Having resolution Problems? Come here to get a prefs.prop

edited June 2010 in Game Support
I am posting some prefs.prop for Wallace and Gromit with various settings to hopefully remedy some problems while we figure out what is wrong. Just replace your prefs.prop file in the 'my documents/telltale games/wallace and gromit ep 1' with one of these.


  • edited March 2009
    Your files are invalid.
  • edited March 2009
    I tried the 1280x1024 prefs.prop file; worked perfectly fine. Did you unzip the file first?
  • edited March 2009
    Unzip the files using 7zip or WinRar. The Xp unzipper doesn't work for some reason. ;)
  • edited March 2009
    In my case it works :
    The game starts windowed, and turning it Full screen works nicely too. The 1280x1024 option is then bolded and I can't change to any other display setting back (the second 1280x1024 option is still disabled, but is unavailable when in Windowed mode).

    Note : my original "prefs.prop" is 1161 bytes long, and yours is 1346. I attached my prefs.prop file for you to look into it.

    Chords of Steel : make sure it's not the demo : we're talking about episode 1 here.

    There's still some anti-aliasing needed : look at the title in the following screenshot, when it's moving the aliasing parts are moving too, so it makes a very ugly effect ! http://nantes.mwyann.com/WG1.png
  • edited March 2009
    I used 7zip to make the files which might be why xp can't uncompress them. As for the prefs.prop it should work for either the demo or the full episode. Should being the key word there.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Hey Chords, what is telling you the file is invalid? Is it when you try to download or when you try to unzip?
  • edited March 2009
    I'm having the same trouble downloading these as I did in my thread about the demo, and I never got the file you emailed to me. Could you try resending it, please?


    EDIT: Never mind - the file is downloadable with Firefox, but not with IE. It worked like a charm. Thank you!
  • edited March 2009
    Sorry, your prefs.prop files don't work with the installed demo version on my system. After replacing the original prefs.prop the game starts in windowed mode. But after changing back to full screen mode it still uses the 1024x768 resolution instead of the 1280x1024. Your prefs.prop file is replaced with a new one (smaller size, only 784 byte).
    I tried to start the demo without a prefs.prop file in the folder and the demo generates a new one with a size of 768 byte.
  • edited March 2009
    I tried the 1280x1024 prefs and it works for me. The in-game graphics settings still shows:

    ...and I am unable to change to any of the other resolutions just as before. I'm still stuck on the one that the game starts with, but at least it's the right size now.
  • edited March 2009
    My TV only supports 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1920x1080. None of the prefs you posted work and I always get an unsupported signal. How can I start the full game of wallace and gromit in windowed mode? A list of keyboard commands is fine. Thanks
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Theoretically, all of the prefs should already be in windowed mode, but just in case, the standard command is alt+Enter.
  • edited March 2009
    having graphic pobs withw and g backgrounds are black.
  • edited April 2009
    Is it possible for you to post a 1280 x 800 file? I tried the only file below it, hoping I could then change the resolution, but sadly it wasn't. Thankyou!
  • edited April 2009
    I'd also really like to play the game in 1280x800, please.

    Strange thing is, the demo was fine.
  • edited April 2009
    My game was refusing to start, but this seems to fix it...admittedly at kind of an annoying resolution for my small screen.

    I think it just can't run in full screen for some reason; if I try to switch to that in the settings it crashes instantly. And like some people above, it won't let me change resolutions ingame.
  • edited May 2009
    Thanks for fixing this in the second episode! :) -
    Now that the problem has been found and elimitated, do you plan to release a bug fix for the first episode, too?
  • edited May 2009
    Thanks for fixing this in the second episode! :) -
    Now that the problem has been found and elimitated, do you plan to release a bug fix for the first episode, too?

    I hope they do, there's no reason to not do that. It's really an issue that they don't released it yet.

    However, even if now is working in episode 2, there's a little issue. For the ones that have lesse than 4 resolution, the last one is repeated to fill the list. I have 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1280x1024 again. I can't select the last one but if I select any of the other the last one disappear. So no a real issue but there's no reason why it have to be there.
  • edited May 2009
    If anyone is having graphics problems with W&G 2 can I just say that it runs ok on my little Acer Aspire One - which has integrated Intel graphics with screen res of 1024 x 600 (yes, 600), miserly 1Gb memory, and a 1.6Ghz Intel Atom proc.
    Got a blank white window and no hard drive activity?.........
    Ok, run the game, <ALT+TAB>, WAIT, surf the web for 10 mins (yes!) and about 2 mins after the music starts, <ALT+TAB> back into the game (yippee?) DON'T change the resolution.
  • edited May 2009
    I need one for 1440x900 if possible. Thanks :)
  • edited June 2009
    faecalist wrote: »
    I need one for 1440x900 if possible. Thanks :)

    I'd love that too. I just bought W&G Episode one with the free game coupon I got from the Monkey Island Pre-order. But unable to change the resolutions.
  • edited June 2009
    can someone upload the 800x600 setting 1 version of WandG ep1.

    basic settings would do for me.

    EDIT: the resolution problem is only with episode 1. episodes 2 and 3 are fine. so telltale must have fixed it later on, i guess they need to check what they did differently.
  • edited June 2009
    Hee Ho Ho wrote: »
    so telltale must have fixed it later on, i guess they need to check what they did differently.
    The programmers are well aware of the problem and how to solve it. They just do not have the time and/or the budget to fix it (yet). - As this does not affect everybody (the problem only exists if you have 4 or less resolutions available to choose from for your specific hardware configuration) and there is a workaround available, this is obviously not seen as a major issue that would need an immediate fix.
  • edited June 2009
    my screen res is 1280x800 (16:10)

    can you tell me what the work around is? windowed mode stays at a high res, which means it is sometimes slow even in windowed mode on a 3.06ghz processor.
  • edited June 2009
    Hee Ho Ho wrote: »
    can you tell me what the work around is?
    The workaround I was referring to are the "prefs.prop" files published in the first posting of this thread. - If these do not work for you, as you need another resolution, what others seem to have successfully tried is to add some fictitious screen resolutions for your monitor in a specific the Windows configuration files, so the game will display more than 4 settings to choose from (and then the resolution setting works as expected again). - But I am not familiar enough with the Windows system files to guide you through this procedure.
    You could also try to send an email to TTG's support address and ask for a specific resolution file. I think this would give you a better chance of getting one than posting your request here.
  • edited June 2009
    it's ok, i found the best solution. i downloaded a file displayed on this thread, 1st post. then i downloaded a tool (apparently made by telltale games) called ttres. this tool lets you choose any resolution. it doesn't work with the original prefs.prop file, that's why you have to download the one in the first post.

  • edited June 2009
    now episode 2 is being wierd, it's running too slow, i think it keeps changing back to default res. telltale games have a big bug they need to deal with. i thought the requirements was a 3ghz processor with 64mb vram, so why is it so slow? I hope they fix it in time for monkey island. I'm really looking forward to it as is every monkey island fan. i don't mind wallace and gromit. it's fun, but not the best
  • edited July 2009
    I'm having resolution problems but suspect that I am too computer illiterate to explain what they are.
    I installed the demo of the first strongbad game, which crashed after a few mins and sent my computer into 1x-1 pixels?! from which I couldn't recover any other screen resolution because I received this message....

    'The currently selected graphics display driver cannot be used, it was written for a previous version of windows and is no longer compatible with this version of windows.
    This system has been started using the default VGA driver, please contact your hardware manufacturer to get an upgraded driver or select one of the microsoft provided drivers.'

    I tried system restore...

    'System restore did not change successfully. Your computer system files and settings were not changed.
    Details: An unspecified error occured during System Restore. You may want to try to restore again and choose a different restore point.'

    ....before giving it to PC world
    who reinstalled the correct driver and left the file available for if the problem should happen again.
    Now every 20 mins or so my screen goes black, flicks back up again and announces...

    'Display Driver has stopped responding and ha recovered.
    Display driver igfx stopped responding and has successfully recovered'

    I would rather not reinstall Vista again if this is likely to be a problem I encounter again.

    Hum, the only computer specifics I have are:
    Acer Aspire 5735
    Vista Home Basic 32bit
    Intel (R) Core (TM)2 Duo CPU T5800 @2.00GHz

    My graphics card is the Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family, which is listed on the shit list. I only noticed this afterwards, assuming that a 6 month old laptop would be sufficiently kitted out.
  • edited July 2009
    try exchanging it for a better pc, one which works
  • edited July 2009
    These work with monkey island too! just so ya know! =P
  • edited July 2009
    Monkey island works just fine....
    In fact, my computer stops turning black during monkey island, even when left on for hours, it only gets confused when its returned to the desktop/internet/ms office etc
  • edited February 2010
    I'm sorry chaps, but the game in question isn't worth the hassle of fiddling with files, this, that and hoping it works. It's been more than 12 months, and the problem still exists!

    Stand on your head, put your left finger in your right ear, spread your legs, and hum... That'll do Gromit!

    It should work right out of the box..
  • edited June 2010
    Its a such shame this hasn't been fixed having just gifted Wallace & Gromit to my partner. Trying to look for a work around now, can't see to find the program ttres mentioned above.
  • edited June 2010
    Its even more of a shame as she is using a widescreen laptop and can only select fullscreen. Makes the game appear in a small box in the centre.
  • edited June 2010
    Found a solution using ttres as mentioned.

    Downloaded it from here http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/wiki/Tell_Tale_Games_Custom_Resolution_Tool then downloaded the prefs file from this thread. Updated it using the program to the correct resolution and hey presto! Shame a patch can't be made to fix this.
  • OK old thread, old game, but having downloaded this from Steam, via a old Humble bundle, for my youngest son I find after 5 years that no solution to the resolution settings of this game seems to have been made!!

    So because it's so old I am assuming I will get no support for this problem, but lets try!

    The game runs fine on my i5 laptop with intel graphics chip but as I only have 4 resolution settings the games settings for resolution doesn't function.

    So I found this thread that should have prefs.prop files I need to alter and hey presto! They are not here!

    Telltale help me out.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    @Gram_Rawhide I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please clarify when you open the Settings menu, and click on 'to Graphics Settings' on the bottom, that you are able to use the two Yellow buttons on the right side of the Screen Resolution box to toggle through the various resolutions available to set the game to?

    OK old thread, old game, but having downloaded this from Steam, via a old Humble bundle, for my youngest son I find after 5 years that no so

  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    So because my HP laptop has only four screen resolution settings the yellow buttons you refer to have not been generated and therefore I can not toggle between settings.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited February 2015

    My apologies, unfortunately that prefs.prop file link is no longer active. If you could, can you please read this Sticky on how to run our Support Tool, and follow the steps to run the tool, and reply here with the download link copied and pasted into a reply? You can find the Sticky here:


    After receiving the information from your support tool, I will be able to assist you further. (Please note that this is the Walking Dead Support Tool, but this will gather the proper information for me to assist you further.)

    Thanks for the quick reply. So because my HP laptop has only four screen resolution settings the yellow buttons you refer to have not been generated and therefore I can not toggle between settings.

  • No need to use the support tool.

    Plugging the laptop into a TV opened up more resolution settings which then generated the toggle buttons and allowed me to change to the correct fullscreen resolution!

    This idea came from a twelve year old boy, maybe he should come work for Telltale!?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you for providing the extra information on how you were able to resolve your issue. I will make sure to pass it along to the team. Enjoy the game!

    No need to use the support tool. Plugging the laptop into a TV opened up more resolution settings which then generated the toggle buttons

This discussion has been closed.