Night School Studio, an independent developer established in 2014 by former Telltale Games and Disney staff, has announced Oxenfree, a supernatural teen thriller adventure game about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift.
Read more at http://gematsu.com/2015/03/former-telltale-devs-announce-supernatural-teen-thriller-oxenfree#e611OrAb5SSyVHqm.99
The game follows Alex, a teenage girl who brings her new step-brother Jonas to an overnight party gone wrong off the coast of their hometown.
Release is planned for 2015, with platforms to be announced.
Another game by former Telltale workers?!? In my opinion this game looks super cool and interesting im excited to see how this one turns out. The dialogue choices seems super interesting and different. Does anyone know which former staff are working on this game? Also will there be more games by former Telltale staff to be expected this year?
I like the subject matter but not the design too much empty space
Unrelated, but nice Freaks and Geeks Sam avatar @TeamSarah .
I thought I was the only person on here who liked/watched Freaks and Geeks. c: Thanks.
No problem. I wish they'd made more than one season, though.
I wonder which Telltale alumni are working on this?
Seems mighty interesting.
I'm wondering the exact same thing.
Is Erin Yvette in this, one of those characters sounds similar to Bonnie.
Alex sounds a lot like Snow. A hell of a lot like Snow.
I think you might well be right.
I just checked the YT page, it gives the list of actors.
Erin Yvette: “Snow” in The Wolf Among Us, “Sasha” in Tales From the Borderlands
Gavin Hammon: "Kenny” from The Walking Dead, “Beast” in The Wolf Among Us, Tomb Raider
Britanni Johnson: “Angel” from Borderlands, Borderlands 2
I believe Firewatch by Campo Santo will be released this year, but the date is not confirmed. It's being worked on by Sean Vanaman and Jake Rodkin.
Oh man, Gavin is in this?!?
Yep, he was even tweeting about this game as well.
It seems like a better take on Kentucky Route Zero's art style. I'm not a fan of everything being zoomed out though...
They're being a bit sneaky at who the Telltale/Disney alumni are, but based on clues, I'm thinking they are Adam Hines and Sean Ainsworth.
Hope I win something if I'm right, but probably not.
I think they both still work at Telltale, their names were both on TFTBL and I never heard news of them leaving.
Seems like a lot of Teenage adventure games are coming out/are out they seem to be working out well.
God, not another side scroller type.
Um, this isn't a side scroller?
They seem to not be saying 'who' exactly.
Sorry. Jumped to the conclusion. I just meant that it looks like it's going to be played from a side view of the characters. Can't force myself through those games.
Gavin was in Tomb Raider?
According to this, yes.
Who'd he voice act?
I don't know, I never played Tomb Raider, I'm going off of what the description said. I'm sure if you google it you can find it.
I got one of them right! Adam Hines and Sean Krankel. And I found a tweet from November that I could have used to determine the right Sean, oh well. There are a surprising number of Seans in the game development world.
New article this week: http://www.polygon.com/2015/3/9/8146345/oxenfree-freaks-and-geeks-poltergeist
I LOVE FREAKS AND GEEKS! My avatar is literally freaks and geeks. xD
New teaser trailer, it's coming January, 2016.
enter link description here
Only 4 days until release, i am starting to look forward to this as the latest preview looks really interesting.
Another cool peice of news, i follow Night school studios on twitter and they tweeted an interesting article that they are going to be working with Skybound to expand Oxenfree into a "film, a web docuseries and more" which sounds really interesting.
enter link description here
Doesn't look like it's coming to PS4
Wow okay, it's actually scarier than i thought, the trailer gave me some chills.
Ah I forgot about this, super excited!
Skybound have posted the next video, this one talks about the art style.
enter link description here
Oxenfree is coming to PS4!!! There will be a gap between the releases, but it's coming!
Sounds like it is definitely steam bound at least
okay thanks