Who's your favorite protaganist to play as so far?



  • edited March 2015

    Episode 1: Ethan followed by Mira (Tyrion interaction for the win!)

    Episode 2: Gared followed by Rodrick

  • edited March 2015

    Gared and Mira are my favorite as of right now

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited March 2015

    Episode 1: Ethan

    Episode 2: Gared

    Episode 3: Most likely Asher

  • Ethan will always be my favourite :( second for me would be Rodrik he's so much fun to play and he's interesting because he was known as house Forrester's best warrior and now he's crippled but somehow twice as intimidating.

  • Rodrik.

    The other three are on even footing.

  • #pigfarmermasterrace

  • Rodrik is pretty much the bees knees

  • Either Rodrik or Gared. Though, I'm liking where Asher's story is taking him.

    I'm actually excited to see where all of the protagonists' stories take them.

  • Rodrik.

    I can relate to him an awful lot plus I just look like a younger version of him (pre-scars of course).

  • Mira and Rodrick :p

  • Gared in Episode 1, with Ethan as the runner-up.

    Rodrik in Episode 2, with Mira as the runner-up.

    All of the playable characters are interesting though. The series is off to a great start so far.

    1. Rodrick
    2. Asher
    3. Garred
    4. Mira
    5. Ethan (Poor sod)
  • Gared his dialogue is hilarious and he's a great character

  • As a character I prefer Roderick, as he is more relatable and his voice actor is amazing, but plot wise I would say I prefer Mira's sections the most, as I like the atmosphere of intrigue, and the surrounding cast like Margery and Tyrion.

  • Alt text

    Thanks for letting me die in the irradiated water chamber you, douche

    MisterGusty posted: »

    As a character I prefer Roderick, as he is more relatable and his voice actor is amazing, but plot wise I would say I prefer Mira's sections the most, as I like the atmosphere of intrigue, and the surrounding cast like Margery and Tyrion.

  • Soldier, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. This is your fight! You gotta finish what your daddy started! Stand strong and get your ass in there!

    Clemenem posted: »

    Thanks for letting me die in the irradiated water chamber you, douche

  • Sergeant RL-3! Hooah!

    Clemenem posted: »

    Thanks for letting me die in the irradiated water chamber you, douche

  • Rodrik. I really feel like I'm in charge when playing him.
    After that it's a tie between the other three to be honest. I love them all. Although, now that I think about, Mira's story is the most exciting thus far imo.

  • I like Mira, as a psychologist student, I enjoy the constant mind games that go on in King's Landing. Someone is always up to something.

    "The nest of Vipers". I like the Lannisters and the Tyrells, too.

  • Gared. The wall has always interested me.

  • Rodrik. The good ole crippled badass.

  • I love Rodrik the Ruined :p

  • its between gared and mira

  • edited March 2015

    I really liked playing as Ethan. His death actually hit pretty hard for the short amount of time that we got to know him in. Going forward though, I definitely have to go with Gared. I think out of all the characters he is the one we have the most say over in terms of who he is as a person. I relate to him the most, and I really like where his character is going storywise (despite the fact that it didn't really seem like we did a whole lot with him last episode).

  • Gared. I like Rodrik too, just it's kinda boring since he's not going to be fighting anyone unless there's a time skip which would suck.

    Asher is awesome, but haven't seen much of him.

    Mira is okay, Sera just pisses me off and is annoying. She ruins Mira's parts.

    Ethan was fun, but didn't last long.

  • Rodrik and Gared are tied. After them I really like playing Mira. The intrique and backstabbing keeps me on my feet.

    I also like the choices of each character affect one another.

  • I feel pretty badass while I'm playing as Asher, so I'm gonna go with him.

  • I like them all but if I have to rate:

    1.Gared - In some ways I see myself in him (not a very popular guy but is badass at times and stands up to bullies, I also lost my dad but when I was 8)... I also like his character in general.

    2.Mira - I like where her storyline is heading.. I also like how she plays the role of small girly assistant but you can see that she has that Ironrath blood in her (shes tough, shes smart, shes capable of killing a man and a soldier I might add)...

    3.Asher - Very badass, fights with style, charming... I look forward to him in the next episode (i hope he we see him fight a dragon :D)

    4.Rodrick - Just like Asher: he is badass,charming,funny at the same time.. You can see he would do anything for family.. I look forward to seeing him more in the role of a lord..

    I liked Ethan as well..He was brave,smart and would have been a good leader... R.I.P Ethan the Brave

  • Garred and Asher

  • Even though he got the most focus in the last episode, I'm kind of disappointed that it appears there will not be much Rodrik in the next one. He was the best by far imo.

  • What makes you think we won't get much Rodrik?

    Even though he got the most focus in the last episode, I'm kind of disappointed that it appears there will not be much Rodrik in the next one. He was the best by far imo.

  • While I enjoy playing all the POVs. I find that I favour Mira and Gared. They both have to go it alone, they don't have anyone to hold their hand. I love being able to fight while playing with Gared, he's loyal, brave and is not afraid to fight for what he believes is right or defend himself and others.

    Mira is right at the heart of political power, she's living on a knife's edge, one wrong move could mean the lives of herself and her family. I like the fact that as Mira you have to rely on your wits and cunning and actively try to help your family back home. Also as Mira you're the only one who can really fight back against Ludd!

  • Rodrik comes first, but Asher was a close second. I absolutely love Essos, and I'm a sucker for the badass with a heart of gold.

  • No screenshots of his perspective were show and he got the most focus last ep.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    What makes you think we won't get much Rodrik?

  • First episode was Gared. Second episode was Mira I like all the lying and backstabbing in King's Landing so Mira is my favorite so far.

  • It's highly likely he'll have the least amount of screentime in Episode 3, but his scenes should be good considering they'll involve Gryff.

    No screenshots of his perspective were show and he got the most focus last ep.

  • I'm really looking forward to speaking with Gryff. DON'T LET ME DOWN, TELLTALE!

    It's highly likely he'll have the least amount of screentime in Episode 3, but his scenes should be good considering they'll involve Gryff.

  • Same, I hope he's a really good character. I don't want a Ramsay wanna be or something

    I'm really looking forward to speaking with Gryff. DON'T LET ME DOWN, TELLTALE!

  • Maybe some dramatic stuff happens with him and they don't want to give anything away Ironrath is where the really interesting stuff is happening I have no doubt that we'll see plenty of Rodrik.

    No screenshots of his perspective were show and he got the most focus last ep.

  • I really like playing Mira, the choices I have to make with her always leave me a little more anxious for future episodes , like stealing the seal, throwing or keeping the knife...plus we get dialogues with Tyrion!

    With the second episodes I also liked playing Asher and Rodrik.

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