Heavy Rain

I wanted to get your thoughts on it. It was the first story interactive game I've ever played and it hooked me into syory based games it had some loose ends but the writing and voice acting was great and back then had some of the most beautiful graphics I had ever seen in a video game. I think its generally underrated and underplayed like TWD and most story interactive games



  • Its good, so much better than beyond two souls even if the protagonists were still a bit david cage weird

  • One of the best games ever made in my opinion.

  • People will say ANYTHING is better than Beyond so ot much of a compliment :P

    Its good, so much better than beyond two souls even if the protagonists were still a bit david cage weird

  • I wouldn't. Beyond Two Souls was an underrated game IMO.

    Clemenem posted: »

    People will say ANYTHING is better than Beyond so ot much of a compliment :P

  • I only compared the two as they are both cage games

    Clemenem posted: »

    People will say ANYTHING is better than Beyond so ot much of a compliment :P

  • Heavy Rain is the only reason I bought a PS3. Just perfect for me.

    By the way, why do people hate on David Cage? What did he do wrong in Beyond: Two Souls (I didn't play it)?

  • People mistake him for arrogant for wanting to advance and improve story and interactive games over generic fps ones. People are pissed because his passion over it

    FauDeef posted: »

    Heavy Rain is the only reason I bought a PS3. Just perfect for me. By the way, why do people hate on David Cage? What did he do wrong in Beyond: Two Souls (I didn't play it)?

  • I'd like to know why people hate Heavy Rain and Beyond Two souls (especially BTS), I think I liked them both...

    Heavy Rain's plot has some flaws but not a big deal I think... and BTS was nice as well, but I love Ellen Page, so maybe that's why I liked it? But the story was pretty good too imo.

  • I'm glad his passion is high for those games. Wanting to advance and improve story sounds way better the FPS games.

    Clemenem posted: »

    People mistake him for arrogant for wanting to advance and improve story and interactive games over generic fps ones. People are pissed because his passion over it

  • He's kind of..... douchey about it he basically says FPS games are for children or along those lines as are anyone who plays them which is why he's not all that popular.

    Really I just dont like beyond two souls, I just found it awful even with ellen pages great acting work

    FauDeef posted: »

    I'm glad his passion is high for those games. Wanting to advance and improve story sounds way better the FPS games.

  • Um, I don't care for how this game handles the twist and I think most of the playable characters are a bit two dimensional, except for Scott Shelby.

    Yeah, this game is only better in looks and replay ability alone, its story isn't the best.

  • Jayden was one of the most fleshed out characters I've seen in a game. The only annoying thing about him was his drug habit popping up at the worst times cliche

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, I don't care for how this game handles the twist and I think most of the playable characters are a bit two dimensional, except for Scott Shelby. Yeah, this game is only better in looks and replay ability alone, its story isn't the best.

  • I loved every minute of Heavy Rain. My dad actually saw me play the demo, and got hooked into it too. He then went ahead and bought me a copy of it. :') Thanks dad!

    Story wise was great, amazingly fleshed out protagonists (Ethan and Shelby stand out to me), and surprisingly intense moments. Of course there were boring parts, but I'm the kind of guy that could sit through a movie like Raging Bull and not get bored. So my attention span is pretty high.

    One of the best games I've played in 2010.

  • I absolutely loved it. The best game Quantic Dream have made (Fahrenheit and Beyond were both good, but not the best).

  • edited March 2015

    I really liked it, a little slow at the beginning, but once the story gets moving it's freaking awesome.

  • I adored it the first time I played it, so much so I played it with a group of friends in one sitting. Man that was a great day!

  • My thoughts on Heavy Rain? Well, when rain is heavy I tend to try and cover my head, but inevitably I end up getting soaked. As for the game, it's awesome.

  • edited March 2015

    I avoided Heavy Rain because my friend said that the playable characters are all modelled after their voice actors apart from the one female PC, who is modelled after a supermodel (which just sounds really sexist and dumb); is that true?

  • I thought the game had good ideas but it just didn't work all that well. The game's plot has some glaring problems in it that are very noticeable and the game's protagonists are extremely uninteresting and just down right boring.

    I couldn't really get into it without wanting to laugh the entire time.

  • Well Cage isn't wrong...

    He's kind of..... douchey about it he basically says FPS games are for children or along those lines as are anyone who plays them which is w

  • I used to be in love with it. But over time I'm noticing the plot holes and I begin to like it a little less.

  • edited March 2015

    (which just sounds really sexist and dumb)

    How is it sexist?

    EDIT: Yeah, probably since the only PC woman in the game is not modled after her voice actress, but I still don't get it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I avoided Heavy Rain because my friend said that the playable characters are all modelled after their voice actors apart from the one female PC, who is modelled after a supermodel (which just sounds really sexist and dumb); is that true?

  • Because the male protagonists are modeled after their voice actors to add an extra layer of realness - the voice actually came from someone looking like that, and they were okay with the men whatever they looked like, some ugly, some not.

    Then they just have a supermodel's appearance for the female. Please tell me you can tell how that's sexist?

    FauDeef posted: »

    (which just sounds really sexist and dumb) How is it sexist? EDIT: Yeah, probably since the only PC woman in the game is not modled after her voice actress, but I still don't get it.

  • It was one of the first choice driven games I played. The style was excellent and the story was really compelling. But what stood out for me was the amazing soundtrack. Normand Corbeil really captured the mood of the game and each fit their relevant characters superbly.

  • edited March 2015

    Because the male protagonists are modeled after their voice actors to add an extra layer of realness - the voice actually came from someone looking like that, and they were okay with the men whatever they looked like, some ugly, some not.

    Then they just have a supermodel's appearance for the female.

    I see. I understand and I get your point. So, the "extra layer of realness" should be for everyone then (men & women, and not only men), right?

    Please tell me you can tell how that's sexist?

    It's as sexist as if they modled supermodels appearances instead of the voice actors' appearances for the male PC.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Because the male protagonists are modeled after their voice actors to add an extra layer of realness - the voice actually came from someone


  • ....


  • Steve and Larson?

    Clemenem posted: »


  • The sexy hotel room scene tho. ;-;

  • edited March 2015

    I see. I understand and I get your point. So, the "extra layer of realness" should be for everyone then (men & women, and not only men), right?


    It's as sexist as if they modeled supermodels appearances instead of the voice actors' appearances for the male PC.

    It hardly seems a coincidence that for the men they'd use them regardless of looks and for the woman they'd choose a professional supermodel.

    If there were 3 female PCs and 1 male one, and the male one was firstly the only one who had his appearance changed, and secondly it was changed to that of a supermodel, yeah it would be sexist. But that sort of thing doesn't happen as often to men as to women, where their entire involvement in a game must require that they are attractive (if a protagonist) or ugly (if an antagonist).

    FauDeef posted: »

    Because the male protagonists are modeled after their voice actors to add an extra layer of realness - the voice actually came from someone

  • edited March 2015

    Really? I really didn't care for Jayden, he's a dull character who kind of just plays the generic rouge cop, and his drug addict parts felt obligatory to the entire story and didn't say much about his character other than he was a dope head...that was it.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Jayden was one of the most fleshed out characters I've seen in a game. The only annoying thing about him was his drug habit popping up at the worst times cliche

  • edited March 2015

    He was the embodiment of a struggling knight in the story. The FBI and ARI were his shield and sword and his drug habit was his aquiles heel. Him struggling between his weaknesses and cracking under pressure with a child's life on the line made him believable

    J-Master posted: »

    Really? I really didn't care for Jayden, he's a dull character who kind of just plays the generic rouge cop, and his drug addict parts felt

  • Too bad they left Machinima, i liked them :(

    Steve and Larson?

  • That's a well thought out analysis, but he's still boring.

    Clemenem posted: »

    He was the embodiment of a struggling knight in the story. The FBI and ARI were his shield and sword and his drug habit was his aquiles heel

  • edited July 2018

    Heavy Rain was available for free on PSN store for PS Plus members. Downloaded it a few days ago and beat it again.


    Just like my first time playing, I managed to get through it without killing off any of the protagonists (except Scott) till the end. I was kinda hoping that playing on PS4 would give the game better graphics, like how it did playing TWDGS1 on XBOX ONE. But, it was still the same, along with minor film grain. I forgot how much the game showed off shaking the controller for certain actions, (like how "Detroit: Become Human" did with the touch pad) and I especially forgotten about some of the cringe-worthy stuff you have to go through in the game. Like the start of the prologue, holding down a button to move, the chapters "Sexy Girl" and first half of "On the Loose". Though, to be fair, I haven't played it again since... when 2011 was ending I believe, back when I was more naive than usual. I had gotten the platinum trophy for it back then for the PS3. Though, some of the trophies required making bad choices and letting characters get killed off, and back then, I really didn't like watching those type of scenes. But, almost a decade later, I've learned to put up with them. (Man, I'm getting old) The fight scenes were as intense as I remembered. It's crazy how you can go through three chapters as three different characters and murder three different people in a row.

    It's too bad that Scott Shelby is revealed to be the Origami Killer. Built up to be a likeable guy, and he turns out to be your own worst enemy. I had this thought with a few friends back when I first beat it that maybe it would've been better if someone other than Scott was the killer instead. Like maybe his brother John, or maybe even someone he knew when he was a cop? At least then, we'd get to see Scott save the kid and fight the killer. Yet, Ethan doesn't get to fight him at all. The only time he does is for a very brief moment when only Madison is with him and he tries to take the gun but gets shot, and then kills him to save Madison. And since he also learns about Ann Sheppard, it had me thinking maybe he could've tagged along with Madison during and after the hospital if he wasn't the killer and they both could go to the killer's apartment and warehouse together. I also truly believe that the final fight at the old warehouse would be just a little better if the trailer music of the game was playing. (Which is why I used SHAREFactory to make that possible) Oh, what could've been.

    Just like Kara in "Detroit: Become Human", Madison gets the fewest chapters to play in. At least Kara had plenty of character development. Right now, I feel like Madison didn't get enough development. Not even her "Taxidermist" DLC story in that Chronicles DLC was enough. Too bad that DLC series got canceled after just one was released. I know there was some info that there were several deleted scenes that she was a reporter during the Iraq War and the horrors she experienced there was what caused her insomnia. And there's Ethan deleted scenes of him swimming through a house while in his blackouts until he finds a kid's body. I really wish those were kept that in the game.

    It's a real shame Norman couldn't get a guy like Mr. Krabs Hank to partner up with in the Origami Killer case. Fuck that Blake dickhead. At least we get the brief satisfaction of punching out Blake in the "Under Arrest" chapter. It's also a shame Norman wasn't called in to investigate the deviants in Detroit. Though, the events in "Heavy Rain" were in 2011 and "Detroit: Become Human" takes place in 2038. He would be older than Hank. Can you imagine how things would be if the Androids were paired up with them; Connor with Norman (obviously), Kara with Madison, and Markus with Ethan. (If Scott wasn't the serial killer, then I would say, Kara with Ethan & Madison, and Markus with Scott.)

    Kinda getting a little off topic here. In any case, I still believe that "Heavy Rain" is a good game. But there's still room for improvement.

  • Forgive me, but how was he much of a fleshed out character? I was incredibly disappointed that we learned basically nothing about him as a person because I found him quite intriguing.

    He had no backstory. The only depth really was his drug addiction, otherwise he was just a cop who wanted to do right by the victims.

    I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I'm genuinely curious. Maybe I missed the point or something.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Jayden was one of the most fleshed out characters I've seen in a game. The only annoying thing about him was his drug habit popping up at the worst times cliche

  • Nah, I think that music is too intense for the scene.

    The whole game is kinda melancholic, I think the less-intense music is more fitting.

    Heavy Rain was available for free on PSN store for PS Plus members. Downloaded it a few days ago and beat it again. (Spoiler)

  • I recently played and finished it, and I thought it was pretty good.

    It's main flaw is I think the lack of character development (besides the obvious plot holes). We barely knew anything about Norman and Madison. Ethan and (especially) Scott were pretty good. But the other two really didn't have their own story in the game and were only there to serve Ethan and Scott's story.

    But I still enjoyed it. The action scenes were tense as heck, especially knowing that a slip up could cost that character their life. I think the highlight of the game is when its entering and during it's climax. The killer's past, reveal, and the final confrontation.

  • That one scene they omitted and showed until the big reveal felt really cheap. Shame cause i liked the game overall.

  • I haven't played it in forever, but it is in my opinion a very very good story. It's a shame that they didn't remaster it for PS4. With that being said, if there hasn't already been one, I would love to see a sequel to it, one that continues following the story of Ethan Mars, and Sean, and see what happens to the two, depending on how you played of course.

    In my game, Ethan and Madison end up together, and they rescued Sean. The villain, I believe his name was Scott Shelby died, and the young FBI agent, whose name I can't remember, died from continual use of his virtual reality system and his drug addiction.

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