Theorize and Predict Game of Thrones Ep3 - Ep6 using the achievements

Here is a link to the achievements for Ep3 - Ep6 -

Feel free to theorize what you think is gonna happen. I don't have a whole lot but some of my predictions are -

Episode 3 - "Brothers" mean Gared taking his vows

Episode 3 - "Your Grace" means the Purple Wedding

Episode 6 - "Fire and Blood" means meeting Dany

But something that has me interested is the number of House sayings that come up as achievements. "We Do Not Sow" from the Greyjoys, "Family, Duty, Honor" as in the Tullys, "Ours is the Fury" as the Baratheons, "Hear Me Roar!" as the Lannisters, and "Winter is Coming" as the Starks obviously. Do you think this symbolizes us meeting members of the Houses or just events that happen that these sayings can be related to?

Anyway, enjoy and share your predictions


  • edited March 2015

    Actually, all of the chapter achievements in episodes 4, 5 and 6 are named after house mottoes belonging to, in order:

    4: Houses Velaryon, Follard, Buckwell, Cerwyn, Flint of Widow's Watch, Hornwood, and Karstark

    5: Houses Penrose, Mormont, Hightower, Greyjoy, Arryn, Martell, and Tully

    6: Houses Baratheon, Bolton, Tyrell, Lannister, Targaryen, Stark, and Forrester

    Full list here

    Now, some of these could relate to the narrative, but I daresay given they are 'all' house mottoes, some of which are for obscure houses, they don't actually mean anything, and may just be placeholder names that will change.

    As for achievements in episode 3, they're all vague enough that they could mean anything, apart from 'Your Grace' which implies it has something to do with a king/queen, most likely Cersei or perhaps Joffrey. Maybe Cersei is ready to ask for that 'anything' that Mira swore to do to protect her family.

    'Rendezvous' is probably when they all meet in the Ironwood Grove to discuss what to do about Gryff Whitehill, which we saw in the preview.

  • All for Episode 3.

    I: Storied Sights - No idea.

    II: Brothers - Gared takes his vows.

    III: Garrisons - Something to do with the Whitehill garrison at Ironrath.

    IV: Rendezvous - Probably the meeting about Gryff we saw in the next time on.

    V: Relief for the Parched - The Purple Wedding.

    VI: Intentions Known - Uncertain. Perhaps Mira finds out just what the game is all about?

    VII: Your Grace - Likely another meeting with Cersei. Could also refer to Tommen's corronation, if it happens this episode.

    Now, as just stated, the achievement names for the next few episodes are all house names. However, it's likely they have a double meaning as well. The one that interests me the most is The Sun of Winter. Those are the words of House Karstark that in and of themselves are a double meaning. Does that mean the Karstarks will be involved? No doubt at least some of them (the ones allied with Arnolf) aided in the Red Wedding. Then again, maybe not. I can't say much about Episodes 4-6. Anyone else with more insight than I can tackle those.

  • I scanned through to episode 4 and saw Castellan? Does that a big battle at Ironrath perhaps? ep 5 - we do not sow, Ironborn so maybe something to do with those nutters coming into play?

  • edited March 2015

    good point, does that mean we get to interact with all the houses in GoT?
    i dont have a clue..but for fun i'll throw one prediction

    Episode 4 The Sun of Winter = Rodrik death (just have a feeling he will die on this episode)
    Episode 6 Ours is the Fury = we meet Stannis Braratheon

    Actually, all of the chapter achievements in episodes 4, 5 and 6 are named after house mottoes belonging to, in order: 4: Houses Velaryon

  • I like how all of the achievements in episode 6 are house quotes.

  • And episodes 4 and 5 as well.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I like how all of the achievements in episode 6 are house quotes.

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