Perhaps I'm remembering it incorrectly, but I think there was a scene where the group was looking into a trunk of a car before closing it, and we didn't get to see what was inside? I was guessing that it was Beth, but if I'm wrong..seriously, where the hell did they put her body?? They made a pretty big deal out of Daryl carrying her out of the did he just put her down on the concrete somewhere and then leave?? I feel like this is pretty important.XD
Oh, it's definitely pretty important lol. Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember them putting her into a trunk of a car. Was it just a totally random car though? Or was it one they had been using..? If they just decided to dump her body off in some abandoned car, that's pretty screwed up of them lol. Poor Beth... robbed of so many things <_<
You will see~,I don't want to spoil anything!
Well thanks for that. My guess is that Rick and Carol do end up leading some sort of takeover, just because that's how things seem to be going. I'll probably end up being wayyy off on that though, because that's just how my predictions seem to go with this show for some reason lol. Kind of feels weird that there are only two episodes left.. it feels like the 2nd half of the season just started.
I'm going to be pretty disappointed if the show leaves him out... because that would mean that they were just screwing with us and intention… moreally getting our hopes up lol. Last time we saw him he was at the church I believe, and only shortly after the group had left it. So I would assume that he pretty much has to be somewhat nearby.
As I said to Kenny/Lee, I would be very surprised if he doesn't show up at least once before the finale, but you never know with TWD.:/ You're right, my mistake, the scene with Morgan at the church completely slipped my mind for some reason lol.
I want the old Daryl back.
Same, I hate to sound insensitive, but he's been such a sad sack lately. Hopefully he'll be able to pull out of this soon. I miss the angry redneck.:/
Did they? I honestly can't even remember them doing anything with her lol.
Perhaps I'm remembering it incorrectly, but I think there was a scene where the group … [view original content]
If they just decided to dump her body off in some abandoned car, that's pretty screwed up of them lol. Poor Beth... robbed of so many things <_<
Yep, idk what it is with the show but they seem to have something against Beth. Even Bob got a proper character send off and funeral, and he hadn't been apart of the group for that long. Not to say Bob wasn't an awesome character, he totally is, but he'd been there only since season 4, where Beth has been with the group since season 2. She's pretty much an original member, one would think she at least deserves a proper funeral/goodbye to her character.:/
My guess is that Rick and Carol do end up leading some sort of takeover, just because that's how things seem to be going. I'll probably end up being wayyy off on that though, because that's just how my predictions seem to go with this show for some reason lol. Kind of feels weird that there are only two episodes left.. it feels like the 2nd half of the season just started.
That's definitely where it seems to be going, but I'm guessing there will be a surprise twist at the end. I agree, it does feel like the second half of the season is just beginning, the pacing this season is a lot slower than usual for some reason.
Same, I hate to sound insensitive, but he's been such a sad sack lately. Hopefully he'll be able to pull out of this soon. I miss the angry … moreredneck.:/
Hopefully. Angry redneck >> Despondent, empty redneck.
Perhaps I'm remembering it incorrectly, but I think there was a scene where the group was looking into a trunk of a car before closing it, and we didn't get to see what was inside? I was guessing that it was Beth, but if I'm wrong..seriously, where the hell did they put her body?? They made a pretty big deal out of Daryl carrying her out of the did he just put her down on the concrete somewhere and then leave?? I feel like this is pretty important.XD
Oh, it's definitely pretty important lol. Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember them putting her into a trunk of a car. Was it just a totally random car though? Or was it one they had been using..? If they just decided to dump her body off in some… [view original content]
I think I saw that Reedus is getting some Hollywood love now and his role might end this season. Don't quote me on that but it's something I thought I heard. Anyway, as long as it's profitable it will keep going.
She's pretty much an original member, one would think she at least deserves a proper funeral/goodbye to her character.:/
You would think so . And to make matters worse they intentionally made it look like they were giving her a burial scene at the start of the mid season opener, but then they were all like: "lol jk, this is actually for Tyreese". Apparently that little bit of creativity was more important than giving a long term group member a proper goodbye. least she got to come back as a hallucination for a little bit?
That's definitely where it seems to be going, but I'm guessing there will be a surprise twist at the end.
I'm just kind of guessing that's how it's going to go down because we have Carol running around the neighborhood threatening to kill people, Rick has openly stated that he has no issue with taking over the place + he seems a little obsessed in starting something with Jessie despite any consequences, and Gabriel is trying to convince Deanna that Rick's group should not be trusted and that they are terrible people.. which is pretty solid timing for him to do that considering Glenn is now coming back to tell her that her son is dead. Just doesn't look like we're going in a positive direction here lol.
I agree, it does feel like the second half of the season is just beginning, the pacing this season is a lot slower than usual for some reason.
I think things would have been better off if the show had made it's way to Alexandria a lot sooner, I think the mid season finale should have ended with them arriving there. There have been too many pointless episodes that kind of make the season seem all over the place. I also think they should have stuck with the Terminus storyline for much longer than they did (it seemed like they totally blazed through this, which is weird considering there was a decent amount of buildup towards it), shorten the hospital arc (as it ended up being pointless anyway), and then start in with Alexandria, so more time could have been spent on it in the 2nd half of the season.
If they just decided to dump her body off in some abandoned car, that's pretty screwed up of them lol. Poor Beth... robbed of so many things… more <_<
Yep, idk what it is with the show but they seem to have something against Beth. Even Bob got a proper character send off and funeral, and he hadn't been apart of the group for that long. Not to say Bob wasn't an awesome character, he totally is, but he'd been there only since season 4, where Beth has been with the group since season 2. She's pretty much an original member, one would think she at least deserves a proper funeral/goodbye to her character.:/
My guess is that Rick and Carol do end up leading some sort of takeover, just because that's how things seem to be going. I'll probably end up being wayyy off on that though, because that's just how my predictions seem to go with this show for some reason lol. Kind of feels weird that there are only two episodes left.. it feels li… [view original content]
And to make matters worse they intentionally made it look like they were giving her a burial scene at the start of the mid season opener, but then they were all like: "lol jk, this is actually for Tyreese". Apparently that little bit of creativity was more important than giving a long term group member a proper goodbye.
Yep, they were definitely trolling us with that scene. I think TWD sometimes forgets that surprise plot twists don't always make a story more enthralling. If not executed correctly, it'll just have the viewers going "wtf just happened, what was even the point of this happening etc". Tyreese's death felt so ridiculous to me that I couldn't really take it seriously tbh. Tyreese was a pretty lovable character, and they somehow made his death lose impact with the way they chose to go about it imo.
at least she got to come back as a hallucination for a little bit?
There's always that, I'll take what I can get lol. That's one of the things I actually look forward to when a character goes insane, it opens up the opportunity to bring back dead characters..and since we discussed it, I've really been wanting Shane to make an appearance in a hallucination. I don't care who's hallucination it is, or if it's just a vague reference, just somehow bring Shane back into the story line haha.
Just doesn't look like we're going in a positive direction here lol.
The only prediction I can make that I know will 100% happen is that people will die. Lots of people, probably innocent people, are going to die lol. In the end, Rick might feel remorse for whatever he plans to do, but idk about Carol.
I also think they should have stuck with the Terminus story line for much longer than they did (it seemed like they totally blazed through this, which is weird considering there was a decent amount of buildup towards it), shorten the hospital arc (as it ended up being pointless anyway), and then start in with Alexandria, so more time could have been spent on it in the 2nd half of the season.
I had originally been somewhat impressed that they dealt with Terminus so quickly in the premiere, but that was because I figured we were going to cover more significant story lines later in the season. Now that we're so close to the finale, I think it was a mistake to end the Terminus story line for the same reasons you listed. There was a lot of hype surrounding Terminus, but the main stage ended up being Alexandria, which has turned out to be a little lackluster. Probably because there wasn't much build up to it. The hospital story line could have been significant had they not decided to kill off Beth in the end..,maybe I'm looking at the show through rose colored glasses, but I honestly think the second half of the season would have been a lot better had they not killed Beth off.>_>
She's pretty much an original member, one would think she at least deserves a proper funeral/goodbye to her character.:/
You would t… morehink so . And to make matters worse they intentionally made it look like they were giving her a burial scene at the start of the mid season opener, but then they were all like: "lol jk, this is actually for Tyreese". Apparently that little bit of creativity was more important than giving a long term group member a proper goodbye. least she got to come back as a hallucination for a little bit?
That's definitely where it seems to be going, but I'm guessing there will be a surprise twist at the end.
I'm just kind of guessing that's how it's going to go down because we have Carol running around the neighborhood threatening to kill people, Rick has openly stated that he has no issue with taking over the place + he seems a little obsessed in starting something with Jessie despite any consequ… [view original content]
AMC isn't scared to lose its younger viewers, the swearing and nudity go against the AMC guidelines for all their shows. Mad Men got away with it a little because it aired late at night, and Breaking Bad was allowed to drop like two "fucks" in every season and thats it.
Well then they should have made the same exception, this show can't have so much gore but be scared to say "fuck". I guess AMC are just too scared to lose some of their younger viewers because it's more money, HBO wouldn't do that.
That's still why AMC does it, maybe just not only on TWD.
To not be able to say "fuck" on shows like Breaking Bad and TWD is the most idiotic thing they could think of (after that stupid scene where they thought that if they'd take a walker that's been bathing and bleeding and possibly shitting in the contents of the well out of it would make the water drinkable - so they send a fucking human down to lure it out despite their uber-idiotic conclusion which they all unanimously agreed on).
AMC isn't scared to lose its younger viewers, the swearing and nudity go against the AMC guidelines for all their shows. Mad Men got away wi… moreth it a little because it aired late at night, and Breaking Bad was allowed to drop like two "fucks" in every season and thats it.
I think TWD sometimes forgets that surprise plot twists don't always make a story more enthralling. If not executed correctly, it'll just have the viewers going "wtf just happened, what was even the point of this happening etc". Tyreese's death felt so ridiculous to me that I couldn't really take it seriously tbh. Tyreese was a pretty lovable character, and they somehow made his death lose impact with the way they chose to go about it imo.
Yeah that's exactly how I felt as well. It was just cheap shock value done in an over the top sort of way, and it didn't really mean anything other than to add to the overwhelming amount of angst and depression being carried throughout the group. It was honestly a facepalm worthy episode in my opinion lol. Definitely was pretty concerned for the show after that, and even more so with the following episode. I do think things have been much better after those two episodes, though.
..and since we discussed it, I've really been wanting Shane to make an appearance in a hallucination. I don't care who's hallucination it is, or if it's just a vague reference, just somehow bring Shane back into the story line haha.
It's just so easy to draw parallels at this point, it's the perfect time to bring it up. I mean.. I guess it's probably a touchy subject with Rick given the fact that he killed the guy (who he considered his best friend), but still.
Seriously, a Shane-Rick conversation would make me so, so happy. Gotta have something drive him to the point of this being possible lol. Remember when Daryl was hallucinating Merle back in Season Two? Something like that with Rick and Shane would be pretty awesome in my opinion.
The only prediction I can make that I know will 100% happen is that people will die. Lots of people, probably innocent people, are going to die lol.
Sounds like an exciting time lol. Wasn't envisioning trouble to that extent though. Going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
maybe I'm looking at the show through rose colored glasses, but I honestly think the second half of the season would have been a lot better had they not killed Beth off.>_>
And to make matters worse they intentionally made it look like they were giving her a burial scene at the start of the mid season opener, bu… moret then they were all like: "lol jk, this is actually for Tyreese". Apparently that little bit of creativity was more important than giving a long term group member a proper goodbye.
Yep, they were definitely trolling us with that scene. I think TWD sometimes forgets that surprise plot twists don't always make a story more enthralling. If not executed correctly, it'll just have the viewers going "wtf just happened, what was even the point of this happening etc". Tyreese's death felt so ridiculous to me that I couldn't really take it seriously tbh. Tyreese was a pretty lovable character, and they somehow made his death lose impact with the way they chose to go about it imo.
at least she got to come back as a hallucination for a little bit?
There's always that, I'll take what I can get … [view original content]
It was honestly a facepalm worthy episode in my opinion lol. Definitely was pretty concerned for the show after that, and even more so with the following episode. I do think things have been much better after those two episodes, though.
That episode was the most unintentionally funny episode of the season for me lol. I was very pessimistic as well for a few episodes after that, but the last episode has me hoping that they will turn it around..I guess we'll find out tonight haha.
It's just so easy to draw parallels at this point, it's the perfect time to bring it up. I mean.. I guess it's probably a touchy subject with Rick given the fact that he killed the guy (who he considered his best friend)
It really is, and I have to say that any scene that had Shane and Rick interacting was always especially exciting and engaging, some of the best scenes of the show imo. When you think about how long they had been friends, possibly since even before high school, they were practically brothers. I would love revisit Rick's feelings on the matter. Now that he's changed so much, I wonder if Rick still wholeheartedly believes that killing Shane was the right decision.
a Shane-Rick conversation would make me so, so happy. Gotta have something drive him to the point of this being possible lol. Remember when Daryl was hallucinating Merle back in Season Two? Something like that with Rick and Shane would be pretty awesome in my opinion.
100% Yes. A hallucination scene with Shane antagonizing Rick over his past and present decisions would have me beyond happy.:) They could definitely pull it off too, Rick hallucinating Shane is not at all a big stretch!
Sounds like an exciting time lol. Wasn't envisioning trouble to that extent though.
Ok, maybe not lots of people, that may have been too cynical of a prediction lol. But some people will die, we know that much for sure.XD
I think TWD sometimes forgets that surprise plot twists don't always make a story more enthralling. If not executed correctly, it'll just ha… moreve the viewers going "wtf just happened, what was even the point of this happening etc". Tyreese's death felt so ridiculous to me that I couldn't really take it seriously tbh. Tyreese was a pretty lovable character, and they somehow made his death lose impact with the way they chose to go about it imo.
Yeah that's exactly how I felt as well. It was just cheap shock value done in an over the top sort of way, and it didn't really mean anything other than to add to the overwhelming amount of angst and depression being carried throughout the group. It was honestly a facepalm worthy episode in my opinion lol. Definitely was pretty concerned for the show after that, and even more so with the following episode. I do think things have been much better after those two episodes, though.
..and since we… [view original content]
but the last episode has me hoping that they will turn it around..I guess we'll find out tonight haha.
I can't say that I really cared for tonight's episode, with the exception of the very beginning and the last several minutes of the end. I guess they were kind of setting up for the finale... but it still could have been a lot better in my opinion. It really just seemed like a filler episode with an intense ending. Should have stuck with what Daryl and Aaron were doing
I would love to revisit Rick's feelings on the matter. Now that he's changed so much, I wonder if Rick still wholeheartedly believes that killing Shane was the right decision.
I think he might, but only because Shane had become a threat to his survival. That said, I think deep down he does know Shane was right about many things, mostly in regards to keeping Lori and Carl safe. I believe that if Shane were alive, him and Rick would absolutely be 100% on the same page. Rick's little meltdown at the end of tonight's episode was actually very reminiscent of Shane's impassioned speeches about survival back in season two. He would be so proud :')
100% Yes. A hallucination scene with Shane antagonizing Rick over his past and present decisions would have me beyond happy.:) They could definitely pull it off too, Rick hallucinating Shane is not at all a big stretch!
Well, Michonne just knocked him unconscious... and he's the most on edge that he has been in a long time... and he's going to be in confinement...
Everything is lining up, passing this opportunity up would seriously be a crime lol. Opening the season finale with a Shane-Rick talk would just be ridiculously perfect, though I suppose it's probably not very likely to happen.
Ok, maybe not lots of people, that may have been too cynical of a prediction lol. But some people will die, we know that much for sure.XD
Oh, my bad, I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying that as some sort of fact lol. But yeah, some people are definitely going to be dead by this time next week. Carol is on Talking Dead next week..
It was honestly a facepalm worthy episode in my opinion lol. Definitely was pretty concerned for the show after that, and even more so with … morethe following episode. I do think things have been much better after those two episodes, though.
That episode was the most unintentionally funny episode of the season for me lol. I was very pessimistic as well for a few episodes after that, but the last episode has me hoping that they will turn it around..I guess we'll find out tonight haha.
It's just so easy to draw parallels at this point, it's the perfect time to bring it up. I mean.. I guess it's probably a touchy subject with Rick given the fact that he killed the guy (who he considered his best friend)
It really is, and I have to say that any scene that had Shane and Rick interacting was always especially exciting and engaging, some of the best scenes of the show imo. When you think about how long they had been friends, possibl… [view original content]
I can't say that I really cared for tonight's episode, with the exception of the very beginning and the last several minutes of the end. I guess they were kind of setting up for the finale... but it still could have been a lot better in my opinion. It really just seemed like a filler episode with an intense ending.
I must say I was pretty underwhelmed by this episode as well. I agree that they're probably setting up for the finale, but it still seemed unnaturally slow paced imo. I'm kinda disappointed, but the ending was pretty awesome.
Rick's little meltdown at the end of tonight's episode was actually very reminiscent of Shane's impassioned speeches about survival back in season two. He would be so proud :')
Rick is acting even more like Shane than before, that much is very true. Even his interactions with Jessie are a mirror to Shane in a way. How RIck says he wants to protect her and Sam, implying that Pete isn't able to, reminded me a lot of the way Shane claimed that he could protect Lori and Carl more efficiently than Rick. His speech at the end is definitely something Shane would say, whether intentional or not, the Shane-Rick parallels are in full force at the moment.
Michonne just knocked him unconscious... and he's the most on edge that he has been in a long time... and he's going to be in confinement...Everything is lining up, passing this opportunity up would seriously be a crime lol. Opening the season finale with a Shane-Rick talk would just be ridiculously perfect, though I suppose it's probably not very likely to happen.
Prayer circle for Crazy Rick's comeback??XD lol, but no, this is definitely a great opportunity to have Rick go off the deep end, at least for a little while. I won't expect it, but I would be pleasantly surprised if next episode opened with a Shane-Rick hallucination. Maybe instead of antagonizing Rick, Shane would actually be encouraging him, and assure him that his current actions are justified, seeing as we both can see Shane making the same choices that Rick has made this episode. If the show does choose to go this route, it would be very interesting, and would probably help make up a little bit for the dull/lackluster moments this season.
But yeah, some people are definitely going to be dead by this time next week. Carol is on Talking Dead next week..
but the last episode has me hoping that they will turn it around..I guess we'll find out tonight haha.
I can't say that I really car… moreed for tonight's episode, with the exception of the very beginning and the last several minutes of the end. I guess they were kind of setting up for the finale... but it still could have been a lot better in my opinion. It really just seemed like a filler episode with an intense ending. Should have stuck with what Daryl and Aaron were doing
I would love to revisit Rick's feelings on the matter. Now that he's changed so much, I wonder if Rick still wholeheartedly believes that killing Shane was the right decision.
I think he might, but only because Shane had become a threat to his survival. That said, I think deep down he does know Shane was right about many things, mostly in regards to keeping Lori and Carl safe. I believe that if Shane were alive, him and Rick would absolutely be 100% on t… [view original content]
I must say I was pretty underwhelmed by this episode as well. I agree that they're probably setting up for the finale, but it still seemed unnaturally slow paced imo. I'm kinda disappointed, but the ending was pretty awesome.
If they carry that awesomeness into the final 90 minutes of the season, I definitely won't complain (about tonight's episode). The fact that they're having a longer episode kind of shows that some serious shit is about go down... right? I'm personally a little pumped lol. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Rick is acting even more like Shane than before, that much is very true. Even his interactions with Jessie are a mirror to Shane in a way. How RIck says he wants to protect her and Sam, implying that Pete isn't able to, reminded me a lot of the way Shane claimed that he could protect Lori and Carl more efficiently than Rick. His speech at the end is definitely something Shane would say, whether intentional or not, the Shane-Rick parallels are in full force at the moment.
Definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if the parallels are completely intentional. If they are, here's to hoping they make the most of them and give us that Shane hallucination/ whatever.
Prayer circle for Crazy Rick's comeback??XD lol, but no, this is definitely a great opportunity to have Rick go off the deep end, at least for a little while.
Hey, whatever it takes. But yeah, it is a good opportunity for Rick to go off into the deep end again. Especially so if some of his own group members turn against him (Michonne...).
Maybe instead of antagonizing Rick, Shane would actually be encouraging him, and assure him that his current actions are justified, seeing as we both can see Shane making the same choices that Rick has made this episode. If the show does choose to go this route, it would be very interesting, and would probably help make up a little bit for the dull/lackluster moments this season.
I think it would almost make the entire episode for me... to be honest lol. I don't see it happening either though
That she is, that she is...>:)
If I predict that she's going to die, she's going to survive without a scratch... so I'm just going to go on record and say that Carol will most definitely not die in next week's episode.
I can't say that I really cared for tonight's episode, with the exception of the very beginning and the last several minutes of the end. I g… moreuess they were kind of setting up for the finale... but it still could have been a lot better in my opinion. It really just seemed like a filler episode with an intense ending.
I must say I was pretty underwhelmed by this episode as well. I agree that they're probably setting up for the finale, but it still seemed unnaturally slow paced imo. I'm kinda disappointed, but the ending was pretty awesome.
Rick's little meltdown at the end of tonight's episode was actually very reminiscent of Shane's impassioned speeches about survival back in season two. He would be so proud :')
Rick is acting even more like Shane than before, that much is very true. Even his interactions with Jessie are a mirror to Shane in a way. How RIck says he wants to protect her and Sam, implying that Pete isn't abl… [view original content]
The fact that they're having a longer episode kind of shows that some serious shit is about go down... right? I'm personally a little pumped lol. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Same here, I have yet to be disappointed by a TWD season finale, so I'm expecting shit to hit the fan, possibly ending on a cliff hanger which will leave us wanting to know what's next. I'm pretty excited, but I'll brace myself just in case I end up being wrong haha.
Hey, whatever it takes. But yeah, it is a good opportunity to go off into the deep end again. Especially so if some his own group members turn against him (Michonne...).
I'm fairly sure Rick will lose it, it's just a matter of when. I'm loving how the group seems to be becoming wary of Rick, and I think you're right that a few members may end up turning against him. Even more interesting if it turns out to be Michonne.
I don't see it happening either though
Yeah, it is pretty unlikely..but we can dream can't we?XD
If I predict that she's going to die, she's going to survive without a scratch... so here's to me predicting that Carol will most definitely not die in next week's episode.
lol, you're absolutely correct, Carol will most certainly not die next week. Nope, definitely won't die, I'm sure of it.
I must say I was pretty underwhelmed by this episode as well. I agree that they're probably setting up for the finale, but it still seemed u… morennaturally slow paced imo. I'm kinda disappointed, but the ending was pretty awesome.
If they carry that awesomeness into the final 90 minutes of the season, I definitely won't complain (about tonight's episode). The fact that they're having a longer episode kind of shows that some serious shit is about go down... right? I'm personally a little pumped lol. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Rick is acting even more like Shane than before, that much is very true. Even his interactions with Jessie are a mirror to Shane in a way. How RIck says he wants to protect her and Sam, implying that Pete isn't able to, reminded me a lot of the way Shane claimed that he could protect Lori and Carl more efficiently than Rick. His speech at the end is definitely something Shane would say, whether intentional … [view original content]
I'm pretty excited, but I'll brace myself just in case I end up being wrong haha.
Same, just because of how things have gone this season. I do have a feeling that this is going to be a good one though.
I'm fairly sure Rick will lose it, it's just a matter of when. I'm loving how the group seems to be becoming wary of Rick, and I think you're right that a few members may end up turning against him. Even more interesting if it turns out to be Michonne.
I mean, he really kind of took a big step forward in trying to tell the residents of Alexandria how it's going to be moving forward, and to have his own people not support him in that moment (going as far as to knock him out)... I'm sure that isn't going to sit too well. I agree that he's likely going to lose it, which should make for an interesting episode.
lol, you're absolutely correct, Carol will most certainly not die next week. Nope, definitely won't die, I'm sure of it.
Agreed, anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. Kill off Carol? Pfft, come on.
The fact that they're having a longer episode kind of shows that some serious shit is about go down... right? I'm personally a little pumped… more lol. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Same here, I have yet to be disappointed by a TWD season finale, so I'm expecting shit to hit the fan, possibly ending on a cliff hanger which will leave us wanting to know what's next. I'm pretty excited, but I'll brace myself just in case I end up being wrong haha.
Hey, whatever it takes. But yeah, it is a good opportunity to go off into the deep end again. Especially so if some his own group members turn against him (Michonne...).
I'm fairly sure Rick will lose it, it's just a matter of when. I'm loving how the group seems to be becoming wary of Rick, and I think you're right that a few members may end up turning against him. Even more interesting if it turns out to be Michonne.
I don't see it happening either though
Yeah, it i… [view original content]
to have his own people not support him in that moment (going as far as to knock him out)... I'm sure that isn't going to sit too well. I agree that he's likely going to lose it, which should make for an interesting episode.
Whatever happens, I'm sure there will be some standout moments in the finale, even if the whole episode isn't as good as I thought it would be. Rick, whether he goes nuts or not, will probably have the best/most intense scenes, and I'm definitely looking forward to that.B)
Kill off Carol? Pfft, come on.
Ikr? The thought of her even getting injured next episode..nah, that's just inconceivable! There's no way that will ever happen. Like, ever.
I'm pretty excited, but I'll brace myself just in case I end up being wrong haha.
Same, just because of how things have gone this se… moreason. I do have a feeling that this is going to be a good one though.
I'm fairly sure Rick will lose it, it's just a matter of when. I'm loving how the group seems to be becoming wary of Rick, and I think you're right that a few members may end up turning against him. Even more interesting if it turns out to be Michonne.
I mean, he really kind of took a big step forward in trying to tell the residents of Alexandria how it's going to be moving forward, and to have his own people not support him in that moment (going as far as to knock him out)... I'm sure that isn't going to sit too well. I agree that he's likely going to lose it, which should make for an interesting episode.
lol, you're absolutely correct, Carol will most certainly not die next week. Nope, definitely won't die, I'm sur… [view original content]
to have his own people not support him in that moment (going as far as to knock him out)... I'm sure that isn't going to sit too well. I agr… moreee that he's likely going to lose it, which should make for an interesting episode.
Whatever happens, I'm sure there will be some standout moments in the finale, even if the whole episode isn't as good as I thought it would be. Rick, whether he goes nuts or not, will probably have the best/most intense scenes, and I'm definitely looking forward to that.B)
Kill off Carol? Pfft, come on.
Ikr? The thought of her even getting injured next episode..nah, that's just inconceivable! There's no way that will ever happen. Like, ever.
I seriously think that was the worst finale ever. Can't even describe how disappointing that was. Ugh
I didn't even feel like I was watching a season finale. It seemed like an episode in the middle of the season, leading up to the finale..the deaths were extremely predictable imo, it was obvious that Pete was going to get killed, and I completely forgot about Reg up until this point, so his death was really underwhelming. I'm pretty disappointed as well.
There's actually probably a sad amount of truth to that statement. Our reverse psychology didn't work haha.
Damn. Well, it was worth the try lol. But to completely honest here, (I think I talked about this earlier in the thread), what has really been the downfall of TWD as of late is just how easy it is to predict who is going to die, and who isn't. One of the major reasons as to why I'm so displeased with Beth and Tyreese's death is simply because I saw it coming. Their deaths have been at the top of the death predictions list for a while, so when their characters were killed, it wasn't at all impacting/meaningful. New characters that are introduced, or are only considered "side characters" will die, so there isn't much of a surprise when it does happen. Characters like Carol, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Rick, Carl..we know they will most likely never be in danger of dying, and that makes the show kinda boring imho.
The only character that somewhat piqued my interest was Morgan (and that wolf dude). And he barely got any screen time, at least not enough to make up for the teasers we've been getting all season..Honestly, I used to think that season 3 was the worst season, not because it was necessarily bad, but because I didn't like it as much as seasons 1,2, and 4. And now season 5 has officially taken that title, mainly because I really did not like this season tbh.:/
Whatever happens, I'm sure there will be some standout moments in the finale, even if the whole episode isn't as good as I thought it would … morebe.
Not sure what your opinion is, but I seriously think that was the worst finale ever. Can't even describe how disappointing that was. Ugh
Ikr? The thought of her even getting injured next episode..nah, that's just inconceivable! There's no way that will ever happen. Like, ever.
There's actually probably a sad amount of truth to that statement. Our reverse psychology didn't work haha.
It does seem like HBO series have more liberty, when it comes to using profanity, and shooting nude scenes.
For example, my ex girlfriend introduced me to the show Spartacus, and I have to admit that I was surprised that they got away with the content that was on the show.
It's like they used the F word in every other sentence, not to mention the sex scenes.
I was not a fan of the series personally, but because my girlfriend wanted me to, I would sit and watch it with her.
And even though I still did not really care for the series, unlike my girlfriend who was a die-hard fan of the series, I did come to appreciate how talented the actors and actresses were who starred in it.
And I also noticed something rather interesting, that Spartacus did not use profanity, like the others did.
In fact, after the first Season, I do not remember him swearing even once.
Anyway, I think that having the F word kept out of the vocabulary of the characters on TWD, actually makes it more present to watch.
I personally don't necessarily like shows, particularly comedies, that have profanity used throughout.
That's one reason why I do not care for Billy Bob Thornton.
His movie Bad Santa could've been a lot better, if they'd toned down on the language a bit.
Now as far as nude scenes, I personally don't think that that would hurt the show.
Like for example, when it showed Andrea in the shower, when the group was at the CDC, I don't think it would've hurt anything if they had shot a nude scene in that particular instance.
Same thing when she held a knife over the Governor, and gave thought to killing him, while at Woodbury.
I'm not saying that the show should be turned into Girls Gone Wild, but I don't think an occasional nude scene would do any irreparable harm.
Since the show is rated M for a mature, I don't think it would be out of character for the show to feature such content every now and again.
That's still why AMC does it, maybe just not only on TWD.
To not be able to say "fuck" on shows like Breaking Bad and TWD is the most idi… moreotic thing they could think of (after that stupid scene where they thought that if they'd take a walker that's been bathing and bleeding and possibly shitting in the contents of the well out of it would make the water drinkable - so they send a fucking human down to lure it out despite their uber-idiotic conclusion which they all unanimously agreed on).
I didn't even feel like I was watching a season finale. It seemed like an episode in the middle of the season, leading up to the finale
100% felt the same way. If it was just a regular episode, then whatever I guess... but as a finale? I really don't understand how Gimple could think that was a well put together/ fitting ending to a season. It was just like any other episode. And for it being an hour and a half long, not a whole lot happened. It seemed like the whole finale was actually a buildup to the final ten minutes of the season... where it ended up being completely anticlimactic anyway //
I also love how the title of the episode really had absolutely nothing to do with anything.
One of the major reasons as to why I'm so displeased with Beth and Tyreese's death is simply because I saw it coming. Their deaths have been at the top of the death predictions list for a while, so when their characters were killed, it wasn't at all impacting/meaningful. New characters that are introduced, or are only considered "side characters" will die, so there isn't much of a surprise when it does happen.
Exactly. It sounds weird, but I was actually kind of hoping they would kill off a major character in the finale. Of course they didn't though. Instead they randomly decided to just kill off Reg... a guy whose name I can't even remember half the time lol. Honestly, I don't think there has been a genuinely surprising/ meaningful death since Hershel.
Characters like Carol, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Rick, Carl..we know they will most likely never be in danger of dying, and that makes the show kinda boring imho.
I agree. I don't even feel on edge about "important" characters anymore. Really random comparison here, but Game of Thrones is pretty much the opposite of this in my opinion. You never really feel like anyone is safe in that show. If TWD went back to being that way, it would be significantly better.
The only character that somewhat piqued my interest was Morgan (and that wolf dude). And he barely got any screen time, at least not enough to make up for the teasers we've been getting all season.
I'm just happy that he's finally back into the mix. Hopefully his presence can make the cast a little more interesting next season
Honestly, I used to think that season 3 was the worst season, not because it was necessarily bad, but because I didn't like it as much as seasons 1,2, and 4. And now season 5 has officially taken that title, mainly because I really did not like this season tbh.:/
I'm trying to refrain from saying that season 5 was terrible... but I really think it was pretty terrible lol. Season 3 used to be my least favorite as well, but I definitely still really enjoyed that season. I can't say the same for season 5 at all. There were maybe a handful of decent episodes... but the season as a whole was pretty much a massive disappointment in my opinion.
I seriously think that was the worst finale ever. Can't even describe how disappointing that was. Ugh
I didn't even feel l… moreike I was watching a season finale. It seemed like an episode in the middle of the season, leading up to the finale..the deaths were extremely predictable imo, it was obvious that Pete was going to get killed, and I completely forgot about Reg up until this point, so his death was really underwhelming. I'm pretty disappointed as well.
There's actually probably a sad amount of truth to that statement. Our reverse psychology didn't work haha.
Damn. Well, it was worth the try lol. But to completely honest here, (I think I talked about this earlier in the thread), what has really been the downfall of TWD as of late is just how easy it is to predict who is going to die, and who isn't. One of the major reasons as to why I'm so displeased with Beth and Tyreese's death is simply because I saw it com… [view original content]
It wouldn't be out imo, but the thing is that Negan swears so much in the comics that changing it would basically change his character. I think that the word "fuck" wouldn't be out if they would seldom use it.
It does seem like HBO series have more liberty, when it comes to using profanity, and shooting nude scenes.
For example, my ex girlfriend i… morentroduced me to the show Spartacus, and I have to admit that I was surprised that they got away with the content that was on the show.
It's like they used the F word in every other sentence, not to mention the sex scenes.
I was not a fan of the series personally, but because my girlfriend wanted me to, I would sit and watch it with her.
And even though I still did not really care for the series, unlike my girlfriend who was a die-hard fan of the series, I did come to appreciate how talented the actors and actresses were who starred in it.
And I also noticed something rather interesting, that Spartacus did not use profanity, like the others did.
In fact, after the first Season, I do not remember him swearing even once.
Anyway, I think that having the F word kept out of the vocabulary of the chara… [view original content]
I (in my opinion) think that the show is a little boring.
Too man deaths, too many characters (i couldn't even memorize their names, k.), and many other.
and i hope it ends by the 6th season, as the story is "dragged away" to make more useless seasons. I mean, all the events from Season 1 - 5 could be fit in to 3 seasons. ugh.
I really don't understand how Gimple could think that was a well put together/ fitting ending to a season. It was just like any other episode. And for it being an hour and a half long, not a whole lot happened. It seemed like the whole finale was actually a buildup to the final ten minutes of the season... where it ended up being completely anticlimactic anyway
I would really like to know what has been going on in Gimple's head as of late. I know he must have used a storyboard of some sort, and there are other writers working on the episodes, but it honestly seems like he's just been making this up as he goes along. I think that has been one of the cons of this season, the plot feels as though it's just dragging it's feet, and I still don't really know what the main point the season as a whole was trying to drive home. It's sad that only 10 minutes of an hour and a half ended up being relevant.
I also love how the title of the episode really had absolutely nothing to do with anything.
What exactly did they "conquer"?? Seemed like they just wanted the episode to sound like something badass was going to happen, when nothing really happened at all.XD
I don't think there has been a genuinely surprising/ meaningful death since Hershel.
Agreed, Hershel's death, at least for me, came out of nowhere. I really didn't think that he would be killed, and I was so shocked when he did. That was the mid season finale for season 4, and I remember how pretty much everyone was freaking out, and how pumped everyone was for the show to come back. The show hasn't elicited that response from the audience in a while it seems.:/
Game of Thrones is pretty much the opposite of this in my opinion. You never really feel like anyone is safe in that show. If TWD went back to being that way, it would be significantly better.
Yeah, I think that's partly why GOT is such a successful show. People didn't expect so many main characters to die, and it makes it a lot more exciting to watch when you can't predict what is coming next. TWD used to be like that imo, but it's steadily gotten staler, for lack of a better word, since maybe the back half of season 4.
There were maybe a handful of decent episodes... but the season as a whole was pretty much a massive disappointment in my opinion.
Same here. I was so pumped for this season too. There were a few episodes I can say I enjoyed, "No Sanctuary", "Slabtown", and "Self Help" to name a few. But usually, at least with past seasons of TWD, I've enjoyed pretty much every single episode minus maybe one or two. It's completely reversed now..:/
I didn't even feel like I was watching a season finale. It seemed like an episode in the middle of the season, leading up to the fi… morenale
100% felt the same way. If it was just a regular episode, then whatever I guess... but as a finale? I really don't understand how Gimple could think that was a well put together/ fitting ending to a season. It was just like any other episode. And for it being an hour and a half long, not a whole lot happened. It seemed like the whole finale was actually a buildup to the final ten minutes of the season... where it ended up being completely anticlimactic anyway //
I also love how the title of the episode really had absolutely nothing to do with anything.
One of the major reasons as to why I'm so displeased with Beth and Tyreese's death is simply because I saw it coming. Their deaths have been at the top of the death predictions list for a while, so when their characters were killed, it… [view original content]
I think that has been one of the cons of this season, the plot feels as though it's just dragging it's feet, and I still don't really know what the main point the season as a whole was trying to drive home. It's sad that only 10 minutes of an hour and a half ended up being relevant.
Agreed, and like I said before, those 10 minutes were also incredibly anticlimactic in my opinion. The group had a nice little meeting by the fire, Pete drunkenly stumbled into said meeting and accidentally cut a random side character's throat, causing Deanna to finally see the world for what it is. That was the extent of the purpose of the finale... and also the entire 2nd half of the season. Everything was building up to that little moment. Maybe I'm being overly negative, but I really think that's terrible lol. I can't understand for the life of me how some people think this was the best finale of TWD to date.
What exactly did they "conquer"?? Seemed like they just wanted the episode to sound like something badass was going to happen, when nothing really happened at all.XD
That's probably exactly what it is. I seriously can't think of any other reason. I'm not even seeing any metaphorical connection or anything. I guess it worked though lol (or at least it did in my case).
The show hasn't elicited that response from the audience in a while it seems.:/
I missed out on that, but that had to have been great. His death + the other events in that midseason finale just made several of the following episodes so depressing (in a good sense). We definitely haven't had that sort of impact in a long time.
Same here. I was so pumped for this season too. There were a few episodes I can say I enjoyed, "No Sanctuary", "Slabtown", and "Self Help" to name a few. But usually, at least with past seasons of TWD, I've enjoyed pretty much every single episode minus maybe one or two. It's completely reversed now..:/
Same . Self Help was easily my favorite episode of the season, and it all went downhill from there. I think it all started with that Daryl-Carol episode...
I'm probably going to keep watching just because it's TWD, but I'm really disappointed in how this season was handled, and I'm worried that things aren't going to change anytime soon. At this point I think the show runs more on hype opposed to actually being a good show.
I really don't understand how Gimple could think that was a well put together/ fitting ending to a season. It was just like any other episod… moree. And for it being an hour and a half long, not a whole lot happened. It seemed like the whole finale was actually a buildup to the final ten minutes of the season... where it ended up being completely anticlimactic anyway
I would really like to know what has been going on in Gimple's head as of late. I know he must have used a storyboard of some sort, and there are other writers working on the episodes, but it honestly seems like he's just been making this up as he goes along. I think that has been one of the cons of this season, the plot feels as though it's just dragging it's feet, and I still don't really know what the main point the season as a whole was trying to drive home. It's sad that only 10 minutes of an hour and a half ended up being relevant.
I also love how the title of the e… [view original content]
those 10 minutes were also incredibly anticlimactic in my opinion.
They were pretty anticlimactic now that I really think about it..I'm finding it really hard to find anything positive about this finale to be completely honest.
I can't understand for the life of me how some people think this was the best finale of TWD to date.
Wait..seriously? Are people actually saying this?? And not ironically? Wow..they must have very, very low expectations..that, or they haven't seen all the seasons.:/
I'm not even seeing any metaphorical connection or anything. I guess it worked though lol (or at least it did in my case).
Yep, they had me fooled. Shame on me for thinking the title of an episode is relevant to the content it contains lol.
I'm probably going to keep watching just because it's TWD, but I'm really disappointed in how this season was handled, and I'm worried that things aren't going to change anytime soon. At this point I think the show runs more on hype opposed to actually being a good show.
Yeah, I'll probably keep watching too. I'll keep hoping that it will turn itself around, maybe season 5 will just end up being the bad season of the show. When you think about it, shows gaining popularity and hype really can be a double edged sword. It's as though the moment the show has gained a substantial following, the writers start slacking off, thinking they don't need to put as much work into the plot and story, because "hey, people will still watch regardless of how bad our writing becomes"! Off the top of my head, I remember this happening to shows like LOST, House, and Mad Men. They started out great but then went downhill after they got really popular. It seems that's beginning to happen to TWD too unfortunately.
I think that has been one of the cons of this season, the plot feels as though it's just dragging it's feet, and I still don't really know w… morehat the main point the season as a whole was trying to drive home. It's sad that only 10 minutes of an hour and a half ended up being relevant.
Agreed, and like I said before, those 10 minutes were also incredibly anticlimactic in my opinion. The group had a nice little meeting by the fire, Pete drunkenly stumbled into said meeting and accidentally cut a random side character's throat, causing Deanna to finally see the world for what it is. That was the extent of the purpose of the finale... and also the entire 2nd half of the season. Everything was building up to that little moment. Maybe I'm being overly negative, but I really think that's terrible lol. I can't understand for the life of me how some people think this was the best finale of TWD to date.
What exactly did they "conquer"?? See… [view original content]
I'm finding it really hard to find anything positive about this finale to be completely honest.
Morgan coming back was really the only plus side in my opinion, and like you said before, he wasn't even around all that much. Everything else was pretty disappointing or cringe worthy from my point of view
Wait..seriously? Are people actually saying this?? And not ironically? Wow..they must have very, very low expectations..that, or they haven't seen all the seasons.:/
Yeah, that's why I was kind of wondering if I was being overly negative.
^ I guess I'm mostly getting that from various comments in that thread, and how on Talking Dead they were acting as if some phenomenal episode was just released (which maybe they're kind of forced to do... but still). There's also this link which has the majority of voters choosing season five as the best season of the show. I would assume these people are also on board with thinking that the season five finale was great/ one of the best finales of the show... considering I have no idea how they could actually think season five is the best season of the show. I think a lot of people are drinking the kool-aid
Yep, they had me fooled. Shame on me for thinking the title of an episode is relevant to the content it contains lol.
Yeahhh, that was pretty silly of us <_<
It's as though the moment the show has gained a substantial following. The writers start slacking off, thinking they don't need to put as much work into the plot and story, because "hey, people will still watch regardless of how bad our writing becomes"! Off the top of my head, I remember this happening to shows like LOST, House, and Mad Men. They started out great but then went downhill after they got really popular. It seems that's beginning to happen to TWD too unfortunately.
That's exactly what I was thinking as well. I mean, I'm personally even enabling that sort of thinking myself, considering I'm just like: "Whatever, it's TWD, so I'll just keep watching". Whatever the case, I hope they have a much better gameplan for season six. Were the "Wolves" a decent part of the story in the comics?
those 10 minutes were also incredibly anticlimactic in my opinion.
They were pretty anticlimactic now that I really think about it..… moreI'm finding it really hard to find anything positive about this finale to be completely honest.
I can't understand for the life of me how some people think this was the best finale of TWD to date.
Wait..seriously? Are people actually saying this?? And not ironically? Wow..they must have very, very low expectations..that, or they haven't seen all the seasons.:/
I'm not even seeing any metaphorical connection or anything. I guess it worked though lol (or at least it did in my case).
Yep, they had me fooled. Shame on me for thinking the title of an episode is relevant to the content it contains lol.
I'm probably going to keep watching just because it's TWD, but I'm really disappointed in how this season was handled, and I'm worried that things aren't going to change anytime … [view original content]
ikr. especially when they made statements like these:
90 minutes of awesome: Greg Nicotero directed this episode and explained to Yahoo why they took the extremely rare step of supersizing the episode from 60 to 90 minutes: "Because it’s 90 minutes of awesome. Listen, Scott Gimple wrote it. When we started shooting the episode, the script was long. When I started editing, I kind of said to Scott, ‘I want to make sure that we deliver the greatest episode that we can, and the cut’s going to come in long. I think that we should just go to the network and propose that we do an hour-and-a-half finale, and see how that idea lands.’ Everybody was on board. It’s a phenomenal episode. With each of the episodes I’ve shot this season, I keep thinking, ‘Wow, this is the best episode I’ve ever done.’ Then I do another one. I’m like, ‘I kind of like this one.’ They’re all really different, and I get chills when I watch [the finale]. I’m so proud of it. It’s such a powerhouse and the performances are just spot-on. Everybody’s firing on all cylinders. When Emmy time comes along, if people don’t finally turn around and recognize the actors and the writers, then there’s something seriously flawed with the system, because I don’t think that we’ve told more dramatic and emotional stories on the series as of yet." Nice!
Morgan Jones Finds Rick Grimes’ Map in The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 8: "Coda”
Credit: Gene Page/AMC Photo: Morgan Jones Finds Rick Grimes’ Map in The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 8: "Coda”
Tears and screams: Norman Reedus told Entertainment Tonight we’re going to need to bring Kleenex for the finale, adding that we’ll be screaming at the television.
It's going to piss us off ...
but also be very satisfying: Michael Cudlitz told Yahoo TV of the finale, "I love that they’ve given them the extra time, because it means that they’re able to let some of these scenes breathe, ones that sometimes we don’t have that opportunity to, because the show is so action-packed and so full of story points. I think that that extra time we’re going to have is going to be wonderful for character development, because I know some of the scenes that potentially would not have made it in had they had to keep it at an hour, and there’s some wonderful lyrical moments in the show. It’s going to be very satisfying. It’s going to piss you off. There will be tears, but also, once again, like the writers have been doing pretty consistently, it tees up a new beginning in a very, very different way."
Intense and unravel:
Alexandra Breckenridge (Jessie) told The Hollywood Reporter, “The season finale is really intense. I think we're going to see Rick unravel a little bit more — again, if we haven't already seen that. But I'm pretty sure we have!"
There will be blood:
On Talking Dead, Gale Anne Hurd said of the finale, "There will be blood, and it won't all be walker blood." Could've figured as much, but she also shared an interesting Season 6 tease...
Pick a side:
Entertainment Weekly asked Gale Anne Hurd if we'd have to pick a side in the finale. She said, "You know, we have a few surprises up our sleeve—I would throw that out there. But yes, we’re seeing more of the division, not only among the Alexandrians and our group, but within our group as well." Glenn and Michonne definitely seem to be on a less hardened path than Rick and Carol. Will that come into play? And if they are going for "surprises," maybe Rick will be exiled, which didn't happen in the comic?
Sad losses and surprises:
Gale Anne Hurd also told EW of the finale, "You can rest assured that not only walker blood will be spilled, but there will be a few surprises and some sad losses that no one, I think, will be able to predict." OK, so let's just name everyone... TSDF said no one from Rick's group would die, but maybe Reg? Sam? Deanna herself? Jessie?
Culmination of bits:
Steven Yeun had a Twitter Q&A and iTunes TV asked, "This has been an intense season so far! Without giving any spoilers, what can we expect from the finale?" Steven answered, "the finale will be the culmination of all the bits and pieces people might have caught all season..."
Shocking nail-biter:
Danai Gurira teased the finale to The Hollywood Reporter, saying, "It will definitely be a nail biter! It's a shocking episode," adding, "It's going to be a scary one."
Who is not as they seem?
This was never specifically a finale tease, and for all we know the answer was already provided in a more subtle way, but Norman told ETOnline, “The whole back half of our season is so good. There’s something that’s going to happen, I can’t tell you what it is, but somebody turns out to be not who you think they are. It’s an interesting turn of events.” At first, we thought maybe Enid was connected to The Wolves. Then thought perhaps Pete wasn’t the real abuser on TV, that it was really Ron or Jessie. That would’ve been a cool twist. Now we have no idea. Great tease, though! Got us all thinking.
Whatever happens in the finale, once it plays out we will be fresh out of luck until Season 6 premieres in October (probably October 11, but that’s not confirmed at this point). The spinoff/companion series will premiere in late summer, probably as a lead-in to the new season, and we’ll try to keep up with filming updates when the cast and crew return to Georgia in late April/early May to start shooting Season 6. Here are other things we might be able to look forward to in the next few months, based on last year’s schedule.
What are you most excited/nervous to see in the Season 5 finale, and how do you think the supersized episode will end?
Catch up on a ton of Walking Dead spoilers, promos, teases, speculation and other nifty stuff at
I'm finding it really hard to find anything positive about this finale to be completely honest.
Morgan coming back was really the on… morely plus side in my opinion, and like you said before, he wasn't even around all that much. Everything else was pretty disappointing or cringe worthy from my point of view
Wait..seriously? Are people actually saying this?? And not ironically? Wow..they must have very, very low expectations..that, or they haven't seen all the seasons.:/
Yeah, that's why I was kind of wondering if I was being overly negative.
^ I guess I'm mostly getting that from various comments in that thread, and how on Talking Dead they were acting as if some phenomenal episode was just released (which maybe they're kind of forced to do... but still). There's also this link which has the majority of vote… [view original content]
Morgan coming back was really the only plus side in my opinion, and like you said before, he wasn't even around all that much.
I'm hoping that Morgan will be the saving grace for next season if things continue on as they are.
I guess I'm mostly getting that from various comments in that thread, and how on Talking Dead they were acting as if some phenomenal episode was just released (which maybe they're kind of forced to do... but still). There's also this link which has the majority of voters choosing season five as the best season of the show. I would assume these people are also on board with thinking that the season five finale was great/ one of the best finales of the show..
I get that people have different opinions of which season was the best, but honestly, season 5 being a letdown is an absolute fact. The first half was ok, but the second, the second half was atrocious. I don't know who paid these people to say this was the best season yet, but there clearly is something fishy going on, because it makes no sense to me why anyone would say this.
Were the "Wolves" a decent part of the story in the comics?
I have an idea of which comic storyline they're planning to emulate with The Wolves, but it seems like they're going to stretch it out when that comic storyline actually isn't that long. The comic storyline was ok, not my absolute favorite, but I did enjoy it. I guess we'll see what the show has planned. Though I don't think it would be a good idea to have The Wolves be the main storyline of season 6 tbh.
I'm finding it really hard to find anything positive about this finale to be completely honest.
Morgan coming back was really the on… morely plus side in my opinion, and like you said before, he wasn't even around all that much. Everything else was pretty disappointing or cringe worthy from my point of view
Wait..seriously? Are people actually saying this?? And not ironically? Wow..they must have very, very low expectations..that, or they haven't seen all the seasons.:/
Yeah, that's why I was kind of wondering if I was being overly negative.
^ I guess I'm mostly getting that from various comments in that thread, and how on Talking Dead they were acting as if some phenomenal episode was just released (which maybe they're kind of forced to do... but still). There's also this link which has the majority of vote… [view original content]
I have an idea of which comic storyline they're planning to emulate with The Wolves, but it seems like they're going to stretch it out when the comic storyline isn't that long. The comic storyline was ok, I guess we'll see what the show has planned. Though I don't think it would be a good idea to have The Wolves be the main storyline of season 6 tbh.
Gimple left a note on Talking Dead that said 'the living aren't the problem' so I assume that the Wolves will cause 'No Way Out' in the comics, them having a herd and everything.
Maybe the Scavengers will show up anyway to lead the Wolves to Alexandria, but yeah.
I really don't want No Way Out to be messed up. Best storyline of the comics IMO.
Morgan coming back was really the only plus side in my opinion, and like you said before, he wasn't even around all that much.
I'm h… moreoping that Morgan will be the saving grace for next season if things continue on as they are.
I guess I'm mostly getting that from various comments in that thread, and how on Talking Dead they were acting as if some phenomenal episode was just released (which maybe they're kind of forced to do... but still). There's also this link which has the majority of voters choosing season five as the best season of the show. I would assume these people are also on board with thinking that the season five finale was great/ one of the best finales of the show..
I get that people have different opinions of which season was the best, but honestly, season 5 being a letdown is an absolute fact. The first half was ok, but the second, the second half was atrocious. I don't know who paid these people… [view original content]
Fml, I'm bearly getting through this one...
Hopefully. Angry redneck >> Despondent, empty redneck.
Oh, it's definitely pretty important lol. Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember them putting her into a trunk of a car. Was it just a totally random car though? Or was it one they had been using..? If they just decided to dump her body off in some abandoned car, that's pretty screwed up of them lol. Poor Beth... robbed of so many things <_<
Well thanks for that. My guess is that Rick and Carol do end up leading some sort of takeover, just because that's how things seem to be going. I'll probably end up being wayyy off on that though, because that's just how my predictions seem to go with this show for some reason lol. Kind of feels weird that there are only two episodes left.. it feels like the 2nd half of the season just started.
Yep, idk what it is with the show but they seem to have something against Beth. Even Bob got a proper character send off and funeral, and he hadn't been apart of the group for that long. Not to say Bob wasn't an awesome character, he totally is, but he'd been there only since season 4, where Beth has been with the group since season 2. She's pretty much an original member, one would think she at least deserves a proper funeral/goodbye to her character.:/
That's definitely where it seems to be going, but I'm guessing there will be a surprise twist at the end. I agree, it does feel like the second half of the season is just beginning, the pacing this season is a lot slower than usual for some reason.
It could be the third part of The Boondock Saints.
You would think so
. And to make matters worse they intentionally made it look like they were giving her a burial scene at the start of the mid season opener, but then they were all like: "lol jk, this is actually for Tyreese". Apparently that little bit of creativity was more important than giving a long term group member a proper goodbye. least she got to come back as a hallucination for a little bit?
I'm just kind of guessing that's how it's going to go down because we have Carol running around the neighborhood threatening to kill people, Rick has openly stated that he has no issue with taking over the place + he seems a little obsessed in starting something with Jessie despite any consequences, and Gabriel is trying to convince Deanna that Rick's group should not be trusted and that they are terrible people.. which is pretty solid timing for him to do that considering Glenn is now coming back to tell her that her son is dead. Just doesn't look like we're going in a positive direction here lol.
I think things would have been better off if the show had made it's way to Alexandria a lot sooner, I think the mid season finale should have ended with them arriving there. There have been too many pointless episodes that kind of make the season seem all over the place. I also think they should have stuck with the Terminus storyline for much longer than they did (it seemed like they totally blazed through this, which is weird considering there was a decent amount of buildup towards it), shorten the hospital arc (as it ended up being pointless anyway), and then start in with Alexandria, so more time could have been spent on it in the 2nd half of the season.
I loved the Boondock Saints!
I liked the first film more than the second.
Yep, they were definitely trolling us with that scene. I think TWD sometimes forgets that surprise plot twists don't always make a story more enthralling. If not executed correctly, it'll just have the viewers going "wtf just happened, what was even the point of this happening etc". Tyreese's death felt so ridiculous to me that I couldn't really take it seriously tbh. Tyreese was a pretty lovable character, and they somehow made his death lose impact with the way they chose to go about it imo.
There's always that, I'll take what I can get lol. That's one of the things I actually look forward to when a character goes insane, it opens up the opportunity to bring back dead characters..and since we discussed it, I've really been wanting Shane to make an appearance in a hallucination. I don't care who's hallucination it is, or if it's just a vague reference, just somehow bring Shane back into the story line haha.
The only prediction I can make that I know will 100% happen is that people will die. Lots of people, probably innocent people, are going to die lol. In the end, Rick might feel remorse for whatever he plans to do, but idk about Carol.
I had originally been somewhat impressed that they dealt with Terminus so quickly in the premiere, but that was because I figured we were going to cover more significant story lines later in the season. Now that we're so close to the finale, I think it was a mistake to end the Terminus story line for the same reasons you listed. There was a lot of hype surrounding Terminus, but the main stage ended up being Alexandria, which has turned out to be a little lackluster. Probably because there wasn't much build up to it. The hospital story line could have been significant had they not decided to kill off Beth in the end..,maybe I'm looking at the show through rose colored glasses, but I honestly think the second half of the season would have been a lot better had they not killed Beth off.>_>
AMC isn't scared to lose its younger viewers, the swearing and nudity go against the AMC guidelines for all their shows. Mad Men got away with it a little because it aired late at night, and Breaking Bad was allowed to drop like two "fucks" in every season and thats it.
That's still why AMC does it, maybe just not only on TWD.
To not be able to say "fuck" on shows like Breaking Bad and TWD is the most idiotic thing they could think of (after that stupid scene where they thought that if they'd take a walker that's been bathing and bleeding and possibly shitting in the contents of the well out of it would make the water drinkable - so they send a fucking human down to lure it out despite their uber-idiotic conclusion which they all unanimously agreed on).
Yeah that's exactly how I felt as well. It was just cheap shock value done in an over the top sort of way, and it didn't really mean anything other than to add to the overwhelming amount of angst and depression being carried throughout the group. It was honestly a facepalm worthy episode in my opinion lol. Definitely was pretty concerned for the show after that, and even more so with the following episode. I do think things have been much better after those two episodes, though.
It's just so easy to draw parallels at this point, it's the perfect time to bring it up. I mean.. I guess it's probably a touchy subject with Rick given the fact that he killed the guy (who he considered his best friend), but still.
Seriously, a Shane-Rick conversation would make me so, so happy. Gotta have something drive him to the point of this being possible lol. Remember when Daryl was hallucinating Merle back in Season Two? Something like that with Rick and Shane would be pretty awesome in my opinion.
Sounds like an exciting time lol. Wasn't envisioning trouble to that extent though. Going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
That episode was the most unintentionally funny episode of the season for me lol. I was very pessimistic as well for a few episodes after that, but the last episode has me hoping that they will turn it around..I guess we'll find out tonight haha.
It really is, and I have to say that any scene that had Shane and Rick interacting was always especially exciting and engaging, some of the best scenes of the show imo. When you think about how long they had been friends, possibly since even before high school, they were practically brothers. I would love revisit Rick's feelings on the matter. Now that he's changed so much, I wonder if Rick still wholeheartedly believes that killing Shane was the right decision.
100% Yes. A hallucination scene with Shane antagonizing Rick over his past and present decisions would have me beyond happy.:) They could definitely pull it off too, Rick hallucinating Shane is not at all a big stretch!
Ok, maybe not lots of people, that may have been too cynical of a prediction lol. But some people will die, we know that much for sure.XD
I can't say that I really cared for tonight's episode, with the exception of the very beginning and the last several minutes of the end. I guess they were kind of setting up for the finale... but it still could have been a lot better in my opinion. It really just seemed like a filler episode with an intense ending. Should have stuck with what Daryl and Aaron were doing
I think he might, but only because Shane had become a threat to his survival. That said, I think deep down he does know Shane was right about many things, mostly in regards to keeping Lori and Carl safe. I believe that if Shane were alive, him and Rick would absolutely be 100% on the same page. Rick's little meltdown at the end of tonight's episode was actually very reminiscent of Shane's impassioned speeches about survival back in season two. He would be so proud :')
Well, Michonne just knocked him unconscious... and he's the most on edge that he has been in a long time... and he's going to be in confinement...
Everything is lining up, passing this opportunity up would seriously be a crime lol. Opening the season finale with a Shane-Rick talk would just be ridiculously perfect, though I suppose it's probably not very likely to happen.
Oh, my bad, I misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying that as some sort of fact lol. But yeah, some people are definitely going to be dead by this time next week. Carol is on Talking Dead next week..
I must say I was pretty underwhelmed by this episode as well. I agree that they're probably setting up for the finale, but it still seemed unnaturally slow paced imo. I'm kinda disappointed, but the ending was pretty awesome.
Rick is acting even more like Shane than before, that much is very true. Even his interactions with Jessie are a mirror to Shane in a way. How RIck says he wants to protect her and Sam, implying that Pete isn't able to, reminded me a lot of the way Shane claimed that he could protect Lori and Carl more efficiently than Rick. His speech at the end is definitely something Shane would say, whether intentional or not, the Shane-Rick parallels are in full force at the moment.
Prayer circle for Crazy Rick's comeback??XD lol, but no, this is definitely a great opportunity to have Rick go off the deep end, at least for a little while. I won't expect it, but I would be pleasantly surprised if next episode opened with a Shane-Rick hallucination. Maybe instead of antagonizing Rick, Shane would actually be encouraging him, and assure him that his current actions are justified, seeing as we both can see Shane making the same choices that Rick has made this episode. If the show does choose to go this route, it would be very interesting, and would probably help make up a little bit for the dull/lackluster moments this season.
That she is, that she is...>:)
If they carry that awesomeness into the final 90 minutes of the season, I definitely won't complain (about tonight's episode). The fact that they're having a longer episode kind of shows that some serious shit is about go down... right? I'm personally a little pumped lol. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if the parallels are completely intentional. If they are, here's to hoping they make the most of them and give us that Shane hallucination/ whatever.
Hey, whatever it takes. But yeah, it is a good opportunity for Rick to go off into the deep end again. Especially so if some of his own group members turn against him (Michonne...).
I think it would almost make the entire episode for me... to be honest lol. I don't see it happening either though
If I predict that she's going to die, she's going to survive without a scratch... so I'm just going to go on record and say that Carol will most definitely not die in next week's episode.
Same here, I have yet to be disappointed by a TWD season finale, so I'm expecting shit to hit the fan, possibly ending on a cliff hanger which will leave us wanting to know what's next. I'm pretty excited, but I'll brace myself just in case I end up being wrong haha.
I'm fairly sure Rick will lose it, it's just a matter of when. I'm loving how the group seems to be becoming wary of Rick, and I think you're right that a few members may end up turning against him. Even more interesting if it turns out to be Michonne.
Yeah, it is pretty unlikely..but we can dream can't we?XD
lol, you're absolutely correct, Carol will most certainly not die next week. Nope, definitely won't die, I'm sure of it.
Same, just because of how things have gone this season. I do have a feeling that this is going to be a good one though.
I mean, he really kind of took a big step forward in trying to tell the residents of Alexandria how it's going to be moving forward, and to have his own people not support him in that moment (going as far as to knock him out)... I'm sure that isn't going to sit too well. I agree that he's likely going to lose it, which should make for an interesting episode.
Agreed, anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. Kill off Carol? Pfft, come on.
Fucking thank you, I thought I was the only one who noticed.
the show is getting better
and i hate that people think that someone should die because its a finale.Beth had a forced death!
Whatever happens, I'm sure there will be some standout moments in the finale, even if the whole episode isn't as good as I thought it would be. Rick, whether he goes nuts or not, will probably have the best/most intense scenes, and I'm definitely looking forward to that.B)
Ikr? The thought of her even getting injured next episode..nah, that's just inconceivable! There's no way that will ever happen. Like, ever.
Not sure what your opinion is, but I seriously think that was the worst finale ever. Can't even describe how disappointing that was. Ugh
There's actually probably a sad amount of truth to that statement. Our reverse psychology didn't work haha.
I didn't even feel like I was watching a season finale. It seemed like an episode in the middle of the season, leading up to the finale..the deaths were extremely predictable imo, it was obvious that Pete was going to get killed, and I completely forgot about Reg up until this point, so his death was really underwhelming. I'm pretty disappointed as well.
Damn. Well, it was worth the try lol. But to completely honest here, (I think I talked about this earlier in the thread), what has really been the downfall of TWD as of late is just how easy it is to predict who is going to die, and who isn't. One of the major reasons as to why I'm so displeased with Beth and Tyreese's death is simply because I saw it coming. Their deaths have been at the top of the death predictions list for a while, so when their characters were killed, it wasn't at all impacting/meaningful. New characters that are introduced, or are only considered "side characters" will die, so there isn't much of a surprise when it does happen. Characters like Carol, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Rick, Carl..we know they will most likely never be in danger of dying, and that makes the show kinda boring imho.
The only character that somewhat piqued my interest was Morgan (and that wolf dude). And he barely got any screen time, at least not enough to make up for the teasers we've been getting all season..Honestly, I used to think that season 3 was the worst season, not because it was necessarily bad, but because I didn't like it as much as seasons 1,2, and 4. And now season 5 has officially taken that title, mainly because I really did not like this season tbh.:/
It does seem like HBO series have more liberty, when it comes to using profanity, and shooting nude scenes.
For example, my ex girlfriend introduced me to the show Spartacus, and I have to admit that I was surprised that they got away with the content that was on the show.
It's like they used the F word in every other sentence, not to mention the sex scenes.
I was not a fan of the series personally, but because my girlfriend wanted me to, I would sit and watch it with her.
And even though I still did not really care for the series, unlike my girlfriend who was a die-hard fan of the series, I did come to appreciate how talented the actors and actresses were who starred in it.
And I also noticed something rather interesting, that Spartacus did not use profanity, like the others did.
In fact, after the first Season, I do not remember him swearing even once.
Anyway, I think that having the F word kept out of the vocabulary of the characters on TWD, actually makes it more present to watch.
I personally don't necessarily like shows, particularly comedies, that have profanity used throughout.
That's one reason why I do not care for Billy Bob Thornton.
His movie Bad Santa could've been a lot better, if they'd toned down on the language a bit.
Now as far as nude scenes, I personally don't think that that would hurt the show.
Like for example, when it showed Andrea in the shower, when the group was at the CDC, I don't think it would've hurt anything if they had shot a nude scene in that particular instance.
Same thing when she held a knife over the Governor, and gave thought to killing him, while at Woodbury.
I'm not saying that the show should be turned into Girls Gone Wild, but I don't think an occasional nude scene would do any irreparable harm.
Since the show is rated M for a mature, I don't think it would be out of character for the show to feature such content every now and again.
100% felt the same way. If it was just a regular episode, then whatever I guess... but as a finale? I really don't understand how Gimple could think that was a well put together/ fitting ending to a season. It was just like any other episode. And for it being an hour and a half long, not a whole lot happened. It seemed like the whole finale was actually a buildup to the final ten minutes of the season... where it ended up being completely anticlimactic anyway
I also love how the title of the episode really had absolutely nothing to do with anything.
Exactly. It sounds weird, but I was actually kind of hoping they would kill off a major character in the finale. Of course they didn't though. Instead they randomly decided to just kill off Reg... a guy whose name I can't even remember half the time lol. Honestly, I don't think there has been a genuinely surprising/ meaningful death since Hershel.
I agree. I don't even feel on edge about "important" characters anymore. Really random comparison here, but Game of Thrones is pretty much the opposite of this in my opinion. You never really feel like anyone is safe in that show. If TWD went back to being that way, it would be significantly better.
I'm just happy that he's finally back into the mix. Hopefully his presence can make the cast a little more interesting next season
I'm trying to refrain from saying that season 5 was terrible... but I really think it was pretty terrible lol. Season 3 used to be my least favorite as well, but I definitely still really enjoyed that season. I can't say the same for season 5 at all. There were maybe a handful of decent episodes... but the season as a whole was pretty much a massive disappointment in my opinion.
It wouldn't be out imo, but the thing is that Negan swears so much in the comics that changing it would basically change his character. I think that the word "fuck" wouldn't be out if they would seldom use it.
Well after the season 5 finale, the show is as popular as ever, if not more so.
I (in my opinion) think that the show is a little boring.
Too man deaths, too many characters (i couldn't even memorize their names, k.), and many other.
and i hope it ends by the 6th season, as the story is "dragged away" to make more useless seasons. I mean, all the events from Season 1 - 5 could be fit in to 3 seasons. ugh.
I would really like to know what has been going on in Gimple's head as of late. I know he must have used a storyboard of some sort, and there are other writers working on the episodes, but it honestly seems like he's just been making this up as he goes along. I think that has been one of the cons of this season, the plot feels as though it's just dragging it's feet, and I still don't really know what the main point the season as a whole was trying to drive home. It's sad that only 10 minutes of an hour and a half ended up being relevant.
What exactly did they "conquer"?? Seemed like they just wanted the episode to sound like something badass was going to happen, when nothing really happened at all.XD
Agreed, Hershel's death, at least for me, came out of nowhere. I really didn't think that he would be killed, and I was so shocked when he did. That was the mid season finale for season 4, and I remember how pretty much everyone was freaking out, and how pumped everyone was for the show to come back. The show hasn't elicited that response from the audience in a while it seems.:/
Yeah, I think that's partly why GOT is such a successful show. People didn't expect so many main characters to die, and it makes it a lot more exciting to watch when you can't predict what is coming next. TWD used to be like that imo, but it's steadily gotten staler, for lack of a better word, since maybe the back half of season 4.
Same here. I was so pumped for this season too. There were a few episodes I can say I enjoyed, "No Sanctuary", "Slabtown", and "Self Help" to name a few. But usually, at least with past seasons of TWD, I've enjoyed pretty much every single episode minus maybe one or two. It's completely reversed now..:/
I love the show and I hope it keeps going
I miss the governor and I feel it peaked with him
But right now it's still very entertaining and Andrew Lincoln(rick) is putting in oscar worthy performances every episode it seems
I would like more action I feel like most episodes have to much filler some even don't advance the story at all
I want more seasons I still enjoy watching the show tbh
Agreed, and like I said before, those 10 minutes were also incredibly anticlimactic in my opinion. The group had a nice little meeting by the fire, Pete drunkenly stumbled into said meeting and accidentally cut a random side character's throat, causing Deanna to finally see the world for what it is. That was the extent of the purpose of the finale... and also the entire 2nd half of the season. Everything was building up to that little moment. Maybe I'm being overly negative, but I really think that's terrible lol. I can't understand for the life of me how some people think this was the best finale of TWD to date.
That's probably exactly what it is. I seriously can't think of any other reason. I'm not even seeing any metaphorical connection or anything. I guess it worked though lol (or at least it did in my case).
I missed out on that, but that had to have been great. His death + the other events in that midseason finale just made several of the following episodes so depressing (in a good sense). We definitely haven't had that sort of impact in a long time.
. Self Help was easily my favorite episode of the season, and it all went downhill from there. I think it all started with that Daryl-Carol episode...
I'm probably going to keep watching just because it's TWD, but I'm really disappointed in how this season was handled, and I'm worried that things aren't going to change anytime soon. At this point I think the show runs more on hype opposed to actually being a good show.
They were pretty anticlimactic now that I really think about it..I'm finding it really hard to find anything positive about this finale to be completely honest.
Wait..seriously? Are people actually saying this?? And not ironically? Wow..they must have very, very low expectations..that, or they haven't seen all the seasons.:/
Yep, they had me fooled. Shame on me for thinking the title of an episode is relevant to the content it contains lol.
Yeah, I'll probably keep watching too. I'll keep hoping that it will turn itself around, maybe season 5 will just end up being the bad season of the show. When you think about it, shows gaining popularity and hype really can be a double edged sword. It's as though the moment the show has gained a substantial following, the writers start slacking off, thinking they don't need to put as much work into the plot and story, because "hey, people will still watch regardless of how bad our writing becomes"! Off the top of my head, I remember this happening to shows like LOST, House, and Mad Men. They started out great but then went downhill after they got really popular. It seems that's beginning to happen to TWD too unfortunately.
Oh god I hope so.
. As long as they don't redeem themselves, I really hope so, too.
Morgan coming back was really the only plus side in my opinion, and like you said before, he wasn't even around all that much. Everything else was pretty disappointing or cringe worthy from my point of view
Yeah, that's why I was kind of wondering if I was being overly negative.
^ I guess I'm mostly getting that from various comments in that thread, and how on Talking Dead they were acting as if some phenomenal episode was just released (which maybe they're kind of forced to do... but still). There's also this link which has the majority of voters choosing season five as the best season of the show. I would assume these people are also on board with thinking that the season five finale was great/ one of the best finales of the show... considering I have no idea how they could actually think season five is the best season of the show. I think a lot of people are drinking the kool-aid
Yeahhh, that was pretty silly of us <_<
That's exactly what I was thinking as well. I mean, I'm personally even enabling that sort of thinking myself, considering I'm just like: "Whatever, it's TWD, so I'll just keep watching". Whatever the case, I hope they have a much better gameplan for season six. Were the "Wolves" a decent part of the story in the comics?
ikr. especially when they made statements like these:
90 minutes of awesome: Greg Nicotero directed this episode and explained to Yahoo why they took the extremely rare step of supersizing the episode from 60 to 90 minutes: "Because it’s 90 minutes of awesome. Listen, Scott Gimple wrote it. When we started shooting the episode, the script was long. When I started editing, I kind of said to Scott, ‘I want to make sure that we deliver the greatest episode that we can, and the cut’s going to come in long. I think that we should just go to the network and propose that we do an hour-and-a-half finale, and see how that idea lands.’ Everybody was on board. It’s a phenomenal episode. With each of the episodes I’ve shot this season, I keep thinking, ‘Wow, this is the best episode I’ve ever done.’ Then I do another one. I’m like, ‘I kind of like this one.’ They’re all really different, and I get chills when I watch [the finale]. I’m so proud of it. It’s such a powerhouse and the performances are just spot-on. Everybody’s firing on all cylinders. When Emmy time comes along, if people don’t finally turn around and recognize the actors and the writers, then there’s something seriously flawed with the system, because I don’t think that we’ve told more dramatic and emotional stories on the series as of yet." Nice!
Morgan Jones Finds Rick Grimes’ Map in The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 8: "Coda”
Credit: Gene Page/AMC Photo: Morgan Jones Finds Rick Grimes’ Map in The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 8: "Coda”
Tears and screams: Norman Reedus told Entertainment Tonight we’re going to need to bring Kleenex for the finale, adding that we’ll be screaming at the television.
It's going to piss us off ...
but also be very satisfying: Michael Cudlitz told Yahoo TV of the finale, "I love that they’ve given them the extra time, because it means that they’re able to let some of these scenes breathe, ones that sometimes we don’t have that opportunity to, because the show is so action-packed and so full of story points. I think that that extra time we’re going to have is going to be wonderful for character development, because I know some of the scenes that potentially would not have made it in had they had to keep it at an hour, and there’s some wonderful lyrical moments in the show. It’s going to be very satisfying. It’s going to piss you off. There will be tears, but also, once again, like the writers have been doing pretty consistently, it tees up a new beginning in a very, very different way."
Intense and unravel:
Alexandra Breckenridge (Jessie) told The Hollywood Reporter, “The season finale is really intense. I think we're going to see Rick unravel a little bit more — again, if we haven't already seen that. But I'm pretty sure we have!"
There will be blood:
On Talking Dead, Gale Anne Hurd said of the finale, "There will be blood, and it won't all be walker blood." Could've figured as much, but she also shared an interesting Season 6 tease...
Pick a side:
Entertainment Weekly asked Gale Anne Hurd if we'd have to pick a side in the finale. She said, "You know, we have a few surprises up our sleeve—I would throw that out there. But yes, we’re seeing more of the division, not only among the Alexandrians and our group, but within our group as well." Glenn and Michonne definitely seem to be on a less hardened path than Rick and Carol. Will that come into play? And if they are going for "surprises," maybe Rick will be exiled, which didn't happen in the comic?
Sad losses and surprises:
Gale Anne Hurd also told EW of the finale, "You can rest assured that not only walker blood will be spilled, but there will be a few surprises and some sad losses that no one, I think, will be able to predict." OK, so let's just name everyone... TSDF said no one from Rick's group would die, but maybe Reg? Sam? Deanna herself? Jessie?
Culmination of bits:
Steven Yeun had a Twitter Q&A and iTunes TV asked, "This has been an intense season so far! Without giving any spoilers, what can we expect from the finale?" Steven answered, "the finale will be the culmination of all the bits and pieces people might have caught all season..."
Shocking nail-biter:
Danai Gurira teased the finale to The Hollywood Reporter, saying, "It will definitely be a nail biter! It's a shocking episode," adding, "It's going to be a scary one."
Who is not as they seem?
This was never specifically a finale tease, and for all we know the answer was already provided in a more subtle way, but Norman told ETOnline, “The whole back half of our season is so good. There’s something that’s going to happen, I can’t tell you what it is, but somebody turns out to be not who you think they are. It’s an interesting turn of events.” At first, we thought maybe Enid was connected to The Wolves. Then thought perhaps Pete wasn’t the real abuser on TV, that it was really Ron or Jessie. That would’ve been a cool twist. Now we have no idea. Great tease, though! Got us all thinking.
Whatever happens in the finale, once it plays out we will be fresh out of luck until Season 6 premieres in October (probably October 11, but that’s not confirmed at this point). The spinoff/companion series will premiere in late summer, probably as a lead-in to the new season, and we’ll try to keep up with filming updates when the cast and crew return to Georgia in late April/early May to start shooting Season 6. Here are other things we might be able to look forward to in the next few months, based on last year’s schedule.
What are you most excited/nervous to see in the Season 5 finale, and how do you think the supersized episode will end?
Catch up on a ton of Walking Dead spoilers, promos, teases, speculation and other nifty stuff at
I'm hoping that Morgan will be the saving grace for next season if things continue on as they are.
I get that people have different opinions of which season was the best, but honestly, season 5 being a letdown is an absolute fact. The first half was ok, but the second, the second half was atrocious. I don't know who paid these people to say this was the best season yet, but there clearly is something fishy going on, because it makes no sense to me why anyone would say this.
I have an idea of which comic storyline they're planning to emulate with The Wolves, but it seems like they're going to stretch it out when that comic storyline actually isn't that long. The comic storyline was ok, not my absolute favorite, but I did enjoy it. I guess we'll see what the show has planned. Though I don't think it would be a good idea to have The Wolves be the main storyline of season 6 tbh.
Gimple left a note on Talking Dead that said 'the living aren't the problem' so I assume that the Wolves will cause 'No Way Out' in the comics, them having a herd and everything.
Maybe the Scavengers will show up anyway to lead the Wolves to Alexandria, but yeah.
I really don't want No Way Out to be messed up. Best storyline of the comics IMO.
Than don't watch it. Why hope it gets cancelled just cause you don't like it?
I more or less had the same idea. I just worry that the show won't do that particular storyline justice.:/