Asher's Group

I have a theory about Asher's group I think Asher is not going to be make it to Ironrath because of the Dragon from the episode 3 teaser because Daenerys Targaryen is going to have her Dragon and probably tell him "Dracarys" which means Dragon fire and I think the Dragon is going to fire at neither Asher or Beshka probably both of them and I think after that it would be a choice to save Beshka or Malcolm if you save Beshka she would appear at Ironrath if you save Malcolm he would appear at Ironrath with the sellsword army.


  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited March 2015

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but are we at the point where Drogon started going rogue? Or is that later in Season 4.

  • you are right the dragon is going rogue and because telltale confirmed that Drogon is going to appear and Daenerys Targaryen is going to appear and have you seen what she did to the guy who was taking her Dragon.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but are we at the point where Drogon started going rogue? Or is that later in Season 4.

  • Malcolm - the last living male of the House Branfield whose members died because of their loyalty to the Targaryens - burned alive by the Targaryen dragon. Obvious metaphor is obvious. However, I don't think Asher will die next episode. His death will be rather odd since he didn't have any impact on the main plot - how can Malcolm/Beskha hire the sellswords without Asher and money?

  • Malcolm could have money since he crossed the sea

    JohnKersky posted: »

    Malcolm - the last living male of the House Branfield whose members died because of their loyalty to the Targaryens - burned alive by the Ta

  • Not THAT much, apparently... Ducan mentioned that the gold reserves are limited (scene with Erik the Thief), so I doubt the Forresters are rich. But who knows, maybe Malcolm has almost unlimited treasures on his own?

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    Malcolm could have money since he crossed the sea

  • Maybe Malcolm took some ironwood and sell some for some gold dragons

    JohnKersky posted: »

    Not THAT much, apparently... Ducan mentioned that the gold reserves are limited (scene with Erik the Thief), so I doubt the Forresters are rich. But who knows, maybe Malcolm has almost unlimited treasures on his own?

  • I don't think Asher is gonna die next episode. He's barely had any scenes and if all goes well his sellsword army will seriously help the Forresters. That being said, I can see a "Save Beksha" or "Save Malcolm."

  • Okay ill take the part of Asher dying back there could be a chance of him getting injured think about skyrim when you kill dragons

  • Asher can't kill the dragon, that will go against canon. Him being injured is a possibility, but playing as two crippled characters would be a bit much, don't you think?

    Even Malcolm or Beksha dying by the dragon will be a bit much. It's been confirmed that Dany will make a cameo in the game, and I think something as big as one of her dragons killing an innocent person would be something that would be worth noting in the show. Could be something that just decide to push to the side, but maybe not (I still think either Malcolm or Beksha will die, I just don't think by the dragon).

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    Okay ill take the part of Asher dying back there could be a chance of him getting injured think about skyrim when you kill dragons

  • With regards to Asher and his army of sellswords, i had a thought in another thread which i will re-post here. Hope it helps.

    Since we know the Second Sons are sworn to Daenerys right now, and we know House Branfield (Malcom and Lady Forrester's OG House) were loyal to the Targaeryans during Robert's Rebellion. There could possibly be a situation wherein Asher could go to the Queen and formally request that she release the Second Sons from her duty, and then they could return to Westeros and help a Loyal Northern House regain some of it's security and vengeance for their dead.

    In return for her aid Daenerys would receive the support of the Forresters whenever she gets off her ass and finds her way back to Westeros. But it might appeal to her to have an insider in the North. At the very least she would have to consider an alliance, they have ties to her family.

    And if she really does consider herself Queen of the 7 Kingdoms etcetera, this would be one of her subjects, seeking her out for her help. How can she deny them without denying her claim? Truthfully she needs all of the Westerosi allies that she can get.

  • Not a bad idea at all. In return for her providing some of the Second Sons to them, Asher has to promise giving Dany Ironwood and troops when she decides to go to Westeros.

    But the problem is if the game decides to incorporate the Forresters marching for Stannis, that could screw the Forresters over when Dany decides to come to Westeros... ah who I am kidding, that's not gonna happen :P

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    With regards to Asher and his army of sellswords, i had a thought in another thread which i will re-post here. Hope it helps. Since we kn

  • Well that's the thing with how they have set up this game, we know what each of our family members are promising in their efforts to stay alive and save their House. But it's kindof unclear how much They know about what the others are doing.

    I could see a point in the future where Asher has given his word to Daenerys and Rodrick has given aid to Stannis, but not sworn to anything. And we have a scene where they sit down and have to make a weighted decision about who they will follow or break faith with. It's an interesting situation for sure.

    Not a bad idea at all. In return for her providing some of the Second Sons to them, Asher has to promise giving Dany Ironwood and troops whe

  • I could see a point in the future where Asher has given his word to Daenerys and Rodrick has given aid to Stannis, but not sworn to anything. And we have a scene where they sit down and have to make a weighted decision about who they will follow or break faith with. It's an interesting situation for sure

    That would be a very interesting scene, though I think at the end it will be Stannis. It's easier to make more story out of plus it makes more sense in general - Stannis is closer and can help them much faster.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Well that's the thing with how they have set up this game, we know what each of our family members are promising in their efforts to stay al

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