Anyone Else Think This?

Ok, I have a strange feeling that Ep 3 will be an amazing episode. Anyone else think the same way?


  • This series is already amazing so far IMO, so hopefully Ep3 can keep up that trend.

  • YES

    This series is already amazing so far IMO, so hopefully Ep3 can keep up that trend.

  • This will be where shit gets real. We're in half way and with the Purple Wedding coming up I have high hopes

  • I'll reserve my judgment until I play the episode, but it has the potential to be amazing. We're going to have the Purple Wedding (I'm not even a fan of the show and I know the importance of it), a dragon, and Gared taking his vows, shit's going to go down.

  • YES! The Purple Wedding(I hope) will be amazing!

    Clemenem posted: »

    This will be where shit gets real. We're in half way and with the Purple Wedding coming up I have high hopes

  • AW YEAH!

    I'll reserve my judgment until I play the episode, but it has the potential to be amazing. We're going to have the Purple Wedding (I'm not e

  • Plus, with Tyrion getting arrested, Mira is absolutely screwed.

    I'll reserve my judgment until I play the episode, but it has the potential to be amazing. We're going to have the Purple Wedding (I'm not e

  • Maybe Tywin will support us... Maybe.

    Plus, with Tyrion getting arrested, Mira is absolutely screwed.

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, I agree. After playing the first two episodes I pretty much think it's the best title Telltale had so far. It's just my opinion, though, and, yes, I know it's still too early to say that, but I still liked it a lot.

    Episode 3 is lining to be something awesome, as well.

  • edited March 2015

    After playing the first two episodes I pretty much think it's the best title Telltale had so far

    Alt text

    Lingvort posted: »

    Yeah, I agree. After playing the first two episodes I pretty much think it's the best title Telltale had so far. It's just my opinion, thoug

  • Yeah, I've got a really good feeling about this Episode. To begin with I thought it'd end up being filler but seeing the screenshots I don't think that any more. Looks like they're going to focus on one character per episode (last time being Rodrik and this time being Gared, maybe?) and that way it'll never feel like filler.

  • Cross our fingers!

    Maybe Tywin will support us... Maybe.

  • I agree. But I am freaking terrified for Mira. Someone is out for her blood. My two predictions are either Cersei or Andros.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yeah, I've got a really good feeling about this Episode. To begin with I thought it'd end up being filler but seeing the screenshots I don't

  • Agree 100%.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Yeah, I agree. After playing the first two episodes I pretty much think it's the best title Telltale had so far. It's just my opinion, thoug

  • I have an amazing feeling about the next episode. I can barely wait for the trailer. :P

  • "Andross won't have his way with me!"

    Sorry, wrong fandom.

    I agree. But I am freaking terrified for Mira. Someone is out for her blood. My two predictions are either Cersei or Andros.

  • Should I watch the trailer? I mean, there might be dates on it, sure, but I'm scared I might see something that might make my mind think of something that ends up happening in the episode.

    ISantCpell posted: »

    I have an amazing feeling about the next episode. I can barely wait for the trailer. :P

  • lol

    rousseau posted: »

    "Andross won't have his way with me!" Sorry, wrong fandom.

  • Well, knowing TellTale, they probably won't show much in terms of what actually might happen. I'd say watch it to add more fuel to the hype-flame lol.

    Should I watch the trailer? I mean, there might be dates on it, sure, but I'm scared I might see something that might make my mind think of something that ends up happening in the episode.

  • Ok. c: I will.

    ISantCpell posted: »

    Well, knowing TellTale, they probably won't show much in terms of what actually might happen. I'd say watch it to add more fuel to the hype-flame lol.

  • They are keeping Rodrik a secret for now bet his parts are gonna be epic

  • Rodrik will probably be the least featured, which is a shame because the Ironrath story is the coolest imo

  • Episode two was awesome so I have high hopes for the third one

  • Well I've played it. It's good, it's not amazing.
    I think I'm prefering Tale from the borderlands than to game of thrones. There are only like two characters in GoT that I'm interested in.

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