More games going episodic?
Looks like Telltale set a precedent.First Life is strange and now Capcom is also going episodic with Resident Revelations 2 .
Who will be next to take the episodic route ? Knowing the cons of the episodic gameing I'm not all that happy about it.
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Although Telltale definitely had a hand in making Episodic gaming mainstream, episodic games have been around quite a while. Penny Arcade had an episodic RPG, Sonic 4 was sold in two Episodes, Half Life also experimented with episodes, etc.
However, if you want to focus on story oriented episodic games like Life is Strange or Dreamfall Chapters, then yeah - Telltale probably had a hand in the inspiration of the gameplay for those titles.
The new King's Quest is going episodic too.
Don't you dare mention Half-Life 2 Episode 2.......
Never getting resolved.....
They can't count to three, like you all had hope. :P
I'm playing the recent Sherlock Holmes game (thanks Playstation Plus). It looks like the older games would do one big case but this one is six short stories and I love it. I'd love to see them go episode with a new 2-3 hour Sherlock Holmes case every couple of months.
I love those Sherlock Holmes games, I personally would hate it if frogwares took up episodic release. Im realy looking forward to there call of cthulhu game- cant wait!
Im worried about the effect episodic release will have on highstreets I like to support my local independent games shop, and thats impossible with this release format.
For me, the cases are just the right length. Because of the deduction angle, I want something I can finish in one sitting and the six cases have all been a very nice length to that end and I'd love to see more like it.
Although you could probably do both, have an episodic release while still releasing single case major releases in shops.
Episodic games are my favorite type of video game.
Why do people feel the need to complete in one sitting? We have save files for a reason.
Dont rush that game or you will miss clues, you can get deductions wrong btw
It's the nature of the experience. Because I'm supposed to deduce what happened, the events of the investigation need to be pretty fresh in my memory. The longer the case, the more likely I'll be side-tracked for several days (I'm currently about three days in between the 5th and 6th case for the newest game) and find myself losing the plot. Being able to solve a case in 2-3 hours is pretty much perfect for me.
Now I happily concede that not everyone comes at these games the same way. But then the Holmes canon was split between novels and short stories, with each form holding advantages and disadvantages in terms of story telling. I personally love how short stories can tell fairly inconsequential tales, something harder to pull off with a novel which has to earn its page count. I prefer the episodic nature of Star Trek to the much more hit-and-miss theatrical outings because they can't just go and have some small scale adventure, the stakes have to be raised to make it a feature film. It's hard to see something like "The Trouble With Tribbles" being considered for a movie, as even the comic romp that was Star Trek IV was married to an Earth-destroying menace.
episodic was being used long before telltale got big so no telltale did not set a precedent i guess you could say they just revived it
It's ok for story driven games like Life is Strange or anything Telltale throws at us. NOT for games like Resident Evil...
After TWAU and TWD S2, I will never buy an episodic game until everything is released. It's not worth paying full price and waiting for these episodes to slowly come out.
TTG better step up their game, releasing two games a year isn't enough. They need to out source, like every other company.