Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I decided I'd ask this thought provoking question, as it is something that people should consider.
Time is gonna keep going no matter what, and everyone is gonna be getting older.
So it's important to think about where we are at currently, and where we want to be, and then to make plans as to how we're going to get there.
I will add something a little later, in regards to myself on this topic.
DISCLAIMER: Do not feel you need to be real detailed in your response, if you do not wish to be.
If your your goals and plans are of a personal nature, and you wish to keep them there, that is your business.
But this is still a good question to ask yourself, and to reflect on.
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We might move to Canada when the kids are born this month. We're not really sure yet, neither of us are in the career we want to be (carpentry for both) and while I aim to be a writer, either journalistic or fictive, he's got no clue, as he assumed during his education he'd be in the army for the rest of his life. So yeah not really sure what the future holds, but here's hoping it'll be cool
Don't say banging your wife. Don't say banging your wife. Banging your... son..
I'd like to be in my first or second year of Law School (depending on what school I go to since one of them allows your fourth year to count as your first year of Law School).
I see myself in a city apartment, enjoying my career in making manga.
Ah, fuck it.
I see myself staying alive... I think.
Do it, its like living in America but nicer. Live some where nice though. Where it is warm.
Drunk on the Dr. Phil Show. finally one of my letters got through.
You should move to Canada, i was born in America (Montana) and even though ive lived in Canada pretty much my whole life I can say overall Canada is a nicer place to live. I've been all around America on vactions and family vists and in a unbiased way I like living in Canada more. (Though America is really awesome)
Also Vancouver is warm, its beach weather here right now.
Guy's how can you see future? I can't see events that will happen in 5 minutes...
In any case I can predict future... I will be dead probably, at least a part of me then I will be a god.
Either dead or ruling the world with an iron fist.
Seriously though, probably in college.
Might have a kid. My wife and I have talked about it a bit, and I'm in my 30s. Figure now's as good a time as any.
Other than that...I'm fairly stable where I am now. Don't imagine I'll be anywhere else, but who knows. Aliens could show up for all I know.
I don't know, maybe by then I'll have gotten a degree in psychology and I'll be working as some kind of psychologist, but I don't quite know what yet. Or if things don't work out I could be on a completely different path, maybe writing or screen-writing? Not sure at the moment really.
Well....... Since I haven't been picked up by any humans since that guy with the stache......I'm on top of a guys once-head.....And in 5 Years I'll probably still be there while talking to my Salt Bros....
Maybe a few feet to the right. I like to move my furniture around every 6 months or so.
Living alone.
Reality: About 50,000 dollars in debt due to college, and unable to get a job to pay them off.
Desire: To have my first book finished and on it's way to publication, and maybe have a boyfriend or even be married.
I just realized in 5 years ill still be in School.
Realistically: Dead or in a prison or insane asylum.
Fantasy: working in the gaming industry and having my own house and a girlfriend.
Hookers n blow.
Surviving the zombie apocalypse.
Making my first million
I struggled for a long time finding out what I want. But now I know what my plans will be after I ended my last year in study. I am going to spend one year working and generally relaxing my mind after 15 years of continual study. After that, I have two paths. Either I am becoming a gaming developer or study English at a University. But who knows? Perhaps life will take me in a different direction.
Hopefully far away from where I am right now, in a little less than 5 years I'll be out of the military and probably go on a trip, but I also consider generally moving away to another country.
That's not fantasy, that's a realistic resolution :c
....Just stay away from Quebec.
You can never really know for certain, can you? And I find just when you start to think you do, that's when things change and your options/aspirations change too... I am optimistic though, I'm sure wherever we end up, it'll be great ^_^
"Love some where nice though. Where it is warm."
In Canada???
I love French Canada, don't hate.
I'll probably get as far as I already have... so, nowhere. Kind of having an existential crisis at the moment. Not sure what my place is in the world or if I even have one.
Click here
Yeah it's pretty warm in Vancouver (west coast) like its not super hot or anything but its the same climate as Oregon and Washington, its definitely warmer here than it is in most US states.
(Didn't snow once this year) Right now its almost beach weather and is around 15 celsius.
playing twd season 6.
One thing I know for certain. No matter what happens, I will maintain my love for gaming.
I haven't decided but one of my choice could easily lead to death, funnily enough the one I most want to make, in any case it's unlikely that I'd die that quickly so probably in a small shitty apartment probably still broke since I don't really see a way to make more money that I'd enjoy and even what I want to do won't get me much cash, so yeah, no nice future for me since I'm not really aiming to have a happy fulfilling life.
How are things going over there, by the way?
I deeply appreciate your concern, thank you.
It's alright, the government is a little fragile since there are elections on the 17th, hopefully someone right for the job will be elected.
I'll drink to that!
Do you guys do approval polls?