Poor Spelling and Grammar
So after reading through the forum guidelines, I've noticed that there's no rule regarding poor spelling or bad grammar, which seems to be more common on here lately. And I sometimes find it difficult to understand someone's argument or point when their posts are littered with poor spelling. And I doubt I'm the only one feeling this sentiment. So I feel that moderators should encourage use of proper grammar with small penalties for poor spelling in comments. In the case of one or two mistakes in a few comments, that's most likely an accident while typing. I'll admit that I've been guilty of typing quickly and having errors in my posts before. But when a post is so littered with poor spelling and bad grammar that makes it hard to read, it's very annoying.
Does anyone else feel this way?
i kno, por spelinng anf gramer ar beri anoyin
Sigh Playstation users....
That label is a bit unfair. It's extremely annoying when users litter the forum with posts that can hardly be read.
That isn't fair at all, not everyone knows English very well you know :P
XD, but now being serious it can get kind of annoying, specially when it's intentional, i think it should have a penalty only when it's intentional, but it's difficult to tell an intentional grammar mistake from an unintentional one
Read that in a angry german accent then tell me how nazi it sounds
Okay true. I didn't originally think of that. But that's why we should just have small penalties, such as having comments flagged or warning delivered. Or even a 24-hour ban if nothing improves.
But they shouldn't have to be penalized for that, that's not their fault at all. Trust me, I took French for 3 years and never got anything out of it, I can barely remember 10 words from that class. Learning a language is super difficult and they shouldn't have their posts removed cause of something that isn't within their control, that just seems unfair
Again, that's why I say only small punishments. Only to at least encourage some proper grammar. Here's the thing, if you wanna live in places like the U.S, UK, Australia or other English-speaking countries, then you'll have to learn English. Otherwise it's just going to be more complicated for EVERYBODY. If we were simply to encourage everyone to speak one language, then it would be easier for everyone to get their message across, including those not very fluent in English.
Meh, I feel that good grammar should be more of a rule of thumb than an official forum guideline - not to mention it would be a nightmare to enforce. Of course, it's good courtesy, but I feel it would be a bit too strict to make an official rule out of.
Oh, and mobile keyboard typos are also something to keep in mind.
At this point, after being a Moderator for so long, you kinda get a sense of intuition about these things.
I agree that ironically bad posts should be punished if they derail an actual, intelligent discussion in a thread, but we can already punish for that if we count it as trolling.
I'm pretty good at spelling, but when it comes to grammar I am pure garbage
I don't see why grammar and spelling matters in the slightest on an internet forum. Especially since many users don't have English as their first language. If it is comprehensible then who cares, we're not writing a university thesis.
"its pertty werd but evn wit bad grammers if u sues yo mind u cn mak cense of teh uncentsabl." (I'm sure that if you were made a mod you would ban someone like this even if they had some sort of mental disorder. It would be basically mental discrimination. But wait why stop there why don't we give you power over US law and we take freedom of speech away from all the people that use double and triple negatives when they talk?)
It's not like this is a finals paper or job application, its a forum where people can express themselves how ever they want without being negatively scrutinized by grammar Nazi's(As long as their not trolling).
Besides bad grammar is not a big deal at all. It's just the evolution of language as a whole and from it new languages are formed. English has changed from bad grammar through out history, its just the natural order.
The only time it actually upsets me is if I'm talking to someone who speaks English from birth, if he's foreign then I let it slide, since I know how it isn't easy to learn new languages.
Not everyone is fluent with the English language, it'd be better to correct their grammar and spelling instead of giving punishments.
who cares its the internet
small punishments to people who cant speak english properly? uhh do you need a hug or something because that's out of order lol
Those cases can be excused. But users posting comments that simply cannot be read just makes things harder for everybody.
I've decided to humor you.
I don't really think it's appropriate to punish people based on spelling mistakes, whether intentional or not, some want to be grammatically perfect, while others rebel against grammar. By the way, there are different ways to spell specific words depending on where you live meaning that if there was a grammar rule enforced, people would be forced to spell words the way this forum allowed them to and not the way they were taught to.
"why are youre hatted me so much it are unforgivably"
welcome to internet
I like what this guy @Firewallcano said:
It is because no one will understand you, what so ever you don't give a sh*t.
There are, aren't tree and they are four English language in the word
Internet English come with his own grammar.
That's not fair at all. Not for anyone who's foreign (like myself) and/or has dyslexia.
I know I make quite some mistakes, but I try to keep those at a minimum.
Why? Does bad grammar offend you or anything? (Serious question, I'm curious)
It's not offensive, but it just strikes me as a sign of unintelligent or laziness. I know I should try and look at it differently, but it's just a gut feeling and I wanted to know if anyone else felt that way.
This one @papai46 for sure, he call me the one with shitty grammar... and they are more... instead of criticize us you should try to show us the correct way, if you feel intelligent and you are not that lazy.
You forgot Canadian English, and tens of other forms :P
How about this? You ask your friend to loan you a bit of money. You ask for an exact amount, but he gives you 5 times less. When you ask him why wouldn't he give you the amount you asked for, he'll say: "Who cares, we're not on maths test".
So, "Who cares, it's the Internet" is a shoddy argument for not at least trying to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
There's just one English in the world. The rest is regional differences.
I agree, it shows intelligence and helps establish your points. Plus speech isn't limited to vocal volume, hand gestures, body posture, etc. So, having pretty much everything limited to only words, it's crucial to spell correctly and make sure your grammar is at least representative of whatever you're saying or trying to get across.
well I am sorry I say from word, Canadian are alien! ok, ok no more jokes I will edit, they are four now, HAPPY!
Yeah, different dialects.
I don't know if you are insulting the people that don't know or know grammar but I am sure you insult me!
I've ignored all comments just to post this:
Let's give the Moderators more work to do... Are you serious? First of all, you know not everyone speaks English as a first language, or has a grasp on the english language like we do. I make mistakes, because i'm old, and don't care anymore. I haven't been in college for over seven years. I do not write every day, so sometimes i even will make a mistake. I try not to, but even so every so often i will make a mistake.
Things happen, life happens.
I support people with DYSLEXIA, one of my best friend has it.
I feel so bad for him, he feels so crappy about himself because of his medical condition. He is one of the most intelligent people i know, he is smarter than me... For a narcissistic to admit that... That has to be something.