An odd coincidence
Ethan and Joffrey (Both child leaders) choke to death in front of their followers in their mother's lap.
Cersei and Lady Forrester even share the same line after both die. They die around the same time so maybe foreshadowing...?
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Foreshadowing of what? Its the same death which might be a small nod, but ethan dies in a completley different way
I'm not sure what you think foreshadowing is. There isn't much point foreshadowing something that most of the people playing the game already know is going to happen at the purple wedding, especially when there is zero relationship between Ethan and Joffrey. Are you saying that Ramsay's going to be put on trial in front of his father, even though it was actually Olenna Tyrell and Littlefinger who secretly killed Ethan somehow?
Ethan isn't a little bitch thou
That is a very interesting comparison one I agree with but I don't see any foreshadowing.
Cool comparison but the difference is that Ethan wasn't a total dick. And what exactly is this supposed to foreshadow...?
He was a weak leader. Who lets someone walk into their house and disrespect them, their family, their culture and threaten them? All that and Ethan was polite. Even Lady Forrester said it when she said "You don't have that anger inside of you"
All of what you just said is determinant on how you play Ethan. Lady Forrester says that because she doesn't think you've adjusted to being a lord yet, no matter how you act.
I guess regardless his hesitance with confrontation and calling someone else a Kraven behind that person's back isnt really great behavior from the head of the house
I just said that he wasn't a little bitch didn't say anything about his leadership >.<
If I were you, I'd put a spoiler tag here.
A quote is attributed to Tamerlane, "I'd rather have 10 men at hand than 10000 in absence". Regardless if you're the best leader in the entirety of existence or the most unconvincing fucker alive, if you have an army/resources, you can stand your ground. Ethan pretty much had neither, but, sure call him a weak leader (which I don't necessarily argue with), as if he or anyone at that point could magically change the situation for better. Even Rodrik hasn't succeeded yet (you can of course point at that whole deal with marrying Elaena, but we don't know how that would unfold just yet) in fixing it.
No coincidence. Ethan didn't choke. He was stabbed in the throat and bled out. Truth be told Joffrey didn't choke either as he was poisoned. No similarities other than them both being young.
You don't think suffocating in their mother's laps with the same line said as they died is similar. Yet they're not similar at all... Mhm ok >.>
It may be a subtle reference in how the animators chose to animate the scene and the camera angles, but I think that's about all.
And both of their mothers whispered "My son...". And they sound very same in that moment, just look at both of those scenes and listen to Cersei/Elissa
Don't think it means anything though, just a fun fact.
Joffrey didn't suffocate! He didn't choke, he stopped breathing due to the poison in his system. Ethan died from a knife to the throat.
No, I don't think they're similar in the least.
Cause of death is not similar, but their last moments (last few seconds) do have certain similarity.
Only really in that they were not alone as they died. Coincidence it was their mothers that witnessed it, and we're there to comfort them in their last moments, that's all