What Issues do You Feel Strongly About?
So this is a thread for talking about the general issues facing society today. They can be local, overseas or worldwide issues.
I, for one, hate the amount of power big companies have and how easy it is to deceive and exploit consumers for personal gain. The gaming industry is a good example of this, like when the next Tomb Raider game was announced to be only on Xbox (true, it's only a timed exclusive, but still a giant fuck-you to PlayStation users). What excuse do you ever have for making a game on two platforms, and then make a sequel on only one? That shit needs to stop. Another good example is when games come out buggy and unpolished and tied to online systems that either don't work properly or take up space on your PC (cough AC Unity cough). Seriously, there needs to be a standard for what you can put in full-priced games.
So what issues in the world concern you the most?
Old people driving. They are a menace.
I think people should have to re-take their tests in order to keep their licences over long periods of time.
Antisemitism is gaining speed, I don't like where we stand for most people.
Bullying, look up the poem "To This Day", it describes my feelings for this subject.
I hate bullying. Even though history is full of it, I am still shocked that even today people are still so cruel to one another.
Yes sireeee. I think every 10 years people should retake their tests after 60 (including 60).
Oh man I have a lot..
Abortion (This one I promised not to get into again)
Circumcision (Disagree)
Gay rights/marriage
GMO (Agree)
Senior benefits (Disagree)
Right to wear a turban in School (or show/wear other religious items)
Fighting less wars overseas, actually dealing with more issues in my country.
Turks and Caicos merging with Canada
I hate people in general...(short pause) wait what are we talking about?
A link to the poem:
It's starting to look like Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich killed himself over anti-semitism, the nastiness of politics, and friends who didn't understand his need to make things right.
My entire focus is on economic issues; I'm a liberal on social issues, but my main thing is economics - minimum wage, income inequality, access to basic services (health care, education etc.), regulation of the financial services industry (reinstate Glass-Stiegal). Economics, prison reform, and domestic spying. Social issues and identity politics are far too often used to block discussion of economic issues. I consider myself a New Deal Democrat, through and through. FDR's programs and his introduction of the Second Bill of Rights. That's why I believe in.
Of course, there is politics and culture - only so much can be fixed legislatively, and there are cultural issues - what I listed above is what I believe is the role of the government. Culture has other problems which can't be fixed by law.
Really? Not in America. We love Israel, Obama is stupid. 1 More year of this, and he is gone.
I don't really care about society. I feel like ever since i came back from IRAQ, the dissocation hit me really hard. i never really fit in, so whatever. I feel like America is going in the wrong direction.
OBAMA wants to be friends with IRAN?? WTF? I can't believe some people, when they show they have absolutely no common sense.
Click here
If you voted for this man, you should be embarrassed for you, and the rest of this world. People HAVE DIED because of his mistakes.
Now off Dems, lets talk about young people today. I find most of them pretty lazy, entitled and spoiled rotten. I went to school everyday with bread bags on my feet, walking in SNOW DAY temperatures, sometimes 8 miles to school, when i was eleven.The other day i was hiring another employee for my self buisness, and i interviewed a college kid who was expecting a "salary." That isn't how things work, you just don't get handed a job with benefits you earn it.
I laughed and showed him the door.
Countries like CHINA THAT overpolute the world's oceans. FUCKING FFS, stop throwing your garbage in the ocean.
Click here
China is now making leather out of dogs. I would post the video , but its pretty graphic.
Democrats, Republicans does it really matter?
Both parties are stupid in my opinion.
Bullying, mostly. Especially towards people with disabilities.
Wow that's fucking stupid of Obama, especially since he's FROM HAWAII!
Edit: Though I will say - 'entitled?'. Have you met many Europeans? You shouldn't have walked to school with bread bags on your feet while you lived in the wealthiest country in the world. Done. End of discussion. Children shouldn't have to do that because we can afford it. Yes, there is value in hard work, certainly. But there is no value in hardship for the sake of hardship as we have in the United States.
And what do you mean 'laughing off the kid' who expected a salary. Yes, you do work, you expect compensation. A salary isn't an abstract benefit, it's the basis of modern labor. We don't work for no pay because we aren't slaves, despite how modern republicans would have us. You work, you get paid, and you get paid a living wage. In the richest country in the world we have the ability to make concessions for human decency. You work, you get to live and eat.
Wow, I really need to learn proof reading...
I think every ten years period. Not just people over sixty.
Um...George...You know what a salary is, right?
It isn't a benefit, it's an amount of money you get when you work over a period of time. If you were hiring him for one job and one job only that takes a bit of time then that isn't worth a salary. However it kind of comes with a long term job that you receive money for it.
Animal cruelty and racism. I cannot stand either.
Gun Control. (against)
Abortion. (wholeheartedly against)
Vaccination. (ffs don't be a shitty parent and get your kid vaccinated already. It isn't just about keeping your child safe and healthy, but other children as well)
Net Neutrality. (against, stay the fuck out of my internet, Government)
NSA. (against)
ISIS. (To put it bluntly, we should just kill them all already. we have no business being so blase while theses insane radical terrorists are ruthlessly murdering innocents. ISIS obviously has no intentions to compromise or negotiate, their goal is to "kill the infidels" while spreading terror and nothing more. If we continue to allow them to get away with this evil, when we have the power and means to stop them, then we are no better than them. )
Race Baiting. (I believe in only one race, and that's the human race. If we're going to get anywhere in this society, we've got to stop paying attention to the differences between one another, and start paying attention to what we have in common. Making everything about skin color, which the media is currently doing, is only driving a wedge between us and stunting our growth as a nation.)
Those are the main issues that I feel inclined to share at the moment. At one point I planned to go off on a rant about Hilary Clinton, but in light of current events she's seemed to have already dug her own grave and (hopefully) no longer has the slightest chance of becoming president. Thank God, we'd be dodging a bullet there. I also have a lot of issues with the Obama administration, but seeing as that asshat is on his way out of office (good fucking riddance), I'll hold off on ranting until we're further into the 2016 Presidential campaigns. On another note, my current top Presidential candidate is Scott Walker.
Jw, when you say against gun control, can you refine that a little? Are you against things such as limited magazine size, assault weapons ban and (most important in my book) criminal background checks and mandatory safety certification?
About Hillary "dug her own grame" - what do you mean? There's no way I'm voting Hillary in primaries or general election but I'm not sure what you're referring to. I hope it isn't the email thing because that meant nothing.
Also, Scott Walker? Anti-Union, let's bust up the working class to favor tax cuts for the wealthy? Scott Walker is a piece of shit, he wants to break up labor for the sake of the ownership class, and has no other principles that 'gee, who will give me contributions today.' - an unfortuante trait with the vast majority of politicians. Start here at 0:30
But here's how I've defined American politics since Reagan, especially - if you're poor or middle income, you're voting between getting kicked in the balls (Republicans) and punched in the face (Democrats). If you're in the upper income bracket you're voting between getting a blowjop (Republicans) and a handjob (Democrats). Either way, the poor get screwed and the richer get richer. Big surprise in America.
Animal abuse and bullying.
Abortion (I think if a girl is raped and she learns she's pregnant she should be able to have one, other than that I would probably say no)
ISIS (Destroying Archaeological sites and Beheading people....And they do this in the name of "Allah" or whatever, When they misread the messages of their Religion...Seriously we should just kill them.....)
Discrimination (Grow the fuck up people)
Politics (Piss me off to much so I usually try staying out of discussions about them)
People disrespecting veterans (Seriously? These men fought and served for their country and some people have the ignorance to shit on them? Go fuck yourselves assholes)
Animal Abuse (Pisses me off)
The Saltlick's Absence from season 2 (Don't make me go into this...)
Yes, I'm against that.
Not against that.
This articles explains pretty much the gist of the controversy. That combined with the email scandal and everything having to do with Benghazi, I don't think she has a good chance in the Presidential elections anymore.
I don't really know how you expect me to respond to the rest of your comment. And personally, I don't consider parody "News reporters" like Bill Maher (as well as Colbert or Stewart for that matter) to be valid and credible sources. Bottom line, I know you're a Democrat, and you know I'm a Republican. Your take on what you consider a major issue, or whatever policy you believe is in dire need of reform is likely going to be different than mine. From what the public knows at this point, I support Scott Walker as a Presidential candidate, because the issues he is addressing and what he stands for is in line with what I consider important. I'll leave it at that. And as I said before, we aren't that far into the 2016 presidential campaigns, so I don't really see the benefit (for either of us) in arguing over this.
I think it was implied that the kid he was interviewing didn't really know what a salary is.
Really? I just saw in George's thing that the kid asked about a salary and George didn't think he deserved one or something and kicked him out. It seems like the kid knew what it was and George didn't.
Edit: After George's explanation then it makes sense of why he turned him away. Should've explained it better.
Share my concerns on this conservative-ass forum? Lol, I don't think so.
Im pretty sure we need abortion. I mean really what if a girl is raped? Or she gets pregnant in high school dropping out of school would ruin her life and the babys life and probably the fathers too...Sometimes abortion is necessary
It may sound stupid and maybe offensive, but do you know what issue really grinds my gears? Fat people driving around those scooters at walmart. Why don't they walk and get some exercise?
Oh god one time i watched a video about two cute british white kids emphasis on white and the first comment i see is These are genuine white british children! We must preserve theyr' kind and keep them away from those paki rape monkeys And then... It begun...
It's not that bad - apparently we're clearly in the minority, but discussions are generally pretty civilized.
Okay, I can appreciate that. I think there should be background checks and mandatory safety courses, but other than that guns just aren't a big issue for me. That said, I now live in a country with very strict gun laws, and I really like being to walk around alone at 2am and not worry about anything.
By the way, I have no allegiance to the Democratic party (except being registered as one) and I identify as a liberal - I am by no means a fan of Hillary; the only politicians active right now I'd say I'm gungho about are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren - maybe Ralph Nader and Howard Dean, to the extent they're around anymore. There may be others but those are the ones that come to mind, especially seeing as the left wing of the democratic party is being systematically destroyed in favor of 'third way' democrats (Clintonites). I'm still waiting with little hope for the 'New New Deal' we were supposed to have.
As to Maher, it's not parody news, it's a political discussion moderated by a comedian (with an admittedly comedic opening monologue). His guests are usually journalists and politicians. It's a lot more serious than his old program in the 90s.
My point is less about Scott Walker as a candidate than me generally being against deregulation and slashing of the public sector, and that middle/working class people who support those changes are generally voting against their own interests. We can get into that discussion if you want, but if you're busy, that's cool too.
Abortion (Against)
Racism (100% Against)
Animal Abuse (Against)
Vaccination (If you don't get your kid vaccinated. Go live on an island away from society. We don't want our kids to get sick.)
Bullying (I can't stand bullying, I was bullied and abused for most of my life. So when I hear about bullies, it gets me really angry)
Gun Control ( Neutral, I think people should be able to have guns, but they shouldn't go waving them around. Keep them inside your house for self defense)
Death Sentence (I think it should be for people who we KNOW are 100% guilty, and for people who really deserve it, like terrorists, or people who have committed mass murder)
ISIS (They should just die already)
Feminism/Equality (Now, this isn't a subject I go into a lot, I think this is the first time i've ever talked about it on the forum. But I think we should ditch feminism and do Egalitarianism instead. Then there's rights for everyone.)
Someone actually does that? I thought that's just in the movies.
-Religious nutjobs ruining human rights.
-Fat people, especially those that abuse their kids by getting them obese as well.
- LGBT rights
- Womens right to abortion.
Thank you, hopefully ^-^
Shane Koyczan's poems in general make me sob, I just love him so much I can't fucking believe how talented he is.
God, you have no idea how most of us feel about obama. Especially the vets. I fought in Iraq, and now look at it. It makes me wonder why we went there in the first place.
Oh my fucking god yes. Like seriously stop wolfing down McDonalds and crying "muh genetics" everytime your joints hurt. Get the fuck up and move.
Well i have a buisness, and i was hiring a new employee, he wanted way more than i was going to pay him, I pay about maybe 13 a hour. Maybe that was the wrong wording, he wanted like 40,000 yearly with benefits, from a fresh college grad.
Growing up on a farm, makes you tougher than city folk, you are constantly working.
When i was in the army i made 400 bucks a week.
Democrats are trying to give Iran Nuclear Weapons.
Jesus christ.
We should just start a kickstarter where everyone in America donates 10 dollars, and we hire Mercenaries to go out there and kill them.