Lady Margaery is Power Hungry?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

It seems like the reason why she had married Renly was because she thought he would be king, then she marries Joffery because he is the king and now she wants to marry Tommen because he is the king. Trust me I like margaery but she just seems to be a power hungry whore who will keep marring king after king until she is queen.


  • edited March 2015

    Yes. Don't know about Margaery in the books, but in the show she is really power hungry.

  • Does it matter if she's power hungry so long as she's also (seemingly) benevolent?

  • edited February 2015

    Actually almost everyone in GOT is power hungry, so it's better if a benevolent person has that power, just like her.

    MrHazer posted: »

    Does it matter if she's power hungry so long as she's also (seemingly) benevolent?

  • Trust me she is far from benevolent all she cares about is the throne and she is very manipulative in persuading people to marry her to become queen but apparently her husbands die.

    MrHazer posted: »

    Does it matter if she's power hungry so long as she's also (seemingly) benevolent?

  • Yeah they are but a person like margaery to keep marrying kings is ridiculous.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Actually almost everyone in GOT is power hungry, so it's better if a benevolent person has that power, just like her.

  • Yes. Her desire for power is almost as big as her hunger for pie. I don't complain. She's pretty, has a good heart, people do like her.

  • She's wants to be a queen and have the power associated with being the queen. She also can be manipulative when she needs to be. But how does that make her a 'whore'? Unnecessary. You sound like Cersei.

    She's also kindhearted and considerate to those less fortunate and holds no ill-will to anyone who doesn't hold ill-will towards her. Her character is closer to Tommen's age in the books, and seems a lot less involved in the politics of King's Landing, but it's hard to tell exactly because we don't get any chapters from her point of view.

  • When your a women and you keep marrying people soon after your last husband died and continue this there you earn the title whore.

    She's wants to be a queen and have the power associated with being the queen. She also can be manipulative when she needs to be. But how doe

  • edited February 2015

    She was a pretty naive 16 years old at first, it was her father who desperately wanted to see House Tyrell on the iron throne first by marrying her to Renly becasue he thought he would win and next by accepting Littlefinger's offer to marry her to Joffrey. She really didn't have anything to do with these 2 marriages.
    She did become very manipulated and knew how to use her looks to get what she wants...she is Lady Olenna's protege after all

  • It really doesn't. Especially not in the world the story is set it in. An unmarried woman is a commodity in Game of Thrones and love in marriage is rare. She's not remarrying out of sexual avarice, she's doing it because it's seen as her duty to unite her family with the strongest house possible. In the books, she basically forced into it. Keep your bigoted comments to yourself.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    When your a women and you keep marrying people soon after your last husband died and continue this there you earn the title whore.

  • It's not like she is the one making the decision of marrying them. Not that she has anything against it.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    Yeah they are but a person like margaery to keep marrying kings is ridiculous.

  • Margery never actually consummated any of these marriages. As @troublesomebirdsong said, in the game of thrones universe high born ladies were treated as a commodity when it came to marrying them off to other houses.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    When your a women and you keep marrying people soon after your last husband died and continue this there you earn the title whore.

  • It's funny how basically the only way of a woman obtaining power in game of thrones is by marriage, and if she does this then she's branded a 'whore'.

    Can't win, really.

  • and if she does this then she's branded a 'whore'.

    To be fair she is really only doing it so she can be queen, not because she actually loves any of the 3 men she's married so far.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's funny how basically the only way of a woman obtaining power in game of thrones is by marriage, and if she does this then she's branded a 'whore'. Can't win, really.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited February 2015

    I think she's never actually consummated any of the marriages, so calling her a whore as people have done here doesn't exactly make sense.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's funny how basically the only way of a woman obtaining power in game of thrones is by marriage, and if she does this then she's branded a 'whore'. Can't win, really.

  • The concept of marrying for love (at least on a big scale) is a very new thing even in the real world and in Westeros it is very rare. Of course, the husband and wife often grow to love each other even in arranged marriages. Only "love marriage" that comes to my mind from ASOIAF quickly is Doran Martell's marriage to Lady Mellario of Norvos and well... they kinda broke up. (No, Robb Stark's marriage to Jeyne Westerling in the books is not a love marriage, more like honor marriage.)

    Green613 posted: »

    and if she does this then she's branded a 'whore'. To be fair she is really only doing it so she can be queen, not because she actually loves any of the 3 men she's married so far.

  • edited February 2015

    She's not branded a "whore", thats just something some people will say about her. Most women are held beneath men in Westeros, so yes, most of the time the only way they can obtain power is by marriage.

    Thats not the case in Dorne and Essos though. If a woman is born into a royal family she can obtain the leadership of that House/kingdom without a male suitor.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's funny how basically the only way of a woman obtaining power in game of thrones is by marriage, and if she does this then she's branded a 'whore'. Can't win, really.

  • In that time period, every one is power hungry.

  • Your definition of "whore" is really small-minded.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    When your a women and you keep marrying people soon after your last husband died and continue this there you earn the title whore.

  • I think it is safe to say that almost anyone in King's Landing seek or hungers for power. Either for yourself (Cersei) or for your family (Mira).

    It is difficult to figure out if Margaery desires power for herself or for her family. Either way, so far, she is a slightly unreliable ally to Mira.

  • ...that's exactly my point.

    There's no other way for her to gain power. She's choosing the only option available to her. I fail to see how marrying men who she never even sleeps with makes her a whore.

    Green613 posted: »

    and if she does this then she's branded a 'whore'. To be fair she is really only doing it so she can be queen, not because she actually loves any of the 3 men she's married so far.

  • Margery is a game player so you might want to watch your ass around her. If it becomes convenient or desirable to make a traitor to the crown pay things could go bad for Mira.

  • edited February 2015

    Some people will probably say that she's "manipulating" the men she's marrying or something like that, though I don't agree since she isn't even sleeping with them and has a genuine interest in Tommen at least, her most recent husband. She isnt a whore IMO but just a HUGE game player and is doing what she has to do to rise to power.

    Flog61 posted: »

    ...that's exactly my point. There's no other way for her to gain power. She's choosing the only option available to her. I fail to see how marrying men who she never even sleeps with makes her a whore.

  • Also how on earth did you spell 'Margaery' correctly, but not 'hungry'?

  • I think Margaery is genuinely a good person at heart. That being said, her grandmother probably had a strong role in raising Margaery, and taught her to use her charismatic skills for political gain. Yes, Margaery has married for political gain, but remember in the world of Westeros, that is usually what is to be expected of any noble houses. The Tyrells are a powerful house and Margaery is marrying to improve her family's standing.

  • "I don't want to be a queen. I want to be the queen"

    Yes, she wants power. But who wouldn't in her position? The Tyrells are one of the great houses but have been led to stagnation by Mace, the bumbling buffoon that he is (Similar to how Tywin brought the Lannisters back to power after Tytos so royally screwed the.)

  • I don't really trust her- I mean, I don't trust many if any characters, but Margery in particular alerts me. She'd do anything to keep the marriage to Joffery intact. I think she's a nice person and a decent human, but that wouldn't stop her casting out Mira or doing some terrible things in order to marry Jofferey.

  • Lol, she is no better or worse than all the scummy aristocrats who play the game of thrones. If you do not want to play the game, the only other career choice is to be one of those landless peasants that can be killed and raped at will by the soldiers who fight for these scumbags.

  • In the books I liked her at first, because she was kind and I felt sorry for her, then I didn't like her because she revealed herself indeed as power hungry, and then I liked her again simply because she's Cersei's adversary. The enemy of that bitch is my friend ;) However, I had no moral qualms in the game to steal the sigil and the key. She tried to help Mira, but would switch in a heartbeat if it means to save her own skin. So I feel I'll do the same. I find Mira's life the most stressful. Damn Kingslanding politics. I'm gonna be ruthless :)

  • Unreliable because all she could really do was ask Joffrey... and well... that's Joffrey. That dog didn't like its leash, even when his own mum was holding it.

    Margaery seems to have a much greater influence over Tommen. So she could prove more useful after the purple wedding, assuming that Mira's links to Tyrion aren't used against her in the immediate aftermath.

    I think it is safe to say that almost anyone in King's Landing seek or hungers for power. Either for yourself (Cersei) or for your family (M

  • Yes, she have indeed a hunger for power.

  • She desires power like everyone in GoT does. Margaery is very good at playing the game but at the same time isn't completely heartless

  • I think if you showed disloyalty to Margaery as Mira by trying to advance Forrester interests at her expense, she well throw you under the horse carriage and not even think twice about it. Margaery is more scary to me then Cersei. Cersei demands respect but rarely ever gets it because of that, Margaery gets it by playing her role in Westeros society so well that most respect her for it and even using it to make herself look innocent of everything bad that she does do.

    Magaery is very power-hungry but she plays the game very well and like everyone who does it leads to greater ambtion or at the very least a memorable death.

  • She is the most dangerous women in GOT.

    I think if you showed disloyalty to Margaery as Mira by trying to advance Forrester interests at her expense, she well throw you under the h

  • This is GoT, everybody is power hungry. And basically all marriages between noble houses are for political reasons (not for love), so it's not really fair to call Marge a whore or manipulative. It's just the way they do things in Westeros. Even Ned and Cat didn't love each other at first.

    And it's not like she's tricking the men she marries. They all wanted House Tyrell's army and resources.

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