he even points out how some part of the cover complements other parts, and even tiniest details easily missed by the readers.
I gotta admit, when I bought the TPBs for the main series, while I did love the covers, I paid more attention to the actual stories and artwork.
But after getting this book (I'm currently about halfway through the book), I'm appreciating Fables a whole lot more (with its every little details). Now I totally get how James Jean has won the 6 Eisner Awards for his covers. They are just spectacular.
I may get this even though it isn't story material :P
I like how the cover is Snow walking with the Big Bad Wolf!!
Yeah....the covers look gorgeous, and how some of the preliminary sketches differ from the final cover is interesting as well.
Only downside is, it only covers till Dark Ages volumes (kinda wish they released it after the main series finished and covered all main series, jack of fables, and fairest covers as well), but oh well.... it's still part of Fables compilation, so I'm not complaining.
I think it's cuz James Jean got removed as the cover artist
(I read that somewhere)
I still wanna know why Mark Buckingham replaced Lan Medina as series artist after Volume 1 though!!!
Very cool I might check this out even though I have most of the volumes already.
Do you have the link for that Hazza?
Well, Mark was originally asked to be artist for Book 1, but he loved drawing animals so much that he asked if he could start from Animal Farm volume.
I think Mark was upped to series artist because Willingham liked his art so much. I can kinda understand why, his big-bad-wolf Bigby is one of my favourites character designs in Fables.
Maybe one day, they can have the book for all covers for Fables, not just the James Jean ones (though his covers are fascinating).
I'm afraid I don't have a link for it...
But if you search something like 'James Jean replaced as cover artist for Fables' etc. you will probably find it
I definitely know that this is what happened, but I can't remember where I saw it