What game coming out in 2015 are you most excited for?

Just thought I'd make this topic and poll just to see what people's answers would be and I want to see what game most people here are generally most excited for.

(Just so you know I will be letting out telltale games because well considering this is a TT forum and we're all fans, it's obvious most would say one of their games lol. Also sorry if I missed any I just went off the top of my head with a lot of them, but I added an other option for any games I missed, so you can select that and comment what game you're most excited for.)

Anyways here you go and feel free to vote for more than one if you want because I know it is hard to choose what you're most excited for sometimes :P.


(P.S: Yes I know there is a "what games are you looking forward to" thread, but I figured I would make it a poll and restrict it to games coming out in 2015 only :P)



  • Hmm I'm the first to vote. Mine is Rise of the Tomb Raider. I loved the 2013 reboot and to see how hard they are working on the sequel and constant updates, its got my excitement for it up big time.

  • Vote for your favorite company of video games in ios here http://strawpoll.me/3898023

  • Umm.....ok...?

    Nadroj1015 posted: »

    Vote for your favorite company of video games in ios here http://strawpoll.me/3898023

  • Other: Firewatch by Campo Santo

  • Fallout 4 Maybe?

  • 2014 was one of the worst year for games imo. Half Life 3 :P

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    Clemenem posted: »

    2014 was one of the worst year for games imo. Half Life 3 :P

  • How is this related to the thread?

    Nadroj1015 posted: »

    Vote for your favorite company of video games in ios here http://strawpoll.me/3898023

  • I'm keeping an eye on Assassin's Creed Victory. Hopefully Ubisoft will have learnt their lesson after the fuck up that was Unity. The combat and stealth systems need improvement, and microtransactions need to go. And while you're at it, make Uplay optional. Remember a time when you could play PC games offline? Let's go back to that.

    Hoping we get a COD World at War 2 this year (only wishing for it because it's Treyarch).

  • edited March 2015

    Persona 5.

    And there's a rumor through the grapevine that there might be a release date for that newly announced Fire Emblem game by the end of this year. I'm definitely looking forward to that.

    But my most anticipated title would be the last three episodes from Tales from the Borderlands without a doubt.

  • Out of that list, I would say Rise of the Tomb Raider. The reboot was the greatest combination of gameplay and story, loved it so much.

  • The Legend Of Zelda.

  • For me , I am most excited for Kingdom come deliverance.

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    Out of that list, I would say Rise of the Tomb Raider. The reboot was the greatest combination of gameplay and story, loved it so much.

  • edited March 2015

    So..... no one else is excited for Mortal Kombat X?

    So far it seems most are excited for Life Is Strange. :P

  • The new zelda game done by 2015? Pffffff sorry a had to laugh LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    The Legend Of Zelda.

  • Well it's been announced with a 2015 release date.....

    Lee4ever posted: »

    The new zelda game done by 2015? Pffffff sorry a had to laugh LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

  • They confirmed it's coming out this year.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    The new zelda game done by 2015? Pffffff sorry a had to laugh LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

  • Agree, loved the recent Tombraider. But im also kindof pissed that the new one is exclusive to the Xbox. Talk about alienating half your fanbase.

    Out of that list, I would say Rise of the Tomb Raider. The reboot was the greatest combination of gameplay and story, loved it so much.

  • The Witcher 3.

  • It's a timed exclusive :3

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Agree, loved the recent Tombraider. But im also kindof pissed that the new one is exclusive to the Xbox. Talk about alienating half your fanbase.

  • Batman: Arkham Knight and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

    ...and TftB + GoT ofc.

  • edited March 2015

    Tomb Raider may come to pc, but it won't come to PlayStation guaranteed. :P

    TWD_stan posted: »

    It's a timed exclusive

  • I was looking forward to the evil within dlc but my bastard bf lent evil to his friend (without my permission when its MY game) and hes visting family in another city so I cant fricken play it till next month!

    I just want a huge collection of survival horror

  • Hmm maybe, but I see it being announced at E3 with a 2016 release date probably.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Fallout 4 Maybe?

  • It will bro, its confirmed it will come to other platforms after some time

    Tomb Raider may come to pc, but it won't come to PlayStation guaranteed. :P

  • well UC4 got pushed the fuck back so nothing really. maybe Star Wars battlefront if it is released this year

  • Xenoblade Chronicles X. I NEED IT.

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  • Thats what they said about TP when they showed the gamecube trailer. Which ended up being delayed a year and a half later for the release of the wii so that they could sell it on both .

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    They confirmed it's coming out this year.

  • Yes but nintendos next console will take YEARS to come out

    Lee4ever posted: »

    Thats what they said about TP when they showed the gamecube trailer. Which ended up being delayed a year and a half later for the release of the wii so that they could sell it on both .

  • edited March 2015

    It's still going to get delayed till after 2015 knowing nintendo. If it was this year we would of seen 3 hype trailers in 2014.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Yes but nintendos next console will take YEARS to come out

  • Nintendo isn't the type of company to hype their games into Oblivion.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    It's still going to get delayed till after 2015 knowing nintendo. If it was this year we would of seen 3 hype trailers in 2014.

  • I said nothing about them hyping the games into Oblivion. Nintendo still hypes their best sellers though with screen shots, demos, and trailers of games a year before release.

    This Zelda is still in a working title phase with no public demos as they have had with a skyward sword during the major gaming events. Odds are high that its not coming out till 2016+

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Nintendo isn't the type of company to hype their games into Oblivion.

  • It's in working title phase, yes. But they have already shown off gameplay. It'll come out this year.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    I said nothing about them hyping the games into Oblivion. Nintendo still hypes their best sellers though with screen shots, demos, and trail

  • IF and I mean If it does come to PlayStation... it won't come out till atleast a year after the Xbox versions.

    It will bro, its confirmed it will come to other platforms after some time

  • For me, definitely the witcher 3.

  • Nope!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    It's in working title phase, yes. But they have already shown off gameplay. It'll come out this year.

  • edited March 2015

    every TTG Episode and game - this year and more (I write it with 100% honesty)

    Games I know for sure this year:
    Witcher 3 (First half), Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain (Second half) and Batman: Arkham Knight (in the middle)

    But mostly Games I don't know for sure when they will be released:
    Rise of the Tomb Raider (if this year for PS4)

    Games I'm also looking fortward to - Mostly for Infos (not this year I think):
    The Division, Homefront: Revolution, Deus Ex: Universe; Mass Effect (4), The Last of Us 2, Agent, Quantic Dream Game - Maybe Singularity?...

  • Half Life 3 Alt text

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