The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Not since August.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yeah, she was a real nice person. Hope we'll see her again soon. But according to one of her last messages she stalks this place.

  • Not too well.

    I'm actually going to sleep now, night buddy. We'll talk later.

    ComingSoon posted: »'ve you been?

  • Night, see you tomorrow. I hope you do better.

    Not too well. I'm actually going to sleep now, night buddy. We'll talk later.

  • She was badass. Sadly i only talked to her a few times and did'nt even know she left. I still regret not saying goodbye to her

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

  • One of the biggest flaws of that game is the dialog. It's just all wrong. Most reviewers share that sentiment.

    But don't get me wrong, I still love the game.

    I don't get why you're so...What's the word...Annoyed? or whatnot about that game. You guys act like people saying that stuff isn't realisti

  • The things I see in my school's locker room.

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  • edited March 2015

    It sounds like some kind of scam, if you would have really looked at child pornography the FBI would have inmediately gone to your house arrested you and registered your computer


    @579801 (Blind Sniper) seems to be right i just searched Ransomware and found this image

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    JustinCage posted: »

    Guys I needs some help. I was browsing the web and a FBI warning popped up and said I was browsing child porn or something and if I didn't p

  • Man I used to love Yugioh. I haven't played in years though :/

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The things I see in my school's locker room.

  • They might be making super troopers 2!!! HELL YEAH!

  • Lol, he was just trying to protect you. Forget about them, worry about your own happiness.

    You could always try a different therapist, try finding one that you're more comfortable opening up to. Idk therapy was never my thing. I guess I'm stubborn. I'd rather fix it myself.

    And good. Don't start.. smoking sucks. I wish I had more happy music to listen too, but most of my music is either angry, ghetto, depressing, or kinda gay. And i'm a lil weird, I'm not a huge fan of trying out new music unless I hear it from someone else first. But yeah np.


    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Sounds like you had it tough too and nah they probably grew up....some of them. I saw one of them a few years ago working in this restauran

  • edited March 2015

    You said you wanted to get a body like that... She might think that you want to become a woman or something. Idk I was just joking man.

    If you want to avoid the awkwardness then wait til the last day so you can dipset outta there if things get weird.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Saying a girl she has a nice body nowadays means she might think I'm gah idk bruh she seemed to love it I will but early days I want t

    edited March 2015

    It can't be any other way

    I can't find what's left in me

    I can't find the way

    I don't know how

    It can't be any other way

    I don't forgive you

    But it can't be any other way

    How, I don't know how

    I don't find any taste

    And since that day there's no tomorrow

    I don't know how

    Or where I'm going

    I was content

    Even if just for a short moment

    And now I do not know how

    It can't be any other way

    I don't know how

    Now that you are gone

    I'll never be able to fall asleep anymore

    I never dream anymore

    I don't know how

    I will no longer smile

    No longer talk to myself

    Won't answer anyone, even me

    And now I don't know how

    I don't know how

    It just keeps getting complicated

    I will find no more rest

    Open my eyes only in the darkness

    I don't know how

    I ended up without you

    I was foolishly in love

    I loved but not as I do just now

    But I do not know how

    And now I don't know how

  • I fucking love you school why can't I go there :(

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The things I see in my school's locker room.

  • Ah, the memories. I used to love that show when I was a kid, and I also had my own cards. I think I sold them all, but still, Yugioh was a huge part of my childhood.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The things I see in my school's locker room.

  • I'm getting sick and tired of people trying to tell other how to live and what to care about.

  • Yeah, maybe I'd feel more comfortable talking with a lady or something. I had a therapist yeaaaars ago and it was really nice lady who it was easier chatting to ;_;

    Kinda gay? Ooooh, you mean kinda HAPPY ^_^ well good, because I know a very gay song for you:

    I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gaaaay. Damn that's an old song reference ^^ but not what this one is called. It's from Of Monsters and Men and I love listening to their music when I write.

    And the episode with the bro bro, you know? XD

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    Lol, he was just trying to protect you. Forget about them, worry about your own happiness. You could always try a different therapist, tr

  • XD ok thanks for the advice bro :)

    You said you wanted to get a body like that... She might think that you want to become a woman or something. Idk I was just joking man. I

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    nyet she was awesome :'/

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

  • u mean real life

    my favourite fanfiction of all time

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    XDD that made my day that is awesome thanks for that

  • F--king love this band and this love this song. :D

  • Azlyn...

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    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

    edited March 2015

    I don't think a gay fuckfest starring the members of One Direction could be called fiction.

    my favourite fanfiction of all time

  • This brings back memories. In high school; me, my friends and bunch of the other guys used to play Yu-Gi-Oh in the cafeteria every chance we had. Since I wasn't well versed in the cards at the time they helped me with how to play and even gave me a bunch of cards without even having to pay! I miss playing Yu-Gi-Oh with all my friends.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The things I see in my school's locker room.

  • [removed]

  • How much time has passed? I so wish I could meet her :\

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

  • I've contacted her a few times since, If we're lucky, she'll be back in a couple of months.

    Dearest crazy people, I just wanted to let y'all know that i love you and i'll miss you! And i'll be back in a year, if the gods are

    edited March 2015


  • edited March 2015

    A chinese student wrote this

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    I was drinking something when I read this sheet XD

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  • Episode 3 of GOT is just beyond awesomeness!

  • Anna is cute...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    A chinese student wrote this I was drinking something when I read this sheet XD

  • edited March 2015

    Ah yes, the video that made me watch this movie.

  • lol the resemblance is scary

    JustinCage posted: »


  • Well I'm officially convinced that the BBC is run by idiots. They have one of the biggest shows in the world, and they fire Jeremy Clarkson. So there's no way Richard Hammond and James May are gonna come back to Top Gear because they've admitted they're a package. So Top Gear is dead.

    Good work, BBC.

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    Special thanks to Mark who helped me out with the choices. ^_^

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